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Example 16 with ColorEx

use of de.mossgrabers.framework.controller.color.ColorEx in project DrivenByMoss by git-moss.

the class ChannelComponent method draw.

 * {@inheritDoc}
public void draw(final IGraphicsInfo info) {
    final IGraphicsContext gc = info.getContext();
    final IGraphicsDimensions dimensions = info.getDimensions();
    final IGraphicsConfiguration configuration = info.getConfiguration();
    final double left = info.getBounds().left();
    final double width = info.getBounds().width();
    final double height = info.getBounds().height();
    final double halfWidth = width / 2;
    final double separatorSize = dimensions.getSeparatorSize();
    final double menuHeight = dimensions.getMenuHeight();
    final double unit = dimensions.getUnit();
    final double halfUnit = dimensions.getHalfUnit();
    final double controlsTop = dimensions.getControlsTop();
    final double inset = dimensions.getInset();
    final int trackRowHeight = (int) (1.6 * unit);
    final double trackRowTop = height - trackRowHeight - unit - separatorSize;
    final double controlWidth = halfWidth - halfUnit - halfUnit / 2;
    final double controlStart = left + halfWidth + halfUnit - halfUnit / 2;
    final double panWidth = controlWidth - 2;
    final double panStart = controlStart + 1;
    final double panTop = controlsTop + 1.0;
    final double panHeight = unit - separatorSize;
    final double panTextTop = panTop + panHeight;
    final double faderOffset = controlWidth / 4;
    final double faderTop = panTop + panHeight + separatorSize + 1;
    final double vuX = controlStart + separatorSize;
    final double faderLeft = vuX + faderOffset;
    final double faderHeight = trackRowTop - faderTop - inset + 1;
    final double faderInnerHeight = faderHeight - 2 * separatorSize;
    final double volumeTextWidth = 1.4 * controlWidth;
    final double volumeTextLeft = faderLeft - volumeTextWidth - 2;
    final double buttonHeight = (faderHeight - 4 * separatorSize) / 3;
    // Drawing
    final ColorEx textColor = this.modifyIfOff(configuration.getColorText());
    final String name = this.footer.getText();
    // Element is off if the name is empty
    if (name == null || name.length() == 0)
    final ColorEx backgroundColor = this.modifyIfOff(configuration.getColorBackground());
    // Draw the background
    gc.fillRectangle(left, menuHeight + 1, width, trackRowTop - (menuHeight + 1), this.footer.isSelected() ? this.modifyIfOff(configuration.getColorBackgroundLighter()) : backgroundColor);
    // Background of pan and slider area
    final ColorEx borderColor = this.modifyIfOff(configuration.getColorBorder());
    gc.fillRectangle(controlStart, controlsTop, halfWidth - unit + halfUnit / 2, unit, borderColor);
    gc.fillRectangle(controlStart, faderTop, controlWidth, faderHeight, borderColor);
    final ColorEx backgroundDarker = this.modifyIfOff(configuration.getColorBackgroundDarker());
    final ColorEx editColor = this.modifyIfOff(configuration.getColorEdit());
    // Crossfader A|B
    final double leftColumn = left + inset - 1;
    if (this.type != ChannelType.MASTER && this.type != ChannelType.LAYER && this.crossfadeMode != -1) {
        final ColorEx selColor = this.editType == EDIT_TYPE_CROSSFADER || this.editType == EDIT_TYPE_ALL ? editColor : ColorEx.ORANGE;
        final double crossOptWidth = controlWidth / 3.0;
        this.drawButton(gc, leftColumn, controlsTop, crossOptWidth, panHeight + 2, backgroundColor, this.modifyIfOff(selColor), textColor, this.crossfadeMode == 0, "track/crossfade_a.svg", configuration, 0);
        this.drawButton(gc, leftColumn + crossOptWidth, controlsTop, crossOptWidth, panHeight + 2, backgroundColor, this.modifyIfOff(selColor), textColor, this.crossfadeMode == 1, "track/crossfade_ab.svg", configuration, 0);
        this.drawButton(gc, leftColumn + 2 * crossOptWidth, controlsTop, crossOptWidth, panHeight + 2, backgroundColor, this.modifyIfOff(selColor), textColor, this.crossfadeMode == 2, "track/crossfade_b.svg", configuration, 0);
    // Panorama
    gc.fillRectangle(panStart, panTop, panWidth, panHeight, backgroundDarker);
    final double panRange = panWidth / 2;
    final double panMiddle = panStart + panRange;
    gc.drawLine(panMiddle, panTop, panMiddle, panTop + panHeight, borderColor);
    final double maxValue = dimensions.getParameterUpperBound();
    final double halfMax = maxValue / 2;
    final boolean isPanTouched = this.panText.length() > 0;
    // Panned to the left or right?
    final boolean isRight = this.panValue > halfMax;
    final boolean isModulatedRight = this.modulatedPanValue > halfMax;
    final double v = isRight ? (this.panValue - halfMax) * panRange / halfMax : panRange - this.panValue * panRange / halfMax;
    final boolean isPanModulated = this.modulatedPanValue != -1;
    final double vMod;
    if (isPanModulated) {
        if (isModulatedRight)
