use of de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.database.ids.HashSetModifiableDBIDs in project elki by elki-project.
the class GreedyEnsembleExperiment method run.
public void run() {
// Note: the database contains the *result vectors*, not the original data.
final Database database = inputstep.getDatabase();
Relation<NumberVector> relation = database.getRelation(TypeUtil.NUMBER_VECTOR_FIELD);
final Relation<String> labels = DatabaseUtil.guessLabelRepresentation(database);
final DBID firstid = DBIDUtil.deref(labels.iterDBIDs());
final String firstlabel = labels.get(firstid);
if (!firstlabel.matches("bylabel")) {
throw new AbortException("No 'by label' reference outlier found, which is needed for weighting!");
relation = applyPrescaling(prescaling, relation, firstid);
final int numcand = relation.size() - 1;
// Dimensionality and reference vector
final int dim = RelationUtil.dimensionality(relation);
final NumberVector refvec = relation.get(firstid);
// Build the positive index set for ROC AUC.
VectorNonZero positive = new VectorNonZero(refvec);
final int desired_outliers = (int) (rate * dim);
int union_outliers = 0;
final int[] outliers_seen = new int[dim];
// Merge the top-k for each ensemble member, until we have enough
// candidates.
int k = 0;
ArrayList<DecreasingVectorIter> iters = new ArrayList<>(numcand);
if (minvote >= numcand) {
minvote = Math.max(1, numcand - 1);
for (DBIDIter iditer = relation.iterDBIDs(); iditer.valid(); iditer.advance()) {
// Skip "by label", obviously
if (DBIDUtil.equal(firstid, iditer)) {
iters.add(new DecreasingVectorIter(relation.get(iditer)));
loop: while (union_outliers < desired_outliers) {
for (DecreasingVectorIter iter : iters) {
if (!iter.valid()) {
LOG.warning("Union_outliers=" + union_outliers + " < desired_outliers=" + desired_outliers + " minvote=" + minvote);
break loop;
int cur = iter.dim();
outliers_seen[cur] += 1;
if (outliers_seen[cur] == minvote) {
union_outliers += 1;
LOG.verbose("Merged top " + k + " outliers to: " + union_outliers + " outliers (desired: at least " + desired_outliers + ")");
// Build the final weight vector.
final double[] estimated_weights = new double[dim];
final double[] estimated_truth = new double[dim];
updateEstimations(outliers_seen, union_outliers, estimated_weights, estimated_truth);
DoubleVector estimated_truth_vec = DoubleVector.wrap(estimated_truth);
PrimitiveDistanceFunction<NumberVector> wdist = getDistanceFunction(estimated_weights);
PrimitiveDistanceFunction<NumberVector> tdist = wdist;
// Build the naive ensemble:
final double[] naiveensemble = new double[dim];
double[] buf = new double[numcand];
for (int d = 0; d < dim; d++) {
int i = 0;
for (DBIDIter iditer = relation.iterDBIDs(); iditer.valid(); iditer.advance()) {
if (DBIDUtil.equal(firstid, iditer)) {
final NumberVector vec = relation.get(iditer);
buf[i] = vec.doubleValue(d);
naiveensemble[d] = voting.combine(buf, i);
if (Double.isNaN(naiveensemble[d])) {
LOG.warning("NaN after combining: " + FormatUtil.format(buf) + " i=" + i + " " + voting.toString());
DoubleVector naivevec = DoubleVector.wrap(naiveensemble);
// Compute single AUC scores and estimations.
