use of digilib.util.ImageSize in project digilib by robcast.
the class ImageJobDescription method getWy.
* Return the relative y-offset of the image area.
* Uses wy parameter.
* Converts wy in pixels to relative.
* @return
* @throws IOException
public Float getWy() throws IOException {
// logger.debug("get_paramWY()");
if (paramWY == null) {
paramWY = getAsFloat("wy");
if (hasOption(DigilibOption.pxarea)) {
// area in absolute pixels - convert to relative
ImageSize imgSize = getHiresSize();
paramWY = paramWY / imgSize.getHeight();
} else if (hasOption(DigilibOption.sqarea)) {
// square full size area
hiresSize = getHiresSize();
float aspect = hiresSize.getAspect();
if (aspect < 1) {
// portrait
paramWY = (1f - aspect) / 2f;
} else {
// landscape
paramWY = 0f;
return paramWY;
use of digilib.util.ImageSize in project digilib by robcast.
the class ImageJobDescription method isTransformRequired.
* Returns if any transformation of the source image (image manipulation or
* format conversion) is required.
* @return
* @throws IOException
public boolean isTransformRequired() throws IOException {
ImageSize is = getInput().getSize();
ImageSize ess = getMinSourceSize();
// does the image require processing?
if (isImageSendable()) {
// does the image require rescaling?
if (isLoresOnly() && is.isSmallerThan(ess)) {
// lores: send even if smaller
return false;
} else if (is.fitsIn(ess)) {
// send if it fits
return false;
return true;
use of digilib.util.ImageSize in project digilib by robcast.
the class ImageJobDescription method prepareSqueezeToFit.
* Squeeze to fit: scale factor based on destination size and user area.
* Uses separate scale factors for x and y to fill destination size changing aspect ratio.
* Sets ScaleX and ScaleY.
protected Rectangle2D prepareSqueezeToFit() throws IOException {
* calculate minimum source size
* w_min = dw * 1/ww
minSourceSize = new ImageSize(Math.round(getAsInt("dw") / getWw()), Math.round(getAsInt("dh") / getWh()));
* get image region of interest
// size of the currently selected input image (uses minSourceSize)
imgSize = getImgSize();
// transform from relative [0,1] to image coordinates.
double areaXf = getWx() * imgSize.getWidth();
double areaYf = getWy() * imgSize.getHeight();
double areaWidthF = getWw() * imgSize.getWidth();
double areaHeightF = getWh() * imgSize.getHeight();
// round to pixels
long areaX = Math.round(areaXf);
long areaY = Math.round(areaYf);
long areaHeight = Math.round(areaHeightF);
long areaWidth = Math.round(areaWidthF);
* calculate scale factors
scaleX = getDw() / (double) areaWidth;
scaleY = getDh() / (double) areaHeight;
return new Rectangle2D.Double(areaX, areaY, areaWidth, areaHeight);
use of digilib.util.ImageSize in project digilib by robcast.
the class ImageJobDescription method prepareScaleToFit.
* Scale to fit: scale factor based on destination size dw/dh and user area.
* Uses a uniform scale factor for x and y.
* Sets ScaleX and ScaleY.
protected Rectangle2D prepareScaleToFit() throws IOException {
* prepare minimum source image size
* minSourceSize: w_min = dw * 1/ww
* Note: dw or dh can be empty (=0)
float scale = (1 / Math.min(getWw(), getWh()));
minSourceSize = new ImageSize(Math.round(getAsInt("dw") * scale), Math.round(getAsInt("dh") * scale));
* get image region of interest
// size of the currently selected input image (uses minSourceSize)
imgSize = getImgSize();
// transform from relative [0,1] to image coordinates.
double areaXf = getWx() * imgSize.getWidth();
double areaYf = getWy() * imgSize.getHeight();
double areaWidthF = getWw() * imgSize.getWidth();
double areaHeightF = getWh() * imgSize.getHeight();
// round to pixels
long areaX = Math.round(areaXf);
long areaY = Math.round(areaYf);
long areaHeight = Math.round(areaHeightF);
long areaWidth = Math.round(areaWidthF);
* calculate scale factors
scaleX = getDw() / (double) areaWidth;
scaleY = getDh() / (double) areaHeight;
if (scaleX == 0) {
// dw undefined
scaleX = scaleY;
} else if (scaleY == 0) {
// dh undefined
scaleY = scaleX;
} else if (hasOption(DigilibOption.crop)) {
// use the bigger factor to get fill-the-box
if (scaleX > scaleY) {
scaleY = scaleX;
// crop mode uses whole destination rect
long croppedAreaHeight = Math.round(getDh() / scaleY);
if (areaHeight > croppedAreaHeight) {
// center cropped area
areaY += (areaHeight - croppedAreaHeight) / 2;
areaHeight = croppedAreaHeight;
// re-compute scaleY
scaleY = getDh() / (double) areaHeight;
} else {
scaleX = scaleY;
// crop mode uses whole destination rect
long croppedAreaWidth = Math.round(getDw() / scaleX);
if (areaWidth > croppedAreaWidth) {
// center cropped area
areaX += (areaWidth - croppedAreaWidth) / 2;
areaWidth = croppedAreaWidth;
// re-compute scaleX
scaleX = getDw() / (double) areaWidth;
} else {
// use the smaller factor to get fit-in-box
if (scaleX > scaleY) {
scaleX = scaleY;
if (hasOption(DigilibOption.fill)) {
// fill mode uses whole destination rect
long filledAreaWidth = Math.round(getDw() / scaleX);
if (filledAreaWidth > areaWidth) {
// center filled area
areaX -= (filledAreaWidth - areaWidth) / 2;
areaWidth = filledAreaWidth;
// re-compute scaleX
scaleX = getDw() / (double) areaWidth;
} else {
scaleY = scaleX;
if (hasOption(DigilibOption.fill)) {
// fill mode uses whole destination rect
long filledAreaHeight = Math.round(getDh() / scaleY);
if (filledAreaHeight > areaHeight) {
// center filled area
areaY -= (filledAreaHeight - areaHeight) / 2;
areaHeight = filledAreaHeight;
// re-compute scaleY
scaleY = getDh() / (double) areaHeight;
return new Rectangle2D.Double(areaX, areaY, areaWidth, areaHeight);
use of digilib.util.ImageSize in project digilib by robcast.
the class ImageJobDescription method getOuterImgArea.
* Return the maximum area of the source image that will be used.
* This was meant to include extra pixels outside the
* imgArea when rotating by oblique angles but is not yet implemented.
* Currently returns imgArea.
* @return
* @throws IOException
* @throws ImageOpException
public Rectangle2D getOuterImgArea() throws IOException, ImageOpException {
if (outerImgArea == null) {
// calculate scale parameters
if (imgArea == null) {
// start with imgArea
outerImgArea = imgArea;
// image size in pixels
ImageSize imgSize = getInput().getSize();
Rectangle2D imgBounds = new Rectangle2D.Double(0, 0, imgSize.getWidth(), imgSize.getHeight());
// clip area at the image border
outerImgArea = outerImgArea.createIntersection(imgBounds);
// check image parameters sanity
if ((outerImgArea.getWidth() < 1) || (outerImgArea.getHeight() < 1) || (scaleX * outerImgArea.getWidth() < 2) || (scaleY * outerImgArea.getHeight() < 2)) {
logger.error("ERROR: invalid scale parameter set!");
logger.debug("scaleX=" + scaleX + " scaleY=" + scaleY + " outerImgArea=" + outerImgArea);
throw new ImageOpException("Invalid scale parameter set!");
return outerImgArea;