use of dr.evolution.coalescent.DemographicFunction in project beast-mcmc by beast-dev.
the class TransmissionTreeToVirusTree method main.
public static void main(String[] args) {
ModelType model = ModelType.CONSTANT;
double startNe = 1;
double growthRate = 0;
double t50 = 0;
Arguments arguments = new Arguments(new Arguments.Option[] { new Arguments.StringOption(DEMOGRAPHIC_MODEL, demographics, false, "The type of within-host" + " demographic function to use, default = constant"), new Arguments.RealOption(STARTING_POPULATION_SIZE, "The effective population size at time zero" + " (used in all models), default = 1"), new Arguments.RealOption(GROWTH_RATE, "The effective population size growth rate (used in" + " exponential and logistic models), default = 0"), new Arguments.RealOption(T50, "The time point, relative to the time of infection in backwards " + "time, at which the population is equal to half its final asymptotic value, in the " + "logistic model default = 0") });
try {
} catch (Arguments.ArgumentException ae) {
if (arguments.hasOption(HELP)) {
if (arguments.hasOption(DEMOGRAPHIC_MODEL)) {
String modelString = arguments.getStringOption(DEMOGRAPHIC_MODEL);
if (modelString.toLowerCase().startsWith("c")) {
model = ModelType.CONSTANT;
} else if (modelString.toLowerCase().startsWith("e")) {
model = ModelType.EXPONENTIAL;
} else if (modelString.toLowerCase().startsWith("l")) {
model = ModelType.LOGISTIC;
} else {
progressStream.print("Unrecognised demographic model type");
if (arguments.hasOption(STARTING_POPULATION_SIZE)) {
startNe = arguments.getRealOption(STARTING_POPULATION_SIZE);
if (arguments.hasOption(GROWTH_RATE) && model != ModelType.CONSTANT) {
growthRate = arguments.getRealOption(GROWTH_RATE);
if (arguments.hasOption(T50) && model == ModelType.LOGISTIC) {
t50 = arguments.getRealOption(T50);
DemographicFunction demoFunction = null;
switch(model) {
demoFunction = new ConstantPopulation(Units.Type.YEARS);
((ConstantPopulation) demoFunction).setN0(startNe);
demoFunction = new ExponentialGrowth(Units.Type.YEARS);
((ExponentialGrowth) demoFunction).setN0(startNe);
((ExponentialGrowth) demoFunction).setGrowthRate(growthRate);
demoFunction = new LogisticGrowthN0(Units.Type.YEARS);
((LogisticGrowthN0) demoFunction).setN0(startNe);
((LogisticGrowthN0) demoFunction).setGrowthRate(growthRate);
((LogisticGrowthN0) demoFunction).setT50(t50);
final String[] args2 = arguments.getLeftoverArguments();
if (args2.length != 3) {
String infectionsFileName = args2[0];
String samplesFileName = args2[1];
String outputFileRoot = args2[2];
TransmissionTreeToVirusTree instance = new TransmissionTreeToVirusTree(samplesFileName, infectionsFileName, demoFunction, outputFileRoot);
try {;
} catch (IOException e) {
use of dr.evolution.coalescent.DemographicFunction in project beast-mcmc by beast-dev.
the class SpeciesTreeSimplePrior method calculateLogLikelihood.
protected double calculateLogLikelihood() {
double ll = 0;
final NodeRef root = sTree.getRoot();
double l = sTree.getNodeHeight(root) + ((VDdemographicFunction) sTree.getNodeDemographic(root)).naturalLimit();
for (int nn = 0; nn < sTree.getNodeCount(); ++nn) {
final NodeRef n = sTree.getNode(nn);
final DemographicFunction demog = sTree.getNodeDemographic(n);
if (sTree.isExternal(n)) {
ll += tips.logPdf(demog.getDemographic(0));
final double branch = sTree.isRoot(n) ? ((VDdemographicFunction) demog).naturalLimit() : sTree.getBranchLength(n);
final double avg = branch / demog.getIntegral(0, branch);
final double p = demog.getDemographic(branch);
final double s = sigma.getParameterValue(0) * Math.sqrt((1 - Math.exp(-branch / l)) / d1);
//final double vx = (new LogNormalDistribution(-0.5 * s * s, s)).logPdf(p / avg);
double z = p / avg;
final double v2 = Math.log(z);
final double v1 = v2 / s + s / 2;
final double v = -Math.log(s) - f2 - v2 - v1 * v1 / 2;
ll += v;
//ll += dist.logPdf(p/avg);
// double[] pa = {demog.getDemographic(0), demog.getDemographic(branch)};
// for( double p : pa ) {
// ll += dist.logPdf(p/avg);
// }
return ll;
use of dr.evolution.coalescent.DemographicFunction in project beast-mcmc by beast-dev.
