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Example 81 with StudentParticipation

use of in project Artemis by ls1intum.

the class CompassService method getAutomaticResultForSubmission.

 * Get the result of the given modeling submission. If the given submission already contains a manual result, this result is returned. Otherwise, it tries to load and return
 * the result for the submission from the hash map containing all automatic results. If no result could be found in the hash map, a new result is created for the given
 * submission.
 * @param modelingSubmission the submission for which the result should be obtained
 * @return the result of the given submission either obtained from the submission or the semi-automatic result map, or a newly created one if it does not exist already
private Result getAutomaticResultForSubmission(ModelingSubmission modelingSubmission) {
    Result result = modelingSubmission.getLatestResult();
    if (result == null || AssessmentType.MANUAL != result.getAssessmentType()) {
        if (result == null) {
            StudentParticipation studentParticipation = (StudentParticipation) modelingSubmission.getParticipation();
            result = new Result().submission(modelingSubmission).participation(studentParticipation);
        return result;
    return null;
Also used : StudentParticipation( Result(

Example 82 with StudentParticipation

use of in project Artemis by ls1intum.

the class QuizSubmissionService method saveSubmissionForExamMode.

 * Updates a submission for the exam mode
 * @param quizExercise      the quiz exercise for which the submission for the exam mode should be done
 * @param quizSubmission    the quiz submission includes the submitted answers by the student
 * @param user              the student who wants to submit the quiz during the exam
 * @return                  the updated quiz submission after it has been saved to the database
public QuizSubmission saveSubmissionForExamMode(QuizExercise quizExercise, QuizSubmission quizSubmission, String user) {
    // update submission properties
    Optional<StudentParticipation> optionalParticipation = participationService.findOneByExerciseAndStudentLoginAnyState(quizExercise, user);
    if (optionalParticipation.isEmpty()) {
        log.warn("The participation for quiz exercise {}, quiz submission {} and user {} was not found", quizExercise.getId(), quizSubmission.getId(), user);
        // TODO: think of better way to handle failure
        throw new EntityNotFoundException("Participation for quiz exercise " + quizExercise.getId() + " and quiz submission " + quizSubmission.getId() + " for user " + user + " was not found!");
    StudentParticipation studentParticipation = optionalParticipation.get();
    // remove result from submission (in the unlikely case it is passed here), so that students cannot inject a result
    quizSubmission.setResults(new ArrayList<>());;
    // versioning of submission
    try {
        submissionVersionService.saveVersionForIndividual(quizSubmission, user);
    } catch (Exception ex) {
        log.error("Quiz submission version could not be saved", ex);
    log.debug("submit exam quiz finished: {}", quizSubmission);
    return quizSubmission;
Also used : EntityNotFoundException( StudentParticipation( QuizSubmissionException( EntityNotFoundException(

Example 83 with StudentParticipation

use of in project Artemis by ls1intum.

the class ScoreService method createNewStudentScore.

private void createNewStudentScore(Result newResult, StudentParticipation studentParticipation, Exercise exercise) {
    StudentScore newStudentScore = new StudentScore();
    setLastAttributes(newStudentScore, newResult, exercise);
    if (newResult.isRated() != null && newResult.isRated()) {
        setLastRatedAttributes(newStudentScore, newResult, exercise);
    StudentScore studentScore = studentScoreRepository.saveAndFlush(newStudentScore);"Saved a new student score: " + studentScore);
Also used : StudentScore(

Example 84 with StudentParticipation

use of in project Artemis by ls1intum.

the class ScoreService method updateOrCreateParticipantScore.

 * Either updates an existing participant score or creates a new participant score if a new result comes in
 * The annotation "@Transactional" is ok because it means that this method does not support run in an outer transactional context, instead the outer transaction is paused
 * @param createdOrUpdatedResult newly created or updated result
// ok (see JavaDoc)
@Transactional(propagation = Propagation.NOT_SUPPORTED)
public void updateOrCreateParticipantScore(Result createdOrUpdatedResult) {
    if (createdOrUpdatedResult.getScore() == null || createdOrUpdatedResult.getCompletionDate() == null) {
    // There is a deadlock problem with programming exercises here if we use the participation from the result (reason unknown at the moment)
    // therefore we get the participation from the database
    Optional<StudentParticipation> studentParticipationOptional = getStudentParticipationForResult(createdOrUpdatedResult);
    if (studentParticipationOptional.isEmpty()) {
    StudentParticipation studentParticipation = studentParticipationOptional.get();
    // we ignore test runs of exams
    if (studentParticipation.isTestRun()) {
    Exercise exercise = studentParticipation.getExercise();
    ParticipantScore existingParticipationScoreForExerciseAndParticipant = getExistingParticipationScore(studentParticipation, exercise);
    // there already exists a participant score -> we need to update it
    if (existingParticipationScoreForExerciseAndParticipant != null) {
        updateExistingParticipantScore(existingParticipationScoreForExerciseAndParticipant, createdOrUpdatedResult, exercise);
    } else {
        // there does not already exist a participant score -> we need to create it
        createNewParticipantScore(createdOrUpdatedResult, studentParticipation, exercise);
Also used : ParticipantScore( StudentParticipation( Transactional(org.springframework.transaction.annotation.Transactional)

Example 85 with StudentParticipation

use of in project Artemis by ls1intum.

the class ScoreService method getExistingParticipationScore.

 * Gets the existing participation score for an exercise and a participant or null if none can be found
 * @param studentParticipation participation containing the information about the participant
 * @param exercise             exercise for which to find the participation score of the participant
 * @return existing participation score or null if none can be found
private ParticipantScore getExistingParticipationScore(StudentParticipation studentParticipation, Exercise exercise) {
    ParticipantScore existingParticipationScoreForExerciseAndParticipant = null;
    if (exercise.isTeamMode()) {
        Team team = studentParticipation.getTeam().get();
        Optional<TeamScore> teamScoreOptional = teamScoreRepository.findTeamScoreByExerciseAndTeam(exercise, team);
        if (teamScoreOptional.isPresent()) {
            existingParticipationScoreForExerciseAndParticipant = teamScoreOptional.get();
    } else {
        User user = studentParticipation.getStudent().get();
        Optional<StudentScore> studentScoreOptional = studentScoreRepository.findStudentScoreByExerciseAndUser(exercise, user);
        if (studentScoreOptional.isPresent()) {
            existingParticipationScoreForExerciseAndParticipant = studentScoreOptional.get();
    return existingParticipationScoreForExerciseAndParticipant;
Also used : ParticipantScore( StudentScore( TeamScore(


StudentParticipation ( Test (org.junit.jupiter.api.Test)118 WithMockUser ( ModelingSubmission ( ModelingExercise ( ProgrammingExerciseStudentParticipation ( ZonedDateTime (java.time.ZonedDateTime)44 QuizExercise ( EntityNotFoundException ( AbstractSpringIntegrationBambooBitbucketJiraTest ( ParameterizedTest (org.junit.jupiter.params.ParameterizedTest)36 Exam ( PreAuthorize ( TextPlagiarismResult ( ( ModelingPlagiarismResult ( ( StudentExam ( Participation ( Collectors (