use of de.metas.location.geocoding.GeographicalCoordinates in project metasfresh-webui-api by metasfresh.
the class GeoLocationFilterConverter method getSql.
public String getSql(@NonNull final SqlParamsCollector sqlParamsOut, @NonNull final DocumentFilter filter, @NonNull final SqlOptions sqlOpts, final SqlDocumentFilterConverterContext context_NOTUSED) {
final GeoLocationDocumentDescriptor descriptor = filter.getParameterValueAs(PARAM_LocationAreaSearchDescriptor);
if (descriptor == null) {
// shall not happen
logger.warn("Cannot convert filter to SQL because parameter {} is not set: {}", PARAM_LocationAreaSearchDescriptor, filter);
return null;
final GeographicalCoordinates addressCoordinates = getAddressCoordinates(filter).orElse(null);
if (addressCoordinates == null) {
logger.warn("Cannot convert filter to SQL because geo coordinates not found for {}", filter);
throw new AdempiereException(MSG_NoCoordinatesFoundForTheGivenLocation).markAsUserValidationError();
final String visitorAddressQuery = constructVisitorAddressQuery(filter);
final int distanceInKm = extractDistanceInKm(filter);
if (LocationColumnNameType.LocationId.equals(descriptor.getType())) {
return "EXISTS (" + " SELECT 1" + " FROM " + I_C_Location.Table_Name + " l" + " WHERE " + " l." + I_C_Location.COLUMNNAME_C_Location_ID + "=" + sqlOpts.getTableNameOrAlias() + "." + descriptor.getLocationColumnName() + // no visitorAddressQuery here
" AND " + sqlGeographicalDistance(sqlParamsOut, "l", addressCoordinates, distanceInKm) + ")";
} else if (LocationColumnNameType.BPartnerLocationId.equals(descriptor.getType())) {
return "EXISTS (" + " SELECT 1" + " FROM " + I_C_BPartner_Location.Table_Name + " bpl" + " INNER JOIN " + I_C_Location.Table_Name + " l ON l." + I_C_Location.COLUMNNAME_C_Location_ID + "=bpl." + I_C_BPartner_Location.COLUMNNAME_C_Location_ID + " WHERE " + " bpl." + I_C_BPartner_Location.COLUMNNAME_C_BPartner_Location_ID + "=" + sqlOpts.getTableNameOrAlias() + "." + descriptor.getLocationColumnName() + visitorAddressQuery + " AND " + sqlGeographicalDistance(sqlParamsOut, "l", addressCoordinates, distanceInKm) + ")";
} else if (LocationColumnNameType.BPartnerId.equals(descriptor.getType())) {
return "EXISTS (" + " SELECT 1" + " FROM " + I_C_BPartner.Table_Name + " bp" + " INNER JOIN " + I_C_BPartner_Location.Table_Name + " bpl ON bpl." + I_C_BPartner_Location.COLUMNNAME_C_BPartner_ID + "=bp." + I_C_BPartner.COLUMNNAME_C_BPartner_ID + " INNER JOIN " + I_C_Location.Table_Name + " l ON l." + I_C_Location.COLUMNNAME_C_Location_ID + "=bpl." + I_C_BPartner_Location.COLUMNNAME_C_Location_ID + " WHERE " + " bp." + I_C_BPartner.COLUMNNAME_C_BPartner_ID + "=" + sqlOpts.getTableNameOrAlias() + "." + descriptor.getLocationColumnName() + " AND bpl." + I_C_BPartner_Location.COLUMNNAME_IsActive + "='Y'" + visitorAddressQuery + " AND " + sqlGeographicalDistance(sqlParamsOut, "l", addressCoordinates, distanceInKm) + ")";
} else {
throw new AdempiereException("Unknown " + descriptor.getType());
use of de.metas.location.geocoding.GeographicalCoordinates in project metasfresh-webui-api by metasfresh.
the class ViewGeoLocationsRestController method retrieveGeoLocationsForBPartnerLocationId.
private List<JsonViewRowGeoLocation> retrieveGeoLocationsForBPartnerLocationId(final ImmutableSetMultimap<Integer, DocumentId> rowIdsByBPartnerLocationRepoId) {
if (rowIdsByBPartnerLocationRepoId.isEmpty()) {
return ImmutableList.of();
final List<JsonViewRowGeoLocation> result = new ArrayList<>();
final ImmutableSet<Integer> bpartnerLocationRepoIds = rowIdsByBPartnerLocationRepoId.keySet();
for (final GeographicalCoordinatesWithBPartnerLocationId bplCoordinates : bpartnersRepo.getGeoCoordinatesByBPartnerLocationIds(bpartnerLocationRepoIds)) {
final int bpartnerLocationRepoId = bplCoordinates.getBpartnerLocationId().getRepoId();
final ImmutableSet<DocumentId> rowIds = rowIdsByBPartnerLocationRepoId.get(bpartnerLocationRepoId);
if (rowIds.isEmpty()) {
// shall not happen
logger.warn("Ignored unexpected bpartnerLocationId={}. We have no rows for it.", bpartnerLocationRepoId);
final GeographicalCoordinates coordinate = bplCoordinates.getCoordinate();
for (final DocumentId rowId : rowIds) {
return result;
use of de.metas.location.geocoding.GeographicalCoordinates in project metasfresh-webui-api by metasfresh.
the class ViewGeoLocationsRestController method retrieveGeoLocationsForBPartnerId.
private List<JsonViewRowGeoLocation> retrieveGeoLocationsForBPartnerId(final ImmutableSetMultimap<BPartnerId, DocumentId> rowIdsByBPartnerId) {
if (rowIdsByBPartnerId.isEmpty()) {
return ImmutableList.of();
final List<JsonViewRowGeoLocation> result = new ArrayList<>();
final ImmutableSet<BPartnerId> bpartnerIds = rowIdsByBPartnerId.keySet();
for (final GeographicalCoordinatesWithBPartnerLocationId bplCoordinates : bpartnersRepo.getGeoCoordinatesByBPartnerIds(bpartnerIds)) {
final BPartnerId bpartnerId = bplCoordinates.getBPartnerId();
final ImmutableSet<DocumentId> rowIds = rowIdsByBPartnerId.get(bpartnerId);
if (rowIds.isEmpty()) {
// shall not happen
logger.warn("Ignored unexpected bpartnerId={}. We have no rows for it.", bpartnerId);
final GeographicalCoordinates coordinate = bplCoordinates.getCoordinate();
for (final DocumentId rowId : rowIds) {
return result;