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Example 1 with Participation

use of in project Artemis by ls1intum.

the class RepositoryResource method pullChanges.

 * Pull into the participation repository.
 * @param domainId that serves as an abstract identifier for retrieving the repository.
 * @return ResponseEntity with appropriate status (e.g. ok or forbidden).
public ResponseEntity<Void> pullChanges(Long domainId) {
    log.debug("REST request to commit Repository for domainId : {}", domainId);
    return executeAndCheckForExceptions(() -> {
        Repository repository = getRepository(domainId, RepositoryActionType.READ, true);
        return new ResponseEntity<>(HttpStatus.OK);
Also used : UserRepository( ProgrammingExerciseRepository( ResponseEntity(org.springframework.http.ResponseEntity)

Example 2 with Participation

use of in project Artemis by ls1intum.

the class QuizSubmissionWebsocketService method saveSubmission.

// TODO it would be nice to have some kind of startQuiz call that creates the participation with an initialization date. This should happen when the quiz is first shown
// to the user. Then we also could find out how long students work on the quiz on average
 * Saves a quiz submission into the hash maps. Submitted quizzes are marked to be saved into the database in the QuizScheduleService
 * @param exerciseId     the exerciseID to the corresponding QuizExercise
 * @param quizSubmission the submission which should be saved
 * @param principal      refers to the user who initiated the request
public void saveSubmission(@DestinationVariable Long exerciseId, @Payload QuizSubmission quizSubmission, Principal principal) {
    // Without this, custom jpa repository methods don't work in websocket channel.
    String username = principal.getName();
    try {
        QuizSubmission updatedQuizSubmission = quizSubmissionService.saveSubmissionForLiveMode(exerciseId, quizSubmission, username, false);
    // send updated submission over websocket (use a thread to prevent that the outbound channel blocks the inbound channel (e.g. due a slow client))
    // to improve the performance, this is currently deactivated: slow clients might lead to bottlenecks so that more important messages can not be distributed any more
    // new Thread(() -> sendSubmissionToUser(username, exerciseId, quizSubmission)).start();
    //"WS.Inbound: Sent quiz submission (async) back to user {} in quiz {} after {} µs ", principal.getName(), exerciseId, (System.nanoTime() - start) / 1000);
    } catch (QuizSubmissionException ex) {
        // send error message over websocket (use a thread to prevent that the outbound channel blocks the inbound channel (e.g. due a slow client))
        new Thread(() -> messagingTemplate.convertAndSendToUser(username, "/topic/quizExercise/" + exerciseId + "/submission", new WebsocketError(ex.getMessage()))).start();
Also used : QuizSubmission( QuizSubmissionException( MessageMapping(org.springframework.messaging.handler.annotation.MessageMapping)

Example 3 with Participation

use of in project Artemis by ls1intum.

the class AbstractContinuousIntegrationService method createFallbackSubmission.

 * There can be two reasons for the case that there is no programmingSubmission:
 * 1) Manual build triggered from CI (e.g. by the instructor)
 * 2) An unknown error that caused the programming submission not to be created when the code commits have been pushed.
 * we can still get the commit hash from the payload of the CI build result and "reverse engineer" the programming submission object to be consistent
protected ProgrammingSubmission createFallbackSubmission(ProgrammingExerciseParticipation participation, ZonedDateTime submissionDate, String commitHash) {
    ProgrammingSubmission submission = new ProgrammingSubmission();
    submission.setParticipation((Participation) participation);
    // We set this to manual because all programming submissions should correspond to a student commit in the git history.
    // In case we cannot find the appropriate submission, it means something has not worked before, but there will still be a commit in the student repository
    return submission;
Also used : ProgrammingSubmission( NotNull(javax.validation.constraints.NotNull)

Example 4 with Participation

use of in project Artemis by ls1intum.

the class LearningGoalService method calculateLearningGoalCourseProgress.