            vMod = (this.modulatedPanValue - halfMax) * panRange / halfMax;
            vMod = panRange - this.modulatedPanValue * panRange / halfMax;
    } else
        vMod = v;
    final ColorEx faderColor = this.modifyIfOff(configuration.getColorFader());
    final boolean rightMod = isPanModulated ? isModulatedRight : isRight;
    gc.fillRectangle(rightMod ? panMiddle + 1 : panMiddle - vMod, controlsTop + 1, vMod, panHeight, faderColor);
    if (this.editType == EDIT_TYPE_PAN || this.editType == EDIT_TYPE_ALL) {
        final double w = isPanTouched ? 3 : 1;
        final double start = isRight ? Math.min(panMiddle + panRange - w, panMiddle + v) : Math.max(panMiddle - panRange, panMiddle - v);
        gc.fillRectangle(start, controlsTop + 1, w, panHeight, editColor);
    // Volume slider
    // Ensure that maximum value is reached even if rounding errors happen
    final double volumeWidth = controlWidth - 2 * separatorSize - faderOffset;
    final double volumeHeight = this.volumeValue >= maxValue - 1 ? faderInnerHeight : faderInnerHeight * this.volumeValue / maxValue;
    final boolean isVolumeModulated = this.modulatedVolumeValue != -1;
    final double modulatedVolumeHeight;
    if (isVolumeModulated) {
        if (this.modulatedVolumeValue >= maxValue - 1)
            modulatedVolumeHeight = faderInnerHeight;
            modulatedVolumeHeight = faderInnerHeight * this.modulatedVolumeValue / maxValue;
    } else
        modulatedVolumeHeight = volumeHeight;
    final double volumeTop = faderTop + separatorSize + faderInnerHeight - volumeHeight;
    final double modulatedVolumeTop = isVolumeModulated ? faderTop + separatorSize + faderInnerHeight - modulatedVolumeHeight : volumeTop;
    gc.fillRectangle(faderLeft, modulatedVolumeTop, volumeWidth, modulatedVolumeHeight, faderColor);
    final boolean isVolumeTouched = this.volumeText.length() > 0;
    if (this.editType == EDIT_TYPE_VOLUME || this.editType == EDIT_TYPE_ALL) {
        final double h = isVolumeTouched ? 3 : 1;
        gc.fillRectangle(faderLeft, Math.min(volumeTop + volumeHeight - h, volumeTop), volumeWidth, h, editColor);
    // VU
    final double vuHeightLeft = this.vuValueLeft >= maxValue - 1 ? faderInnerHeight : faderInnerHeight * this.vuValueLeft / maxValue;
    final double vuHeightRight = this.vuValueRight >= maxValue - 1 ? faderInnerHeight : faderInnerHeight * this.vuValueRight / maxValue;
    final double vuOffsetLeft = faderInnerHeight - vuHeightLeft;
    final double vuOffsetRight = faderInnerHeight - vuHeightRight;
    final double vuWidth = faderOffset - separatorSize;
    gc.fillRectangle(vuX, faderTop + separatorSize, vuWidth + 1, faderInnerHeight, backgroundDarker);
    ColorEx colorVu = this.modifyIfOff(configuration.getColorVu());
    if (this.isMute)
        colorVu = configuration.getColorMute();
    gc.fillRectangle(vuX, faderTop + separatorSize + vuOffsetLeft, vuWidth / 2, vuHeightLeft, colorVu);
    gc.fillRectangle(vuX + vuWidth / 2, faderTop + separatorSize + vuOffsetRight, vuWidth / 2, vuHeightRight, colorVu);
    double buttonTop = faderTop;
    if (this.type != ChannelType.LAYER) {
        // Record Arm
        this.drawButton(gc, leftColumn, buttonTop, controlWidth, buttonHeight - 1, backgroundColor, this.modifyIfOff(configuration.getColorRecord()), textColor, this.isArm, "channel/record_arm.svg", configuration);
    // Solo
    buttonTop += buttonHeight + 2 * separatorSize;
    this.drawButton(gc, leftColumn, buttonTop, controlWidth, buttonHeight - 1, backgroundColor, this.modifyIfOff(configuration.getColorSolo()), textColor, this.isSolo, "channel/solo.svg", configuration);
    // Mute
    buttonTop += buttonHeight + 2 * separatorSize;
    this.drawButton(gc, leftColumn, buttonTop, controlWidth, buttonHeight - 1, backgroundColor, this.modifyIfOff(configuration.getColorMute()), textColor, this.isMute, "channel/mute.svg", configuration);
    // Draw panorama text on top if set
    if (isPanTouched) {
        gc.fillRectangle(controlStart, panTextTop, controlWidth, unit, backgroundDarker);
        gc.strokeRectangle(controlStart, panTextTop, controlWidth, unit, borderColor);
        gc.drawTextInBounds(this.panText, controlStart, panTextTop, controlWidth, unit, Align.CENTER, textColor, unit);
    // Draw volume text on top if set
    if (isVolumeTouched) {
        final double volumeTextTop = this.volumeValue >= maxValue - 1 ? faderTop : Math.min(volumeTop - 1, faderTop + faderInnerHeight + separatorSize - unit + 1);
        gc.fillRectangle(volumeTextLeft, volumeTextTop, volumeTextWidth, unit, backgroundDarker);
        gc.strokeRectangle(volumeTextLeft, volumeTextTop, volumeTextWidth, unit, borderColor);
        gc.drawTextInBounds(this.volumeText, volumeTextLeft, volumeTextTop, volumeTextWidth, unit, Align.CENTER, textColor, unit);
Also used : IGraphicsContext( IGraphicsConfiguration( ColorEx(de.mossgrabers.framework.controller.color.ColorEx) IGraphicsDimensions(

