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Example 1 with Time

use of dev.hawala.xns.level4.common.Time2.Time in project dodo by devhawala.

the class AttributeUtils method courier2file_ordering.

private static void courier2file_ordering(Attribute a, FileEntry fe) {
    Ordering ord;
    try {
        ord = a.decodeData(Ordering::make);
    } catch (Exception e) {
        // ignored, use defaults
        ord = Ordering.make();
    final int interpretation;
    switch(ord.interpretation.get()) {
        case bool:
            interpretation = FsConstants.intrBoolean;
        case cardinal:
            interpretation = FsConstants.intrCardinal;
        case longCardinal:
            interpretation = FsConstants.intrLongCardinal;
        case time:
            interpretation = FsConstants.intrTime;
        case integer:
            interpretation = FsConstants.intrInteger;
        case longInteger:
            interpretation = FsConstants.intrLongInteger;
        case string:
            interpretation = FsConstants.intrString;
            interpretation = FsConstants.intrNone;
Also used : Ordering(dev.hawala.xns.level4.filing.FilingCommon.Ordering)

Example 2 with Time

use of dev.hawala.xns.level4.common.Time2.Time in project dodo by devhawala.

the class AuthChsCommon method checkStrongCredentials.

 * Check that the strong credentials and the strong verifier are
 * both valid for the recipient on the given machine.
 * @param chsDatabase the clearinghouse database to check against
 * @param credentials the credentials to verify
 * @param verifier the verifier going with the credentials
 * @param recipient the recipient for which the the strong credentials are encoded
 * @param recipientMachineId the target machine for which the verifier is encoded
 * @param decodedConversationKey target where to store the conversation encryption key for
 *   the session (the key will only be stored there if not {@code null} and at least
 *   4 entries long).
 * @return {@code null} if the credentials is not of strong type or the
 *   initiator encoded in the credentials is invalid or if the expiration time
 *   of the credentials are expired or the verifier timestamp is invalid;
 *   else the Clearinghouse name of the user if the credentials passed the tests.
 * @throws EndOfMessageException if decoding the credentials or verifier after
 *    decryption fails
 * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the recipient is invalid or has no
 *    strong password for decryption
 * @throws Exception if any decryption fails
public static ThreePartName checkStrongCredentials(ChsDatabase chsDatabase, Credentials credentials, Verifier verifier, ThreePartName recipient, long recipientMachineId, int[] decodedConversationKey, StrongVerifier decodedVerifier) throws Exception {
    // get the recipient decryption password
    if (credentials.type.get() != CredentialsType.strong) {
        return null;
    byte[] recipientStrongPw = chsDatabase.getStrongPassword(recipient);
    if (recipientStrongPw == null) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid recipient (strong password not found)");
    int[] recipientDecryptPw = StrongAuthUtils.toWords(recipientStrongPw);
    // decode the credentials with the recipient's strong password
    StrongCredentials creds = StrongCredentials.make();
    decryptFrom(recipientDecryptPw, credentials.value, creds);
    // decrypt the verifier
    if (decodedConversationKey == null || decodedConversationKey.length < 4) {
        decodedConversationKey = new int[4];
    decodedConversationKey[0] = creds.conversationKey.get(0).get();
    decodedConversationKey[1] = creds.conversationKey.get(1).get();
    decodedConversationKey[2] = creds.conversationKey.get(2).get();
    decodedConversationKey[3] = creds.conversationKey.get(3).get();
    StrongVerifier verfr = StrongVerifier.make();
    decryptFrom(decodedConversationKey, verifier, verfr);
    // left justified machine-id => upper 32 bits
    long rcptTimestampMachineId32Bits = (recipientMachineId >> 16) & 0xFFFFFFFFL;
    // left justified machine-id => lower 32 bits
    long rcptTicksMachineId32Bits = (recipientMachineId & 0x0000FFFFL) << 16;
    long verifierTicks = verfr.ticks.get() ^ rcptTicksMachineId32Bits;
    long verifierTimestamp = verfr.timeStamp.get() ^ rcptTimestampMachineId32Bits;
    if (decodedVerifier != null) {
    // (temp) log the relevant data
    Time now = Time.make().now();
    System.out.printf("creds.initiator: %s:%s:%s\n", creds.initiator.object.get(), creds.initiator.domain.get(), creds.initiator.organization.get());
    System.out.printf("creds.expiration: %d (now: %d)\n", creds.expirationTime.get(), now.get());
    System.out.printf("verifier.timeStamp: 0x%08X = %d -> xor-ed(machineId): 0x%08X = %s (now: 0x%08X =  %d)\n", verfr.timeStamp.get(), verfr.timeStamp.get(), verifierTimestamp, verifierTimestamp, now.get(), now.get());
    System.out.printf("verifier.ticks: 0x%08X = %d -> xor-ed(machineId): 0x%08X = %d\n", verfr.ticks.get(), verfr.ticks.get(), verifierTicks, verifierTicks);
    // check the credentials / verifier
    if (!chsDatabase.isValidName(creds.initiator)) {
        System.out.println("** checkStrongCredentials() => ERR: creds.initiator is not a valid name");
        return null;
    boolean skipTimestampChecks = MachineIds.getCfgBoolean(credentials.remoteHostId.get(), MachineIds.CFG_AUTH_SKIP_TIMESTAMP_CHECKS, false);
    if (!skipTimestampChecks) {
        if (now.get() > creds.expirationTime.get()) {
            System.out.println("** checkStrongCredentials() => ERR: now > creds.expirationTime");
            return null;
        if (now.get() < verifierTimestamp) {
            System.out.println("** checkStrongCredentials() => ERR: now < verifierTimestamp");
            return null;
        if (now.get() > (verifierTimestamp + 60)) {
            System.out.println("** checkStrongCredentials() => ERR: now > verifierTimestamp+60secs");
            return null;
    } else {
        System.out.println("** checkStrongCredentials() => timestamp checks skipped (creds.expirationTime, verifier.timestamp)");
    System.out.println("** checkStrongCredentials() => strong credentials OK");
    return new ThreePartName().from(creds.initiator);
Also used : Time(dev.hawala.xns.level4.common.Time2.Time)

