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Example 1 with ConflictException

use of in project Artemis by ls1intum.

the class ExerciseHintResource method deleteExerciseHint.

 * {@code DELETE  exercises/:exerciseId/exercise-hints/:exerciseHintId} : delete the exerciseHint with given id.
 * @param exerciseHintId the id of the exerciseHint to delete
 * @param exerciseId the exercise id of which to delete the exercise hint
 * @return the {@link ResponseEntity} with status {@code 204 (NO_CONTENT)},
 * or with status {@code 400 (Bad Request)} if the exerciseHint is a codeHint,
 * or with status {@code 409 (Conflict)} if the exerciseId is not valid.
public ResponseEntity<Void> deleteExerciseHint(@PathVariable Long exerciseId, @PathVariable Long exerciseHintId) {
    log.debug("REST request to delete ExerciseHint : {}", exerciseHintId);
    ProgrammingExercise exercise = programmingExerciseRepository.findByIdElseThrow(exerciseId);
    authCheckService.checkHasAtLeastRoleForExerciseElseThrow(Role.EDITOR, exercise, null);
    var exerciseHint = exerciseHintRepository.findByIdElseThrow(exerciseHintId);
    if (exerciseHint instanceof CodeHint) {
        throw new BadRequestAlertException("A code hint cannot be deleted manually.", CODE_HINT_ENTITY_NAME, "manualCodeHintOperation");
    if (!exerciseHint.getExercise().getId().equals(exerciseId)) {
        throw new ConflictException("An exercise hint can only be deleted if the exerciseIds match.", EXERCISE_HINT_ENTITY_NAME, "exerciseIdsMismatch");
    return ResponseEntity.noContent().headers(HeaderUtil.createEntityDeletionAlert(applicationName, true, EXERCISE_HINT_ENTITY_NAME, exerciseHintId.toString())).build();
Also used : BadRequestAlertException( ConflictException( ProgrammingExercise( CodeHint( PreAuthorize(

Example 2 with ConflictException

use of in project ArTEMiS by ls1intum.

the class ExerciseHintResource method deleteExerciseHint.

 * {@code DELETE  exercises/:exerciseId/exercise-hints/:exerciseHintId} : delete the exerciseHint with given id.
 * @param exerciseHintId the id of the exerciseHint to delete
 * @param exerciseId the exercise id of which to delete the exercise hint
 * @return the {@link ResponseEntity} with status {@code 204 (NO_CONTENT)},
 * or with status {@code 400 (Bad Request)} if the exerciseHint is a codeHint,
 * or with status {@code 409 (Conflict)} if the exerciseId is not valid.
public ResponseEntity<Void> deleteExerciseHint(@PathVariable Long exerciseId, @PathVariable Long exerciseHintId) {
    log.debug("REST request to delete ExerciseHint : {}", exerciseHintId);
    ProgrammingExercise exercise = programmingExerciseRepository.findByIdElseThrow(exerciseId);
    authCheckService.checkHasAtLeastRoleForExerciseElseThrow(Role.EDITOR, exercise, null);
    var exerciseHint = exerciseHintRepository.findByIdElseThrow(exerciseHintId);
    if (exerciseHint instanceof CodeHint) {
        throw new BadRequestAlertException("A code hint cannot be deleted manually.", CODE_HINT_ENTITY_NAME, "manualCodeHintOperation");
    if (!exerciseHint.getExercise().getId().equals(exerciseId)) {
        throw new ConflictException("An exercise hint can only be deleted if the exerciseIds match.", EXERCISE_HINT_ENTITY_NAME, "exerciseIdsMismatch");
    return ResponseEntity.noContent().headers(HeaderUtil.createEntityDeletionAlert(applicationName, true, EXERCISE_HINT_ENTITY_NAME, exerciseHintId.toString())).build();
Also used : BadRequestAlertException( ConflictException( ProgrammingExercise( CodeHint( PreAuthorize(

Example 3 with ConflictException

use of in project ArTEMiS by ls1intum.

the class ApollonDiagramResource method updateApollonDiagram.

