use of de.mossgrabers.framework.controller.color.ColorEx in project DrivenByMoss by git-moss.
the class ListComponent method draw.
* {@inheritDoc}
public void draw(final IGraphicsInfo info) {
final IGraphicsContext gc = info.getContext();
final IGraphicsDimensions dimensions = info.getDimensions();
final IGraphicsConfiguration configuration = info.getConfiguration();
final double left = info.getBounds().left();
final double width = info.getBounds().width();
final double height = info.getBounds().height();
final double separatorSize = dimensions.getSeparatorSize();
final double inset = dimensions.getInset();
final int size = this.items.size();
final double itemLeft = left + separatorSize;
final double itemWidth = width - separatorSize;
final double itemHeight = height / size;
final ColorEx textColor = configuration.getColorText();
final ColorEx borderColor = configuration.getColorBorder();
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
final Pair<String, Boolean> item = this.items.get(i);
final boolean isSelected = item.getValue().booleanValue();
final double itemTop = i * itemHeight;
gc.fillRectangle(itemLeft, itemTop + separatorSize, itemWidth, itemHeight - 2 * separatorSize, isSelected ? textColor : borderColor);
gc.drawTextInBounds(item.getKey(), itemLeft + inset, itemTop, itemWidth - 2 * inset, itemHeight, Align.LEFT, isSelected ? borderColor : textColor, itemHeight * 0.6);
use of de.mossgrabers.framework.controller.color.ColorEx in project DrivenByMoss by git-moss.
the class MidiClipComponent method draw.
* {@inheritDoc}
public void draw(final IGraphicsInfo info) {
final IGraphicsConfiguration configuration = info.getConfiguration();
final ColorEx gridBackground = configuration.getColorBackgroundLighter();
final ColorEx measureTextColor = ColorEx.WHITE;
final ColorEx dividersColor = configuration.getColorBackgroundDarker();
final ColorEx noteColor = this.clip.getColor();
final ColorEx noteMutedColor = ColorEx.DARK_GRAY;
final ColorEx noteGridLoopColor = configuration.getColorBackground();
final ColorEx noteBorderColor = ColorEx.BLACK;
final IGraphicsContext gc = info.getContext();
final double left = info.getBounds().left();
final double width = info.getBounds().width();
final double height = info.getBounds().height();
final int top = 14;
final double noteAreaHeight = height - top;
// Draw the background
gc.fillRectangle(left, top, width, noteAreaHeight, gridBackground);
// Draw the loop, if any and ...
final int numSteps = this.clip.getNumSteps();
final double stepLength = this.clip.getStepLength();
final double pageLength = numSteps * stepLength;
final int editPage = this.clip.getEditPage();
final double startPos = editPage * pageLength;
final double endPos = (editPage + 1) * pageLength;
final int len = top - 1;
if (this.clip.isLoopEnabled()) {
final double loopStart = this.clip.getLoopStart();
final double loopLength = this.clip.getLoopLength();
// ... the loop is visible in the current page
if (loopStart < endPos && loopStart + loopLength > startPos) {
final double start = Math.max(0, loopStart - startPos);
final double end = Math.min(endPos, loopStart + loopLength) - startPos;
final double x = width * start / pageLength;
final double w = width * end / pageLength - x;
// The header loop
gc.fillRectangle(x + 1, 0, w, len, noteColor);
// Background in note area
gc.fillRectangle(x + 1, top, w, noteAreaHeight, noteGridLoopColor);
// Draw play start in header
final double playStart = this.clip.getPlayStart();
if (playStart >= startPos && playStart <= endPos) {
final double start = playStart - startPos;
final double x = width * start / pageLength;
gc.fillTriangle(x + 1, 0, x + 1 + len, len / 2.0, x + 1, len, noteColor);
gc.strokeTriangle(x + 1, 0, x + 1 + len, len / 2.0, x + 1, len, ColorEx.evenDarker(noteColor));
// Draw play end in header
final double playEnd = this.clip.getPlayEnd();
if (playEnd >= startPos && playEnd <= endPos) {
final double end = playEnd - startPos;
final double x = width * end / pageLength;
