use of desmoj.core.simulator.TimeInstant in project scylla by bptlab.
the class TaskBeginEvent method eventRoutine.
public void eventRoutine(ProcessInstance processInstance) throws SuspendExecution {
SimulationModel model = (SimulationModel) getModel();
TimeInstant currentSimulationTime = model.presentTime();
ProcessModel processModel = processInstance.getProcessModel();
ProcessModel subProcess = processModel.getSubProcesses().get(nodeId);
TaskType type = processModel.getTasks().get(nodeId);
String message = null;
if (subProcess != null) {
message = "Begin Subprocess: " + displayName;
} else if (type == TaskType.DEFAULT) {
message = "Begin Default Task: " + displayName;
} else if (type == TaskType.SERVICE) {
message = "Begin Service Task: " + displayName;
} else if (type == TaskType.SEND) {
message = "Begin Send Task: " + displayName;
} else if (type == TaskType.RECEIVE) {
message = "Begin Receive Task: " + displayName;
} else if (type == TaskType.USER) {
message = "Begin User Task: " + displayName;
} else if (type == TaskType.MANUAL) {
message = "Begin Manual Task: " + displayName;
} else if (type == TaskType.BUSINESS_RULE) {
message = "Begin Business Rule: " + displayName;
} else if (type == TaskType.SCRIPT) {
message = "Begin Script Task: " + displayName;
} else {
SimulationUtils.sendElementNotSupportedTraceNote(model, processModel, displayName, nodeId);
SimulationUtils.abort(model, processInstance, nodeId, traceIsOn());
try {
double duration = pSimComponents.getDistributionSample(nodeId);
TimeUnit unit = pSimComponents.getDistributionTimeUnit(nodeId);
ScyllaEvent event = new TaskTerminateEvent(model, source, currentSimulationTime, pSimComponents, processInstance, nodeId);
TimeSpan timeSpan = new TimeSpan(duration, unit);
ResourceObjectTuple tuple = processInstance.getAssignedResources().get(source);
TimeInstant nextEventTime = DateTimeUtils.getTaskTerminationTime(timeSpan, currentSimulationTime, tuple, event);
timeSpan = new TimeSpan(nextEventTime.getTimeAsDouble() - currentSimulationTime.getTimeAsDouble());
int index = getNewEventIndex();
nextEventMap.put(index, event);
timeSpanToNextEventMap.put(index, timeSpan);
TaskBeginEventPluggable.runPlugins(this, processInstance);
} catch (ScyllaRuntimeException e) {
SimulationUtils.abort(model, processInstance, nodeId, traceIsOn());
use of desmoj.core.simulator.TimeInstant in project scylla by bptlab.
the class TaskEnableEvent method eventRoutine.
