use of de.jaret.util.ui.table.model.IColumn in project translationstudio8 by heartsome.
the class JaretTablePrinter method print.
public void print(JaretTablePrintConfiguration configuration) {
_printingRect = new Rectangle(pixelForCmX(_borderLeft), pixelForCmY(_borderTop), _pageWidth, _pageHeight);
_headerRenderer = _table.getHeaderRenderer().getPrintRenderer(_printer);
Point pages = calculatePageCount(configuration);
int pagesx = pages.x;
int pagesy = pages.y;
_printer.startJob(configuration.getName() != null ? configuration.getName() : "jarettable");
GC gc = new GC(_printer);
Font oldfont = gc.getFont();
FontData fontdata = new FontData("Arial", (int) (8.0 * _scale), SWT.NULL);
Font printerFont = new Font(_printer, fontdata);
for (int px = 0; px < pagesx; px++) {
int startx = (int) ((px * _pageWidth) / (_scaleX * _scale));
IColumn column = _table.getColumnForAbsX(startx);
int offx = startx - _table.getAbsBeginXForColumn(column);
int beginColIdx = _table.getColIdxForAbsX(startx);
// System.out.println("PX "+px+" startx "+startx+" offx "+offx+" beginColIdx "+beginColIdx);
int rIdx = 0;
for (int py = 0; py < pagesy; py++) {
int y = 0;
String footerText = configuration.getFooterText() != null ? configuration.getFooterText() : "";
footerText += "(" + (px + 1) + "/" + pagesx + "," + (py + 1) + "/" + pagesy + ")";
int starty = (int) (py * ((_pageHeight - _footerHeight - (configuration.getRepeatHeader() ? scaleY(_table.getHeaderHeight()) : 0)) / (_scaleY * _scale)));
// _table.getRowIdxForAbsY(starty);
rIdx = py == 0 ? 0 : rIdx;
Rectangle clipSave = gc.getClipping();
if (starty == 0 || configuration.getRepeatHeader()) {
// draw header
// draw headers table area
int x = -offx;
int cIdx = beginColIdx;
while (scaleX(x) < _pageWidth && cIdx < _table.getColumnCount() && (configuration.getColLimit() == -1 || cIdx <= configuration.getColLimit())) {
IColumn col = _table.getColumn(cIdx);
int colwidth = _table.getTableViewState().getColumnWidth(col);
int xx = x > 0 ? x : 0;
int clipWidth = x > 0 ? colwidth : colwidth - offx;
if (!_headerRenderer.disableClipping()) {
gc.setClipping(scaleX(xx) + pixelForCmX(_borderLeft), pixelForCmY(_borderTop), scaleX(clipWidth), scaleY(_table.getHeaderHeight()));
drawHeader(gc, scaleX(x) + pixelForCmX(_borderLeft), scaleX(colwidth), col);
x += colwidth;
y += _table.getHeaderHeight();
// normal table area
while (scaleY(y) < _pageHeight && rIdx < _table.getRowCount() && (configuration.getRowLimit() == -1 || rIdx <= configuration.getRowLimit())) {
IRow row = _table.getRow(rIdx);
int rHeight = _table.getTableViewState().getRowHeight(row);
// do not draw a row that does not fit on th page
if (scaleY(y) + scaleY(rHeight) > _pageHeight) {
int x = -offx;
int cIdx = beginColIdx;
while (scaleX(x) < _pageWidth && cIdx < _table.getColumnCount() && (configuration.getColLimit() == -1 || cIdx <= configuration.getColLimit())) {
IColumn col = _table.getColumn(cIdx);
int colwidth = _table.getTableViewState().getColumnWidth(col);
Rectangle area = new Rectangle(scaleX(x) + pixelForCmX(_borderLeft), scaleY(y) + pixelForCmY(_borderTop), scaleX(colwidth), scaleY(rHeight));
drawCell(gc, area, row, col);
x += colwidth;
y += rHeight;
drawFooter(gc, footerText);
use of de.jaret.util.ui.table.model.IColumn in project translationstudio8 by heartsome.
the class JaretTable method handleEditorSingleClick.