gc.fillTriangle(x + 1, 0, x + 1, len, x + 1 - top, len / 2.0, noteColor);
gc.strokeTriangle(x + 1, 0, x + 1, len, x + 1 - top, len / 2.0, ColorEx.evenDarker(noteColor));
// Draw dividers
final double stepWidth = width / numSteps;
for (int step = 0; step <= numSteps; step++) {
final double x = left + step * stepWidth;
gc.fillRectangle(x, top, 1, noteAreaHeight, dividersColor);
// Draw measure texts
if (step % 4 == 0) {
final double time = startPos + step * stepLength;
final String measureText = StringUtils.formatMeasures(this.quartersPerMeasure, time, 1, false);
gc.drawTextInHeight(measureText, x, 0, top - 1.0, measureTextColor, top);
// Draw the notes
final int lowerRowWithData = this.clip.getLowerRowWithData();
if (lowerRowWithData == -1)
final int upperRowWithData = this.clip.getUpperRowWithData();
// Display at least 4 rows
final int range = Math.max(4, 1 + upperRowWithData - lowerRowWithData);
final double stepHeight = noteAreaHeight / range;
final double fontSize = gc.calculateFontSize("G#5", stepHeight, stepWidth, 12.0);
for (int row = 0; row < range; row++) {
gc.fillRectangle(left, top + (range - row - 1) * stepHeight, width, 1, dividersColor);
for (int step = 0; step < numSteps; step++) {
final int note = lowerRowWithData + row;
// Get step, check for length
for (int channel = 0; channel < 16; channel++) {
final IStepInfo stepInfo = this.clip.getStep(channel, step, note);
final StepState stepState = stepInfo.getState();
if (stepState == StepState.OFF)
double x = left + step * stepWidth - 1;
double w = stepWidth + 2;
final boolean isStart = stepState == StepState.START;
if (isStart) {
x += 2;
w -= 2;
gc.strokeRectangle(x, top + (range - row - 1) * stepHeight + 2, w, stepHeight - 2, noteBorderColor);
gc.fillRectangle(x + (isStart ? 0 : -2), top + (range - row - 1) * stepHeight + 2, w - 1 + (isStart ? 0 : 2), stepHeight - 3, stepInfo.isMuted() ? noteMutedColor : noteColor);
if (isStart && fontSize > 0) {
final String text = channel + 1 + ": " + Scales.formatDrumNote(note);
final ColorEx textColor = ColorEx.calcContrastColor(noteColor);
gc.drawTextInBounds(text, x, top + (range - row - 1) * stepHeight + 2, w - 1, stepHeight - 3, Align.CENTER, textColor, fontSize);
// Draw the play cursor
final int playStep = this.clip.getCurrentStep();
if (playStep >= 0)
gc.fillRectangle(left + playStep * stepWidth - 1, 0, 3, height, measureTextColor);
use of de.mossgrabers.framework.controller.color.ColorEx in project DrivenByMoss by git-moss.
the class ParameterComponent method draw.
* {@inheritDoc}
public void draw(final IGraphicsInfo info) {
final IGraphicsContext gc = info.getContext();
final IGraphicsDimensions dimensions = info.getDimensions();
final IGraphicsConfiguration configuration = info.getConfiguration();
final double left = info.getBounds().left();
final double width = info.getBounds().width();
final double height = info.getBounds().height();
final double separatorSize = dimensions.getSeparatorSize();
final double menuHeight = dimensions.getMenuHeight();
final double unit = dimensions.getUnit();
final double controlsTop = dimensions.getControlsTop();
final double inset = dimensions.getInset();
final boolean isValueMissing = this.paramValue == -1;
final boolean isModulated = this.modulatedParamValue != -1;
final int trackRowHeight = (int) (1.6 * unit);
final double trackRowTop = height - trackRowHeight - unit - separatorSize;
// Component is off if the name is empty
if (this.paramName == null || this.paramName.length() == 0)
final double elementWidth = width - 2 * inset;
final double elementHeight = (trackRowTop - controlsTop - inset) / 3;
// Draw the background
final ColorEx backgroundColor = configuration.getColorBackground();
gc.fillRectangle(left, menuHeight + 1, width, trackRowTop - (isValueMissing ? controlsTop + elementHeight : menuHeight + 1), this.isTouched ? configuration.getColorBackgroundLighter() : backgroundColor);
// Draw the name and value texts
final ColorEx textColor = configuration.getColorText();
