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Example 1 with FileLocality

use of diskCacheV111.util.FileLocality in project dcache by dCache.

the class DCacheAwareJdbcFs method getFileLocality.

 * Callout to get pool monitor and check for live (network) status of a file instead of simply
 * its status as recorded in the Chimera database.
private String getFileLocality(PnfsId pnfsId) throws ChimeraFsException {
    FileLocality locality = FileLocality.UNAVAILABLE;
    try {
        Set<FileAttribute> requestedAttributes = EnumSet.of(FileAttribute.TYPE, FileAttribute.SIZE, FileAttribute.STORAGEINFO, FileAttribute.LOCATIONS);
        Set<AccessMask> accessMask = EnumSet.of(AccessMask.READ_DATA);
        FileAttributes attributes = pnfsHandler.getFileAttributes(pnfsId, requestedAttributes, accessMask, false);
             * TODO improve code to pass in the actual InetAddress of the
             * client so that link net masks do not interfere; note that SRM uses
             * "localhost", so it is not a deviation from existing behavior.
        locality = poolMonitor.getFileLocality(attributes, "localhost");
    } catch (CacheException t) {
        throw new ChimeraFsException("getFileLocality", t);
    return locality.toString();
Also used : CacheException(diskCacheV111.util.CacheException) PermissionDeniedCacheException(diskCacheV111.util.PermissionDeniedCacheException) AccessMask(org.dcache.acl.enums.AccessMask) FileLocality(diskCacheV111.util.FileLocality) FileAttributes(org.dcache.vehicles.FileAttributes) FileAttribute(org.dcache.namespace.FileAttribute)

Example 2 with FileLocality

use of diskCacheV111.util.FileLocality in project dcache by dCache.

the class QoSTransitionEngine method adjustQoS.

public void adjustQoS(FsPath path, String target, String remoteHost) throws UnsupportedOperationException, URISyntaxException, CacheException, InterruptedException, NoRouteToCellException {
    attributes = pnfsHandler.getFileAttributes(path, TRANSITION_ATTRIBUTES);
    FileLocality locality = getLocality(remoteHost);
    PnfsId id = attributes.getPnfsId();
    LOGGER.debug("{} locality: {}", id, locality);
    if (locality == FileLocality.NONE) {
        throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Transition for directories " + "not supported");
    Qos qosTarget;
    try {
        qosTarget = Qos.fromDisplayName(target);
        LOGGER.debug("{}, new target QoS {}.", id, qosTarget);
    } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
        throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Bad QoS Target type", e);
    AccessLatency currentAccessLatency = attributes.getAccessLatency();
    RetentionPolicy currentRetentionPolicy = attributes.getRetentionPolicy();
    LOGGER.debug("{}, AccessLatency {}, Retention Policy {}.", id, currentAccessLatency, currentRetentionPolicy);
    FileAttributes modifiedAttr = new FileAttributes();
    ListenableFuture<PoolMigrationMessage> migrationFuture = null;
    ListenableFuture<PinManagerPinMessage> pinFuture = null;
    switch(qosTarget) {
        case DISK_TAPE:
            if (locality == FileLocality.ONLINE) {
                LOGGER.debug("{}, attempting to migrate.", id);
                migrationFuture = conditionallyMigrateToTapePool(modifiedAttr, currentRetentionPolicy);
            if (!currentAccessLatency.equals(AccessLatency.ONLINE)) {
                LOGGER.debug("{}, changing access latency to ONLINE", id);
            updateNamespace(modifiedAttr, id, path);
            // REVISIT when Resilience manages QoS for all files, remove
            if (!isPinnedForQoS()) {
                LOGGER.debug("{}, pinning for QoS.", id);
                pinFuture = pinForQoS(remoteHost);
        case DISK:
            if (locality == FileLocality.ONLINE) {
                     *  ONLINE locality may not denote ONLINE access latency.
                     *  ONLINE locality and NEARLINE access latency should
                     *  not translate to 'Disk' qos.
                if (!currentAccessLatency.equals(AccessLatency.ONLINE)) {
                    LOGGER.debug("{}, changing access latency to ONLINE", id);
                    updateNamespace(modifiedAttr, id, path);
                // REVISIT when Resilience manages QoS for all files, remove
                if (!isPinnedForQoS()) {
                    LOGGER.debug("{}, pinning for QoS.", id);
                    pinFuture = pinForQoS(remoteHost);
            } else if (currentRetentionPolicy.equals(RetentionPolicy.CUSTODIAL)) {
                     *  Technically, to make the QoS semantics in
                     *  Chimera consistent, one would need to change this
                     *  to REPLICA, even though this would not trigger
                     *  deletion from tape.  It is probably best to
                     *  continue not supporting this transition.
                throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Unsupported QoS transition");
        case TAPE:
            if (locality == FileLocality.ONLINE) {
                LOGGER.debug("{}, attempting to migrate.", id);
                migrationFuture = conditionallyMigrateToTapePool(modifiedAttr, currentRetentionPolicy);
            if (!currentAccessLatency.equals(AccessLatency.NEARLINE)) {
                LOGGER.debug("{}, changing access latency to NEARLINE", id);
            updateNamespace(modifiedAttr, id, path);
            // REVISIT when Resilience manages QoS for all files, remove
            LOGGER.debug("{}, unpinning QoS.", id);
            throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Unsupported QoS target for transition");
    if (replyHandler != null) {
Also used : AccessLatency(diskCacheV111.util.AccessLatency) PnfsId(diskCacheV111.util.PnfsId) PoolMigrationMessage(org.dcache.pool.migration.PoolMigrationMessage) PinManagerPinMessage(org.dcache.pinmanager.PinManagerPinMessage) FileLocality(diskCacheV111.util.FileLocality) RetentionPolicy(diskCacheV111.util.RetentionPolicy) FileAttributes(org.dcache.vehicles.FileAttributes)