* Handle a single mouseclick by passing it to the cell editor if present.
* @param x x coordinate of the click
* @param y y coordinate of the click
* @return true if the editor handled the click
private boolean handleEditorSingleClick(int x, int y) {
IRow row = rowForY(y);
IColumn col = colForX(x);
if (col != null && row != null) {
ICellEditor editor = getCellEditor(row, col);
if (editor != null) {
Rectangle area = getCellBounds(row, col);
return editor.handleClick(this, row, col, area, x, y);
return false;
use of de.jaret.util.ui.table.model.IColumn in project translationstudio8 by heartsome.
the class JaretTable method mouseMoved.
* Handle mouse move. This is mostly: modifying the appearance of the cursor.
* @param x x coordinate of pointer
* @param y y coordinate of pointer
* @param stateMask keyStatemask
private void mouseMoved(int x, int y, int stateMask) {
Display display = Display.getCurrent();
Shell activeShell = display != null ? display.getActiveShell() : null;
// check for location over drag marker
if (_dragMarkerRect != null && _dragMarkerRect.contains(x, y)) {
if (activeShell != null) {
// MAYBE other cursor for differentiation?
// check for location over lower border of row
IRow row = rowByBottomBorder(y);
if (row != null && _rowResizeAllowed && (_tvs.getRowHeigthMode(row) == RowHeightMode.VARIABLE || _tvs.getRowHeigthMode(row) == RowHeightMode.OPTANDVAR) && (!_resizeRestriction || Math.abs(x - _tableRect.x) <= SELDELTA || (_fixedColRect != null && _fixedColRect.contains(x, y)))) {
if (activeShell != null) {
} else {
IColumn col = colByRightBorder(x);
if (col != null && _columnResizeAllowed && _tvs.columnResizingAllowed(col) && (!_resizeRestriction || _headerRect == null || _headerRect.contains(x, y))) {
if (activeShell != null) {
// check header drag symboling
if (_headerRect != null && _headerResizeAllowed && Math.abs(_headerRect.y + _headerRect.height - y) <= SELDELTA) {
if (activeShell != null) {
if (Display.getCurrent().getActiveShell() != null) {
use of de.jaret.util.ui.table.model.IColumn in project translationstudio8 by heartsome.
the class JaretTable method handleSelection.
* Handle selection operations.
* @param x x
* @param y y
* @param stateMask key state mask
* @param dragging true when dragging
private void handleSelection(int x, int y, int stateMask, boolean dragging) {
// a mouse select always ends a shift-arrow select
_lastKeySelect = null;
_firstKeySelect = null;
_firstKeyColSelectIdx = -1;
_lastKeyColSelectIdx = -1;
_firstKeyRowSelectIdx = -1;
_lastKeyRowSelectIdx = -1;
IRow row = rowForY(y);
int rowIdx = row != null ? _rows.indexOf(row) : -1;
IColumn col = colForX(x);
int colIdx = getColumnIdx(col);
// check fill dragging
if (dragging && _isFillDrag) {
if (_selectionModel.isCellSelectionAllowed() && _tableRect.contains(x, y)) {
if (col != null && row != null) {
if (_firstCellSelectX == -1) {
_firstCellSelectX = colIdx;
_firstCellSelectY = rowIdx;
if (Math.abs(_firstCellSelectX - colIdx) > Math.abs(_firstCellSelectY - rowIdx)) {
rowIdx = _firstCellSelectY;
row = rowForIdx(rowIdx);
_horizontalFillDrag = false;
} else {
colIdx = _firstCellSelectX;
col = colForIdx(colIdx);
_horizontalFillDrag = true;