public void eventRoutine(ProcessInstance processInstance) throws SuspendExecution {
SimulationModel model = (SimulationModel) getModel();
source = getName();
TimeInstant currentSimulationTime = model.presentTime();
ProcessModel processModel = processInstance.getProcessModel();
// int processInstanceId = processInstance.getId();
ProcessModel subProcess = processModel.getSubProcesses().get(nodeId);
TaskType type = processModel.getTasks().get(nodeId);
String message = null;
if (subProcess != null) {
message = "Enable Subprocess: " + displayName;
} else if (type == TaskType.DEFAULT) {
message = "Enable Default Task: " + displayName;
} else if (type == TaskType.SERVICE) {
message = "Enable Service Task: " + displayName;
} else if (type == TaskType.SEND) {
message = "Enable Send Task: " + displayName;
} else if (type == TaskType.RECEIVE) {
message = "Enable Receive Task: " + displayName;
} else if (type == TaskType.USER) {
message = "Enable User Task: " + displayName;
} else if (type == TaskType.MANUAL) {
message = "Enable Manual Task: " + displayName;
} else if (type == TaskType.BUSINESS_RULE) {
message = "Enable Business Rule: " + displayName;
} else if (type == TaskType.SCRIPT) {
message = "Enable Script Task: " + displayName;
} else {
SimulationUtils.sendElementNotSupportedTraceNote(model, processModel, displayName, nodeId);
SimulationUtils.abort(model, processInstance, nodeId, traceIsOn());
try {
// poll available resources and if not available, put TaskBeginEvent on hold
ScyllaEvent event = new TaskBeginEvent(model, source, currentSimulationTime, pSimComponents, processInstance, nodeId);
ResourceObjectTuple resources = QueueManager.getResourcesForEvent(model, event);
if (resources == null) {
QueueManager.addToEventQueues(model, event);
sendTraceNote("Not enough resources available, task " + displayName + " is put in a queue.");
} else {
QueueManager.assignResourcesToEvent(model, event, resources);
TimeSpan timeSpan = new TimeSpan(0);
int index = getNewEventIndex();
nextEventMap.put(index, event);
timeSpanToNextEventMap.put(index, timeSpan);
TaskEnableEventPluggable.runPlugins(this, processInstance);
} catch (ScyllaRuntimeException e) {
DebugLogger.log("Simulation aborted.");
use of desmoj.core.simulator.TimeInstant in project scylla by bptlab.
the class DateTimeUtils method getTimeInstant.
public static TimeInstant getTimeInstant(ZonedDateTime dateTime) {
long timeRelativeToStart = chronoUnit.between(startDateTime, dateTime);
TimeInstant timeInstant = new TimeInstant(timeRelativeToStart, timeUnit);
return timeInstant;
use of desmoj.core.simulator.TimeInstant in project scylla by bptlab.
the class DateTimeUtils method getTaskTerminationTime.
* Calculates the relative end time of a task. Consideres timetables of resources instances. If any resource
* instance is idle, the duration is extended by the idle time.
* @param timeSpan
* the original duration of the task without any interruptions
* @param presentTime
* current simulation time
* @param tuple
* resource instances assigned to the task
* @param event
* source event (for logging purposes)
* @return the end time of the task
public static TimeInstant getTaskTerminationTime(TimeSpan timeSpan, TimeInstant presentTime, ResourceObjectTuple tuple, ScyllaEvent event) {
SimulationModel model = (SimulationModel) event.getModel();
ProcessInstance processInstance = event.getProcessInstance();
ProcessModel processModel = processInstance.getProcessModel();
String source = event.getSource();
String taskName = event.getDisplayName();
int nodeId = event.getNodeId();
String processScopeNodeId = SimulationUtils.getProcessScopeNodeId(processModel, nodeId);
Set<String> resources = new HashSet<String>();
Set<ResourceObject> resourceObjects = tuple.getResourceObjects();
for (ResourceObject res : resourceObjects) {
String resourceName = res.getResourceType() + "_" + res.getId();
// start
long duration = timeSpan.getTimeRounded(timeUnit);
if (duration == 0) {