Example 3 with Time

use of dev.hawala.xns.level4.common.Time2.Time in project dodo by devhawala.

the class DodoServer method main.

public static void main(String[] args) throws XnsException {
    String machinesFile = null;
    String baseCfgFile = null;
    String cfgFile = null;
    boolean dumpChs = false;
    // get commandline args
    for (String arg : args) {
        if (arg.toLowerCase().startsWith("-machinecfg:")) {
            String[] parts = arg.split(":");
            machinesFile = parts[1];
        } else if (arg.toLowerCase().startsWith("-basecfg:")) {
            String[] parts = arg.split(":");
            baseCfgFile = parts[1];
        } else if ("-dumpchs".equalsIgnoreCase(arg)) {
            dumpChs = true;
        } else if (cfgFile == null) {
            cfgFile = arg;
        } else {
            System.out.printf("Warning: ignoring unknown argument: %s\n", arg);
    // load machines configuration
    if (!MachineIds.loadDefinitions(machinesFile)) {
        System.out.println("!! failed to load machines configuration");
    // load configuration(s)
    if (baseCfgFile == null) {
        File f = new File(DEFAULT_BASECONFIG_FILE);
        if (f.exists() && f.canRead()) {
            baseCfgFile = DEFAULT_BASECONFIG_FILE;
            System.out.printf("Found and using default commons configuration: %s\n", baseCfgFile);
    if (cfgFile == null && (new File(DEFAULT_CONFIG_FILE)).canRead()) {
        cfgFile = DEFAULT_CONFIG_FILE;
    if (baseCfgFile != null) {
    if (cfgFile != null && !initializeConfiguration(cfgFile)) {
    // put parts of the configuration data as defaults for client machines
    MachineIds.setDefault(MachineIds.CFG_AUTH_SKIP_TIMESTAMP_CHECKS, authSkipTimestampChecks);
    MachineIds.setDefault(MachineIds.CFG_BOOTSVC_SIMPLEDATA_SEND_INTERVAL, bootServiceSimpleDataSendInterval);
    MachineIds.setDefault(MachineIds.CFG_BOOTSVC_SPPDATA_SEND_INTERVAL, bootServiceSppDataSendInterval);
    MachineIds.setDefault(MachineIds.CFG_SPP_HANDSHAKE_SENDACK_COUNTDOWN, sppHandshakeSendackCountdown);
    MachineIds.setDefault(MachineIds.CFG_SPP_RESEND_DELAY, sppResendDelay);
    MachineIds.setDefault(MachineIds.CFG_SPP_HANDSHAKE_RESEND_COUNTDOWN, sppHandshakeResendCountdown);
    MachineIds.setDefault(MachineIds.CFG_SPP_HANDSHAKE_MAX_RESENDS, sppHandshakeMaxResends);
    MachineIds.setDefault(MachineIds.CFG_SPP_RESEND_PACKET_COUNT, sppResendPacketCount);
    MachineIds.setDefault(MachineIds.CFG_SPP_SENDING_TIME_GAP, sppSendingTimeGap);
    // this parameter is global to all SPP connections (cannot be specified at client machine level)
    // open CHS database if there are services requiring it
    ChsDatabase chsDatabase = null;
    if (startChsAndAuth || !fileServiceSpecs.isEmpty()) {
        // create the clearinghouse database
        chsDatabase = new ChsDatabase(networkNo, organizationName, domainName, chsDatabaseRoot, allowBlanksInObjectNames);
        if (dumpChs) {
            System.out.println("\n==\n== machine-id pre-definitions:\n==\n");
            System.out.println("\n==\n== clearinghouse database dump: \n==\n");
            System.out.println("\n==\n== end of machine-id and clearinghouse database dumps\n==\n");
    // check if we have undefined machine names, aborting startup if any
    List<String> undefinedMachineNames = MachineIds.getUndefinedMachineNames();
    if (!undefinedMachineNames.isEmpty()) {
        System.out.println("The following machine names or IDs are undefined or invalid:");
        for (String name : undefinedMachineNames) {
            System.out.printf(" -> name: %s\n", name);
        System.out.printf("Aborting Dodo startup ...\n... please correct the configuration or define the above names in the machine ids file (%s)\n", machinesFile);
    // configure and start the network engine
    LocalSite.configureHub(netHubHost, netHubPort);
    LocalSite.configureLocal(networkNo, machineId, "DodoServer", doChecksums, doDarkstarWorkaround);
    localSite = LocalSite.getInstance();
    // set time base for all time dependent items
    // boot service
    if (startBootService) {