the class CoalescentLikelihood method calculateLogLikelihood.
// **************************************************************
// **************************************************************
* Calculates the log likelihood of this set of coalescent intervals,
* given a demographic model.
public double calculateLogLikelihood() {
DemographicFunction demoFunction = demoModel.getDemographicFunction();
//double lnL = Coalescent.calculateLogLikelihood(getIntervals(), demoFunction);
double lnL = Coalescent.calculateLogLikelihood(getIntervals(), demoFunction, demoFunction.getThreshold());
if (Double.isNaN(lnL) || Double.isInfinite(lnL)) {
Logger.getLogger("warning").severe("CoalescentLikelihood for " + demoModel.getId() + " is " + Double.toString(lnL));
return lnL;
use of dr.evolution.coalescent.DemographicFunction in project beast-mcmc by beast-dev.
the class MultiSpeciesCoalescent method treeLogLikelihood.
private double treeLogLikelihood(SpeciesBindings.GeneTreeInfo geneTree, NodeRef node, int[] info, double popFactor) {
// number of lineages remaining at node
int nLineages;
// location in coalescent list (optimization)
int indexInClist = 0;
// accumulated log-likelihood inBranchh from node to it's parent
double like = 0;
final double t0 = spTree.getNodeHeight(node);
final SpeciesBindings.CoalInfo[] cList = geneTree.getCoalInfo();
if (verbose) {
if (spTree.isRoot(node)) {
System.err.println("gtree:" + geneTree.tree.getId());
System.err.println("t0 " + t0);
for (int k = 0; k < cList.length; ++k) {
System.err.println(k + " " + cList[k].ctime + " " + cList[k].sinfo[0] + " " + cList[k].sinfo[1]);
if (spTree.isExternal(node)) {
nLineages = geneTree.nLineages(spTree.speciesIndex(node));
indexInClist = 0;
} else {
//assert spTree.getChildCount(node) == 2;
nLineages = 0;
for (int nc = 0; nc < 2; ++nc) {
final NodeRef child = spTree.getChild(node, nc);
like += treeLogLikelihood(geneTree, child, info, popFactor);
nLineages += info[0];
indexInClist = Math.max(indexInClist, info[1]);
// root of species tree
if (indexInClist >= cList.length) {
int k = 1;
assert indexInClist < cList.length;
while (cList[indexInClist].ctime < t0) {
final boolean isRoot = spTree.isRoot(node);
// Upper limit
// use of (t0 + spTree.getBranchLength(node)) caused problem since there was a tiny difference
// between those (supposedly equal) values. we should track where the discrepancy comes from.
