use of de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.utilities.datastructures.histogram.DoubleStaticHistogram.Iter in project elki by elki-project.
the class LMCLUS method findAndEvaluateThreshold.
* Evaluate the histogram to find a suitable threshold
* @param histogram Histogram to evaluate
* @return Position and goodness
private double[] findAndEvaluateThreshold(DoubleDynamicHistogram histogram) {
int n = histogram.getNumBins();
double[] p1 = new double[n];
double[] p2 = new double[n];
double[] mu1 = new double[n];
double[] mu2 = new double[n];
double[] sigma1 = new double[n];
double[] sigma2 = new double[n];
double[] jt = new double[n];
// Forward pass
MeanVariance mv = new MeanVariance();
DoubleHistogram.Iter forward = histogram.iter();
for (int i = 0; forward.valid(); i++, forward.advance()) {
p1[i] = forward.getValue() + ((i > 0) ? p1[i - 1] : 0);
mv.put(i, forward.getValue());
mu1[i] = mv.getMean();
sigma1[i] = mv.getNaiveStddev();
// Backwards pass
MeanVariance mv = new MeanVariance();
DoubleHistogram.Iter backwards = histogram.iter();
// Seek to last - 1);
for (int j = n - 1; backwards.valid(); j--, backwards.retract()) {
p2[j] = backwards.getValue() + ((j + 1 < n) ? p2[j + 1] : 0);
mv.put(j, backwards.getValue());
mu2[j] = mv.getMean();
sigma2[j] = mv.getNaiveStddev();
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
jt[i] = 1.0 + 2 * (p1[i] * (FastMath.log(sigma1[i]) - FastMath.log(p1[i])) + p2[i] * (FastMath.log(sigma2[i]) - FastMath.log(p2[i])));
int bestpos = -1;
double bestgoodness = Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY;
double devPrev = jt[1] - jt[0];
for (int i = 1; i < jt.length - 1; i++) {
double devCur = jt[i + 1] - jt[i];
// Local minimum found - calculate depth
if (devCur >= 0 && devPrev <= 0) {
double lowestMaxima = Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY;
for (int j = i - 1; j > 0; j--) {
if (jt[j - 1] < jt[j]) {
lowestMaxima = Math.min(lowestMaxima, jt[j]);
for (int j = i + 1; j < n - 2; j++) {
if (jt[j + 1] < jt[j]) {
lowestMaxima = Math.min(lowestMaxima, jt[j]);
double localDepth = lowestMaxima - jt[i];
final double mud = mu1[i] - mu2[i];
double discriminability = mud * mud / (sigma1[i] * sigma1[i] + sigma2[i] * sigma2[i]);
if (Double.isNaN(discriminability)) {
discriminability = -1;
double goodness = localDepth * discriminability;
if (goodness > bestgoodness) {
bestgoodness = goodness;
bestpos = i;
devPrev = devCur;
Iter iter = histogram.iter();;
return new double[] { iter.getRight(), bestgoodness };