use of dr.evolution.coalescent.ConstantPopulation in project beast-mcmc by beast-dev.
the class VariableSkylineLikelihood method getLogLikelihood.
// **************************************************************
// **************************************************************
* Calculates the log likelihood of this set of coalescent intervals,
* given a demographic model.
public synchronized double getLogLikelihood() {
double logL = 0.0;
double currentTime = 0.0;
// index of current interval in the population function
int groupIndex = 0;
// how many intervals precessed in the current group - tell when to switch to next group
int subIndex = 0;
ConstantPopulation cp = new ConstantPopulation(Units.Type.YEARS);
final double[] pop = new double[1];
if (type == Type.LINEAR) {
cp = new ConstantPopulation(Units.Type.YEARS) {
public double getDemographic(double t) {
return pop[0];
for (int j = 0; j < intervalCount; j++) {
// set the population size to the size of the middle of the current interval
if (type == Type.LINEAR) {
pop[0] = getPopSize(groupIndex, currentTime + intervals[j]);
cp.setN0(getPopSize(groupIndex, currentTime + (intervals[j] / 2.0)));
final CoalescentEventType iType = getIntervalType(j);
if (iType == CoalescentEventType.COALESCENT) {
subIndex += 1;
if (subIndex >= groupSizes.get(groupIndex)) {
groupIndex += 1;
subIndex = 0;
logL += calculateIntervalLikelihood(cp, intervals[j], currentTime, lineageCounts[j], iType);
if (logL > 0 && j > 1) {
// insert zero-length coalescent intervals
final int diff = getCoalescentEvents(j) - 1;
for (int k = 0; k < diff; k++) {
// not clear, seems wrong - how can population size change in 0 time?
pop[0] = getPopSize(groupIndex, currentTime);
logL += calculateIntervalLikelihood(cp, 0.0, currentTime, lineageCounts[j] - k - 1, CoalescentEventType.COALESCENT);
subIndex += 1;
if (subIndex >= groupSizes.get(groupIndex)) {
groupIndex += 1;
subIndex = 0;
currentTime += intervals[j];
return logL;
use of dr.evolution.coalescent.ConstantPopulation in project beast-mcmc by beast-dev.
the class BayesianSkylineGibbsOperator method doOperation.
public double doOperation() {
if (!bayesianSkylineLikelihood.getIntervalsKnown())
assert (populationSizeParameter != null);
assert (groupSizeParameter != null);
// Now enter a loop similar to the likelihood calculation, except that
// we now just collect
// waiting times, and exponents of the population size parameters, for
// each group.
int groupIndex = 0;
int subIndex = 0;
int[] groupSizes = bayesianSkylineLikelihood.getGroupSizes();
double[] groupEnds = bayesianSkylineLikelihood.getGroupHeights();
ConstantPopulation cp = new ConstantPopulation(Units.Type.YEARS);
double exponent = 0.0;
double gammaRate = 0.0;
double currentTime = 0.0;
double[] populationSizes = new double[groupSizes.length];
double[] exponents = new double[groupSizes.length];
double[] gammaRates = new double[groupSizes.length];
// distributions describing the posteriors on N
for (int j = 0; j < bayesianSkylineLikelihood.getIntervalCount(); j++) {
// set the population size to the size of the middle of the current
// interval
double curpopsize = bayesianSkylineLikelihood.getPopSize(groupIndex, currentTime + (bayesianSkylineLikelihood.getInterval(j) / 2.0), groupEnds);
populationSizes[groupIndex] = curpopsize;
exponent += bayesianSkylineLikelihood.calculateIntervalShapeParameter(cp, bayesianSkylineLikelihood.getInterval(j), currentTime, bayesianSkylineLikelihood.getLineageCount(j), bayesianSkylineLikelihood.getIntervalType(j));
