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Example 1 with ChunkPart

use of dev.frankheijden.insights.api.objects.chunk.ChunkPart in project Insights by InsightsPlugin.

the class CommandScanWorld method handleScan.

 * Scans chunks in the world of a player.
public void handleScan(Player player, Set<? extends ScanObject<?>> items, ScanOptions options, boolean displayZeros, boolean groupByChunk) {
    World world = player.getWorld();
    // Generate chunk parts
    Chunk[] chunks = world.getLoadedChunks();
    List<ChunkPart> chunkParts = new ArrayList<>(chunks.length);
    for (Chunk chunk : chunks) {
    if (groupByChunk) {
        ScanTask.scanAndDisplayGroupedByChunk(plugin, player, chunkParts, chunkParts.size(), options, items, false);
    } else {
        ScanTask.scanAndDisplay(plugin, player, chunkParts, chunkParts.size(), options, items, displayZeros);
Also used : ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) ChunkPart(dev.frankheijden.insights.api.objects.chunk.ChunkPart) World(org.bukkit.World) Chunk(org.bukkit.Chunk)

Example 2 with ChunkPart

use of dev.frankheijden.insights.api.objects.chunk.ChunkPart in project Insights by InsightsPlugin.

the class Cuboid method toChunkParts.

 * Converts this cuboid into a List of ChunkParts.
public List<ChunkPart> toChunkParts() {
    ChunkVector minV = ChunkVector.from(this.min);
    int minX = this.min.x >> 4;
    int minZ = this.min.z >> 4;
    ChunkVector maxV = ChunkVector.from(this.max);
    int maxX = this.max.x >> 4;
    int maxZ = this.max.z >> 4;
    List<ChunkPart> parts = new ArrayList<>(maxX - minX + 1 + maxZ - minZ + 1);
    for (int x = minX; x <= maxX; x++) {
        int xmin = (x == minX) ? minV.getX() : 0;
        int ymin = minV.getY();
        int xmax = (x == maxX) ? maxV.getX() : 15;
        for (int z = minZ; z <= maxZ; z++) {
            int zmin = (z == minZ) ? minV.getZ() : 0;
            int ymax = maxV.getY();
            int zmax = (z == maxZ) ? maxV.getZ() : 15;
            ChunkLocation loc = new ChunkLocation(world, x, z);
            ChunkVector vmin = new ChunkVector(xmin, ymin, zmin);
            ChunkVector vmax = new ChunkVector(xmax, ymax, zmax);
            parts.add(new ChunkPart(loc, new ChunkCuboid(vmin, vmax)));
    return parts;
Also used : ChunkCuboid(dev.frankheijden.insights.api.objects.chunk.ChunkCuboid) ChunkVector(dev.frankheijden.insights.api.objects.chunk.ChunkVector) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) ChunkPart(dev.frankheijden.insights.api.objects.chunk.ChunkPart) ChunkLocation(dev.frankheijden.insights.api.objects.chunk.ChunkLocation)

Example 3 with ChunkPart

use of dev.frankheijden.insights.api.objects.chunk.ChunkPart in project Insights by InsightsPlugin.

the class PistonListener method handlePistonBlock.

