Search in sources :

Example 1 with UMLElement

use of in project ArTEMiS by ls1intum.

the class ComponentDiagramParser method resolveParentComponent.

 * Finds the owner element of relationship and sets parent of relationship to that element
 * @param allUmlElementsMap map of uml elements and ids to find owner element
 * @param ownerRelationships map of uml elements and ids of their owners
 * @return the UMLComponent object parsed from the JSON object
protected static void resolveParentComponent(Map<String, UMLElement> allUmlElementsMap, Map<UMLElement, String> ownerRelationships) {
    for (var ownerEntry : ownerRelationships.entrySet()) {
        String ownerId = ownerEntry.getValue();
        UMLElement umlElement = ownerEntry.getKey();
        UMLElement parentComponent = allUmlElementsMap.get(ownerId);
Also used : UMLElement(

Example 2 with UMLElement

use of in project ArTEMiS by ls1intum.

the class ComponentDiagramParser method parseComponentRelationship.

 * Parses the given JSON representation of a UML component interface to a UMLComponentInterface Java object.
 * @param relationshipJson the JSON object containing the component interface
 * @param allUmlElementsMap the JSON object containing the component interface
 * @return the UMLComponentInterface object parsed from the JSON object
protected static Optional<UMLComponentRelationship> parseComponentRelationship(JsonObject relationshipJson, Map<String, UMLElement> allUmlElementsMap) throws IOException {
    String relationshipType = relationshipJson.get(RELATIONSHIP_TYPE).getAsString();
    relationshipType =, relationshipType);
    if (!EnumUtils.isValidEnum(UMLComponentRelationship.UMLComponentRelationshipType.class, relationshipType)) {
        return Optional.empty();
    UMLElement source = UMLModelParser.findElement(relationshipJson, allUmlElementsMap, RELATIONSHIP_SOURCE);
    UMLElement target = UMLModelParser.findElement(relationshipJson, allUmlElementsMap, RELATIONSHIP_TARGET);
    if (source != null && target != null) {
        UMLComponentRelationship newComponentRelationship = new UMLComponentRelationship(source, target, UMLComponentRelationship.UMLComponentRelationshipType.valueOf(relationshipType), relationshipJson.get(ELEMENT_ID).getAsString());
        return Optional.of(newComponentRelationship);
    } else {
        throw new IOException("Relationship source or target not part of model!");
Also used : UMLElement( UMLComponentRelationship( IOException(

Example 3 with UMLElement

use of in project ArTEMiS by ls1intum.

the class ComponentDiagramParser method buildComponentDiagramFromJSON.

 * Create a UML component diagram from the model and relationship elements given as JSON arrays. It parses the JSON objects to corresponding Java objects and creates a
 * component diagram containing these UML model elements.
 * @param modelElements the model elements as JSON array
 * @param relationships the relationship elements as JSON array
 * @param modelSubmissionId the ID of the corresponding modeling submission
 * @return a UML component diagram containing the parsed model elements and relationships
 * @throws IOException when no corresponding model elements could be found for the source and target IDs in the relationship JSON objects
protected static UMLComponentDiagram buildComponentDiagramFromJSON(JsonArray modelElements, JsonArray relationships, long modelSubmissionId) throws IOException {
    Map<String, UMLComponent> umlComponentMap = new HashMap<>();
    Map<String, UMLComponentInterface> umlComponentInterfaceMap = new HashMap<>();
    Map<String, UMLElement> allUmlElementsMap = new HashMap<>();
    List<UMLComponentRelationship> umlComponentRelationshipList = new ArrayList<>();
    // owners might not yet be available, therefore we need to store them in a map first before we can resolve them
    Map<UMLElement, String> ownerRelationships = new HashMap<>();
    // loop over all JSON elements and create the UML objects
    for (JsonElement jsonElement : modelElements) {
        JsonObject jsonObject = jsonElement.getAsJsonObject();
        UMLElement umlElement = null;
        String elementType = jsonObject.get(ELEMENT_TYPE).getAsString();
        if (UMLComponent.UML_COMPONENT_TYPE.equals(elementType)) {
            UMLComponent umlComponent = parseComponent(jsonObject);
            umlComponentMap.put(umlComponent.getJSONElementID(), umlComponent);
            umlElement = umlComponent;
        } else if (UMLComponentInterface.UML_COMPONENT_INTERFACE_TYPE.equals(elementType)) {
            UMLComponentInterface umlComponentInterface = parseComponentInterface(jsonObject);
            umlComponentInterfaceMap.put(umlComponentInterface.getJSONElementID(), umlComponentInterface);
            umlElement = umlComponentInterface;
        if (umlElement != null) {
            allUmlElementsMap.put(umlElement.getJSONElementID(), umlElement);
            findOwner(ownerRelationships, jsonObject, umlElement);
    // now we can resolve the owners: for this diagram type, only uml components can be the actual owner
    resolveParentComponent(allUmlElementsMap, ownerRelationships);
    // loop over all JSON control flow elements and create UML communication links
    for (JsonElement rel : relationships) {
        Optional<UMLComponentRelationship> componentRelationship = parseComponentRelationship(rel.getAsJsonObject(), allUmlElementsMap);
    return new UMLComponentDiagram(modelSubmissionId, new ArrayList<>(umlComponentMap.values()), new ArrayList<>(umlComponentInterfaceMap.values()), umlComponentRelationshipList);
Also used : UMLElement( JsonObject( UMLComponentInterface( UMLComponentDiagram( JsonElement( UMLComponentRelationship( UMLComponent(

Example 4 with UMLElement

use of in project ArTEMiS by ls1intum.

the class CompassService method getSuggestionResult.