        BootResponder bootService = new BootResponder(bootServiceBasedir, bootServiceVerbose);
        localSite.clientBindToSocket(IDP.KnownSocket.BOOT.getSocket(), bootService);
    // echo service
    if (startEchoService) {
        localSite.clientBindToSocket(IDP.KnownSocket.ECHO.getSocket(), new EchoResponder());
    // time service
    if (startTimeService) {
        localSite.pexListen(IDP.KnownSocket.TIME.getSocket(), new TimeServiceResponder(localTimeOffsetMinutes, timeServiceSendingTimeGap));
    // routing protocol responder
    RipResponder ripResponder = null;
    if (startRipService) {
        ripResponder = new RipResponder();
        localSite.clientBindToSocket(IDP.KnownSocket.ROUTING.getSocket(), ripResponder);
    // clearinghouse and authentication services
    if (startChsAndAuth) {
        // broadcast for clearinghouse service
        // one common implementation for versions 2 and 3, as both versions have the same RetrieveAddresses method
        Clearinghouse3Impl.init(localSite.getNetworkId(), localSite.getMachineId(), chsDatabase);
        localSite.pexListen(IDP.KnownSocket.CLEARINGHOUSE.getSocket(), new BfsClearinghouseResponder(ripResponder), null);
        // broadcast for authentication service
        // one common implementation for versions 1, 2 and 3, as all versions are assumed to have
        // the same (undocumented) RetrieveAddresses method
        Authentication2Impl.init(localSite.getNetworkId(), localSite.getMachineId(), chsDatabase);
        localSite.pexListen(IDP.KnownSocket.AUTH.getSocket(), new BfsAuthenticationResponder());
        // register clearinghouse and authentication courier programs in registry
        // start the mailService always co-located with the clearinghouse
        if (mailServiceVolumePath != null) {
            MailingOldImpl.init(localSite.getNetworkId(), localSite.getMachineId(), chsDatabase, mailServiceVolumePath);
            MailingNewImpl.init(localSite.getNetworkId(), localSite.getMachineId(), chsDatabase, MailingOldImpl.getMailService());
            localSite.pexListen(0x001A, new MailingExpeditedCourierResponder());
    // print service
    if (printServiceName != null && printServiceOutputDirectory != null) {
        try {
            Printing3Impl.init(printServiceName, printServiceOutputDirectory, printServiceDisassembleIp, printServicePaperSizes, printServiceIp2PsProcFilename, printServicePsPostprocessor);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            System.out.printf("Error starting printservice '%s': %s\n", printServiceName, e.getMessage());
    // file service(s)
    if (fileServiceSpecs.size() > 0) {
        // initialize
        FilingImpl.init(localSite.getNetworkId(), localSite.getMachineId(), chsDatabase);
        // open volume(s)
        int openVolumes = 0;
        for (Entry<String, String> spec : fileServiceSpecs.entrySet()) {
            ThreePartName serviceName = ThreePartName.make().from(spec.getKey());
            String volumeBasedirName = spec.getValue();
            if (FilingImpl.addVolume(serviceName, volumeBasedirName)) {
        // register Courier implementation if volume(s) were successfully opened
        if (openVolumes > 0) {
        } else {
            System.out.printf("No volumes opened successfully, not registering Filing to Courier");
    // run courier server with dispatcher
    CourierServer courierServer = new CourierServer(localSite);
    // silence logging a bit
		 * let the server machine run...
Also used : BootResponder(dev.hawala.xns.level4.boot.BootResponder) CourierServer(dev.hawala.xns.level3.courier.CourierServer) MailingExpeditedCourierResponder(dev.hawala.xns.level4.mailing.MailingExpeditedCourierResponder) BfsClearinghouseResponder(dev.hawala.xns.level4.chs.BfsClearinghouseResponder) ThreePartName(dev.hawala.xns.level4.common.AuthChsCommon.ThreePartName) RipResponder( ChsDatabase(dev.hawala.xns.level4.common.ChsDatabase) EchoResponder(dev.hawala.xns.level4.echo.EchoResponder) File( TimeServiceResponder(dev.hawala.xns.level4.time.TimeServiceResponder) BfsAuthenticationResponder(dev.hawala.xns.level4.auth.BfsAuthenticationResponder)