Example 3 with FileLocality

use of diskCacheV111.util.FileLocality in project dcache by dCache.

the class QoSTransitionEngine method getQosStatus.

     * REVISIT when Resilience can handle all file QoS, remove pinned checks
public QosStatus getQosStatus(FileAttributes attributes, String remoteHost) throws InterruptedException, CacheException, NoRouteToCellException {
    this.attributes = attributes;
    boolean isPinnedForQoS = QoSTransitionEngine.isPinnedForQoS(attributes, pinManager);
    FileLocality locality = getLocality(remoteHost);
    AccessLatency currentAccessLatency = attributes.getAccessLatencyIfPresent().orElse(null);
    RetentionPolicy currentRetentionPolicy = attributes.getRetentionPolicyIfPresent().orElse(null);
    boolean policyIsTape = currentRetentionPolicy == RetentionPolicy.CUSTODIAL;
    boolean latencyIsDisk = currentAccessLatency == AccessLatency.ONLINE || isPinnedForQoS;
    switch(locality) {
        case NEARLINE:
            if (policyIsTape) {
                if (latencyIsDisk) {
                         *  In transition.
                    return new QosStatus(TAPE, DISK_TAPE);
                return new QosStatus(TAPE);
            } else {
                     * not possible according to present
                     * locality definition of NEARLINE; but eventually,
                     * if this happens, something has happened
                     * to the file (could be a REPLICA NEARLINE
                     * file whose only copy has been removed
                     * from the pool).
                return new QosStatus(UNAVAILABLE);
        case ONLINE:
            if (latencyIsDisk) {
                if (policyIsTape) {
                         *  In transition.
                    return new QosStatus(DISK, DISK_TAPE);
                return new QosStatus(DISK);
            } else {
                     *  This is the case where we have found a
                     *  cached file.  Since locality here means
                     *  this cannot be CUSTODIAL, and it is not AL ONLINE,
                     *  it must be REPLICA NEARLINE.  What is the QoS?
                if (policyIsTape) {
                         *  In transition.
                    return new QosStatus(VOLATILE, TAPE);
                return new QosStatus(VOLATILE);
            if (latencyIsDisk) {
                return new QosStatus(DISK_TAPE);
            } else {
                     *  This is ambiguous.  It could be that the file
                     *  is present on disk, but it is 'unpinned' or has
                     *  an access latency of NEARLINE (a cached replica)
                     *  now, or it could be a transition to a TAPE
                     *  from DISK+TAPE (i.e., is it the current or
                     *  target QoS which is TAPE?).
                     *  The situation is undecidable. So we leave
                     *  the target Qos blank for the moment.
                return new QosStatus(TAPE);
                 * Transitions away from tape are currently forbidden.
        case NONE:
            // implies the target is a directory.
            return directoryQoS();
        case UNAVAILABLE:
            return new QosStatus(UNAVAILABLE);
        case LOST:
        // currently not used by dCache
            throw new CacheException("Unexpected file locality: " + locality);
Also used : AccessLatency(diskCacheV111.util.AccessLatency) CacheException(diskCacheV111.util.CacheException) FileLocality(diskCacheV111.util.FileLocality) RetentionPolicy(diskCacheV111.util.RetentionPolicy)

Example 4 with FileLocality

use of diskCacheV111.util.FileLocality in project dcache by dCache.

the class NamespaceUtils method chimeraToJsonAttributes.

