use of in project jbang by jbangdev.
the class RemoteResourceResolver method fetchScriptFromUntrustedURL.
public static ResourceRef fetchScriptFromUntrustedURL(String scriptURL) {
try { uri = new;
if (!TrustedSources.instance().isURLTrusted(uri)) {
String question = scriptURL + " is not from a trusted source thus not running it automatically.\n" + "\n" + "If you trust the url to be safe to run you can do one of the following";
String trustUrl = goodTrustURL(scriptURL);
String trustOrgUrl = orgURL(trustUrl);
List<String> options = new ArrayList<>();
options.add("Trust once: Add no trust, just run this time");
options.add("Trust limited url in future: " + trustUrl);
if (trustOrgUrl != null) {
options.add("Trust organization url in future: " + trustOrgUrl);
int result = Util.askInput(question, 30, 0, options.toArray(new String[] {}));
TrustedSources ts = TrustedSources.instance();
if (result == 2) {
ts.add(trustUrl, Settings.getTrustedSourcesFile().toFile());
} else if (result == 3) {
ts.add(trustOrgUrl, Settings.getTrustedSourcesFile().toFile());
} else if (result <= 0) {
String exmsg = scriptURL + " is not from a trusted source and user did not confirm trust thus aborting.\n" + "If you trust the url to be safe to run are here a few suggestions:\n" + "Limited trust:\n jbang trust add " + trustUrl + "\n";
if (trustOrgUrl != null) {
exmsg += "Organization trust:\n jbang trust add " + trustOrgUrl + "\n";
exmsg += "Trust all subdomains:\n jbang trust add *." + uri.getAuthority() + "\n" + "Trust all sources (WARNING! disables url protection):\n jbang trust add *" + "\n" + "\nFor more control edit ~/.jbang/trusted-sources.json" + "\n";
throw new ExitException(10, exmsg);
scriptURL = swizzleURL(scriptURL);
Path path = Util.swizzleContent(scriptURL, Util.downloadAndCacheFile(scriptURL));
return ResourceRef.forCachedResource(scriptURL, path.toFile());
} catch (IOException | URISyntaxException e) {
throw new ExitException(BaseCommand.EXIT_INVALID_INPUT, "Could not download " + scriptURL, e);