use of de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.utilities.datastructures.histogram.LongArrayStaticHistogram in project elki by elki-project.
the class DistanceStatisticsWithClasses method run.
public HistogramResult run(Database database) {
final Relation<O> relation = database.getRelation(getInputTypeRestriction()[0]);
final DistanceQuery<O> distFunc = database.getDistanceQuery(relation, getDistanceFunction());
final StepProgress stepprog = LOG.isVerbose() ? new StepProgress("Distance statistics", 2) : null;
// determine binning ranges.
DoubleMinMax gminmax = new DoubleMinMax();
// Cluster by labels
Collection<Cluster<Model>> split = (new ByLabelOrAllInOneClustering()).run(database).getAllClusters();
// global in-cluster min/max
DoubleMinMax giminmax = new DoubleMinMax();
// global other-cluster min/max
DoubleMinMax gominmax = new DoubleMinMax();
// in-cluster distances
MeanVariance mimin = new MeanVariance();
MeanVariance mimax = new MeanVariance();
MeanVariance midif = new MeanVariance();
// other-cluster distances
MeanVariance momin = new MeanVariance();
MeanVariance momax = new MeanVariance();
MeanVariance modif = new MeanVariance();
// Histogram
final ObjHistogram<long[]> histogram;
LOG.beginStep(stepprog, 1, "Prepare histogram.");
if (exact) {
gminmax = exactMinMax(relation, distFunc);
histogram = new LongArrayStaticHistogram(numbin, gminmax.getMin(), gminmax.getMax(), 2);
} else if (sampling) {
gminmax = sampleMinMax(relation, distFunc);
histogram = new LongArrayStaticHistogram(numbin, gminmax.getMin(), gminmax.getMax(), 2);
} else {
histogram = new AbstractObjDynamicHistogram<long[]>(numbin) {
protected long[] downsample(Object[] data, int start, int end, int size) {
long[] ret = new long[2];
for (int i = start; i < end; i++) {
long[] existing = (long[]) data[i];
if (existing != null) {
for (int c = 0; c < 2; c++) {
ret[c] += existing[c];
return ret;
protected long[] aggregate(long[] first, long[] second) {
for (int c = 0; c < 2; c++) {
first[c] += second[c];
return first;
protected long[] cloneForCache(long[] data) {
return data.clone();
protected long[] makeObject() {
return new long[2];
LOG.beginStep(stepprog, 2, "Build histogram.");
final FiniteProgress progress = LOG.isVerbose() ? new FiniteProgress("Distance computations", relation.size(), LOG) : null;
// iterate per cluster
final long[] incFirst = new long[] { 1L, 0L };
final long[] incSecond = new long[] { 0L, 1L };
for (Cluster<?> c1 : split) {
for (DBIDIter id1 = c1.getIDs().iter(); id1.valid(); id1.advance()) {
// in-cluster distances
DoubleMinMax iminmax = new DoubleMinMax();
for (DBIDIter iter2 = c1.getIDs().iter(); iter2.valid(); iter2.advance()) {
// skip the point itself.
if (DBIDUtil.equal(id1, iter2)) {
double d = distFunc.distance(id1, iter2);
histogram.putData(d, incFirst);
// aggregate
// min/max
// other-cluster distances
DoubleMinMax ominmax = new DoubleMinMax();
for (Cluster<?> c2 : split) {
if (c2 == c1) {
for (DBIDIter iter2 = c2.getIDs().iter(); iter2.valid(); iter2.advance()) {
// skip the point itself (shouldn't happen though)
if (DBIDUtil.equal(id1, iter2)) {
double d = distFunc.distance(id1, iter2);
histogram.putData(d, incSecond);
// aggregate
// min/max
// Update values (only needed for sampling case).
// count the number of samples we have in the data
long inum = 0;
long onum = 0;
for (ObjHistogram.Iter<long[]> iter = histogram.iter(); iter.valid(); iter.advance()) {
inum += iter.getValue()[0];
onum += iter.getValue()[1];
long bnum = inum + onum;
Collection<double[]> binstat = new ArrayList<>(numbin);
for (ObjHistogram.Iter<long[]> iter = histogram.iter(); iter.valid(); iter.advance()) {
final long[] value = iter.getValue();
final double icof = (inum == 0) ? 0 : ((double) value[0]) / inum / histogram.getBinsize();
final double icaf = ((double) value[0]) / bnum / histogram.getBinsize();
final double ocof = (onum == 0) ? 0 : ((double) value[1]) / onum / histogram.getBinsize();
final double ocaf = ((double) value[1]) / bnum / histogram.getBinsize();
binstat.add(new double[] { iter.getCenter(), icof, icaf, ocof, ocaf });
HistogramResult result = new HistogramResult("Distance Histogram", "distance-histogram", binstat);
result.addHeader("Absolute minimum distance (abs): " + gminmax.getMin());
result.addHeader("Absolute maximum distance (abs): " + gminmax.getMax());
result.addHeader("In-Cluster minimum distance (abs, avg, stddev): " + giminmax.getMin() + " " + mimin.getMean() + " " + mimin.getSampleStddev());
result.addHeader("In-Cluster maximum distance (abs, avg, stddev): " + giminmax.getMax() + " " + mimax.getMean() + " " + mimax.getSampleStddev());
result.addHeader("Other-Cluster minimum distance (abs, avg, stddev): " + gominmax.getMin() + " " + momin.getMean() + " " + momin.getSampleStddev());
result.addHeader("Other-Cluster maximum distance (abs, avg, stddev): " + gominmax.getMax() + " " + momax.getMean() + " " + momax.getSampleStddev());
result.addHeader("Column description: bin center, in-cluster only frequency, in-cluster all frequency, other-cluster only frequency, other cluster all frequency");
result.addHeader("In-cluster value count: " + inum + " other cluster value count: " + onum);
return result;