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Example 1 with BambooException

use of in project ArTEMiS by ls1intum.

the class BambooService method deletePlan.

 * Deletes the given plan.
 * @param projectKey
 * @param planKey
 * @return
public String deletePlan(String projectKey, String planKey) {
    try {"Delete build plan " + projectKey + "-" + planKey);
        String message = getBambooClient().getPlanHelper().deletePlan(projectKey + "-" + planKey);"Delete build plan was successful. " + message);
        return message;
    } catch (CliClient.ClientException | CliClient.RemoteRestException e) {
        log.error(e.getMessage(), e);
        throw new BambooException("Something went wrong while deleting the build plan", e);
Also used : BambooException(

Example 2 with BambooException

use of in project ArTEMiS by ls1intum.

the class BambooService method updatePlanRepository.

 * Updates the configured repository for a given plan to the given Bitbucket Server repository.
 * @param bambooProject        The key of the Bamboo plan's project, e.g. 'EIST16W1'.
 * @param bambooPlan           The plan key, which is usually the name, e.g. 'ga56hur'.
 * @param bambooRepositoryName The name of the configured repository in the Bamboo plan.
 * @param bitbucketProject     The key for the Bitbucket Server (formerly Stash) project to which we want to update the plan.
 * @param bitbucketRepository  The name/slug for the Bitbucket Server (formerly Stash) repository to which we want to update the plan.
public String updatePlanRepository(String bambooProject, String bambooPlan, String bambooRepositoryName, String bitbucketProject, String bitbucketRepository) throws BambooException {
    final BambooClient bambooClient = new BambooClient();
    String[] args = new String[] { "--field1", "repository.stash.projectKey", "--value1", bitbucketProject, // Doesn't seem to be required
    "--field2", // Doesn't seem to be required
    "repository.stash.repositoryId", // Doesn't seem to be required
    "--value2", // Doesn't seem to be required
    "2499", "--field3", "repository.stash.repositorySlug", "--value3", bitbucketRepository, // e.g. "ssh://"
    "--field4", // e.g. "ssh://"
    "repository.stash.repositoryUrl", // e.g. "ssh://"
    "--value4", // e.g. "ssh://"
    buildSshRepositoryUrl(bitbucketProject, bitbucketRepository), "--field5", "repository.stash.server", "--value5", BITBUCKET_APPLICATION_LINK_ID, "--field6", "repository.stash.branch", "--value6", "master", "-s", BAMBOO_SERVER_URL.toString(), "--user", BAMBOO_USER, "--password", BAMBOO_PASSWORD };
    // workaround to pass additional fields
    try {"Update plan repository for build plan " + bambooProject + "-" + bambooPlan);
        String message = bambooClient.getRepositoryHelper().addOrUpdateRepository(bambooRepositoryName, null, null, bambooProject + "-" + bambooPlan, "STASH", null, false, true, true);"Update plan repository for build plan " + bambooProject + "-" + bambooPlan + " was successful." + message);
        return message;
    } catch (CliClient.ClientException | CliClient.RemoteRestException e) {
        log.error(e.getMessage(), e);
        throw new BambooException("Something went wrong while updating the plan repository", e);
Also used : BambooException( BambooClient(org.swift.bamboo.cli.BambooClient)

Example 3 with BambooException

use of in project ArTEMiS by ls1intum.

the class BambooService method clonePlan.

 * Clones an existing Bamboo plan.
 * @param baseProject The Bamboo project in which the plan is contained.
 * @param basePlan    The plan's name.
 * @param name        The name to give the cloned plan.
 * @return            The name of the new build plan
public String clonePlan(String baseProject, String basePlan, String name) throws BambooException {
    String toPlan = baseProject + "-" + name;
    try {"Clone build plan " + baseProject + "-" + basePlan + " to " + toPlan);
        String message = getBambooClient().getPlanHelper().clonePlan(baseProject + "-" + basePlan, toPlan, toPlan, "", "", true);"Clone build plan " + toPlan + " was successful." + message);
    } catch (CliClient.ClientException clientException) {
        log.error(clientException.getMessage(), clientException);
        if (clientException.getMessage().contains("already exists")) {
            throw new BambooException(clientException.getMessage());
    } catch (CliClient.RemoteRestException e) {
        log.error(e.getMessage(), e);
        throw new BambooException("Something went wrong while cloning build plan", e);
    return toPlan;
Also used : BambooException( CliClient(org.swift.common.cli.CliClient)

Example 4 with BambooException

use of in project ArTEMiS by ls1intum.

the class ExerciseService method cleanup.

