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Example 1 with ParticipantScoreDTO

use of in project ArTEMiS by ls1intum.

the class ParticipantScoreResource method getParticipantScoresOfCourse.

 * GET /courses/:courseId/participant-scores  gets the participant scores of the course
 * @param courseId   the id of the course for which to get the participant score
 * @param pageable   pageable object
 * @param getUnpaged if set all participant scores of the course will be loaded (paging deactivated)
 * @return the ResponseEntity with status 200 (OK) and with the participant scores in the body
public ResponseEntity<List<ParticipantScoreDTO>> getParticipantScoresOfCourse(@PathVariable Long courseId, Pageable pageable, @RequestParam(value = "getUnpaged", required = false, defaultValue = "false") boolean getUnpaged) {
    long start = System.currentTimeMillis();
    log.debug("REST request to get participant scores for course : {}", courseId);
    Course course = courseRepository.findByIdWithEagerExercisesElseThrow(courseId);
    authorizationCheckService.checkHasAtLeastRoleInCourseElseThrow(Role.INSTRUCTOR, course, null);
    Set<Exercise> exercisesOfCourse = course.getExercises().stream().filter(Exercise::isCourseExercise).collect(toSet());
    List<ParticipantScoreDTO> resultsOfAllExercises = participantScoreService.getParticipantScoreDTOs(getUnpaged ? Pageable.unpaged() : pageable, exercisesOfCourse);"getParticipantScoresOfCourse took {}ms", System.currentTimeMillis() - start);
    return ResponseEntity.ok().body(resultsOfAllExercises);
Also used : Exercise( Course( ParticipantScoreDTO( PreAuthorize(

Example 2 with ParticipantScoreDTO

use of in project ArTEMiS by ls1intum.

the class ParticipantScoreDTO method generateFromParticipantScore.

 * Generates a {@link ParticipantScoreDTO} from a {@link ParticipantScore}
 * @param participantScore ParticipantScore input
 * @return {@link ParticipantScoreDTO}
public static ParticipantScoreDTO generateFromParticipantScore(ParticipantScore participantScore) {
    String userName = null;
    Long userId = null;
    String teamName = null;
    Long teamId = null;
    if (participantScore.getClass().equals(StudentScore.class)) {
        StudentScore studentScore = (StudentScore) participantScore;
        if (studentScore.getUser() != null) {
            userName = studentScore.getUser().getLogin();
            userId = studentScore.getUser().getId();
    } else {
        TeamScore teamScore = (TeamScore) participantScore;
        if (teamScore.getTeam() != null) {
            teamName = teamScore.getTeam().getName();
            teamId = teamScore.getTeam().getId();
    Long id = participantScore.getId();
    String exerciseTitle = participantScore.getExercise() != null && participantScore.getExercise().getTitle() != null ? participantScore.getExercise().getTitle() : null;
    Long exerciseId = participantScore.getExercise() != null ? participantScore.getExercise().getId() : null;
    Long lastResultId = participantScore.getLastResult() != null ? participantScore.getLastResult().getId() : null;
    Double lastResultScore = participantScore.getLastScore();
    Long lastRatedResultId = participantScore.getLastRatedResult() != null ? participantScore.getLastRatedResult().getId() : null;
    Double lastRatedResultScore = participantScore.getLastRatedScore();
    Double lastPoints = participantScore.getLastPoints();
    Double lastRatedPoints = participantScore.getLastRatedPoints();
    return new ParticipantScoreDTO(id, userId, userName, teamId, teamName, exerciseId, exerciseTitle, lastResultId, lastResultScore, lastRatedResultId, lastRatedResultScore, lastPoints, lastRatedPoints);
Also used : StudentScore( TeamScore(

Example 3 with ParticipantScoreDTO

use of in project ArTEMiS by ls1intum.

the class ParticipantScoreIntegrationTest method getParticipantScoresOfExam_asInstructorOfCourse_shouldReturnParticipantScores.