Example 4 with Time

use of dev.hawala.xns.level4.common.Time2.Time in project android_packages_apps_Etar by LineageOS.

the class DayView method getSelectedTimeInMillis.

 * Returns the start of the selected time in milliseconds since the epoch.
 * @return selected time in UTC milliseconds since the epoch.
long getSelectedTimeInMillis() {
    Time time = new Time();
    return time.normalize();
Also used : Time(

Example 5 with Time

use of dev.hawala.xns.level4.common.Time2.Time in project android_packages_apps_Etar by LineageOS.

the class DayView method updateTitle.

public void updateTitle() {
    Time start = new Time();
    Time end = new Time();
    end.setDay(end.getDay() + mNumDays - 1);
    // Move it forward one minute so the formatter doesn't lose a day
    end.setMinute(end.getMinute() + 1);
    long formatFlags = DateUtils.FORMAT_SHOW_DATE | DateUtils.FORMAT_SHOW_YEAR;
    if (mNumDays != 1) {
        // Don't show day of the month if for multi-day view
        formatFlags |= DateUtils.FORMAT_NO_MONTH_DAY;
        // Abbreviate the month if showing multiple months
        if (start.getMonth() != end.getMonth()) {
            formatFlags |= DateUtils.FORMAT_ABBREV_MONTH;
    mController.sendEvent(this, EventType.UPDATE_TITLE, start, end, null, -1, ViewType.CURRENT, formatFlags, null, null);
Also used : Time(


Time ( Paint ( ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)16 Time (org.bouncycastle.asn1.x509.Time)15 Intent (android.content.Intent)12 Uri ( TextPaint (android.text.TextPaint)12 TextView (android.widget.TextView)12 Resources (android.content.res.Resources)10 ContentValues (android.content.ContentValues)8 Context (android.content.Context)8 Cursor (android.database.Cursor)8 View (android.view.View)8 AccessibilityEvent (android.view.accessibility.AccessibilityEvent)8 EventRecurrence ( DERSequence (org.bouncycastle.asn1.DERSequence)8 Date (java.util.Date)7 ASN1EncodableVector (org.bouncycastle.asn1.ASN1EncodableVector)7 MotionEvent (android.view.MotionEvent)6 IOException (