use of in project DrivenByMoss by git-moss.
the class OptionsComponent method draw.
* {@inheritDoc}
public void draw(final IGraphicsInfo info) {
final IGraphicsContext gc = info.getContext();
final IGraphicsDimensions dimensions = info.getDimensions();
final double menuHeight = 2 * dimensions.getMenuHeight();
final IGraphicsConfiguration configuration = info.getConfiguration();
this.header.draw(info.withBounds(0, menuHeight));
final IBounds bounds = info.getBounds();
final double left = bounds.left();
final double height = bounds.height();
this.footer.draw(info.withBounds(height - menuHeight, menuHeight));
final boolean hasTopHeader = this.headerTop != null && !this.headerTop.isEmpty();
final boolean hasBottomHeader = this.headerBottom != null && !this.headerBottom.isEmpty();
if (!hasTopHeader && !hasBottomHeader)
final double headerHeight = (height - 2 * menuHeight) / 2;
final ColorEx textColor = configuration.getColorText();
if (hasTopHeader)
gc.drawTextInHeight(this.headerTop, left, menuHeight, headerHeight, textColor, headerHeight / 2.0);
if (hasBottomHeader) {
if (this.isBottomHeaderSelected)
gc.drawTextInHeight(this.headerBottom, left, menuHeight + headerHeight, headerHeight, ColorEx.calcContrastColor(textColor), textColor, headerHeight / 2.0);
gc.drawTextInHeight(this.headerBottom, left, menuHeight + headerHeight, headerHeight, textColor, headerHeight / 2.0);
use of in project DrivenByMoss by git-moss.
the class LabelComponent method draw.
* {@inheritDoc}
public void draw(final IGraphicsInfo info) {
if (this.layout == LabelLayout.SEPARATE_COLOR) {
final IGraphicsConfiguration configuration = info.getConfiguration();
final IBounds bounds = info.getBounds();
final IGraphicsDimensions dimensions = info.getDimensions();
final double separatorSize = dimensions.getSeparatorSize();
final double menuHeight = dimensions.getMenuHeight();
final ColorEx bgColor = this.getBackgroundColor(configuration);
final ColorEx textColor = ColorEx.calcContrastColor(bgColor);
if (this.text == null || this.text.length() == 0) {
if (this.layout == LabelLayout.SMALL_HEADER) {
// Remove the 2 pixels of the previous menus border line
info.getContext().fillRectangle(bounds.left() - separatorSize, menuHeight - 2, separatorSize, 1, configuration.getColorBorder());
final double left = bounds.left();
final double top =;
final double width = bounds.width();
final double height = bounds.height();
final IGraphicsContext gc = info.getContext();
if (this.layout == LabelLayout.SMALL_HEADER) {
gc.fillRectangle(left, top, width, menuHeight - 1.0, bgColor);
gc.fillRectangle(left, menuHeight - 2.0, width + separatorSize, 1, this.isSelected ? bgColor : textColor);
} else
gc.fillRectangle(left, top, width, height, bgColor);
final double unit = dimensions.getUnit();
if (this.layout == LabelLayout.SMALL_HEADER)
gc.drawTextInBounds(this.text, left, 1, width, unit + separatorSize, Align.CENTER, textColor, unit);
gc.drawTextInBounds(this.text, left, top, width, height, Align.CENTER, textColor, height / 2);