 * Calculate the progress in a learning goal for a whole course
 * @param useParticipantScoreTable use the participant score table instead of going through participation -> submission -> result
 * @param learningGoal             learning goal to get the progress for
 * @return progress of the course in the learning goal
public CourseLearningGoalProgress calculateLearningGoalCourseProgress(LearningGoal learningGoal, boolean useParticipantScoreTable) {
    CourseLearningGoalProgress courseLearningGoalProgress = new CourseLearningGoalProgress();
    courseLearningGoalProgress.courseId = learningGoal.getCourse().getId();
    courseLearningGoalProgress.learningGoalId = learningGoal.getId();
    courseLearningGoalProgress.learningGoalTitle = learningGoal.getTitle();
    courseLearningGoalProgress.totalPointsAchievableByStudentsInLearningGoal = 0.0;
    courseLearningGoalProgress.averagePointsAchievedByStudentInLearningGoal = 0.0;
    // The progress will be calculated from a subset of the connected lecture units (currently only from released exerciseUnits)
    List<ExerciseUnit> exerciseUnitsUsableForProgressCalculation = learningGoal.getLectureUnits().parallelStream().filter(LectureUnit::isVisibleToStudents).filter(lectureUnit -> lectureUnit instanceof ExerciseUnit).map(lectureUnit -> (ExerciseUnit) lectureUnit).collect(Collectors.toList());
    Set<CourseLearningGoalProgress.CourseLectureUnitProgress> progressInLectureUnits = this.calculateExerciseUnitsProgressForCourse(exerciseUnitsUsableForProgressCalculation, useParticipantScoreTable);
    // updating learningGoalPerformance by summing up the points of the individual lecture unit progress
    courseLearningGoalProgress.totalPointsAchievableByStudentsInLearningGoal = -> lectureUnitProgress.totalPointsAchievableByStudentsInLectureUnit).reduce(0.0, Double::sum);
    courseLearningGoalProgress.averagePointsAchievedByStudentInLearningGoal = -> (lectureUnitProgress.averageScoreAchievedByStudentInLectureUnit / 100.0) * lectureUnitProgress.totalPointsAchievableByStudentsInLectureUnit).reduce(0.0, Double::sum);
    courseLearningGoalProgress.progressInLectureUnits = new ArrayList<>(progressInLectureUnits);
    return courseLearningGoalProgress;
Also used : java.util(java.util) TeamScore( StudentScore( Collectors( CourseLearningGoalProgress( Stream( LectureUnit( Service(org.springframework.stereotype.Service) ExerciseUnit( CourseExerciseStatisticsDTO( StudentParticipation( ParticipantScore( IndividualLearningGoalProgress( CourseLearningGoalProgress( ExerciseUnit(

Example 5 with Participation

use of in project Artemis by ls1intum.

the class QuizScheduleService method removeUnnecessaryObjectsBeforeSendingToClient.

private void removeUnnecessaryObjectsBeforeSendingToClient(StudentParticipation participation) {
    if (participation.getExercise() != null) {
        var quizExercise = (QuizExercise) participation.getExercise();
        // we do not need the course and lectures
    // students should not see statistics
    // TODO: this would be useful, but leads to problems when the quiz schedule service wants to access the statistics again later on
    // quizExercise.setQuizPointStatistic(null);
    // quizExercise.getQuizQuestions().forEach(quizQuestion -> quizQuestion.setQuizQuestionStatistic(null));
    // submissions are part of results, so we do not need them twice
    if (participation.getResults() != null && participation.getResults().size() > 0) {
        QuizSubmission quizSubmission = (QuizSubmission) participation.getResults().iterator().next().getSubmission();
        if (quizSubmission != null && quizSubmission.getSubmittedAnswers() != null) {
            for (SubmittedAnswer submittedAnswer : quizSubmission.getSubmittedAnswers()) {
                if (submittedAnswer.getQuizQuestion() != null) {
                    // we do not need all information of the questions again, they are already stored in the exercise
                    var question = submittedAnswer.getQuizQuestion();
Also used : QuizSubmission( SubmittedAnswer( QuizExercise(


StudentParticipation ( WithMockUser ( Test (org.junit.jupiter.api.Test)124 ProgrammingExerciseStudentParticipation ( Participation ( ParameterizedTest (org.junit.jupiter.params.ParameterizedTest)50 ZonedDateTime (java.time.ZonedDateTime)47 ModelingSubmission ( PreAuthorize ( ModelingExercise ( EntityNotFoundException ( AbstractSpringIntegrationBambooBitbucketJiraTest ( QuizExercise ( TextPlagiarismResult ( Collectors ( HttpHeaders (org.springframework.http.HttpHeaders)34 ( Result ( Exam ( ModelingPlagiarismResult (