 * <p>Map returned attributes to JsonFileAttributes object.</p>
 * @param name        of file
 * @param json        mapped from attributes
 * @param attributes  returned by the query to namespace
 * @param isLocality  used to check weather user queried locality of the file
 * @param isLocations add locations if true
 * @param isLabels    add label if true
 * @param isOptional  add optional attributes if true
 * @param isXattr     add xattr if true
 * @param isChecksum  add checksums if true
 * @param request     to check for client info
 * @param poolMonitor for access to remote PoolMonitor
public static void chimeraToJsonAttributes(String name, JsonFileAttributes json, FileAttributes attributes, boolean isLocality, boolean isLocations, boolean isLabels, boolean isOptional, boolean isXattr, boolean isChecksum, HttpServletRequest request, PoolMonitor poolMonitor) throws CacheException {
    if (attributes.isDefined(FileAttribute.NLINK)) {
    if (attributes.isDefined(FileAttribute.MODIFICATION_TIME)) {
    if (attributes.isDefined(FileAttribute.CREATION_TIME)) {
    if (attributes.isDefined(FileAttribute.SIZE)) {
    if (attributes.isDefined(FileAttribute.MODE)) {
    FileType fileType = null;
    if (attributes.isDefined(FileAttribute.TYPE)) {
        fileType = attributes.getFileType();
        json.setFileMimeType(mimeTypeOf(name, attributes));
    // the locality should be returned only for directories
    if ((isLocality) && fileType != FileType.DIR) {
        String client = request.getRemoteHost();
        FileLocality fileLocality = poolMonitor.getFileLocality(attributes, client);
    if (isLocations) {
        if (attributes.isDefined(FileAttribute.LOCATIONS)) {
    if (isOptional) {
        addAllOptionalAttributes(json, attributes);
    if (isXattr) {
        Map<String, String> xattr = attributes.getXattrs();
    if (isChecksum) {
        if (attributes.isDefined(FileAttribute.CHECKSUM)) {
    if (isLabels) {
        if (attributes.isDefined(FileAttribute.LABELS)) {
Also used : FileType(org.dcache.namespace.FileType) FileLocality(diskCacheV111.util.FileLocality)

Example 5 with FileLocality

use of diskCacheV111.util.FileLocality in project dcache by dCache.

the class PoolMonitorV5 method getFileLocality.

public FileLocality getFileLocality(FileAttributes attributes, String hostName) {
    if (attributes.getFileType() == FileType.DIR || !attributes.isDefined(SIZE)) {
        return FileLocality.NONE;
    PoolPreferenceLevel[] levels = _selectionUnit.match(DirectionType.READ, hostName, "*/*", attributes, null, s -> false);
    Collection<String> locations = attributes.getLocations();
    for (PoolPreferenceLevel level : levels) {
        if (!Collections.disjoint(level.getPoolList(), locations)) {
            return (attributes.getStorageInfo().isStored() ? FileLocality.ONLINE_AND_NEARLINE : FileLocality.ONLINE);
    if (attributes.getStorageInfo().isStored()) {
        return FileLocality.NEARLINE;
    for (String name : locations) {
        PoolSelectionUnit.SelectionPool pool = _selectionUnit.getPool(name);
        if (pool == null || !pool.canReadForP2P()) {
        PoolCostInfo cost = _costModule.getPoolCostInfo(name);
        if (cost == null) {
        // SelectionPool.canReadForP2P
        if (cost.getP2pQueue().getMaxActive() > 0) {
            return FileLocality.NEARLINE;
    return FileLocality.UNAVAILABLE;
Also used : SelectionPool(diskCacheV111.poolManager.PoolSelectionUnit.SelectionPool) PoolCostInfo(diskCacheV111.pools.PoolCostInfo)


FileLocality (diskCacheV111.util.FileLocality)6 CacheException (diskCacheV111.util.CacheException)4 FileAttributes (org.dcache.vehicles.FileAttributes)4 PermissionDeniedCacheException (diskCacheV111.util.PermissionDeniedCacheException)3 FileAttribute (org.dcache.namespace.FileAttribute)3 AccessLatency (diskCacheV111.util.AccessLatency)2 FileNotFoundCacheException (diskCacheV111.util.FileNotFoundCacheException)2 RetentionPolicy (diskCacheV111.util.RetentionPolicy)2 TimeoutCacheException (diskCacheV111.util.TimeoutCacheException)2 AccessMask (org.dcache.acl.enums.AccessMask)2 SelectionPool (diskCacheV111.poolManager.PoolSelectionUnit.SelectionPool)1 PoolCostInfo (diskCacheV111.pools.PoolCostInfo)1 GetFileSpaceTokensMessage ( FileCorruptedCacheException (diskCacheV111.util.FileCorruptedCacheException)1 FileExistsCacheException (diskCacheV111.util.FileExistsCacheException)1 FileIsNewCacheException (diskCacheV111.util.FileIsNewCacheException)1 FsPath (diskCacheV111.util.FsPath)1 NotDirCacheException (diskCacheV111.util.NotDirCacheException)1 PnfsHandler (diskCacheV111.util.PnfsHandler)1 PnfsId (diskCacheV111.util.PnfsId)1