Search in sources :

Example 46 with Post

use of in project ArTEMiS by ls1intum.

the class ProgrammingExerciseSolutionEntryResource method createBehavioralSolutionEntries.

 * POST programming-exercises/:exerciseId/behavioral-solution-entries : Create the behavioral solution entries for a programming exercise
 * @param exerciseId of the exercise
 * @return the {@link ResponseEntity} with status {@code 200} and with body the created solution entries,
public ResponseEntity<List<ProgrammingExerciseSolutionEntry>> createBehavioralSolutionEntries(@PathVariable Long exerciseId) {
    log.debug("REST request to create behavioral solution entries");
    ProgrammingExercise exercise = programmingExerciseRepository.findByIdWithTemplateAndSolutionParticipationElseThrow(exerciseId);
    authCheckService.checkHasAtLeastRoleForExerciseElseThrow(Role.EDITOR, exercise, null);
    try {
        var solutionEntries = behavioralTestCaseService.generateBehavioralSolutionEntries(exercise);
        return ResponseEntity.ok(solutionEntries);
    } catch (BehavioralSolutionEntryGenerationException e) {
        log.error("Unable to create behavioral solution entries", e);
        throw new InternalServerErrorException(e.getMessage());
Also used : ProgrammingExercise( InternalServerErrorException( BehavioralSolutionEntryGenerationException( PreAuthorize(

Example 47 with Post

use of in project ArTEMiS by ls1intum.

the class VideoUnitResource method createVideoUnit.

 * POST /lectures/:lectureId/video-units : creates a new video unit.
 * @param lectureId      the id of the lecture to which the video unit should be added
 * @param videoUnit the video unit that should be created
 * @return the ResponseEntity with status 201 (Created) and with body the new video unit
 * @throws URISyntaxException if the Location URI syntax is incorrect
public ResponseEntity<VideoUnit> createVideoUnit(@PathVariable Long lectureId, @RequestBody VideoUnit videoUnit) throws URISyntaxException {
    log.debug("REST request to create VideoUnit : {}", videoUnit);
    if (videoUnit.getId() != null) {
        throw new BadRequestException();
    Lecture lecture = lectureRepository.findByIdWithPostsAndLectureUnitsAndLearningGoalsElseThrow(lectureId);
    if (lecture.getCourse() == null) {
        throw new ConflictException("Specified lecture is not part of a course", "VideoUnit", "courseMissing");
    authorizationCheckService.checkHasAtLeastRoleInCourseElseThrow(Role.EDITOR, lecture.getCourse(), null);
    // persist lecture unit before lecture to prevent "null index column for collection" error
    videoUnit = videoUnitRepository.saveAndFlush(videoUnit);
    Lecture updatedLecture =;
    VideoUnit persistedVideoUnit = (VideoUnit) updatedLecture.getLectureUnits().get(updatedLecture.getLectureUnits().size() - 1);
    return ResponseEntity.created(new URI("/api/video-units/" + persistedVideoUnit.getId())).headers(HeaderUtil.createEntityCreationAlert(applicationName, true, ENTITY_NAME, "")).body(persistedVideoUnit);
Also used : Lecture( ConflictException( BadRequestException( VideoUnit( URI( PreAuthorize(

Example 48 with Post

use of in project ArTEMiS by ls1intum.

the class PostResource method getPostsInCourse.

 * GET /courses/{courseId}/posts : Get all posts for a course by its id
 * @param pageable                  pagination settings to fetch posts in smaller batches
 * @param pagingEnabled             flag stating whether requesting component has paging enabled or not
 * @param postContextFilter         request param for filtering posts
 * @return ResponseEntity with status 200 (OK) and with body all posts for course, that match the specified context
 * or 400 (Bad Request) if the checks on user, course or post validity fail
public ResponseEntity<List<Post>> getPostsInCourse(@ApiParam Pageable pageable, @RequestParam(defaultValue = "false") boolean pagingEnabled, PostContextFilter postContextFilter) {
    Page<Post> coursePosts = postService.getPostsInCourse(pagingEnabled, pageable, postContextFilter);
    HttpHeaders headers = PaginationUtil.generatePaginationHttpHeaders(ServletUriComponentsBuilder.fromCurrentRequest(), coursePosts);
    return new ResponseEntity<>(coursePosts.getContent(), headers, HttpStatus.OK);
Also used : HttpHeaders(org.springframework.http.HttpHeaders) ResponseEntity(org.springframework.http.ResponseEntity) Post( PreAuthorize(

Example 49 with Post

use of in project ArTEMiS by ls1intum.

the class AnswerPostService method deleteAnswerPostById.

 * Checks course and user validity,
 * determines authority to delete post and deletes the post
 * @param courseId     id of the course the answer post belongs to
 * @param answerPostId id of the answer post to delete
public void deleteAnswerPostById(Long courseId, Long answerPostId) {
    final User user = userRepository.getUserWithGroupsAndAuthorities();
    // checks
    final Course course = preCheckUserAndCourse(user, courseId);
    AnswerPost answerPost = answerPostRepository.findByIdElseThrow(answerPostId);
    mayUpdateOrDeletePostingElseThrow(answerPost, user, course);
    // delete
    // we need to explicitly remove the answer post from the answers of the broadcast post to share up-to-date information
    Post updatedPost = answerPost.getPost();
    broadcastForPost(new MetisPostDTO(updatedPost, MetisPostAction.UPDATE_POST), course);
Also used : User( AnswerPost( Post( MetisPostDTO( Course( AnswerPost(

Example 50 with Post

use of in project ArTEMiS by ls1intum.

the class AnswerPostService method createAnswerPost.

 * Checks course, user and answer post and associated post validity,
 * determines the associated post, the answer post's author,
 * sets to approved if author is at least a tutor,
 * persists the answer post, and sends a notification to affected user groups
 * @param courseId   id of the course the answer post belongs to
 * @param answerPost answer post to create
 * @return created answer post that was persisted
public AnswerPost createAnswerPost(Long courseId, AnswerPost answerPost) {
    final User user = this.userRepository.getUserWithGroupsAndAuthorities();
    // check
    if (answerPost.getId() != null) {
        throw new BadRequestAlertException("A new answer post cannot already have an ID", METIS_ANSWER_POST_ENTITY_NAME, "idexists");
    final Course course = preCheckUserAndCourse(user, courseId);
    Post post = postRepository.findByIdElseThrow(answerPost.getPost().getId());
    // use post from database rather than user input
    // set author to current user
    // on creation of an answer post, we set the resolves_post field to false per default
    AnswerPost savedAnswerPost =;
    this.preparePostAndBroadcast(savedAnswerPost, course);
    sendNotification(post, answerPost, course);
    return savedAnswerPost;
Also used : BadRequestAlertException( User( AnswerPost( Post( Course( AnswerPost(


Post ( WithMockUser ( Test (org.junit.jupiter.api.Test)136 AbstractSpringIntegrationBambooBitbucketJiraTest ( PreAuthorize ( User ( AnswerPost ( URI ( BadRequestAlertException ( Course ( Transactional (org.springframework.transaction.annotation.Transactional)37 Reaction ( Test (org.junit.Test)36 SpringBootTest (org.springframework.boot.test.context.SpringBootTest)36 Exercise ( LinkedMultiValueMap (org.springframework.util.LinkedMultiValueMap)24 Exam ( Lecture ( ProgrammingExercise ( SortingOrder (