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Example 1 with VersionControlException

use of in project Artemis by ls1intum.

the class BitbucketUserManagementService method createVcsUser.

 * Creates a new user in the VCS based on a local Artemis user. Should be called if Artemis handles user creation
 * and management
 * @param user The local Artemis user, which will be available in the VCS after invoking this method
public void createVcsUser(User user) throws VersionControlException {
    if (!user.isInternal()) {
    if (bitbucketService.userExists(user.getLogin())) {
        log.debug("Bitbucket user {} already exists", user.getLogin());
    log.debug("Bitbucket user {} does not exist yet", user.getLogin());
    String displayName = user.getName().trim();
    bitbucketService.createUser(user.getLogin(), passwordService.decryptPasswordByLogin(user.getLogin()).get(), user.getEmail(), displayName);
    try {
        // NOTE: we need to fetch the user here again to make sure that the groups are not lazy loaded.
        User repoUser = userRepository.getUserWithGroupsAndAuthorities(user.getLogin());
        bitbucketService.addUserToGroups(repoUser.getLogin(), repoUser.getGroups());
    } catch (BitbucketException e) {
             * This might throw exceptions, for example if the group does not exist on Bitbucket. We can safely ignore them.
Also used : User( BitbucketException(

Example 2 with VersionControlException

use of in project ArTEMiS by ls1intum.

the class BitbucketUserManagementService method createVcsUser.

 * Creates a new user in the VCS based on a local Artemis user. Should be called if Artemis handles user creation
 * and management
 * @param user The local Artemis user, which will be available in the VCS after invoking this method
 * @param password the password of the user to be set
public void createVcsUser(User user, String password) throws VersionControlException {
    if (!user.isInternal()) {
    if (bitbucketService.userExists(user.getLogin())) {
        log.debug("Bitbucket user {} already exists", user.getLogin());
    log.debug("Bitbucket user {} does not exist yet", user.getLogin());
    String displayName = user.getName() != null ? user.getName().trim() : null;
    bitbucketService.createUser(user.getLogin(), password, user.getEmail(), displayName);
    try {
        // NOTE: we need to fetch the user here again to make sure that the groups are not lazy loaded.
        User repoUser = userRepository.getUserWithGroupsAndAuthorities(user.getLogin());
        bitbucketService.addUserToGroups(repoUser.getLogin(), repoUser.getGroups());
    } catch (BitbucketException e) {
             * This might throw exceptions, for example if the group does not exist on Bitbucket. We can safely ignore them.
Also used : User( BitbucketException(

Example 3 with VersionControlException

use of in project Artemis by ls1intum.

the class BitbucketUserManagementService method createVcsUser.

 * Creates a new user in the VCS based on a local Artemis user. Should be called if Artemis handles user creation
 * and management
 * @param user The local Artemis user, which will be available in the VCS after invoking this method
 * @param password the password of the user to be set
public void createVcsUser(User user, String password) throws VersionControlException {
    if (!user.isInternal()) {
    if (bitbucketService.userExists(user.getLogin())) {
        log.debug("Bitbucket user {} already exists", user.getLogin());
    log.debug("Bitbucket user {} does not exist yet", user.getLogin());
    String displayName = user.getName() != null ? user.getName().trim() : null;
    bitbucketService.createUser(user.getLogin(), password, user.getEmail(), displayName);
    try {
        // NOTE: we need to fetch the user here again to make sure that the groups are not lazy loaded.
        User repoUser = userRepository.getUserWithGroupsAndAuthorities(user.getLogin());
        bitbucketService.addUserToGroups(repoUser.getLogin(), repoUser.getGroups());
    } catch (BitbucketException e) {
             * This might throw exceptions, for example if the group does not exist on Bitbucket. We can safely ignore them.
Also used : User( BitbucketException(

Example 4 with VersionControlException

use of in project ArTEMiS by ls1intum.

the class UserService method registerUser.