Example 17 with ColorEx

use of de.mossgrabers.framework.controller.color.ColorEx in project DrivenByMoss by git-moss.

the class ClipListComponent method draw.

 * {@inheritDoc}
public void draw(final IGraphicsInfo info) {
    final IGraphicsContext gc = info.getContext();
    final IGraphicsDimensions dimensions = info.getDimensions();
    final IGraphicsConfiguration configuration = info.getConfiguration();
    final double left = info.getBounds().left();
    final double width = info.getBounds().width();
    final double height = info.getBounds().height();
    final double separatorSize = dimensions.getSeparatorSize();
    final double inset = dimensions.getInset();
    final int size = this.items.size();
    final double itemLeft = left + separatorSize;
    final double itemWidth = width - separatorSize;
    final double itemHeight = height / size;
    final double fontHeight = itemHeight > 30 ? itemHeight / 2 : itemHeight * 2 / 3;
    final double boxLeft = itemLeft + inset;
    final double boxWidth = fontHeight - 2 * separatorSize;
    final double radius = boxWidth / 2;
    final ColorEx textColor = configuration.getColorText();
    final ColorEx borderColor = configuration.getColorBackgroundLighter();
    for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
        final Pair<ITrack, ISlot> pair = this.items.get(i);
        final ISlot slot = pair.getValue();
        final ITrack track = pair.getKey();
        final double itemTop = i * itemHeight;
        String name = slot.getName();
        final double boxTop = itemTop + (itemHeight - fontHeight) / 2;
        // Draw the background
        final ColorEx clipBackgroundColor = slot.getColor();
        if (track.isGroup()) {
            if (name.isEmpty())
                name = "Scene " + (slot.getPosition() + 1);
            gc.fillRectangle(itemLeft, itemTop + separatorSize, itemWidth, itemHeight - 2 * separatorSize, ColorEx.darker(ColorEx.DARK_GRAY));
            gc.fillRectangle(itemLeft + itemWidth - 2 * inset, itemTop + separatorSize, 2 * inset, itemHeight - 2 * separatorSize, clipBackgroundColor);
        } else
            gc.fillRectangle(itemLeft, itemTop + separatorSize, itemWidth, itemHeight - 2 * separatorSize, clipBackgroundColor);
        if (slot.doesExist()) {
            // Draw the play/record state indicator box
            final boolean isPlaying = slot.isPlaying();
            if (isPlaying || slot.isRecording() || slot.isPlayingQueued() || slot.isRecordingQueued())
                gc.fillRectangle(boxLeft, boxTop, fontHeight, fontHeight, ColorEx.BLACK);
            // Draw the play, record or stop symbol depending on the slots state
            if (slot.hasContent()) {
                if (slot.isRecording())
                    gc.fillCircle(boxLeft + separatorSize + radius, boxTop + separatorSize + radius, radius, ColorEx.RED);
                else {
                    ColorEx fillColor = ColorEx.darker(clipBackgroundColor);
                    if (isPlaying)
                        fillColor = ColorEx.GREEN;
                    else if (slot.isPlayingQueued() || slot.isRecordingQueued())
                        fillColor = ColorEx.WHITE;
                    gc.fillTriangle(boxLeft + separatorSize, boxTop + separatorSize, boxLeft + separatorSize, boxTop + fontHeight - separatorSize, boxLeft + fontHeight - separatorSize, boxTop + fontHeight / 2, fillColor);
            } else {
                if (track.isRecArm())
                    gc.fillCircle(boxLeft + separatorSize + radius, boxTop + separatorSize + radius, radius, ColorEx.DARK_GRAY);
                    gc.fillRectangle(boxLeft + separatorSize, boxTop + separatorSize, boxWidth, boxWidth, ColorEx.DARK_GRAY);
            // Draw the text
            gc.drawTextInBounds(name, itemLeft + 2 * inset + fontHeight, itemTop - 1, itemWidth - 2 * inset, itemHeight, Align.LEFT, ColorEx.BLACK, fontHeight);
        // Draw the border
        ColorEx color = borderColor;
        if (slot.isSelected())
            color = textColor;
        else if (track.isSelected())
            color = ColorEx.darker(ColorEx.YELLOW);
        gc.strokeRectangle(itemLeft, itemTop + separatorSize, itemWidth, itemHeight - 2 * separatorSize, color, slot.isSelected() ? 2 : 1);
Also used : IGraphicsContext( IGraphicsConfiguration( ITrack( ColorEx(de.mossgrabers.framework.controller.color.ColorEx) ISlot( IGraphicsDimensions(