 * Delete build plans (except BASE) and optionally repositores of all exercise participations.
 * @param id id of the exercise for which build plans in respective participations are deleted
public cleanup(Long id, boolean deleteRepositories) throws {
    Exercise exercise = findOneLoadParticipations(id);"Request to cleanup all participations for Exercise : {}", exercise.getTitle());
    List<Repository> studentRepositories = new ArrayList<>();
    Path finalZipFilePath = null;
    if (Optional.ofNullable(exercise).isPresent() && exercise instanceof ProgrammingExercise) {
        exercise.getParticipations().forEach(participation -> {
            if (participation.getBuildPlanId() != null) {
                // ignore participations without build plan id
                try {
                } catch (BambooException ex) {
                    if (ex.getCause() != null) {
            if (deleteRepositories == true && participation.getRepositoryUrl() != null) {
                // ignore participations without repository URL
                try {
                    // 1. clone the repository
                    Repository repo = gitService.get().getOrCheckoutRepository(participation);
                    // 2. collect the repo file
                } catch (GitAPIException | IOException ex) {
                    log.error("Archiving and deleting the repository " + participation.getRepositoryUrlAsUrl() + " did not work as expected", ex);
        if (deleteRepositories == false) {
            // in this case, we are done
            return null;
        if (studentRepositories.isEmpty()) {
  "No student repositories have been found.");
            return null;
        // from here on, deleteRepositories is true and does not need to be evaluated again"Create zip file for all repositories");
        finalZipFilePath = Paths.get("zippedRepos", exercise.getCourse().getTitle() + " " + exercise.getTitle() + " Student");
        zipAllRepositories(studentRepositories, finalZipFilePath);
        exercise.getParticipations().forEach(participation -> {
            if (participation.getRepositoryUrl() != null) {
                // ignore participations without repository URL
                try {
                    // 3. delete the locally cloned repo again
                } catch (IOException e) {
                    log.error("Archiving and deleting the repository " + participation.getRepositoryUrlAsUrl() + " did not work as expected", e);
                // 4. finally delete the repository on the VC Server
        scheduleForDeletion(finalZipFilePath, 300);
    } else {"Exercise with id {} is not an instance of ProgrammingExercise. Ignoring the request to cleanup repositories and build plan", id);
        return null;
    return new;
Also used : Path(java.nio.file.Path) GitAPIException(org.eclipse.jgit.api.errors.GitAPIException) ExerciseRepository( BambooException( IOException( Transactional(org.springframework.transaction.annotation.Transactional)

Example 5 with BambooException

use of in project ArTEMiS by ls1intum.

the class BambooService method enablePlan.

 * Enables the given build plan.
 * @param projectKey
 * @param planKey
 * @return
public String enablePlan(String projectKey, String planKey) throws BambooException {
    try {"Enable build plan " + projectKey + "-" + planKey);
        String message = getBambooClient().getPlanHelper().enablePlan(projectKey + "-" + planKey, true);"Enable build plan " + projectKey + "-" + planKey + " was successful. " + message);
        return message;
    } catch (CliClient.ClientException | CliClient.RemoteRestException e) {
        log.error(e.getMessage(), e);
        throw new BambooException("Something went wrong while enabling the build plan", e);
Also used : BambooException(


BambooException ( IOException ( GitAPIException (org.eclipse.jgit.api.errors.GitAPIException)2 GitException ( ExerciseRepository ( MalformedURLException ( Path (java.nio.file.Path)1 Matcher (java.util.regex.Matcher)1 Pattern (java.util.regex.Pattern)1 HttpEntity (org.springframework.http.HttpEntity)1 HttpHeaders (org.springframework.http.HttpHeaders)1 Transactional (org.springframework.transaction.annotation.Transactional)1 RestTemplate (org.springframework.web.client.RestTemplate)1 BambooClient (org.swift.bamboo.cli.BambooClient)1 CliClient (org.swift.common.cli.CliClient)1