use of de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.database.relation.DoubleRelation in project elki by elki-project.
the class SqrtStandardDeviationScaling method prepare.
public void prepare(OutlierResult or) {
if (pmean == null) {
MeanVarianceMinMax mv = new MeanVarianceMinMax();
DoubleRelation scores = or.getScores();
for (DBIDIter id = scores.iterDBIDs(); id.valid(); id.advance()) {
double val = scores.doubleValue(id);
val = (val <= min) ? 0 : FastMath.sqrt(val - min);
min = (pmin == null) ? mv.getMin() : pmin;
mean = mv.getMean();
factor = plambda * mv.getSampleStddev() * MathUtil.SQRT2;
} else {
mean = pmean;
double sqsum = 0;
int cnt = 0;
DoubleRelation scores = or.getScores();
double mm = Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY;
for (DBIDIter id = scores.iterDBIDs(); id.valid(); id.advance()) {
double val = scores.doubleValue(id);
mm = Math.min(mm, val);
val = (val <= min) ? 0 : FastMath.sqrt(val - min);
sqsum += (val - mean) * (val - mean);
cnt += 1;
min = (pmin == null) ? mm : pmin;
factor = plambda * FastMath.sqrt(sqsum / cnt) * MathUtil.SQRT2;
use of de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.database.relation.DoubleRelation in project elki by elki-project.
the class OnlineLOFTest method testOnlineLOF.
* First, run the {@link LOF} algorithm on the database. Second, run the
* {@link OnlineLOF} algorithm on the database, insert new objects and
* afterwards delete them. Then, compare the two results for equality.
public void testOnlineLOF() {
UpdatableDatabase db = getDatabase();
// 1. Run LOF
FlexibleLOF<DoubleVector> lof = new FlexibleLOF<>(k, k, neighborhoodDistanceFunction, reachabilityDistanceFunction);
DoubleRelation scores1 =;
// 2. Run OnlineLOF (with insertions and removals) on database
DoubleRelation scores2 = runOnlineLOF(db).getScores();
// 3. Compare results
for (DBIDIter id = scores1.getDBIDs().iter(); id.valid(); id.advance()) {
double lof1 = scores1.doubleValue(id);
double lof2 = scores2.doubleValue(id);
assertEquals("lof(" + DBIDUtil.toString(id) + ") != lof(" + DBIDUtil.toString(id) + "): " + lof1 + " != " + lof2, lof1, lof2, 1e-10);
use of de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.database.relation.DoubleRelation in project elki by elki-project.
the class OutlierSmROCCurve method computeSmROCResult.
private SmROCResult computeSmROCResult(SetDBIDs positiveids, OutlierResult or) {
DoubleRelation scores = or.getScores();
final int size = scores.size();
// Compute mean, for inversion
double mean = 0.0;
for (DBIDIter iditer = scores.iterDBIDs(); iditer.valid(); iditer.advance()) {
mean += scores.doubleValue(iditer) / size;
SmROCResult curve = new SmROCResult(positiveids.size() + 2);
// start in bottom left
curve.add(0.0, 0.0);
int poscnt = 0, negcnt = 0;
double prevscore = Double.NaN;
double x = 0, y = 0;
for (DBIDIter nei = or.getOrdering().order(or.getOrdering().getDBIDs()).iter(); nei.valid(); nei.advance()) {
// Analyze next point
final double curscore = scores.doubleValue(nei);
// defer calculation for ties
if (!Double.isNaN(prevscore) && (, curscore) == 0)) {
// positive or negative match?
if (positiveids.contains(nei)) {
poscnt += 1;
} else {
negcnt += 1;
} else {
// Add point for *previous* result (since we are no longer tied with it)
if (prevscore > mean) {
y += poscnt * prevscore + negcnt * (1.0 - prevscore);
x += poscnt * (1.0 - prevscore) + negcnt * prevscore;
} else if (prevscore < mean) {
y += poscnt * (1.0 - prevscore) + negcnt * prevscore;
x += poscnt * prevscore + negcnt * (1.0 - prevscore);
curve.addAndSimplify(x, y);
// positive or negative match?