// Remember the method most similar to the estimation
double bestauc = 0.0;
String bestaucstr = "";
double bestcost = Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY;
String bestcoststr = "";
DBID bestid = null;
double bestest = Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY;
final double[] greedyensemble = new double[dim];
// Compute individual scores
for (DBIDIter iditer = relation.iterDBIDs(); iditer.valid(); iditer.advance()) {
if (DBIDUtil.equal(firstid, iditer)) {
// fout.append(labels.get(id));
final NumberVector vec = relation.get(iditer);
singleEnsemble(greedyensemble, vec);
double auc = ROCEvaluation.computeROCAUC(positive, new DecreasingVectorIter(DoubleVector.wrap(greedyensemble)));
double estimated = wdist.distance(DoubleVector.wrap(greedyensemble), estimated_truth_vec);
double cost = tdist.distance(DoubleVector.wrap(greedyensemble), refvec);
LOG.verbose("ROC AUC: " + auc + " estimated " + estimated + " cost " + cost + " " + labels.get(iditer));
if (auc > bestauc) {
bestauc = auc;
bestaucstr = labels.get(iditer);
if (cost < bestcost) {
bestcost = cost;
bestcoststr = labels.get(iditer);
if (estimated < bestest || bestid == null) {
bestest = estimated;
bestid = DBIDUtil.deref(iditer);
// Initialize ensemble with "best" method
if (prescaling != null) {
LOG.verbose("Input prescaling: " + prescaling);
LOG.verbose("Distance function: " + wdist);
LOG.verbose("Ensemble voting: " + voting);
if (scaling != null) {
LOG.verbose("Ensemble rescaling: " + scaling);
LOG.verbose("Initial estimation of outliers: " + union_outliers);
LOG.verbose("Initializing ensemble with: " + labels.get(bestid));
ModifiableDBIDs ensemble = DBIDUtil.newArray(bestid);
ModifiableDBIDs enscands = DBIDUtil.newHashSet(relation.getDBIDs());
ModifiableDBIDs dropped = DBIDUtil.newHashSet(relation.size());
final double[] greedyensemble = new double[dim];
singleEnsemble(greedyensemble, relation.get(bestid));
// Greedily grow the ensemble
final double[] testensemble = new double[dim];
while (enscands.size() > 0) {
NumberVector greedyvec = DoubleVector.wrap(greedyensemble);
final double oldd = wdist.distance(estimated_truth_vec, greedyvec);
final int heapsize = enscands.size();
ModifiableDoubleDBIDList heap = DBIDUtil.newDistanceDBIDList(heapsize);
double[] tmp = new double[dim];
for (DBIDIter iter = enscands.iter(); iter.valid(); iter.advance()) {
final NumberVector vec = relation.get(iter);
singleEnsemble(tmp, vec);
double diversity = wdist.distance(DoubleVector.wrap(greedyensemble), greedyvec);
heap.add(diversity, iter);
for (DoubleDBIDListMIter it = heap.iter(); heap.size() > 0; it.remove()) {
// Last - 1);
final NumberVector vec = relation.get(it);
// Build combined ensemble.
double[] buf = new double[ensemble.size() + 1];
for (int i = 0; i < dim; i++) {
int j = 0;
for (DBIDIter iter = ensemble.iter(); iter.valid(); iter.advance()) {
buf[j] = relation.get(iter).doubleValue(i);
buf[j] = vec.doubleValue(i);
testensemble[i] = voting.combine(buf, j + 1);
applyScaling(testensemble, scaling);
NumberVector testvec = DoubleVector.wrap(testensemble);
double newd = wdist.distance(estimated_truth_vec, testvec);
// labels.get(bestadd));
if (newd < oldd) {
System.arraycopy(testensemble, 0, greedyensemble, 0, dim);
// Recompute heap
} else {
// logger.verbose("Discarding: " + labels.get(bestadd));
if (refine_truth) {
// Update target vectors and weights
ArrayList<DecreasingVectorIter> iters = new ArrayList<>(numcand);
for (DBIDIter iditer = relation.iterDBIDs(); iditer.valid(); iditer.advance()) {
// Skip "by label", obviously
if (DBIDUtil.equal(firstid, iditer) || dropped.contains(iditer)) {
iters.add(new DecreasingVectorIter(relation.get(iditer)));
if (minvote >= iters.size()) {
minvote = iters.size() - 1;
union_outliers = 0;
Arrays.fill(outliers_seen, 0);
while (union_outliers < desired_outliers) {
for (DecreasingVectorIter iter : iters) {
if (!iter.valid()) {
int cur = iter.dim();
if (outliers_seen[cur] == 0) {
outliers_seen[cur] = 1;
} else {
outliers_seen[cur] += 1;