final double fontSize = elementHeight * 2 / 3;
gc.drawTextInBounds(this.paramName, left + inset - 1, controlsTop - inset, elementWidth, elementHeight, Align.CENTER, textColor, fontSize);
gc.drawTextInBounds(this.paramValueText, left + inset - 1, controlsTop - inset + elementHeight, elementWidth, elementHeight, Align.CENTER, textColor, fontSize);
// Value slider
if (isValueMissing)
final double elementInnerWidth = elementWidth - 2;
final double maxValue = dimensions.getParameterUpperBound();
final double value = isModulated ? this.modulatedParamValue : this.paramValue;
final double valueSliderWidth = value >= maxValue - 1 ? elementInnerWidth : elementInnerWidth * value / maxValue;
final double innerTop = controlsTop + 2 * elementHeight + 1;
final ColorEx borderColor = configuration.getColorBorder();
gc.fillRectangle(left + inset - 1, controlsTop + 2 * elementHeight, elementWidth, elementHeight, borderColor);
gc.fillRectangle(left + inset, innerTop, valueSliderWidth, elementHeight - 2, configuration.getColorFader());
final double w = this.isTouched ? 3 : 1;
final double valueWidth = this.paramValue >= maxValue - 1 ? elementInnerWidth : elementInnerWidth * this.paramValue / maxValue;
gc.fillRectangle(left + inset + Math.max(0, valueWidth - w), innerTop, w, elementHeight - 2, configuration.getColorEdit());
use of de.mossgrabers.framework.controller.color.ColorEx in project DrivenByMoss by git-moss.
the class EncodedColorLightState method getVisualState.
* {@inheritDoc}}
public HardwareLightVisualState getVisualState() {
if (this.encodedColorState == -1)
return HardwareLightVisualState.createForColor(Color.blackColor(), Color.whiteColor());
final int colorIndex = this.encodedColorState & 0xFF;
final int blinkColorIndex = this.encodedColorState >> 8 & 0xFF;
final boolean blinkFast = (this.encodedColorState >> 16 & 1) > 0;
final ColorEx colorEx = this.stateToColorFunction.apply(colorIndex);
final Color color = Color.fromRGB(colorEx.getRed(), colorEx.getGreen(), colorEx.getBlue());
final ColorEx contrastColorEx = ColorEx.calcContrastColor(colorEx);
final Color contrastColor = Color.fromRGB(contrastColorEx.getRed(), contrastColorEx.getGreen(), contrastColorEx.getBlue());
if (blinkColorIndex <= 0 || blinkColorIndex >= 128)
return HardwareLightVisualState.createForColor(color, contrastColor);
final ColorEx blinkColorEx = this.stateToColorFunction.apply(blinkColorIndex);
final Color blinkColor = Color.fromRGB(blinkColorEx.getRed(), blinkColorEx.getGreen(), blinkColorEx.getBlue());
final ColorEx contrastBlinkColorEx = ColorEx.calcContrastColor(blinkColorEx);
final Color contrastBlinkColor = Color.fromRGB(contrastBlinkColorEx.getRed(), contrastBlinkColorEx.getGreen(), contrastBlinkColorEx.getBlue());
final double blinkTimeInSec = blinkFast ? 0.5 : 1;
return HardwareLightVisualState.createBlinking(blinkColor, color, contrastBlinkColor, contrastColor, blinkTimeInSec, blinkTimeInSec);
use of de.mossgrabers.framework.controller.color.ColorEx in project DrivenByMoss by git-moss.
the class HwSurfaceFactoryImpl method createLight.
* {@inheritDoc}
public IHwLight createLight(final int surfaceID, final OutputID outputID, final IntSupplier supplier, final IntConsumer sendValueConsumer, final IntFunction<ColorEx> stateToColorFunction, final IHwButton button) {
final String id = createID(surfaceID, outputID == null ? "LIGHT" + this.lightCounter :;
final MultiStateHardwareLight hardwareLight = this.hardwareSurface.createMultiStateHardwareLight(id);
final Supplier<InternalHardwareLightState> valueSupplier = () -> new EncodedColorLightState(supplier.getAsInt(), stateToColorFunction);
final Consumer<InternalHardwareLightState> hardwareUpdater = state -> {
final HardwareLightVisualState visualState = state == null ? null : state.getVisualState();
final int encodedColorState = visualState == null ? 0 : supplier.getAsInt();
final HwLightImpl lightImpl = new HwLightImpl(, hardwareLight, valueSupplier, hardwareUpdater);
if (button != null)
return lightImpl;