@WithMockUser(username = "instructor1", roles = "INSTRUCTOR")
public void getParticipantScoresOfExam_asInstructorOfCourse_shouldReturnParticipantScores() throws Exception {
    List<ParticipantScoreDTO> participantScoresOfExam = request.getList("/api/exams/" + idOfExam + "/participant-scores", HttpStatus.OK, ParticipantScoreDTO.class);
    ParticipantScoreDTO student1Result = -> participantScoreDTO.userId != null).findFirst().get();
    assertParticipantScoreDTOStructure(student1Result, idOfStudent1, null, getIdOfIndividualTextExerciseOfExam, 50D, 50D, 5.0, 5.0);
Also used : ParticipantScoreDTO( WithMockUser( Test(org.junit.jupiter.api.Test)

Example 4 with ParticipantScoreDTO

use of in project Artemis by ls1intum.

the class ParticipantScoreResource method getParticipantScoresOfExam.

 * GET /exams/:examId/participant-scores  gets the participant scores of the exam
 * @param examId     the id of the exam for which to get the participant score
 * @param pageable   pageable object
 * @param getUnpaged if set all participant scores of the exam will be loaded (paging deactivated)
 * @return the ResponseEntity with status 200 (OK) and with the participant scores in the body
public ResponseEntity<List<ParticipantScoreDTO>> getParticipantScoresOfExam(@PathVariable Long examId, Pageable pageable, @RequestParam(value = "getUnpaged", required = false, defaultValue = "false") boolean getUnpaged) {
    long start = System.currentTimeMillis();
    log.debug("REST request to get participant scores for exam : {}", examId);
    Set<Exercise> exercisesOfExam = getExercisesOfExam(examId);
    Pageable page;
    if (getUnpaged) {
        page = Pageable.unpaged();
    } else {
        page = pageable;
    List<ParticipantScoreDTO> resultsOfAllExercises = participantScoreService.getParticipantScoreDTOs(page, exercisesOfExam);"getParticipantScoresOfExam took {}ms", System.currentTimeMillis() - start);
    return ResponseEntity.ok().body(resultsOfAllExercises);
Also used : Exercise( Pageable( ParticipantScoreDTO( PreAuthorize(

Example 5 with ParticipantScoreDTO

use of in project Artemis by ls1intum.

the class ParticipantScoreResource method getParticipantScoresOfCourse.

 * GET /courses/:courseId/participant-scores  gets the participant scores of the course
 * @param courseId   the id of the course for which to get the participant score
 * @param pageable   pageable object
 * @param getUnpaged if set all participant scores of the course will be loaded (paging deactivated)
 * @return the ResponseEntity with status 200 (OK) and with the participant scores in the body
public ResponseEntity<List<ParticipantScoreDTO>> getParticipantScoresOfCourse(@PathVariable Long courseId, Pageable pageable, @RequestParam(value = "getUnpaged", required = false, defaultValue = "false") boolean getUnpaged) {
    long start = System.currentTimeMillis();
    log.debug("REST request to get participant scores for course : {}", courseId);
    Course course = courseRepository.findByIdWithEagerExercisesElseThrow(courseId);
    authorizationCheckService.checkHasAtLeastRoleInCourseElseThrow(Role.INSTRUCTOR, course, null);
    Set<Exercise> exercisesOfCourse = course.getExercises().stream().filter(Exercise::isCourseExercise).collect(toSet());
    List<ParticipantScoreDTO> resultsOfAllExercises = participantScoreService.getParticipantScoreDTOs(getUnpaged ? Pageable.unpaged() : pageable, exercisesOfCourse);"getParticipantScoresOfCourse took {}ms", System.currentTimeMillis() - start);
    return ResponseEntity.ok().body(resultsOfAllExercises);
Also used : Exercise( Course( ParticipantScoreDTO( PreAuthorize(


ParticipantScoreDTO ( Exercise ( Test (org.junit.jupiter.api.Test)4 PreAuthorize ( WithMockUser ( Course ( StudentScore ( TeamScore ( Pageable (