use of de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.algorithm.clustering.subspace.clique.CLIQUEUnit in project elki by elki-project.
the class CLIQUE method initOneDimensionalUnits.
* Initializes and returns the one dimensional units.
* @param database the database to run the algorithm on
* @return the created one dimensional units
private Collection<CLIQUEUnit<V>> initOneDimensionalUnits(Relation<V> database) {
StringBuilder buf = LOG.isDebuggingFiner() ? new StringBuilder(1000) : null;
int dimensionality = RelationUtil.dimensionality(database);
// initialize minima and maxima
double[] minima = new double[dimensionality];
double[] maxima = new double[dimensionality];
Arrays.fill(minima, Double.MAX_VALUE);
Arrays.fill(maxima, -Double.MAX_VALUE);
// update minima and maxima
for (DBIDIter it = database.iterDBIDs(); it.valid(); it.advance()) {
updateMinMax(database.get(it), minima, maxima);
for (int i = 0; i < maxima.length; i++) {
maxima[i] += 0.0001;
// determine the unit length in each dimension
double[] unit_lengths = new double[dimensionality];
for (int d = 0; d < dimensionality; d++) {
unit_lengths[d] = (maxima[d] - minima[d]) / xsi;
if (buf != null) {
FormatUtil.formatTo(buf.append(" minima: "), minima, ", ", FormatUtil.NF2);
FormatUtil.formatTo(buf.append("\n maxima: "), maxima, ", ", FormatUtil.NF2);
FormatUtil.formatTo(buf.append("\n unit lengths: "), unit_lengths, ", ", FormatUtil.NF2);
// determine the boundaries of the units
double[][] unit_bounds = new double[xsi + 1][dimensionality];
for (int x = 0; x <= xsi; x++) {
for (int d = 0; d < dimensionality; d++) {
unit_bounds[x][d] = (x < xsi) ? minima[d] + x * unit_lengths[d] : maxima[d];
if (buf != null) {
FormatUtil.formatTo(buf.append(" unit bounds "), unit_bounds, " [", "]\n", ", ", FormatUtil.NF2);
// build the 1 dimensional units
List<CLIQUEUnit<V>> units = new ArrayList<>(xsi * dimensionality);
for (int x = 0; x < xsi; x++) {
for (int d = 0; d < dimensionality; d++) {
units.add(new CLIQUEUnit<V>(new CLIQUEInterval(d, unit_bounds[x][d], unit_bounds[x + 1][d])));
if (buf != null) {
LOG.debugFiner(buf.append(" total number of 1-dim units: ").append(units.size()).toString());
return units;
use of de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.algorithm.clustering.subspace.clique.CLIQUEUnit in project elki by elki-project.
the class CLIQUE method findOneDimensionalDenseSubspaceCandidates.
* Determines the one-dimensional dense subspace candidates by making a pass
* over the database.
* @param database the database to run the algorithm on
* @return the one-dimensional dense subspace candidates reverse ordered by
* their coverage
private List<CLIQUESubspace<V>> findOneDimensionalDenseSubspaceCandidates(Relation<V> database) {
Collection<CLIQUEUnit<V>> units = initOneDimensionalUnits(database);
// identify dense units
double total = database.size();
for (DBIDIter it = database.iterDBIDs(); it.valid(); it.advance()) {
V featureVector = database.get(it);
for (CLIQUEUnit<V> unit : units) {
unit.addFeatureVector(it, featureVector);
Collection<CLIQUEUnit<V>> denseUnits = new ArrayList<>();
Map<Integer, CLIQUESubspace<V>> denseSubspaces = new HashMap<>();
for (CLIQUEUnit<V> unit : units) {
// unit is a dense unit
if (unit.selectivity(total) >= tau) {
// add the dense unit to its subspace
int dim = unit.getIntervals().iterator().next().getDimension();
CLIQUESubspace<V> subspace_d = denseSubspaces.get(Integer.valueOf(dim));
if (subspace_d == null) {
denseSubspaces.put(Integer.valueOf(dim), subspace_d = new CLIQUESubspace<>(dim));
if (LOG.isDebugging()) {
new StringBuilder().append(" number of 1-dim dense units: ").append(denseUnits.size()).append("\n number of 1-dim dense subspace candidates: ").append(denseSubspaces.size()).toString());
List<CLIQUESubspace<V>> subspaceCandidates = new ArrayList<>(denseSubspaces.values());
Collections.sort(subspaceCandidates, new CLIQUESubspace.CoverageComparator());
return subspaceCandidates;