 * Selects the feedback suggestion for each element in submission and creates a result from them
 * Returns null if no feedback can be selected or the submission has already a manual feedback
 * @param modelingSubmission the submission to select feedbacks for
 * @param modelingExercise the modeling exercise to which the submission belongs
 * @return the semi-automatic result that has the feedbacks inside
public Result getSuggestionResult(ModelingSubmission modelingSubmission, ModelingExercise modelingExercise) {
    Result result = getAutomaticResultForSubmission(modelingSubmission);
    if (result != null) {
        List<Feedback> feedbacksForSuggestion = new ArrayList<>();
        ModelClusterFactory clusterBuilder = new ModelClusterFactory();
        List<UMLElement> elements = clusterBuilder.getModelElements(modelingSubmission);
        List<ModelElement> modelElements = modelElementRepository.findByModelElementIdIn(;
        List<Long> clusterIds =;
        List<ModelCluster> modelClusters = modelClusterRepository.findAllByIdInWithEagerElements(clusterIds);
        List<String> references = -> modelCluster.getModelElements().stream()).map(modelElement1 -> modelElement1.getModelElementType() + ":" + modelElement1.getModelElementId()).collect(Collectors.toList());
        List<Feedback> feedbacks = feedbackRepository.findByReferenceInAndResult_Submission_Participation_Exercise(references, modelingExercise);
        for (ModelElement modelElement : modelElements) {
            if (modelElement != null) {
                ModelCluster cluster = modelClusters.get(modelClusters.indexOf(modelElement.getCluster()));
                Set<ModelElement> similarElements = cluster.getModelElements();
                List<String> similarReferences = -> element.getModelElementType() + ":" + element.getModelElementId()).toList();
                List<Feedback> similarFeedbacks = -> similarReferences.contains(feedback.getReference())).collect(Collectors.toList());
                Feedback suggestedFeedback = FeedbackSelector.selectFeedback(modelElement, similarFeedbacks, result);
                if (suggestedFeedback != null) {
        if (feedbacksForSuggestion.isEmpty()) {
            return null;
        // Note, that a result is always initialized with an empty list -> no NPE here
    return result;
Also used : java.util(java.util) Feedback( Logger(org.slf4j.Logger) FeedbackSelector( TimeLogUtil( LoggerFactory(org.slf4j.LoggerFactory) AssessmentType( Collectors( UMLElement( Result( ModelElement( ModelClusterFactory( Service(org.springframework.stereotype.Service) ModelCluster( ModelingSubmission( StudentParticipation( ModelingExercise( UMLElement( ModelCluster( Result( ModelClusterFactory( ModelElement( Feedback(

Example 5 with UMLElement

use of in project ArTEMiS by ls1intum.

the class UseCaseDiagramParser method parseUseCaseAssociation.

 * Parses the given JSON representation of a UML relationship to a UMLUseCaseAssociation Java object.
 * @param relationshipJson the JSON object containing the relationship
 * @param allUmlElementsMap a map containing all objects of the corresponding use case diagram, necessary for assigning source and target element of the relationships
 * @return the UMLUseCaseAssociation object parsed from the JSON object
 * @throws IOException when no object could be found in the allUmlElementsMap for the source and target ID in the JSON object
private static Optional<UMLUseCaseAssociation> parseUseCaseAssociation(JsonObject relationshipJson, Map<String, UMLElement> allUmlElementsMap) throws IOException {
    String relationshipType = relationshipJson.get(RELATIONSHIP_TYPE).getAsString();
    relationshipType =, relationshipType);
    if (!EnumUtils.isValidEnum(UMLUseCaseAssociation.UMLUseCaseAssociationType.class, relationshipType)) {
        return Optional.empty();
    var associationType = UMLUseCaseAssociation.UMLUseCaseAssociationType.valueOf(relationshipType);
    String name = null;
    if (associationType == UMLUseCaseAssociation.UMLUseCaseAssociationType.USE_CASE_ASSOCIATION) {
        name = relationshipJson.get(ELEMENT_NAME).getAsString();
    UMLElement source = UMLModelParser.findElement(relationshipJson, allUmlElementsMap, RELATIONSHIP_SOURCE);
    UMLElement target = UMLModelParser.findElement(relationshipJson, allUmlElementsMap, RELATIONSHIP_TARGET);
    if (source != null && target != null) {
        UMLUseCaseAssociation newComponentRelationship = new UMLUseCaseAssociation(name, source, target, associationType, relationshipJson.get(ELEMENT_ID).getAsString());
        return Optional.of(newComponentRelationship);
    } else {
        throw new IOException("Relationship source or target not part of model!");
Also used : UMLElement( IOException(


UMLElement ( Test (org.junit.jupiter.api.Test)40 AbstractUMLDiagramTest ( JsonObject ( JsonElement ( UMLComponentRelationship ( UMLDiagram ( IOException ( Feedback ( Result ( AssessmentType ( ModelCluster ( ModelElement ( ModelingExercise ( ModelingSubmission ( StudentParticipation ( ( FeedbackSelector ( ModelClusterFactory ( UMLActivity (