use of de.metas.ui.web.pickingslotsClearing.PickingSlotsClearingView in project metasfresh-webui-api by metasfresh.
the class PickingSlotsClearingViewBasedProcess method getRootRowForSelectedPickingSlotRows.
* @return the actual picking slow row (the top level row)
protected final PickingSlotRow getRootRowForSelectedPickingSlotRows() {
final Set<PickingSlotRowId> rootRowIds = getRootRowIdsForSelectedPickingSlotRows();
Check.assumeNotEmpty(rootRowIds, "rootRowIds is not empty");
if (rootRowIds.size() > 1) {
throw new AdempiereException("Select rows from one picking slot");
final PickingSlotRowId rootRowId = rootRowIds.iterator().next();
final PickingSlotsClearingView pickingSlotsClearingView = getPickingSlotsClearingView();
return pickingSlotsClearingView.getById(rootRowId);
use of de.metas.ui.web.pickingslotsClearing.PickingSlotsClearingView in project metasfresh-webui-api by metasfresh.
the class WEBUI_PickingSlotsClearingView_TakeOutHU method postProcess.
protected void postProcess(final boolean success) {
if (!success) {
// Invalidate the views
// Expectation: the HU shall disappear from picking slots view (left side) and shall appear on after picking HUs view (right side).
final PickingSlotsClearingView pickingSlotsClearingView = getPickingSlotsClearingView();