gammaRate += bayesianSkylineLikelihood.calculateIntervalRateParameter(cp, bayesianSkylineLikelihood.getInterval(j), currentTime, bayesianSkylineLikelihood.getLineageCount(j), bayesianSkylineLikelihood.getIntervalType(j)) * curpopsize;
if (bayesianSkylineLikelihood.getIntervalType(j) == OldAbstractCoalescentLikelihood.CoalescentEventType.COALESCENT) {
subIndex += 1;
if (subIndex >= groupSizes[groupIndex]) {
exponents[groupIndex] = exponent;
gammaRates[groupIndex] = gammaRate;
// Reset accumulators
exponent = 0.0;
gammaRate = 0.0;
// Next group
groupIndex += 1;
subIndex = 0;
// insert zero-length coalescent intervals (for multifurcating trees
int diff = bayesianSkylineLikelihood.getCoalescentEvents(j) - 1;
for (int k = 0; k < diff; k++) {
curpopsize = bayesianSkylineLikelihood.getPopSize(groupIndex, currentTime + (bayesianSkylineLikelihood.getInterval(j) / 2.0), groupEnds);
populationSizes[groupIndex] = curpopsize;
exponent += bayesianSkylineLikelihood.calculateIntervalShapeParameter(cp, bayesianSkylineLikelihood.getInterval(j), currentTime, bayesianSkylineLikelihood.getLineageCount(j), bayesianSkylineLikelihood.getIntervalType(j));
gammaRate += bayesianSkylineLikelihood.calculateIntervalRateParameter(cp, bayesianSkylineLikelihood.getInterval(j), currentTime, bayesianSkylineLikelihood.getLineageCount(j), bayesianSkylineLikelihood.getIntervalType(j)) * curpopsize;
subIndex += 1;
if (subIndex >= groupSizes[groupIndex]) {
exponents[groupIndex] = exponent;
gammaRates[groupIndex] = gammaRate;
// Reset accumulators
exponent = 0.0;
gammaRate = 0.0;
// Next group
groupIndex += 1;
subIndex = 0;
currentTime += bayesianSkylineLikelihood.getInterval(j);
// Next, sample new population sizes
double hastingsRatio = 0.0;
int numGibbsMoves = iterations;
boolean[] tabu = new boolean[groupSizes.length];
for (int i = 0; i < groupSizes.length; i++) tabu[i] = false;
while (numGibbsMoves > 0) {
int randomCoord = dr.math.MathUtils.nextInt(groupSizes.length);
// neighbours haven't been sampled
if (!tabu[randomCoord]) {
hastingsRatio += getSample(exponents, gammaRates, populationSizes, randomCoord);
// make current index tabu, but un-tabuize its neighbours
tabu[randomCoord] = true;
if (randomCoord != 0)
tabu[randomCoord - 1] = false;
if (randomCoord != groupSizes.length - 1)
tabu[randomCoord + 1] = false;
numGibbsMoves -= 1;
// store the new array of population sizes
for (int j = 0; j < groupIndex; j++) {
populationSizeParameter.setParameterValue(j, populationSizes[j]);
return hastingsRatio;
use of dr.evolution.coalescent.ConstantPopulation in project beast-mcmc by beast-dev.
the class SkylineLikelihood method calculateLogLikelihood.
// **************************************************************
// **************************************************************
* Calculates the log likelihood of this set of coalescent intervals,
* given a demographic model.
public double calculateLogLikelihood() {
if (!intervalsKnown)
double logL = 0.0;
double currentTime = 0.0;
int popIndex = 0;
ConstantPopulation cp = new ConstantPopulation(Units.Type.YEARS);
for (int j = 0; j < intervalCount; j++) {
if (getIntervalType(j) == CoalescentEventType.COALESCENT) {
popIndex += 1;
logL += calculateIntervalLikelihood(cp, intervals[j], currentTime, lineageCounts[j], getIntervalType(j));
// insert zero-length coalescent intervals
int diff = getCoalescentEvents(j) - 1;
for (int k = 0; k < diff; k++) {
logL += calculateIntervalLikelihood(cp, 0.0, currentTime, lineageCounts[j] - k - 1, CoalescentEventType.COALESCENT);
popIndex += 1;
currentTime += intervals[j];
return logL;
use of dr.evolution.coalescent.ConstantPopulation in project beast-mcmc by beast-dev.
the class TransmissionTreeToVirusTree method main.