if (outliers_seen[cur] == minvote) {
union_outliers += 1;
LOG.warning("New num outliers: " + union_outliers);
updateEstimations(outliers_seen, union_outliers, estimated_weights, estimated_truth);
estimated_truth_vec = DoubleVector.wrap(estimated_truth);
// Build the improved ensemble:
StringBuilder greedylbl = new StringBuilder();
for (DBIDIter iter = ensemble.iter(); iter.valid(); iter.advance()) {
if (greedylbl.length() > 0) {
greedylbl.append(' ');
DoubleVector greedyvec = DoubleVector.wrap(greedyensemble);
if (refine_truth) {
LOG.verbose("Estimated outliers remaining: " + union_outliers);
LOG.verbose("Greedy ensemble (" + ensemble.size() + "): " + greedylbl.toString());
LOG.verbose("Best single ROC AUC: " + bestauc + " (" + bestaucstr + ")");
LOG.verbose("Best single cost: " + bestcost + " (" + bestcoststr + ")");
// Evaluate the naive ensemble and the "shrunk" ensemble
double naiveauc, naivecost;
naiveauc = ROCEvaluation.computeROCAUC(positive, new DecreasingVectorIter(naivevec));
naivecost = tdist.distance(naivevec, refvec);
LOG.verbose("Naive ensemble AUC: " + naiveauc + " cost: " + naivecost);
LOG.verbose("Naive ensemble Gain: " + gain(naiveauc, bestauc, 1) + " cost gain: " + gain(naivecost, bestcost, 0));
double greedyauc, greedycost;
greedyauc = ROCEvaluation.computeROCAUC(positive, new DecreasingVectorIter(greedyvec));
greedycost = tdist.distance(greedyvec, refvec);
LOG.verbose("Greedy ensemble AUC: " + greedyauc + " cost: " + greedycost);
LOG.verbose("Greedy ensemble Gain to best: " + gain(greedyauc, bestauc, 1) + " cost gain: " + gain(greedycost, bestcost, 0));
LOG.verbose("Greedy ensemble Gain to naive: " + gain(greedyauc, naiveauc, 1) + " cost gain: " + gain(greedycost, naivecost, 0));
MeanVariance meanauc = new MeanVariance();
MeanVariance meancost = new MeanVariance();
HashSetModifiableDBIDs candidates = DBIDUtil.newHashSet(relation.getDBIDs());
for (int i = 0; i < 1000; i++) {
// Build the improved ensemble:
final double[] randomensemble = new double[dim];
DBIDs random = DBIDUtil.randomSample(candidates, ensemble.size(), (long) i);
double[] buf = new double[random.size()];
for (int d = 0; d < dim; d++) {
int j = 0;
for (DBIDIter iter = random.iter(); iter.valid(); iter.advance()) {
assert (!DBIDUtil.equal(firstid, iter));
final NumberVector vec = relation.get(iter);
buf[j] = vec.doubleValue(d);
randomensemble[d] = voting.combine(buf, j);
applyScaling(randomensemble, scaling);
NumberVector randomvec = DoubleVector.wrap(randomensemble);
double auc = ROCEvaluation.computeROCAUC(positive, new DecreasingVectorIter(randomvec));
double cost = tdist.distance(randomvec, refvec);
LOG.verbose("Random ensemble AUC: " + meanauc.getMean() + " + stddev: " + meanauc.getSampleStddev() + " = " + (meanauc.getMean() + meanauc.getSampleStddev()));
LOG.verbose("Random ensemble Gain: " + gain(meanauc.getMean(), bestauc, 1));
LOG.verbose("Greedy improvement: " + (greedyauc - meanauc.getMean()) / meanauc.getSampleStddev() + " standard deviations.");
LOG.verbose("Random ensemble Cost: " + meancost.getMean() + " + stddev: " + meancost.getSampleStddev() + " = " + (meancost.getMean() + meanauc.getSampleStddev()));
LOG.verbose("Random ensemble Gain: " + gain(meancost.getMean(), bestcost, 0));
LOG.verbose("Greedy improvement: " + (meancost.getMean() - greedycost) / meancost.getSampleStddev() + " standard deviations.");
LOG.verbose("Naive ensemble Gain to random: " + gain(naiveauc, meanauc.getMean(), 1) + " cost gain: " + gain(naivecost, meancost.getMean(), 0));
LOG.verbose("Random ensemble Gain to naive: " + gain(meanauc.getMean(), naiveauc, 1) + " cost gain: " + gain(meancost.getMean(), naivecost, 0));
LOG.verbose("Greedy ensemble Gain to random: " + gain(greedyauc, meanauc.getMean(), 1) + " cost gain: " + gain(greedycost, meancost.getMean(), 0));
use of de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.database.ids.HashSetModifiableDBIDs in project elki by elki-project.
the class FourCNeighborPredicate method computeLocalModel.