private boolean handlePistonBlock(Block from, Block to) {
    Optional<Region> regionOptional = plugin.getAddonManager().getRegion(to.getLocation());
    // Always allow piston pushes within the same chunk
    if (regionOptional.isEmpty() && BlockUtils.isSameChunk(from, to))
        return false;
    Material material = from.getType();
    Optional<Limit> limitOptional = plugin.getLimits().getFirstLimit(material, limit -> true);
    // If no limit is present, allow the block to be moved.
    if (limitOptional.isEmpty())
        return false;
    Chunk chunk = to.getChunk();
    UUID worldUid = chunk.getWorld().getUID();
    long chunkKey = ChunkUtils.getKey(chunk);
    boolean queued;
    Optional<Storage> storageOptional;
    if (regionOptional.isPresent()) {
        String key = regionOptional.get().getKey();
        queued = plugin.getAddonScanTracker().isQueued(key);
        storageOptional = plugin.getAddonStorage().get(key);
    } else {
        queued = plugin.getWorldChunkScanTracker().isQueued(worldUid, chunkKey);
        storageOptional = plugin.getWorldStorage().getWorld(worldUid).get(chunkKey);
    // If the area is already queued, cancel the event and wait for the area to complete scanning.
    if (queued)
        return true;
    // If the storage is not present, scan it & cancel the event.
    if (storageOptional.isEmpty()) {
        if (regionOptional.isPresent()) {
            Region region = regionOptional.get();
            List<ChunkPart> chunkParts = region.toChunkParts();
            ScanTask.scan(plugin, chunkParts, chunkParts.size(), ScanOptions.scanOnly(), info -> {
            }, storage -> {
                plugin.getAddonStorage().put(region.getKey(), storage);
        } else {
        return true;
    // Else, the storage is present, and we can apply a limit.
    Storage storage = storageOptional.get();
    Limit limit = limitOptional.get();
    LimitInfo limitInfo = limit.getLimit(material);
    // Cache doesn't need to updated here just yet, needs to be done in MONITOR event phase.
    return storage.count(limit, ScanObject.of(material)) + 1 > limitInfo.getLimit();
Also used : Material(org.bukkit.Material) Chunk(org.bukkit.Chunk) LimitInfo(dev.frankheijden.insights.api.config.limits.LimitInfo) Storage( Region(dev.frankheijden.insights.api.addons.Region) Limit(dev.frankheijden.insights.api.config.limits.Limit) ChunkPart(dev.frankheijden.insights.api.objects.chunk.ChunkPart) UUID(java.util.UUID)

Example 4 with ChunkPart

use of dev.frankheijden.insights.api.objects.chunk.ChunkPart in project Insights by InsightsPlugin.

the class LazyChunkPartRadiusIteratorTest method determineChunkParts.

@ParameterizedTest(name = "Chunk[{0}, {1}], Radius = {2}")
void determineChunkParts(int chunkX, int chunkZ, int radius) {
    World world = Mockito.mock(World.class);
    int edge = (2 * radius) + 1;
    int chunkCount = edge * edge;
    List<ChunkPart> expectedChunkParts = new ArrayList<>(chunkCount);
    for (int x = chunkX - radius; x <= chunkX + radius; x++) {
        for (int z = chunkZ - radius; z <= chunkZ + radius; z++) {
            expectedChunkParts.add(new ChunkLocation(world, x, z).toPart());
    List<ChunkPart> actualChunkParts = new ArrayList<>(chunkCount);
    LazyChunkPartRadiusIterator it = new LazyChunkPartRadiusIterator(world, chunkX, chunkZ, radius);
    while (it.hasNext()) {
        if (actualChunkParts.size() > expectedChunkParts.size()) {
            fail("Expected ChunkPart count exceeded of " + expectedChunkParts.size());
Also used : ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) ChunkPart(dev.frankheijden.insights.api.objects.chunk.ChunkPart) World(org.bukkit.World) ChunkLocation(dev.frankheijden.insights.api.objects.chunk.ChunkLocation) ParameterizedTest(org.junit.jupiter.params.ParameterizedTest) MethodSource(org.junit.jupiter.params.provider.MethodSource)


ChunkPart (dev.frankheijden.insights.api.objects.chunk.ChunkPart)4 ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)3 ChunkLocation (dev.frankheijden.insights.api.objects.chunk.ChunkLocation)2 Chunk (org.bukkit.Chunk)2 World (org.bukkit.World)2 Region (dev.frankheijden.insights.api.addons.Region)1 Storage ( Limit (dev.frankheijden.insights.api.config.limits.Limit)1 LimitInfo (dev.frankheijden.insights.api.config.limits.LimitInfo)1 ChunkCuboid (dev.frankheijden.insights.api.objects.chunk.ChunkCuboid)1 ChunkVector (dev.frankheijden.insights.api.objects.chunk.ChunkVector)1 UUID (java.util.UUID)1 Material (org.bukkit.Material)1 ParameterizedTest (org.junit.jupiter.params.ParameterizedTest)1 MethodSource (org.junit.jupiter.params.provider.MethodSource)1