if (positiveids.contains(nei)) {
poscnt = 1;
negcnt = 0;
} else {
poscnt = 0;
negcnt = 1;
prevscore = curscore;
// Last point
if (prevscore > mean) {
y += poscnt * prevscore + negcnt * (1.0 - prevscore);
x += poscnt * (1.0 - prevscore) + negcnt * prevscore;
} else if (prevscore < mean) {
y += poscnt * (1.0 - prevscore) + negcnt * prevscore;
x += poscnt * prevscore + negcnt * (1.0 - prevscore);
curve.addAndSimplify(x, y);
double rocauc = XYCurve.areaUnderCurve(curve) / (x * y);
if (LOG.isVerbose()) {
LOG.verbose(SMROCAUC_LABEL + ": " + rocauc);
curve.rocauc = rocauc;
return curve;
use of de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.database.relation.DoubleRelation in project elki by elki-project.
the class OutlierMinusLogScaling method prepare.
public void prepare(OutlierResult or) {
DoubleMinMax mm = new DoubleMinMax();
DoubleRelation scores = or.getScores();
for (DBIDIter id = scores.iterDBIDs(); id.valid(); id.advance()) {
double val = scores.doubleValue(id);
if (!Double.isNaN(val) && !Double.isInfinite(val)) {
max = mm.getMax();
mlogmax = -FastMath.log(mm.getMin() / max);
use of de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.database.relation.DoubleRelation in project elki by elki-project.
the class SimpleCOP method run.
public OutlierResult run(Database database, Relation<V> data) throws IllegalStateException {
KNNQuery<V> knnQuery = QueryUtil.getKNNQuery(data, getDistanceFunction(), k + 1);
DBIDs ids = data.getDBIDs();
WritableDoubleDataStore cop_score = DataStoreUtil.makeDoubleStorage(ids, DataStoreFactory.HINT_HOT | DataStoreFactory.HINT_STATIC);
WritableDataStore<double[]> cop_err_v = DataStoreUtil.makeStorage(ids, DataStoreFactory.HINT_HOT | DataStoreFactory.HINT_STATIC, double[].class);
WritableDataStore<double[][]> cop_datav = DataStoreUtil.makeStorage(ids, DataStoreFactory.HINT_HOT | DataStoreFactory.HINT_STATIC, double[][].class);
WritableIntegerDataStore cop_dim = DataStoreUtil.makeIntegerStorage(ids, DataStoreFactory.HINT_HOT | DataStoreFactory.HINT_STATIC, -1);
WritableDataStore<CorrelationAnalysisSolution<?>> cop_sol = DataStoreUtil.makeStorage(ids, DataStoreFactory.HINT_HOT | DataStoreFactory.HINT_STATIC, CorrelationAnalysisSolution.class);
// compute neighbors of each db object
FiniteProgress progressLocalPCA = LOG.isVerbose() ? new FiniteProgress("Correlation Outlier Probabilities", data.size(), LOG) : null;
double sqrt2 = MathUtil.SQRT2;
for (DBIDIter id = data.iterDBIDs(); id.valid(); id.advance()) {
KNNList neighbors = knnQuery.getKNNForDBID(id, k + 1);
ModifiableDBIDs nids = DBIDUtil.newArray(neighbors);
// TODO: do we want to use the query point as centroid?
CorrelationAnalysisSolution<V> depsol = dependencyDerivator.generateModel(data, nids);
double stddev = depsol.getStandardDeviation();
double distance = depsol.distance(data.get(id));
double prob = NormalDistribution.erf(distance / (stddev * sqrt2));
cop_score.putDouble(id, prob);
cop_err_v.put(id, times(depsol.errorVector(data.get(id)), -1));
double[][] datav = depsol.dataProjections(data.get(id));
cop_datav.put(id, datav);
cop_dim.putInt(id, depsol.getCorrelationDimensionality());
cop_sol.put(id, depsol);
// combine results.
DoubleRelation scoreResult = new MaterializedDoubleRelation("Original Correlation Outlier Probabilities", "origcop-outlier", cop_score, ids);
OutlierScoreMeta scoreMeta = new ProbabilisticOutlierScore();
OutlierResult result = new OutlierResult(scoreMeta, scoreResult);
// extra results
result.addChildResult(new MaterializedRelation<>("Local Dimensionality", COP.COP_DIM, TypeUtil.INTEGER, cop_dim, ids));
result.addChildResult(new MaterializedRelation<>("Error vectors", COP.COP_ERRORVEC, TypeUtil.DOUBLE_ARRAY, cop_err_v, ids));
result.addChildResult(new MaterializedRelation<>("Data vectors", "cop-datavec", TypeUtil.MATRIX, cop_datav, ids));
result.addChildResult(new MaterializedRelation<>("Correlation analysis", "cop-sol", new SimpleTypeInformation<CorrelationAnalysisSolution<?>>(CorrelationAnalysisSolution.class), cop_sol, ids));
return result;