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Example 1 with VectorFieldTypeInformation

use of in project elki by elki-project.

the class ArffParser method setupBundleHeaders.

 * Setup the headers for the object bundle.
 * @param names Attribute names
 * @param targ Target columns
 * @param etyp ELKI type information
 * @param dimsize Number of dimensions in the individual types
 * @param bundle Output bundle
 * @param sparse Flag to create sparse vectors
private void setupBundleHeaders(ArrayList<String> names, int[] targ, TypeInformation[] etyp, int[] dimsize, MultipleObjectsBundle bundle, boolean sparse) {
    for (int in = 0, out = 0; in < targ.length; out++) {
        int nin = in + 1;
        for (; nin < targ.length; nin++) {
            if (targ[nin] != targ[in]) {
        if (TypeUtil.NUMBER_VECTOR_FIELD.equals(etyp[out])) {
            String[] labels = new String[dimsize[out]];
            // Collect labels:
            for (int i = 0; i < dimsize[out]; i++) {
                labels[i] = names.get(out + i);
            if (!sparse) {
                VectorFieldTypeInformation<DoubleVector> type = new VectorFieldTypeInformation<>(DoubleVector.FACTORY, dimsize[out], labels);
                bundle.appendColumn(type, new ArrayList<DoubleVector>());
            } else {
                VectorFieldTypeInformation<SparseDoubleVector> type = new VectorFieldTypeInformation<>(SparseDoubleVector.FACTORY, dimsize[out], labels);
                bundle.appendColumn(type, new ArrayList<SparseDoubleVector>());
        } else if (TypeUtil.LABELLIST.equals(etyp[out])) {
            StringBuilder label = new StringBuilder(names.get(out));
            for (int i = 1; i < dimsize[out]; i++) {
                label.append(' ').append(names.get(out + i));
            bundle.appendColumn(new SimpleTypeInformation<>(LabelList.class, label.toString()), new ArrayList<LabelList>());
        } else if (TypeUtil.EXTERNALID.equals(etyp[out])) {
            bundle.appendColumn(new SimpleTypeInformation<>(ExternalID.class, names.get(out)), new ArrayList<ExternalID>());
        } else if (TypeUtil.CLASSLABEL.equals(etyp[out])) {
            bundle.appendColumn(new SimpleTypeInformation<>(ClassLabel.class, names.get(out)), new ArrayList<ClassLabel>());
        } else {
            throw new AbortException("Unsupported type for column " + in + "->" + out + ": " + ((etyp[out] != null) ? etyp[out].toString() : "null"));
        assert (out == bundle.metaLength() - 1);
        in = nin;
Also used : ExternalID( ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) SimpleTypeInformation( SparseDoubleVector( VectorFieldTypeInformation( DoubleVector( SparseDoubleVector( AbortException(de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.utilities.exceptions.AbortException)

Example 2 with VectorFieldTypeInformation

use of in project elki by elki-project.

the class CenterOfMassMetaClustering method runClusteringAlgorithm.

 * Run a clustering algorithm on a single instance.
 * @param parent Parent result to attach to
 * @param ids Object IDs to process
 * @param store Input data
 * @param dim Dimensionality
 * @param title Title of relation
 * @return Clustering result
protected C runClusteringAlgorithm(ResultHierarchy hierarchy, Result parent, DBIDs ids, DataStore<DoubleVector> store, int dim, String title) {
    SimpleTypeInformation<DoubleVector> t = new VectorFieldTypeInformation<>(DoubleVector.FACTORY, dim);
    Relation<DoubleVector> sample = new MaterializedRelation<>(t, ids, title, store);
    ProxyDatabase d = new ProxyDatabase(ids, sample);
    C clusterResult =;
    hierarchy.add(parent, sample);
    hierarchy.add(sample, clusterResult);
    return clusterResult;
Also used : VectorFieldTypeInformation( ProxyDatabase(de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.database.ProxyDatabase) DoubleVector( MaterializedRelation(de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.database.relation.MaterializedRelation)

Example 3 with VectorFieldTypeInformation

use of in project elki by elki-project.

the class ScatterData method initializeData.