 * Register user and create it only in the internal Artemis database. This is a pure service method without any logic with respect to external systems.
 * @param userDTO  user data transfer object
 * @param password string
 * @return newly registered user or throw registration exception
public User registerUser(UserDTO userDTO, String password) {
    // Prepare the new user object.
    final var newUser = new User();
    String passwordHash = passwordService.hashPassword(password);
    // new user gets initially a generated password
    // new user is not active
    // registered users are always internal
    // new user gets registration key
    Set<Authority> authorities = new HashSet<>();
    // Find user that has the same login
    Optional<User> optionalExistingUser = userRepository.findOneWithGroupsByLogin(userDTO.getLogin().toLowerCase());
    if (optionalExistingUser.isPresent()) {
        User existingUser = optionalExistingUser.get();
        return handleRegisterUserWithSameLoginAsExistingUser(newUser, existingUser, password);
    // Find user that has the same email
    optionalExistingUser = userRepository.findOneWithGroupsByEmailIgnoreCase(userDTO.getEmail());
    if (optionalExistingUser.isPresent()) {
        User existingUser = optionalExistingUser.get();
        // An account with the same login is already activated.
        if (existingUser.getActivated()) {
            throw new EmailAlreadyUsedException();
        // account with a different email. Block this.
        throw new AccountRegistrationBlockedException(newUser.getEmail());
    // we need to save first so that the user can be found in the database in the subsequent method
    User savedNonActivatedUser = saveUser(newUser);
    // Create an account on the VCS. If it fails, abort registration.
    optionalVcsUserManagementService.ifPresent(vcsUserManagementService -> {
        try {
            vcsUserManagementService.createVcsUser(savedNonActivatedUser, password);
        } catch (VersionControlException e) {
            log.error("An error occurred while registering GitLab user " + savedNonActivatedUser.getLogin() + ":", e);
            throw e;
    // Automatically remove the user if it wasn't activated after a certain amount of time.
    log.debug("Created Information for User: {}", newUser);
    return newUser;
Also used : User( Authority( EmailAlreadyUsedException(

Example 5 with VersionControlException

use of in project Artemis by ls1intum.

the class UserService method registerUser.

 * Register user and create it only in the internal Artemis database. This is a pure service method without any logic with respect to external systems.
 * @param userDTO  user data transfer object
 * @param password string
 * @return newly registered user or throw registration exception
public User registerUser(UserDTO userDTO, String password) {
    // Prepare the new user object.
    final var newUser = new User();
    String passwordHash = passwordService.hashPassword(password);
    // new user gets initially a generated password
    // new user is not active
    // registered users are always internal
    // new user gets registration key
    Set<Authority> authorities = new HashSet<>();
    // Find user that has the same login
    Optional<User> optionalExistingUser = userRepository.findOneWithGroupsByLogin(userDTO.getLogin().toLowerCase());
    if (optionalExistingUser.isPresent()) {
        User existingUser = optionalExistingUser.get();
        return handleRegisterUserWithSameLoginAsExistingUser(newUser, existingUser, password);
    // Find user that has the same email
    optionalExistingUser = userRepository.findOneWithGroupsByEmailIgnoreCase(userDTO.getEmail());
    if (optionalExistingUser.isPresent()) {
        User existingUser = optionalExistingUser.get();
        // An account with the same login is already activated.
        if (existingUser.getActivated()) {
            throw new EmailAlreadyUsedException();
        // account with a different email. Block this.
        throw new AccountRegistrationBlockedException(newUser.getEmail());
    // we need to save first so that the user can be found in the database in the subsequent method
    User savedNonActivatedUser = saveUser(newUser);
    // Create an account on the VCS. If it fails, abort registration.
    optionalVcsUserManagementService.ifPresent(vcsUserManagementService -> {
        try {
            vcsUserManagementService.createVcsUser(savedNonActivatedUser, password);
        } catch (VersionControlException e) {
            log.error("An error occurred while registering GitLab user " + savedNonActivatedUser.getLogin() + ":", e);
            throw e;
    // Automatically remove the user if it wasn't activated after a certain amount of time.
    log.debug("Created Information for User: {}", newUser);
    return newUser;
Also used : User( Authority( EmailAlreadyUsedException(


User ( BitbucketException ( Authority ( Repository ( VersionControlException ( EmailAlreadyUsedException ( IOException ( Path (java.nio.file.Path)2 GitAPIException (org.eclipse.jgit.api.errors.GitAPIException)2