final double stopTime = isRoot ? Double.MAX_VALUE : spTree.getNodeHeight(spTree.getParent(node));
// demographic function is 0 based (relative to node height)
// time away from node
double lastTime = 0.0;
// demographic function across branch
DemographicFunction demog = spTree.getNodeDemographic(node);
if (popFactor > 0) {
demog = new ScaledDemographic(demog, popFactor);
// if(false) {
// final double duration = isRoot ? cList[cList.length - 1].ctime - t0 : stopTime;
// double demographicAtCoalPoint = demog.getDemographic(duration);
// double intervalArea = demog.getIntegral(0, duration);
// if( demographicAtCoalPoint < 1e-12 * (duration/intervalArea) ) {
// return Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY;
// }
// }
// Species sharing this branch
FixedBitSet subspeciesSet = spTree.spSet(node);
if (verbose) {
System.err.println(TreeUtils.uniqueNewick(spTree, node) + " nl " + nLineages + " " + subspeciesSet + " t0 - st " + t0 + " - " + stopTime);
while (nLineages > 1) {
// }
assert (indexInClist < cList.length);
final double nextT = cList[indexInClist].ctime;
// while rare they can be equal
if (nextT >= stopTime) {
if (nonEmptyIntersection(cList[indexInClist].sinfo, subspeciesSet)) {
final double time = nextT - t0;
if (time > 0) {
final double interval = demog.getIntegral(lastTime, time);
lastTime = time;
final int nLineageOver2 = (nLineages * (nLineages - 1)) / 2;
like -= nLineageOver2 * interval;
final double pop = demog.getDemographic(time);
assert (pop > 0);
like -= Math.log(pop);
if (nLineages > 1) {
// add term for No coalescent until root
final double interval = demog.getIntegral(lastTime, stopTime - t0);
final int nLineageOver2 = (nLineages * (nLineages - 1)) / 2;
like -= nLineageOver2 * interval;
info[0] = nLineages;
info[1] = indexInClist;
if (verbose) {
System.err.println(TreeUtils.uniqueNewick(spTree, node) + " stopTime " + stopTime + " nl " + nLineages + " icl " + indexInClist);
return like;
use of dr.evolution.coalescent.DemographicFunction in project beast-mcmc by beast-dev.
the class PartitionData method createDemographicFunction.
public DemographicFunction createDemographicFunction() {
DemographicFunction demographicFunction = null;
if (this.demographicModelIndex == 0) {
// No model
// do nothing
} else if (this.demographicModelIndex == 1) {
// Constant Population
demographicFunction = new ConstantPopulation(Units.Type.YEARS);
((ConstantPopulation) demographicFunction).setN0(demographicParameterValues[0]);
} else if (this.demographicModelIndex == 2) {
// Exponential Growth (Growth Rate)
demographicFunction = new ExponentialGrowth(Units.Type.YEARS);
((ExponentialGrowth) demographicFunction).setN0(demographicParameterValues[1]);
((ExponentialGrowth) demographicFunction).setGrowthRate(demographicParameterValues[2]);
} else if (this.demographicModelIndex == 3) {
// Exponential Growth (Doubling Time)
demographicFunction = new ExponentialGrowth(Units.Type.YEARS);
((ExponentialGrowth) demographicFunction).setN0(demographicParameterValues[3]);
((ExponentialGrowth) demographicFunction).setDoublingTime(demographicParameterValues[4]);
// } else if (this.demographicModelIndex == 4) {// Logistic Growth (Growth Rate)
// demographicFunction = new LogisticGrowth(Units.Type.YEARS);
// ((LogisticGrowth) demographicFunction).setN0(demographicParameterValues[5]);
// ((LogisticGrowth) demographicFunction).setGrowthRate(demographicParameterValues[6]);
// ((LogisticGrowth) demographicFunction).setTime50(demographicParameterValues[7]);
// } else if (this.demographicModelIndex == 5) {// Logistic Growth (Doubling Time)
// demographicFunction = new LogisticGrowth(Units.Type.YEARS);
// ((LogisticGrowth) demographicFunction).setN0(demographicParameterValues[8]);
// ((LogisticGrowth) demographicFunction).setDoublingTime(demographicParameterValues[9]);
// ((LogisticGrowth) demographicFunction).setTime50(demographicParameterValues[10]);
// } else if (this.demographicModelIndex == 6) {// Expansion (Growth Rate)
// demographicFunction = new Expansion(Units.Type.YEARS);
// ((Expansion) demographicFunction).setN0(demographicParameterValues[11]);
// ((Expansion) demographicFunction).setProportion(demographicParameterValues[12]);
// ((Expansion) demographicFunction).setGrowthRate(demographicParameterValues[13]);
// } else if (this.demographicModelIndex == 7) {// Expansion (Doubling Time)
// demographicFunction = new Expansion(Units.Type.YEARS);
// ((Expansion) demographicFunction).setN0(demographicParameterValues[14]);
// ((Expansion) demographicFunction).setProportion(demographicParameterValues[15]);
// ((Expansion) demographicFunction).setDoublingTime(demographicParameterValues[16]);
} else {
System.out.println("Not yet implemented");
return demographicFunction;