use of de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.visualization.visualizers.visunproj.LabelVisualization in project elki by elki-project.
the class HistogramProjector method arrange.
public Collection<PlotItem> arrange(VisualizerContext context) {
List<PlotItem> layout = new ArrayList<>(1 + dmax);
List<VisualizationTask> tasks = context.getVisTasks(this);
if (!tasks.isEmpty()) {
final double xoff = (dmax > 1) ? .1 : 0.;
final double hheight = .5;
final double lheight = .1;
PlotItem master = new PlotItem(dmax + xoff, hheight + lheight, null);
ScalesResult scales = ScalesResult.getScalesResult(rel);
for (int d1 = 0; d1 < dmax; d1++) {
Projection1D proj = new Simple1D(this, scales.getScales(), d1);
final PlotItem it = new PlotItem(d1 + xoff, lheight, 1., hheight, proj);
it.tasks = tasks;
// Add labels
for (int d1 = 0; d1 < dmax; d1++) {
PlotItem it = new PlotItem(d1 + xoff, 0, 1., lheight, null);
LabelVisualization lbl = new LabelVisualization(RelationUtil.getColumnLabel(rel, d1));
new VisualizationTask(lbl, "", null, null).requestSize(1, lheight).with(RenderFlag.NO_DETAIL));
return layout;
use of de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.visualization.visualizers.visunproj.LabelVisualization in project elki by elki-project.
the class ScatterPlotProjector method arrange.
public Collection<PlotItem> arrange(VisualizerContext context) {
List<PlotItem> layout = new ArrayList<>(1);
List<VisualizationTask> tasks = context.getVisTasks(this);
if (!tasks.isEmpty()) {
ScalesResult scales = ScalesResult.getScalesResult(rel);
final PlotItem master;
if (dmax == 2) {
// In 2d, make the plot twice as big.
master = new PlotItem(2 + .1, 2 + .1, null);
Projection2D proj = new Simple2D(this, scales.getScales(), 0, 1);
PlotItem it = new PlotItem(.1, 0, 2., 2., proj);
it.tasks = tasks;
// Label at bottom
PlotItem it = new PlotItem(.1, 2., 2., .1, null);
new VisualizationTask(new LabelVisualization(RelationUtil.getColumnLabel(rel, 0)), "", null, null).requestSize(2., .1).with(RenderFlag.NO_DETAIL));
// Label on left
PlotItem it = new PlotItem(0, 0, .1, 2, null);
new VisualizationTask(new LabelVisualization(RelationUtil.getColumnLabel(rel, 1), true), "", null, null).requestSize(.1, 2.).with(RenderFlag.NO_DETAIL));
} else {
final double sizeh = Math.ceil((dmax - 1) / 2.0);
master = new PlotItem(sizeh * 2. + .1, dmax - 1 + .1, null);
for (int d1 = 0; d1 < dmax - 1; d1++) {
for (int d2 = d1 + 1; d2 < dmax; d2++) {
Projection2D proj = new Simple2D(this, scales.getScales(), d1, d2);
PlotItem it = new PlotItem(d1 + .1, d2 - 1, 1., 1., proj);
it.tasks = tasks;
if (dmax >= 3) {
AffineTransformation p = AffineProjection.axisProjection(RelationUtil.dimensionality(rel), 1, 2);
p.addRotation(0, 2, MathUtil.deg2rad(-10.));
p.addRotation(1, 2, MathUtil.deg2rad(15.));
// Wanna try 4d? go ahead:
// p.addRotation(0, 3, Math.PI / 180 * -20.);
// p.addRotation(1, 3, Math.PI / 180 * 30.);
Projection2D proj = new AffineProjection(this, scales.getScales(), p);
PlotItem it = new PlotItem(sizeh + .1, 0, sizeh, sizeh, proj);
it.tasks = tasks;
// Labels at bottom
for (int d1 = 0; d1 < dmax - 1; d1++) {
PlotItem it = new PlotItem(d1 + .1, dmax - 1, 1., .1, null);
new VisualizationTask(new LabelVisualization(RelationUtil.getColumnLabel(rel, d1)), "", null, null).requestSize(1, .1).with(RenderFlag.NO_DETAIL));
// Labels on left
for (int d2 = 1; d2 < dmax; d2++) {
PlotItem it = new PlotItem(0, d2 - 1, .1, 1, null);
new VisualizationTask(new LabelVisualization(RelationUtil.getColumnLabel(rel, d2), true), "", null, null).requestSize(.1, 1.).with(RenderFlag.NO_DETAIL));
return layout;