use of de.jaret.util.ui.table.model.IColumn in project translationstudio8 by heartsome.
the class JaretTable method drawTableArea.
* Draw the main table area including fixed rows and columns.
* @param gc gc
* @param width width of the area
* @param height height of the area
private void drawTableArea(GC gc, int width, int height) {
boolean colCacheFilled = false;
Rectangle clipSave = gc.getClipping();
// iterate over all rows in the row info cache
for (RowInfo rowInfo : getRowInfos()) {
int y = rowInfo.y;
IRow row = rowInfo.row;
int rHeight = _tvs.getRowHeight(row);
int yclip = y;
if (rowInfo.fixed && yclip < _fixedRowRect.y) {
yclip = _fixedRowRect.y;
} else if (!rowInfo.fixed && yclip < _tableRect.y) {
yclip = _tableRect.y;
int x = 0;
// fixed columns
if (_fixedColumns > 0) {
x = _fixedColRect.x;
for (int cIdx = 0; cIdx < _fixedColumns; cIdx++) {
IColumn col = _cols.get(cIdx);
int colwidth = _tvs.getColumnWidth(col);
if (!colCacheFilled) {
_colInfoCache.add(new ColInfo(col, x, colwidth));
// clipping is extended by 1 for border drawing
gc.setClipping(x, yclip, colwidth + 1, rHeight + 1);
Rectangle area = new Rectangle(x, y, colwidth, rHeight);
drawCell(gc, area, row, col);
x += colwidth;
// columns in normal table area
x = _tableRect.x - _firstColPixelOffset;
int cIdx = _firstColIdx;
while (x < getWidth() && cIdx < _cols.size()) {
IColumn col = _cols.get(cIdx);
int colwidth = _tvs.getColumnWidth(col);
if (!colCacheFilled) {
_colInfoCache.add(new ColInfo(col, x, colwidth));
int xx = x > _tableRect.x ? x : _tableRect.x;
int clipWidth = x > _tableRect.x ? colwidth : colwidth - _firstColPixelOffset;
// clipping is extended by 1 for border drawing
gc.setClipping(xx, yclip, clipWidth + 1, rHeight + 1);
Rectangle area = new Rectangle(x, y, colwidth, rHeight);
drawCell(gc, area, row, col);
x += colwidth;
colCacheFilled = true;
// filter result is no rows
if (!colCacheFilled) {
// fixed cols
int x = 0;
if (_fixedColumns > 0) {
for (int i = 0; i < _fixedColumns; i++) {
IColumn col = _cols.get(i);
int colwidth = _tvs.getColumnWidth(col);
_colInfoCache.add(new ColInfo(col, x, colwidth));
x += colwidth;
x = -_firstColPixelOffset;
x += _tableRect.x;
int cIdx = _firstColIdx;
while (x < getWidth() && cIdx < _cols.size()) {
IColumn col = _cols.get(cIdx);
int colwidth = _tvs.getColumnWidth(col);
_colInfoCache.add(new ColInfo(col, x, colwidth));
x += colwidth;
// draw extra lines to separate fixed areas
if (_fixedColRect != null && _fixedColumns > 0) {
int maxY = _fixedColRect.y + _fixedColRect.height - 1;
if (_rows != null && _rows.size() > 0) {
IRow lastRow = _rows.get(_rows.size() - 1);
Rectangle bounds = getRowBounds(lastRow);
if (bounds != null) {
maxY = bounds.y + bounds.height;
gc.setClipping(new Rectangle(0, 0, width, height));
int fx = _fixedColRect.x + _fixedColRect.width - 1;
gc.drawLine(fx, _fixedRowRect.y, fx, maxY);
if (_fixedRowRect != null && _fixedRows > 0) {
int maxX = _fixedRowRect.x + _fixedRowRect.width - 1;
if (_cols != null && _cols.size() > 0) {
IColumn lastCol = _cols.get(_cols.size() - 1);
int mx = xForCol(lastCol) + _tvs.getColumnWidth(lastCol);
maxX = mx;
gc.setClipping(new Rectangle(0, 0, width, height));
int fy = _fixedRowRect.y + _fixedRowRect.height - 1;
gc.drawLine(_fixedRowRect.x, fy, maxX, fy);
use of de.jaret.util.ui.table.model.IColumn in project translationstudio8 by heartsome.
the class JaretTable method ensureSelectionContainsColRegion.
* Ensures that the selection contains the columns from firstIdx to colIdx. If the range firstIdx to lastIdx is
* larger than the region the other columns will be removed from the selection.
* @param firstColIdx first selected column index
* @param colIdx current selected column index
* @param lastColSelectIdx may be -1 for no last selection
private void ensureSelectionContainsColRegion(int firstColIdx, int colIdx, int lastColSelectIdx) {
int first = Math.min(firstColIdx, colIdx);
int end = Math.max(firstColIdx, colIdx);
for (int i = first; i <= end; i++) {
IColumn col = colForIdx(i);
if (!_selectionModel.getSelection().getSelectedColumns().contains(col)) {
if (lastColSelectIdx != -1) {
int f = Math.min(firstColIdx, lastColSelectIdx);
int e = Math.max(firstColIdx, lastColSelectIdx);
for (int i = f; i <= e; i++) {
if (i < first || i > end) {
IColumn col = colForIdx(i);
use of de.jaret.util.ui.table.model.IColumn in project translationstudio8 by heartsome.
the class JaretTable method getAbsBeginXForColIdx.
* Get the absolute begin x for a column.
* @param colIdx index of the column (in the displayed columns)
* @return the absolute x coordinate
public int getAbsBeginXForColIdx(int colIdx) {
int x = 0;
for (int idx = 0; idx < colIdx; idx++) {
IColumn col = _cols.get(idx);
int colWidth = _tvs.getColumnWidth(col);
x += colWidth;
return x;
use of de.jaret.util.ui.table.model.IColumn in project translationstudio8 by heartsome.
the class JaretTable method setFocus.
* Set the focussed cell by coordinates.
* @param x x coordinate
* @param y y coordinate
private void setFocus(int x, int y) {
IRow row = rowForY(y);
IColumn col = colForX(x);
if (col != null && row != null) {
setFocus(row, col);
use of de.jaret.util.ui.table.model.IColumn in project translationstudio8 by heartsome.
the class JaretTable method setValue.
* Convenience method for setting a value at a displayed position in the table. NOTE: this method does call the the
* set method of the model directly, so be aware that the model may protest by throwing a runtime exception or just
* ignore the new value.
* @param colIdx column index
* @param rowIdx row index
* @param value value to set
public void setValue(int colIdx, int rowIdx, Object value) {
IColumn col = getColumn(colIdx);
IRow row = getRow(rowIdx);
col.setValue(row, value);