public void initializeData(GL2 gl) {
    length = ids.size();
    dim = 0;
    vecOffset = -1;
    classOffset = -1;
    // Scan relations for dimensionalities:
    int[] dims = new int[relations.size()];
    LinearScale[][] scales = new LinearScale[relations.size()][];
    ArrayList<Relation<? extends NumberVector>> vrels = new ArrayList<>(relations.size());
    for (int r = 0; r < relations.size(); r++) {
        Relation<?> rel = relations.get(r);
        final SimpleTypeInformation<?> type = rel.getDataTypeInformation();
        if (type instanceof VectorFieldTypeInformation) {
            @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") final Relation<? extends NumberVector> vrel = (Relation<? extends NumberVector>) rel;
            final int d = ((VectorFieldTypeInformation<?>) type).getDimensionality();
            dims[r] = d;
            LinearScale[] rscales = new LinearScale[d];
            double[][] minmax = RelationUtil.computeMinMax(vrel);
            for (int i = 0; i < d; i++) {
                rscales[i] = new LinearScale(minmax[0][i], minmax[1][i]);
            scales[r] = rscales;
            if (vecOffset < 0) {
                vecOffset = dim;
            dim += d;
        } else {
            // FIXME: handle other relation types!
            dims[r] = 0;
    if (classOffset < 0) {
    LOG.warning("Dimensionalities: " + FormatUtil.format(dims));
    // Initialize vertex buffer handles:
    assert (vbos[0] == -1);
    gl.glGenBuffers(1, vbos, 0);
    gl.glBindBuffer(GL.GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, vbos[0]);
    gl.glBufferData(GL.GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, // 
    length * dim * SIZE_FLOAT + // safety padding
    3 * SIZE_FLOAT, null, GL2.GL_STATIC_DRAW);
    ByteBuffer vbytebuffer = gl.glMapBuffer(GL.GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, GL2.GL_WRITE_ONLY);
    FloatBuffer vertices = vbytebuffer.order(ByteOrder.nativeOrder()).asFloatBuffer();
    Random rnd = new Random();
    for (DBIDIter iter = ids.iter(); iter.valid(); iter.advance()) {
        for (int r = 0; r < dims.length; r++) {
            if (dims[r] <= 0) {
            final Relation<? extends NumberVector> vrel = vrels.get(r);
            LinearScale[] rscales = scales[r];
            if (vrel != null) {
                NumberVector vec = vrel.get(iter);
                for (int d = 0; d < dims[r]; d++) {
                    // vertices.put( rnd.nextFloat());
                    vertices.put((float) rscales[d].getScaled(vec.doubleValue(d)) * 2.f - 1.f);
        if (classOffset < 0) {
    stride = dim * SIZE_FLOAT;
    if (classOffset < 0) {
        classOffset = (dim - 1) * SIZE_FLOAT;
    if (vertices.position() != length * dim) {
        LOG.warning("Size mismatch: " + vertices.position() + " expected: " + length * dim, new Throwable());
    gl.glBindBuffer(GL.GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, 0);
    LOG.warning("Size: " + length + " dim: " + dim + " " + vecOffset + " " + classOffset);
Also used : LinearScale(de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.math.scales.LinearScale) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) FloatBuffer(java.nio.FloatBuffer) ByteBuffer(java.nio.ByteBuffer) DBIDIter(de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.database.ids.DBIDIter) Relation(de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.database.relation.Relation) Random(java.util.Random) NumberVector( VectorFieldTypeInformation(

Example 4 with VectorFieldTypeInformation

use of in project elki by elki-project.

the class TSNE method run.

public Relation<DoubleVector> run(Relation<O> relation) {
    AffinityMatrix pij = affinity.computeAffinityMatrix(relation, EARLY_EXAGGERATION);
    // Create initial solution.
    final int size = pij.size();
    double[][] sol = randomInitialSolution(size, dim, random.getSingleThreadedRandom());
    optimizetSNE(pij, sol);
    // Remove the original (unprojected) data unless configured otherwise.
    // Transform into output data format.
    DBIDs ids = relation.getDBIDs();
    WritableDataStore<DoubleVector> proj = DataStoreFactory.FACTORY.makeStorage(ids, DataStoreFactory.HINT_DB | DataStoreFactory.HINT_SORTED, DoubleVector.class);
    VectorFieldTypeInformation<DoubleVector> otype = new VectorFieldTypeInformation<>(DoubleVector.FACTORY, dim);
    for (DBIDArrayIter it = pij.iterDBIDs(); it.valid(); it.advance()) {
        proj.put(it, DoubleVector.wrap(sol[it.getOffset()]));
    return new MaterializedRelation<>("tSNE", "t-SNE", otype, proj, ids);
Also used : VectorFieldTypeInformation( DBIDs(de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.database.ids.DBIDs) DBIDArrayIter(de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.database.ids.DBIDArrayIter) DoubleVector( MaterializedRelation(de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.database.relation.MaterializedRelation)

Example 5 with VectorFieldTypeInformation

use of in project elki by elki-project.

the class BarnesHutTSNE method run.

public Relation<DoubleVector> run(Database database, Relation<O> relation) {
    AffinityMatrix neighbors = affinity.computeAffinityMatrix(relation, EARLY_EXAGGERATION);
    double[][] solution = randomInitialSolution(neighbors.size(), dim, random.getSingleThreadedRandom());
    optimizetSNE(neighbors, solution);
    // Remove the original (unprojected) data unless configured otherwise.
    DBIDs ids = relation.getDBIDs();
    WritableDataStore<DoubleVector> proj = DataStoreFactory.FACTORY.makeStorage(ids, DataStoreFactory.HINT_DB | DataStoreFactory.HINT_SORTED, DoubleVector.class);
    VectorFieldTypeInformation<DoubleVector> otype = new VectorFieldTypeInformation<>(DoubleVector.FACTORY, dim);
    for (DBIDArrayIter it = neighbors.iterDBIDs(); it.valid(); it.advance()) {
        proj.put(it, DoubleVector.wrap(solution[it.getOffset()]));
    return new MaterializedRelation<>("tSNE", "t-SNE", otype, proj, ids);
Also used : VectorFieldTypeInformation( DBIDs(de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.database.ids.DBIDs) DBIDArrayIter(de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.database.ids.DBIDArrayIter) DoubleVector( MaterializedRelation(de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.database.relation.MaterializedRelation)


VectorFieldTypeInformation ( DoubleVector ( ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)9 List (java.util.List)8 MaterializedRelation (de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.database.relation.MaterializedRelation)7 MultipleObjectsBundle (de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.datasource.bundle.MultipleObjectsBundle)7 NumberVector ( AbortException (de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.utilities.exceptions.AbortException)6 SimpleTypeInformation ( ProxyDatabase (de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.database.ProxyDatabase)4 DBIDs (de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.database.ids.DBIDs)4 DBIDArrayIter (de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.database.ids.DBIDArrayIter)3 DBIDIter (de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.database.ids.DBIDIter)3 ClassLabel ( FiniteProgress (de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.logging.progress.FiniteProgress)2 Distribution (de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.math.statistics.distribution.Distribution)2 Random (java.util.Random)2 ExternalID ( IntegerVector ( SimpleClassLabel (