Example 18 with ColorEx

use of de.mossgrabers.framework.controller.color.ColorEx in project DrivenByMoss by git-moss.

the class LabelComponent method draw.

 * {@inheritDoc}
public void draw(final IGraphicsInfo info) {
    if (this.layout == LabelLayout.SEPARATE_COLOR) {
    final IGraphicsConfiguration configuration = info.getConfiguration();
    final IBounds bounds = info.getBounds();
    final IGraphicsDimensions dimensions = info.getDimensions();
    final double separatorSize = dimensions.getSeparatorSize();
    final double menuHeight = dimensions.getMenuHeight();
    final ColorEx bgColor = this.getBackgroundColor(configuration);
    final ColorEx textColor = ColorEx.calcContrastColor(bgColor);
    if (this.text == null || this.text.length() == 0) {
        if (this.layout == LabelLayout.SMALL_HEADER) {
            // Remove the 2 pixels of the previous menus border line
            info.getContext().fillRectangle(bounds.left() - separatorSize, menuHeight - 2, separatorSize, 1, configuration.getColorBorder());
    final double left = bounds.left();
    final double top =;
    final double width = bounds.width();
    final double height = bounds.height();
    final IGraphicsContext gc = info.getContext();
    if (this.layout == LabelLayout.SMALL_HEADER) {
        gc.fillRectangle(left, top, width, menuHeight - 1.0, bgColor);
        gc.fillRectangle(left, menuHeight - 2.0, width + separatorSize, 1, this.isSelected ? bgColor : textColor);
    } else
        gc.fillRectangle(left, top, width, height, bgColor);
    final double unit = dimensions.getUnit();
    if (this.layout == LabelLayout.SMALL_HEADER)
        gc.drawTextInBounds(this.text, left, 1, width, unit + separatorSize, Align.CENTER, textColor, unit);
        gc.drawTextInBounds(this.text, left, top, width, height, Align.CENTER, textColor, height / 2);
Also used : IGraphicsContext( IGraphicsConfiguration( IBounds( ColorEx(de.mossgrabers.framework.controller.color.ColorEx) IGraphicsDimensions(

Example 19 with ColorEx

use of de.mossgrabers.framework.controller.color.ColorEx in project DrivenByMoss by git-moss.

the class LabelComponent method drawSeparateColorLayout.