ensureSelectionContainsRegion(_firstFillDragSelect, colIdx, rowIdx, _lastCellSelectX, _lastCellSelectY);
// ensureSelectionContainsRegion(_firstCellSelectX, _firstCellSelectY, colIdx, rowIdx,
// _lastCellSelectX, _lastCellSelectY);
_lastCellSelectX = colIdx;
_lastCellSelectY = rowIdx;
// a newly selected cell will always be the focussed cell (causes scrolling this cell to be
// completely visible)
setFocus(row, col);
// check row selection
if (row != null && _selectionModel.isFullRowSelectionAllowed() && (isRowSelection(x, y) || _selectionModel.isOnlyRowSelectionAllowed() || _firstRowSelectIdx != -1)) {
if (_firstRowSelectIdx == -1) {
_firstRowSelectIdx = rowIdx;
if ((stateMask & SWT.CONTROL) != 0) {
if (!_selectionModel.getSelection().getSelectedRows().contains(row)) {
} else {
_lastSelectType = SelectType.ROW;
} else if (dragging) {
ensureSelectionContainsRowRegion(_firstRowSelectIdx, rowIdx, _lastRowSelectIdx);
_lastRowSelectIdx = rowIdx;
_lastSelectType = SelectType.ROW;
} else {
_lastSelectType = SelectType.ROW;
_lastRowSelectIdx = rowIdx;
// check column selection
if (_selectionModel.isFullColumnSelectionAllowed() && (isColumnSelection(x, y) || _firstColSelectIdx != -1)) {
if (_firstColSelectIdx == -1) {
_firstColSelectIdx = colIdx;
if ((stateMask & SWT.CONTROL) != 0) {
if (!_selectionModel.getSelection().getSelectedColumns().contains(col)) {
} else {
_lastSelectType = SelectType.COLUMN;
} else if (dragging) {
ensureSelectionContainsColRegion(_firstColSelectIdx, colIdx, _lastColSelectIdx);
_lastColSelectIdx = colIdx;
_lastSelectType = SelectType.COLUMN;
} else {
_lastSelectType = SelectType.COLUMN;
_lastColSelectIdx = colIdx;
// check cell selection
if (_selectionModel.isCellSelectionAllowed() && _tableRect.contains(x, y)) {
if (col != null && row != null) {
IJaretTableCell cell = new JaretTableCellImpl(row, col);
if (_firstCellSelectX == -1) {
_firstCellSelectX = colIdx;
_firstCellSelectY = rowIdx;
if ((stateMask & SWT.CONTROL) != 0) {
if (!_selectionModel.getSelection().getSelectedCells().contains(cell)) {
} else {
_lastSelectType = SelectType.CELL;
} else if (dragging) {
ensureSelectionContainsRegion(_firstCellSelectX, _firstCellSelectY, colIdx, rowIdx, _lastCellSelectX, _lastCellSelectY);
_lastCellSelectX = colIdx;
_lastCellSelectY = rowIdx;
_lastSelectType = SelectType.CELL;
} else {
_lastSelectType = SelectType.CELL;
// a newly selected cell will always be the focussed cell (causes scrolling this cell to be completely
// visible)
setFocus(row, col);
use of de.jaret.util.ui.table.model.IColumn in project translationstudio8 by heartsome.
the class JaretTable method updateAutoFilter.
* Create and/or update autofilters.
private void updateAutoFilter() {
if (_autoFilterEnabled) {
// check combining autofilter
if (_autoFilter == null) {
_autoFilter = new AutoFilter(this);
// create autofilter instances and controls if necessary
for (IColumn column : _cols) {
if (_autoFilterMap.get(column) == null) {
IAutoFilter af = createAutoFilter(column);
if (af != null) {
_autoFilterMap.put(column, af);
// update the filters and register them with the combining internal autofilter row filter
for (IColumn column : _cols) {
IAutoFilter af = _autoFilterMap.get(column);
if (af != null) {
// might be null in case of errors