 * PUT /course/{courseId}/apollon-diagrams : Updates an existing apollonDiagram.
 * @param apollonDiagram the apollonDiagram to update
 * @param courseId the id of the current course
 * @return the ResponseEntity with status 200 (OK) and with body the updated apollonDiagram, or with status 201 (CREATED) if the apollonDiagram has not been created before, or with status
 *         500 (Internal Server Error) if the apollonDiagram couldn't be updated
 * @throws URISyntaxException if the Location URI syntax is incorrect
public ResponseEntity<ApollonDiagram> updateApollonDiagram(@RequestBody ApollonDiagram apollonDiagram, @PathVariable Long courseId) throws URISyntaxException {
    log.debug("REST request to update ApollonDiagram : {}", apollonDiagram);
    if (apollonDiagram.getId() == null) {
        return createApollonDiagram(apollonDiagram, courseId);
    if (!Objects.equals(apollonDiagram.getCourseId(), courseId)) {
        throw new ConflictException("Specified course id does not match request payload", "ApollonDiagram", "courseMismatch");
    Course course = courseRepository.findByIdElseThrow(courseId);
    authCheckService.checkHasAtLeastRoleInCourseElseThrow(Role.TEACHING_ASSISTANT, course, null);
    ApollonDiagram result =;
    return ResponseEntity.ok().headers(HeaderUtil.createEntityUpdateAlert(applicationName, true, ENTITY_NAME, apollonDiagram.getId().toString())).body(result);
Also used : ConflictException( Course( ApollonDiagram( PreAuthorize(

Example 4 with ConflictException

use of in project ArTEMiS by ls1intum.

the class AttachmentUnitResource method getAttachmentUnit.

 * GET /lectures/:lectureId/attachment-units/:attachmentUnitId : gets the attachment unit with the specified id
 * @param attachmentUnitId the id of the attachmentUnit to retrieve
 * @param lectureId the id of the lecture to which the unit belongs
 * @return the ResponseEntity with status 200 (OK) and with body the attachment unit, or with status 404 (Not Found)
public ResponseEntity<AttachmentUnit> getAttachmentUnit(@PathVariable Long attachmentUnitId, @PathVariable Long lectureId) {
    log.debug("REST request to get AttachmentUnit : {}", attachmentUnitId);
    AttachmentUnit attachmentUnit = attachmentUnitRepository.findByIdElseThrow(attachmentUnitId);
    if (attachmentUnit.getLecture() == null || attachmentUnit.getLecture().getCourse() == null) {
        throw new ConflictException("Lecture unit must be associated to a lecture of a course", "AttachmentUnit", "lectureOrCourseMissing");
    if (!attachmentUnit.getLecture().getId().equals(lectureId)) {
        throw new ConflictException("Requested lecture unit is not part of the specified lecture", "AttachmentUnit", "lectureIdMismatch");
    authorizationCheckService.checkHasAtLeastRoleInCourseElseThrow(Role.EDITOR, attachmentUnit.getLecture().getCourse(), null);
    return ResponseEntity.ok().body(attachmentUnit);
Also used : ConflictException( AttachmentUnit( PreAuthorize(

Example 5 with ConflictException

use of in project ArTEMiS by ls1intum.

the class ExerciseUnitResource method getAllExerciseUnitsOfLecture.

 * GET /lectures/:lectureId/exercise-units : gets the exercise units associated with a lecture
 * @param lectureId the id of the lecture to get the exercise-units for
 * @return the ResponseEntity with status 200 (OK) and with body the found exercise units
public ResponseEntity<List<ExerciseUnit>> getAllExerciseUnitsOfLecture(@PathVariable Long lectureId) {
    log.debug("REST request to get all exercise units for lecture : {}", lectureId);
    Lecture lecture = lectureRepository.findByIdWithPostsAndLectureUnitsAndLearningGoalsElseThrow(lectureId);
    if (lecture.getCourse() == null) {
        throw new ConflictException("Specified lecture is not part of a course", "ExerciseUnit", "courseMissing");
    authorizationCheckService.checkHasAtLeastRoleForLectureElseThrow(Role.EDITOR, lecture, null);
    List<ExerciseUnit> exerciseUnitsOfLecture = exerciseUnitRepository.findByLectureId(lectureId);
    return ResponseEntity.ok().body(exerciseUnitsOfLecture);
Also used : Lecture( ExerciseUnit( ConflictException( PreAuthorize(


ConflictException ( PreAuthorize ( ProgrammingExercise ( BadRequestAlertException ( URI ( Lecture ( AccessForbiddenException ( BadRequestException ( Exam ( StudentExam ( CodeHint ( ProgrammingExerciseSolutionEntry ( AttachmentUnit ( ExerciseUnit ( Course ( ExerciseGroup ( TextUnit ( EntityNotFoundException ( Exercise ( ProgrammingExerciseTestCase (