public static void main(String[] args) {
ModelType model = ModelType.CONSTANT;
double startNe = 1;
double growthRate = 0;
double t50 = 0;
Arguments arguments = new Arguments(new Arguments.Option[] { new Arguments.StringOption(DEMOGRAPHIC_MODEL, demographics, false, "The type of within-host" + " demographic function to use, default = constant"), new Arguments.RealOption(STARTING_POPULATION_SIZE, "The effective population size at time zero" + " (used in all models), default = 1"), new Arguments.RealOption(GROWTH_RATE, "The effective population size growth rate (used in" + " exponential and logistic models), default = 0"), new Arguments.RealOption(T50, "The time point, relative to the time of infection in backwards " + "time, at which the population is equal to half its final asymptotic value, in the " + "logistic model default = 0") });
try {
} catch (Arguments.ArgumentException ae) {
if (arguments.hasOption(HELP)) {
if (arguments.hasOption(DEMOGRAPHIC_MODEL)) {
String modelString = arguments.getStringOption(DEMOGRAPHIC_MODEL);
if (modelString.toLowerCase().startsWith("c")) {
model = ModelType.CONSTANT;
} else if (modelString.toLowerCase().startsWith("e")) {
model = ModelType.EXPONENTIAL;
} else if (modelString.toLowerCase().startsWith("l")) {
model = ModelType.LOGISTIC;
} else {
progressStream.print("Unrecognised demographic model type");
if (arguments.hasOption(STARTING_POPULATION_SIZE)) {
startNe = arguments.getRealOption(STARTING_POPULATION_SIZE);
if (arguments.hasOption(GROWTH_RATE) && model != ModelType.CONSTANT) {
growthRate = arguments.getRealOption(GROWTH_RATE);
if (arguments.hasOption(T50) && model == ModelType.LOGISTIC) {
t50 = arguments.getRealOption(T50);
DemographicFunction demoFunction = null;
switch(model) {
demoFunction = new ConstantPopulation(Units.Type.YEARS);
((ConstantPopulation) demoFunction).setN0(startNe);
demoFunction = new ExponentialGrowth(Units.Type.YEARS);
((ExponentialGrowth) demoFunction).setN0(startNe);
((ExponentialGrowth) demoFunction).setGrowthRate(growthRate);
demoFunction = new LogisticGrowthN0(Units.Type.YEARS);
((LogisticGrowthN0) demoFunction).setN0(startNe);
((LogisticGrowthN0) demoFunction).setGrowthRate(growthRate);
((LogisticGrowthN0) demoFunction).setT50(t50);
final String[] args2 = arguments.getLeftoverArguments();
if (args2.length != 3) {
String infectionsFileName = args2[0];
String samplesFileName = args2[1];
String outputFileRoot = args2[2];
TransmissionTreeToVirusTree instance = new TransmissionTreeToVirusTree(samplesFileName, infectionsFileName, demoFunction, outputFileRoot);
try {;
} catch (IOException e) {
use of dr.evolution.coalescent.ConstantPopulation in project beast-mcmc by beast-dev.
the class BayesianSkylineLikelihood method getLogLikelihood.
// **************************************************************
// **************************************************************
* Calculates the log likelihood of this set of coalescent intervals,
* given a demographic model.
public double getLogLikelihood() {
double logL = 0.0;
double currentTime = 0.0;
int groupIndex = 0;
int[] groupSizes = getGroupSizes();
double[] groupEnds = getGroupHeights();
int subIndex = 0;
if (type == EXPONENTIAL_TYPE) {
ExponentialBSPGrowth eg = new ExponentialBSPGrowth(Units.Type.YEARS);
for (int j = 0; j < intervalCount; j++) {
double startGroupPopSize = popSizeParameter.getParameterValue(groupIndex);
double endGroupPopSize = popSizeParameter.getParameterValue(groupIndex + 1);
double startTime = currentTime;
double endTime = currentTime + intervals[j];
eg.setup(startGroupPopSize, endGroupPopSize, endTime - startTime);
if (getIntervalType(j) == CoalescentEventType.COALESCENT) {
subIndex += 1;
if (subIndex >= groupSizes[groupIndex]) {
groupIndex += 1;
subIndex = 0;
logL += calculateIntervalLikelihood(eg, intervals[j], currentTime, lineageCounts[j], getIntervalType(j));
// insert zero-length coalescent intervals
int diff = getCoalescentEvents(j) - 1;
for (int k = 0; k < diff; k++) {
eg.setup(startGroupPopSize, startGroupPopSize, endTime - startTime);
logL += calculateIntervalLikelihood(eg, 0.0, currentTime, lineageCounts[j] - k - 1, CoalescentEventType.COALESCENT);
subIndex += 1;
if (subIndex >= groupSizes[groupIndex]) {
groupIndex += 1;
subIndex = 0;
currentTime += intervals[j];
} else {
ConstantPopulation cp = new ConstantPopulation(Units.Type.YEARS);
for (int j = 0; j < intervalCount; j++) {
// set the population size to the size of the middle of the current interval
final double ps = getPopSize(groupIndex, currentTime + (intervals[j] / 2.0), groupEnds);
if (getIntervalType(j) == CoalescentEventType.COALESCENT) {
subIndex += 1;
if (subIndex >= groupSizes[groupIndex]) {
groupIndex += 1;
subIndex = 0;
logL += calculateIntervalLikelihood(cp, intervals[j], currentTime, lineageCounts[j], getIntervalType(j));
// insert zero-length coalescent intervals
int diff = getCoalescentEvents(j) - 1;
for (int k = 0; k < diff; k++) {
cp.setN0(getPopSize(groupIndex, currentTime, groupEnds));
logL += calculateIntervalLikelihood(cp, 0.0, currentTime, lineageCounts[j] - k - 1, CoalescentEventType.COALESCENT);
subIndex += 1;
if (subIndex >= groupSizes[groupIndex]) {
groupIndex += 1;
subIndex = 0;
currentTime += intervals[j];
return logL;