use of de.madcyph3r.example.example.theme.actionBarOverlayActivity.FragmentActionBarOverlay in project AdvancedMaterialDrawer by madcyph3r.
the class ActionBarOverlayActivity method init.
public void init(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
drawer = this;
// information text for the fragment
Bundle bundle = new Bundle();
bundle.putString("instruction", "Open the menu and press the section 'Show Overlay', to see it." + " To add overlay support, see 'android:theme=\"@style/ActionBarOverlayTheme\"' in the AndroidManifest.xml and the" + " part for this activity." + " The style is defined in the styles.xml with the name ActionBarOverlayTheme. " + "Or set it on runtime. For this, see the source code from this example.");
Fragment fragmentInstruction = new FragmentInstruction();
// create menu
MaterialMenu menu = new MaterialMenu();
menu.add(new MaterialItemSectionFragment(this, "Instruction", fragmentInstruction, "Actionbar Overlay"));
menu.add(new MaterialItemSectionFragment(this, "Show Overlay", new FragmentActionBarOverlay(), "Show Overlay"));
menu.add(new MaterialItemDevisor());
menu.add(new MaterialItemSectionFragment(this, "Section 1", new FragmentDummy(), "Section 1"));
menu.add(new MaterialItemSectionFragment(this, "Section 2", new FragmentDummy(), "Section 2"));
menu.add(new MaterialItemSectionFragment(this, "Section 3", new FragmentDummy(), "Section 3"));
// load menu
// load the MaterialItemSectionFragment, from the given startIndex