return presentTime;
ZonedDateTime dateTime = DateTimeUtils.getDateTime(presentTime);
List<TimetableItem> timetable = tuple.getSharedTimetable();
if (timetable == null) {
return new TimeInstant(presentTime.getTimeRounded(timeUnit) + duration);
Integer index = null;
for (int i = 0; i < timetable.size(); i++) {
TimetableItem item = timetable.get(i);
if (isWithin(dateTime, item)) {
index = i;
long timePassed = 0;
while (timePassed < duration) {
TimetableItem item = timetable.get(index);
DayOfWeek untilWeekday = item.getWeekdayTo();
LocalTime untilTime = item.getEndTime();
ZonedDateTime dateTimeUntilEnd = getNextOrSameZonedDateTime(dateTime, untilWeekday, untilTime);
long durationUntilEnd = chronoUnit.between(dateTime, dateTimeUntilEnd);
long amountToAdd;
if (timePassed + durationUntilEnd >= duration) {
// task completes in current timetable item
amountToAdd = duration - timePassed;
} else {
// until end of timetable item
amountToAdd = durationUntilEnd;
timePassed += amountToAdd;
dateTime =, chronoUnit);
if (timePassed + durationUntilEnd < duration) {
// task is not completed in current timetable item, so jump to the start of the next timetable item
if (model.isOutputLoggingOn()) {
// log idle during use
ResourceStatus status = ResourceStatus.IN_USE_IDLE;
long timeRelativeToStart = getTimeInstant(dateTime).getTimeRounded(timeUnit);
ResourceInfo info = new ResourceInfo(timeRelativeToStart, status, processInstance, nodeId);
for (ResourceObject obj : tuple.getResourceObjects()) {
String resourceType = obj.getResourceType();
String resourceId = obj.getId();
model.addResourceInfo(resourceType, resourceId, info);
ProcessNodeTransitionType transition = ProcessNodeTransitionType.PAUSE;
ProcessNodeInfo nodeInfo = new ProcessNodeInfo(nodeId, processScopeNodeId, source, timeRelativeToStart, taskName, resources, transition);
model.addNodeInfo(processModel, processInstance, nodeInfo);
if (index == timetable.size()) {
index = 0;
TimetableItem nextItem = timetable.get(index);
untilWeekday = nextItem.getWeekdayFrom();
untilTime = nextItem.getBeginTime();
dateTime = getNextZonedDateTime(dateTime, untilWeekday, untilTime);
if (model.isOutputLoggingOn()) {
// log back to work
ResourceStatus status = ResourceStatus.IN_USE;
long timeRelativeToStart = getTimeInstant(dateTime).getTimeRounded(timeUnit);
ResourceInfo info = new ResourceInfo(timeRelativeToStart, status, processInstance, nodeId);
for (ResourceObject obj : tuple.getResourceObjects()) {
String resourceType = obj.getResourceType();
String resourceId = obj.getId();
model.addResourceInfo(resourceType, resourceId, info);
ProcessNodeTransitionType transition = ProcessNodeTransitionType.RESUME;
ProcessNodeInfo nodeInfo = new ProcessNodeInfo(nodeId, processScopeNodeId, source, timeRelativeToStart, taskName, resources, transition);
model.addNodeInfo(processModel, processInstance, nodeInfo);
TimeInstant timeInstant = getTimeInstant(dateTime);
return timeInstant;
use of desmoj.core.simulator.TimeInstant in project scylla by bptlab.
the class SimulationManager method run.
* parses input, runs DesmoJ simulation experiment, writes BPS output logs
public String run() {
try {
SAXBuilder builder = new SAXBuilder();
if (globalConfigurationFilename == null || globalConfigurationFilename.isEmpty()) {
throw new ScyllaValidationException("No global configuration provided.");
} else {
// parse global configuration XML
Document gcDoc =;
Element gcRootElement = gcDoc.getRootElement();
GlobalConfigurationParser globalConfigurationParser = new GlobalConfigurationParser(this);
globalConfiguration = globalConfigurationParser.parse(gcDoc.getRootElement());
String fileNameWithoutExtension = // filename.lastIndexOf("\\") +
globalConfigurationFilename.substring(// 1,
globalConfigurationFilename.lastIndexOf(Scylla.FILEDELIM) + 1, globalConfigurationFilename.lastIndexOf(".xml"));
// plugins to parse global configuration
GlobalConfigurationParserPluggable.runPlugins(this, globalConfiguration, gcRootElement);