 * Draws the label in the SEPARATE_COLOR layout.
 * @param info All necessary information to draw the component
protected void drawSeparateColorLayout(final IGraphicsInfo info) {
    final IGraphicsContext gc = info.getContext();
    final IGraphicsDimensions dimensions = info.getDimensions();
    final IGraphicsConfiguration configuration = info.getConfiguration();
    final double left = info.getBounds().left();
    final double width = info.getBounds().width();
    final double top = info.getBounds().top();
    final double height = info.getBounds().height();
    final double unit = dimensions.getUnit();
    final double doubleUnit = dimensions.getDoubleUnit();
    // Draw the background
    final ColorEx bgColor = this.modifyIfOff(configuration.getColorBackground());
    gc.fillRectangle(left, top + 1, width, height - unit - 1, this.isSelected() ? this.modifyIfOff(configuration.getColorBackgroundLighter()) : bgColor);
    // The tracks icon and name
    final String iconName = this.getIcon();
    final int trackRowHeight = (int) (1.6 * unit);
    final double textTop = top + height - trackRowHeight - unit;
    if (iconName != null) {
        final IImage image = ResourceHandler.getSVGImage(iconName);
        final ColorEx maskColor = this.modifyIfOff(this.getMaskColor(configuration));
        if (maskColor == null)
            gc.drawImage(image, left + (doubleUnit - image.getWidth()) / 2, textTop + (trackRowHeight - image.getHeight()) / 2.0);
            gc.maskImage(image, left + (doubleUnit - image.getWidth()) / 2, textTop + (trackRowHeight - image.getHeight()) / 2.0, maskColor);
    gc.drawTextInBounds(this.text, left + doubleUnit, textTop, width - doubleUnit, trackRowHeight, Align.LEFT, this.modifyIfOff(configuration.getColorText()), 1.2 * unit);
    // The track color section
    final ColorEx infoColor = this.backgroundColor;
    gc.fillRectangle(left, top + height - unit, width, unit, this.isActive ? infoColor : ColorEx.evenDarker(infoColor));
Also used : IGraphicsContext( IGraphicsConfiguration( ColorEx(de.mossgrabers.framework.controller.color.ColorEx) IImage( IGraphicsDimensions(

Example 20 with ColorEx

use of de.mossgrabers.framework.controller.color.ColorEx in project DrivenByMoss by git-moss.

the class SceneListGridElement method draw.

 * {@inheritDoc}
public void draw(final IGraphicsInfo info) {
    final IGraphicsContext gc = info.getContext();
    final IGraphicsDimensions dimensions = info.getDimensions();
    final IGraphicsConfiguration configuration = info.getConfiguration();
    final double left = info.getBounds().left();
    final double width = info.getBounds().width();
    final double height = info.getBounds().height();
    final double separatorSize = dimensions.getSeparatorSize();
    final double inset = dimensions.getInset();
    final int size = this.colors.length;
    final double itemLeft = left + separatorSize;
    final double itemWidth = width - separatorSize;
    final double itemHeight = height / size;
    final ColorEx textColor = configuration.getColorText();
    final ColorEx borderColor = configuration.getColorBackgroundLighter();
    for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
        final double itemTop = i * itemHeight;
        final ColorEx backgroundColor = this.colors[i];
        gc.fillRectangle(itemLeft, itemTop + separatorSize, itemWidth, itemHeight - 2 * separatorSize, backgroundColor);
        if (this.exists[i])
            gc.drawTextInBounds(this.names[i], itemLeft + inset, itemTop - 1, itemWidth - 2 * inset, itemHeight, Align.LEFT, ColorEx.calcContrastColor(backgroundColor), itemHeight / 2);
        gc.strokeRectangle(itemLeft, itemTop + separatorSize, itemWidth, itemHeight - 2 * separatorSize, this.isSelecteds[i] ? textColor : borderColor, this.isSelecteds[i] ? 2 : 1);
Also used : IGraphicsContext( IGraphicsConfiguration( ColorEx(de.mossgrabers.framework.controller.color.ColorEx) IGraphicsDimensions(


ColorEx (de.mossgrabers.framework.controller.color.ColorEx)35 IGraphicsConfiguration ( IGraphicsContext ( IGraphicsDimensions ( IStepInfo (de.mossgrabers.framework.daw.IStepInfo)6 Color (com.bitwig.extension.api.Color)5 INoteClip (de.mossgrabers.framework.daw.INoteClip)5 GridStep ( ITrack ( IPadGrid (de.mossgrabers.framework.controller.grid.IPadGrid)4 IValueChanger (de.mossgrabers.framework.controller.valuechanger.IValueChanger)4 ITrackBank ( ButtonID (de.mossgrabers.framework.controller.ButtonID)3 IDrumDevice ( HardwareButton (com.bitwig.extension.controller.api.HardwareButton)2 HardwareLightVisualState (com.bitwig.extension.controller.api.HardwareLightVisualState)2 HardwareSurface (com.bitwig.extension.controller.api.HardwareSurface)2 InternalHardwareLightState (com.bitwig.extension.controller.api.InternalHardwareLightState)2 MultiStateHardwareLight (com.bitwig.extension.controller.api.MultiStateHardwareLight)2 HostImpl (de.mossgrabers.bitwig.framework.daw.HostImpl)2