protected PreDeConModel computeLocalModel(DBIDRef id, DoubleDBIDList neighbors, Relation<V> relation) {
SortedEigenPairs epairs = pca.processIds(neighbors, relation).getEigenPairs();
int cordim = filter.filter(epairs.eigenValues());
PCAFilteredResult pcares = new PCAFilteredResult(epairs, cordim, settings.kappa, 1.);
double[][] m_hat = pcares.similarityMatrix();
double[] obj = relation.get(id).toArray();
// To save computing the square root below.
double sqeps = settings.epsilon * settings.epsilon;
HashSetModifiableDBIDs survivors = DBIDUtil.newHashSet(neighbors.size());
for (DBIDIter iter = neighbors.iter(); iter.valid(); iter.advance()) {
// Compute weighted / projected distance:
double[] diff = minusEquals(relation.get(iter).toArray(), obj);
double dist = transposeTimesTimes(diff, m_hat, diff);
if (dist <= sqeps) {
if (cordim <= settings.lambda) {
return new PreDeConModel(cordim, survivors);
use of de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.database.ids.HashSetModifiableDBIDs in project elki by elki-project.
the class COPACNeighborPredicate method computeLocalModel.
* COPAC model computation
* @param id Query object
* @param knnneighbors k nearest neighbors
* @param relation Data relation
* @return COPAC object model
protected COPACModel computeLocalModel(DBIDRef id, DoubleDBIDList knnneighbors, Relation<V> relation) {
SortedEigenPairs epairs = settings.pca.processIds(knnneighbors, relation).getEigenPairs();
int pdim = settings.filter.filter(epairs.eigenValues());
PCAFilteredResult pcares = new PCAFilteredResult(epairs, pdim, 1., 0.);
double[][] mat = pcares.similarityMatrix();
double[] vecP = relation.get(id).toArray();
if (pdim == vecP.length) {
// Full dimensional - noise!
return new COPACModel(pdim, DBIDUtil.EMPTYDBIDS);
// Check which neighbors survive
HashSetModifiableDBIDs survivors = DBIDUtil.newHashSet();
for (DBIDIter neighbor = relation.iterDBIDs(); neighbor.valid(); neighbor.advance()) {
double[] diff = minusEquals(relation.get(neighbor).toArray(), vecP);
double cdistP = transposeTimesTimes(diff, mat, diff);
if (cdistP <= epsilonsq) {
return new COPACModel(pdim, survivors);
use of de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.database.ids.HashSetModifiableDBIDs in project elki by elki-project.
the class P3C method constructOneSignatures.
* Construct the 1-signatures by merging adjacent dense bins.
* @param partitions Initial partitions.
* @param markers Markers for dense partitions.
* @return 1-signatures
private ArrayList<Signature> constructOneSignatures(SetDBIDs[][] partitions, final long[][] markers) {
final int dim = partitions.length;
// Generate projected p-signature intervals.
ArrayList<Signature> signatures = new ArrayList<>();
for (int d = 0; d < dim; d++) {
final DBIDs[] parts = partitions[d];
if (parts == null) {
// Never mark any on constant dimensions.
final long[] marked = markers[d];
// Find sequences of 1s in marked.
for (int start = BitsUtil.nextSetBit(marked, 0); start >= 0; ) {
int end = BitsUtil.nextClearBit(marked, start + 1);
end = (end == -1) ? dim : end;
int[] signature = new int[dim << 1];
Arrays.fill(signature, -1);
signature[d << 1] = start;
// inclusive
signature[(d << 1) + 1] = end - 1;
HashSetModifiableDBIDs sids = unionDBIDs(parts, start, end);
if (LOG.isDebugging()) {
LOG.debug("1-signature: " + d + " " + start + "-" + (end - 1));
signatures.add(new Signature(signature, sids));
start = (end < dim) ? BitsUtil.nextSetBit(marked, end + 1) : -1;
return signatures;
use of de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.database.ids.HashSetModifiableDBIDs in project elki by elki-project.
the class P3C method unionDBIDs.
* Compute the union of multiple DBID sets.
* @param parts Parts array
* @param start Array start index
* @param end Array end index (exclusive)
* @return Union
protected HashSetModifiableDBIDs unionDBIDs(final DBIDs[] parts, int start, int end) {
int sum = 0;
for (int i = start; i < end; i++) {
sum += parts[i].size();
HashSetModifiableDBIDs sids = DBIDUtil.newHashSet(sum);
for (int i = start; i < end; i++) {
return sids;