CommonProcessElementsParser cpeParser = new CommonProcessElementsParser(this);
for (String filename : processModelFilenames) {
Document pmDoc =;
Element pmRootElement = pmDoc.getRootElement();
// parse common process elements from XML (BPMN)
CommonProcessElements commonProcessElementsFromFile = cpeParser.parse(pmRootElement);
String fileNameWithoutExtension = // filename.lastIndexOf("\\") + 1,
filename.substring(filename.lastIndexOf(Scylla.FILEDELIM) + 1, filename.lastIndexOf(".bpmn"));
// plugins to parse common process elements
CommonProcessElementsParserPluggable.runPlugins(this, commonProcessElementsFromFile, pmRootElement);
// parse process model(s) from XML (BPMN)
ProcessModelParser pmParser = new ProcessModelParser(this);
ProcessModel processModelFromFile = pmParser.parse(pmDoc.getRootElement());
String processId = processModelFromFile.getId();
if (processModels.containsKey(processId)) {
throw new ScyllaValidationException("Duplicate process model with id " + processId + ".");
// plugins to parse process model(s)
ProcessModelParserPluggable.runPlugins(this, processModelFromFile, pmRootElement);
processModels.put(processId, processModelFromFile);
commonProcessElements.put(processId, commonProcessElementsFromFile);
SimulationConfigurationParser simParser = new SimulationConfigurationParser(this);
// parse each simulation configuration XML
for (String filename : simulationConfigurationFilenames) {
Document scDoc =;
SimulationConfiguration simulationConfigurationFromFile = simParser.parse(scDoc.getRootElement());
String processId = simulationConfigurationFromFile.getProcessModel().getId();
if (simulationConfigurations.containsKey(processId)) {
throw new ScyllaValidationException("Multiple simulation configurations for process with id " + processId + ".");
// plugins to parse simulation configuration
SimulationConfigurationParserPluggable.runPlugins(this, simulationConfigurationFromFile, scDoc);
simulationConfigurations.put(processId, simulationConfigurationFromFile);
} catch (JDOMException | IOException | ScyllaValidationException e) {
// TODO validate resources in process models (i.e. check if they are all covered in resource data)
TimeUnit epsilon = TimeUnit.SECONDS;
String experimentName = Long.toString((new Date()).getTime());
Experiment exp = new Experiment(experimentName, experimentOutputFolder);
// XXX each simulation configuration may have its own seed
Long randomSeed = globalConfiguration.getRandomSeed();
if (randomSeed != null) {
} else {
exp.setSeedGenerator((new Random()).nextLong());
SimulationModel sm = new SimulationModel(null, globalConfiguration, commonProcessElements, processModels, simulationConfigurations, enableBpsLogging, enableDesLogging);
int lambda = 1;
if (sm.getEndDateTime() != null) {
// have to use time which is slightly after intended end time (epsilon)
// otherwise the AbortProcessSimulationEvent(s) may not fire
long simulationDuration = DateTimeUtils.getDuration(sm.getStartDateTime(), sm.getEndDateTime());
TimeInstant simulationTimeInstant = new TimeInstant(simulationDuration + lambda, epsilon);
exp.tracePeriod(new TimeInstant(0), simulationTimeInstant);
exp.debugPeriod(new TimeInstant(0), simulationTimeInstant);
} else {
exp.traceOn(new TimeInstant(0));
exp.debugOn(new TimeInstant(0));
if (!enableDesLogging) {
exp.debugOff(new TimeInstant(0));
exp.traceOff(new TimeInstant(0));
try {
// log process execution
// log resources, process, tasks
StringBuilder strb = new StringBuilder(globalConfigurationFilename.substring(0, globalConfigurationFilename.lastIndexOf(Scylla.FILEDELIM) + 1));
outputPath = strb.substring(0, strb.lastIndexOf(Scylla.FILEDELIM) + 1) + "output_" + new SimpleDateFormat("yy_MM_dd_HH_mm_ss").format(new Date()) + Scylla.FILEDELIM;
File outputPathFolder = new File(outputPath);
if (!outputPathFolder.exists())
OutputLoggerPluggable.runPlugins(sm, outputPath);
} catch (IOException e) {
return outputPath;