use of de.opendiabetes.vault.plugin.importer.googlecrawler.models.Coordinate in project BachelorPraktikum by lucasbuschlinger.
the class LocationHistory method refineLocations.
* Populates the activity history by fetching the location names of coordinates
* from the Google Places API.
public void refineLocations() {
for (Map.Entry<Long, List<Activity>> entry : activityHistory.entrySet()) {
List<Coordinate> coords = getLocationsPerDay(entry.getKey());
for (Activity act : entry.getValue()) {
if (act.getActivityId() == ActivityTypes.STILL || act.getActivityId() == ActivityTypes.UNKNOWN || act.getActivityId() == ActivityTypes.SLEEPING || act.getActivityId() == ActivityTypes.LIGHT_SLEEP || act.getActivityId() == ActivityTypes.DEEP_SLEEP || act.getActivityId() == ActivityTypes.REM_SLEEP || act.getActivityId() == ActivityTypes.MEDITATION) {
List<Coordinate> activityCoords = new ArrayList<>();
long startTime = act.getStartTime();
long endTime = act.getEndTime();
for (Coordinate c : coords) {
if (c.getTimestamp() >= startTime && c.getTimestamp() <= endTime) {
if (activityCoords.size() > 0) {
int threshold = activityCoords.get((int) (activityCoords.size() * 0.75)).getAccuracy();
activityCoords = -> c.getAccuracy() <= threshold).collect(Collectors.toList());
double weightedLatitude = 0;
double weightedLongitude = 0;
double weight = 0;
for (Coordinate c : activityCoords) {
weightedLatitude += c.getLatitude() * c.getAccuracy();
weightedLongitude += c.getLongitude() * c.getAccuracy();
weight += c.getAccuracy();
final double lat = weightedLatitude / weight;
final double lng = weightedLongitude / weight;
int searchRadius = DEFAULT_RADIUS;
if (searchRadius < threshold) {
searchRadius = threshold;
String place = GooglePlaces.getInstance().atOwnPlaces(lat, lng, searchRadius);
if (place.equals("AWAY")) {
place = GooglePlaces.getInstance().isAtContact(lat, lng, searchRadius);
if (place.equals("AWAY")) {
PlacesSearchResult[] results = GooglePlaces.getInstance().getPlaces(lat, lng, searchRadius);
if (results != null) {
if (results.length == 1) {
place = results[0].name;
} else {
List<PlacesSearchResult> places = extractRealLocations(results);
places.sort((PlacesSearchResult o1, PlacesSearchResult o2) -> {
double o1Distance = GooglePlaces.getInstance().calculateDistance(, o1.geometry.location.lng, lat, lng);
double o2Distance = GooglePlaces.getInstance().calculateDistance(, o2.geometry.location.lng, lat, lng);
return, o2Distance);
List<PlacesSearchResult> sportRelatedPlaces = getGymOrSportClub(places);
GoogleMapsPlot.getInstance().addLocation(new LatLng(lat, lng));
if (sportRelatedPlaces.size() == 1) {
place = sportRelatedPlaces.get(0).name;
} else {
Location location = checkForResolvedLocations(lat, lng, searchRadius * 2);
if (location != null) {
place = location.getName();
} else if (sportRelatedPlaces.size() > 1) {
conflictLocations.put(new ConflictedLocationIdentifier(act.getStartTime(), new LatLng(lat, lng)), sportRelatedPlaces);
place = "CONFLICT";
} else if (places.size() > 0) {
results = GooglePlaces.getInstance().getPlaces(lat, lng, searchRadius * 2);
places = extractRealLocations(results);
places.sort((PlacesSearchResult o1, PlacesSearchResult o2) -> {
double o1Distance = GooglePlaces.getInstance().calculateDistance(, o1.geometry.location.lng, lat, lng);
double o2Distance = GooglePlaces.getInstance().calculateDistance(, o2.geometry.location.lng, lat, lng);
return, o2Distance);
conflictLocations.put(new ConflictedLocationIdentifier(act.getStartTime(), new LatLng(lat, lng)), places);
place = "CONFLICT";
} else {
place = "UNKNOWN";
} else {
place = "UNKNOWN";
use of de.opendiabetes.vault.plugin.importer.googlecrawler.models.Coordinate in project BachelorPraktikum by lucasbuschlinger.
the class GoogleFitness method fetchLocationsPerDay.
* Fetches all locations at a specific day.
* @param day - a date as unix timestamp
private void fetchLocationsPerDay(final long day) {
long[] startEnd = getStartEndDay(day);
AggregateBy aggregate = new AggregateBy();
AggregateRequest agg = new AggregateRequest();
try {
Fitness.Users.Dataset.Aggregate request = fitnessService.users().dataset().aggregate("me", agg);
AggregateResponse rep = request.execute();
List<DataPoint> activitiesByDataSource = rep.getBucket().get(0).getDataset().get(0).getPoint();
List<Coordinate> locations = new ArrayList<>();
for (DataPoint dp : activitiesByDataSource) {
Coordinate coord = new Coordinate(dp.getStartTimeNanos() / NANO_TO_MILLISECONDS_DIVISOR, dp.getValue().get(1).getFpVal(), dp.getValue().get(0).getFpVal(), (int) Math.ceil(dp.getValue().get(2).getFpVal()));
if (dp.getValue().size() > 3) {
LocationHistory.getInstance().addLocations(startEnd[0], locations);
} catch (IOException e) {