use of dr.evolution.datatype.DataType in project beast-mcmc by beast-dev.
the class IstvanOperator method doOperation.
public double doOperation() {
Tree tree = likelihood.getTreeModel();
alignment = likelihood.getAlignment();
// System.out.println("Incoming alignment");
// System.out.println(alignment);
// System.out.println();
SubstitutionModel substModel = likelihood.getSiteModel().getSubstitutionModel();
// initialize the iParent and iTau arrays based on the given tree.
initTree(tree, likelihood.getSiteModel().getMu());
int[] treeIndex = new int[tree.getTaxonCount()];
for (int i = 0; i < treeIndex.length; i++) {
treeIndex[i] = tree.getTaxonIndex(alignment.getTaxonId(i));
// initialize the iAlignment array from the given alignment.
initAlignment(alignment, treeIndex);
// initialize the iProbs array from the substitution model -- must be called after populating tree!
DataType dataType = substModel.getDataType();
int[][] returnedAlignment = new int[iAlignment.length][];
// System.out.println("Initialization done, starting proposal proper...");
double logq = proposal.propose(iAlignment, iProbs, iBaseFreqs, iParent, iTau, returnedAlignment, tuning, exponent, gapPenalty);
// System.out.println("Proposal finished, logq=" + logq);
// create new alignment object
SimpleAlignment newAlignment = new SimpleAlignment();
for (int i = 0; i < alignment.getTaxonCount(); i++) {
StringBuffer seqBuffer = new StringBuffer();
for (int j = 0; j < returnedAlignment[i].length; j++) {
// add sequences in order of tree
String seqString = seqBuffer.toString();
Sequence sequence = new Sequence(alignment.getTaxon(i), seqString);
String oldunaligned = alignment.getUnalignedSequenceString(i);
String unaligned = newAlignment.getUnalignedSequenceString(i);
if (!unaligned.equals(oldunaligned)) {
System.err.println("Sequence changed from:");
System.err.println("old:'" + oldunaligned + "'");
System.err.println("new:'" + unaligned + "'");
throw new RuntimeException();
// System.out.println("Outgoing alignment");
// System.out.println(newAlignment);
// System.out.println();
return logq;
use of dr.evolution.datatype.DataType in project beast-mcmc by beast-dev.
the class ComplexSubstitutionModelParser method parseXMLObject.
public Object parseXMLObject(XMLObject xo) throws XMLParseException {
DataType dataType = DataTypeUtils.getDataType(xo);
if (dataType == null)
dataType = (DataType) xo.getChild(DataType.class);
XMLObject cxo = xo.getChild(RATES);
Parameter ratesParameter = (Parameter) cxo.getChild(Parameter.class);
int rateCount = (dataType.getStateCount() - 1) * dataType.getStateCount();
if (ratesParameter.getDimension() != rateCount) {
throw new XMLParseException("Rates parameter in " + getParserName() + " element should have " + (rateCount) + " dimensions. However parameter dimension is " + ratesParameter.getDimension());
cxo = xo.getChild(ROOT_FREQUENCIES);
FrequencyModel rootFreq = (FrequencyModel) cxo.getChild(FrequencyModel.class);
if (dataType != rootFreq.getDataType()) {
throw new XMLParseException("Data type of " + getParserName() + " element does not match that of its rootFrequencyModel.");
Parameter indicators = null;
if (xo.hasChildNamed(INDICATOR)) {
indicators = (Parameter) ((XMLObject) xo.getChild(INDICATOR)).getChild(Parameter.class);
if (ratesParameter.getDimension() != indicators.getDimension())
throw new XMLParseException("Rate parameter dimension must match indicator parameter dimension");
StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer().append("Constructing a complex substitution model using\n").append("\tRate parameters: ").append(ratesParameter.getId()).append("\n").append("\tRoot frequency model: ").append(rootFreq.getId()).append("\n");
ComplexSubstitutionModel model;
if (indicators == null)
model = new ComplexSubstitutionModel(xo.getId(), dataType, rootFreq, ratesParameter);
else {
boolean randomize = xo.getAttribute(RANDOMIZE, false);
boolean connected = xo.getAttribute(CONNECTED, false);
model = new SVSComplexSubstitutionModel(xo.getId(), dataType, rootFreq, ratesParameter, indicators);
if (randomize) {
BayesianStochasticSearchVariableSelection.Utils.randomize(indicators, dataType.getStateCount(), false);
boolean valid = !Double.isInfinite(model.getLogLikelihood());
if (!valid) {
throw new XMLParseException("Poor tolerance in complex substitution model. Please retry analysis using BEAGLE");
sb.append("\tBSSVS indicators: ").append(indicators.getId()).append("\n");
sb.append("\tGraph must be connected: ").append(connected).append("\n");
boolean doNormalization = xo.getAttribute(NORMALIZATION, true);
sb.append("\tNormalized: ").append(doNormalization).append("\n");
boolean checkConditioning = xo.getAttribute(CHECK_CONDITIONING, true);
if (checkConditioning) {
double maxConditionNumber = xo.getAttribute(MAX_CONDITION_NUMBER, 1000);
sb.append("\tMax. condition number: ").append(maxConditionNumber).append("\n");
int maxIterations = xo.getAttribute(MAX_ITERATIONS, 1000);
sb.append("\tMax iterations: ").append(maxIterations).append("\n");
sb.append("\t\tPlease cite Edwards, Suchard et al. (2011)\n");
return model;
use of dr.evolution.datatype.DataType in project beast-mcmc by beast-dev.
the class GLMSubstitutionModelParser method parseXMLObject.
public Object parseXMLObject(XMLObject xo) throws XMLParseException {
DataType dataType = DataTypeUtils.getDataType(xo);
if (dataType == null)
dataType = (DataType) xo.getChild(DataType.class);
int rateCount = (dataType.getStateCount() - 1) * dataType.getStateCount();
LogLinearModel glm = (LogLinearModel) xo.getChild(GeneralizedLinearModel.class);
int length = glm.getXBeta().length;
if (length != rateCount) {
throw new XMLParseException("Rates parameter in " + getParserName() + " element should have " + (rateCount) + " dimensions. However GLM dimension is " + length);
XMLObject cxo = xo.getChild(ComplexSubstitutionModelParser.ROOT_FREQUENCIES);
FrequencyModel rootFreq = (FrequencyModel) cxo.getChild(FrequencyModel.class);
if (dataType != rootFreq.getDataType()) {
throw new XMLParseException("Data type of " + getParserName() + " element does not match that of its rootFrequencyModel.");
return new GLMSubstitutionModel(xo.getId(), dataType, rootFreq, glm);
use of dr.evolution.datatype.DataType in project beast-mcmc by beast-dev.
the class GeneralSubstitutionModelParser method parseXMLObject.
public Object parseXMLObject(XMLObject xo) throws XMLParseException {
Parameter ratesParameter = null;
FrequencyModel freqModel = null;
if (xo.hasChildNamed(FREQUENCIES)) {
XMLObject cxo = xo.getChild(FREQUENCIES);
freqModel = (FrequencyModel) cxo.getChild(FrequencyModel.class);
DataType dataType = DataTypeUtils.getDataType(xo);
if (dataType == null)
dataType = (DataType) xo.getChild(DataType.class);
if (dataType == null)
dataType = freqModel.getDataType();
if (dataType != freqModel.getDataType()) {
throw new XMLParseException("Data type of " + getParserName() + " element does not match that of its frequencyModel.");
XMLObject cxo = xo.getChild(RATES);
ratesParameter = (Parameter) cxo.getChild(Parameter.class);
int states = dataType.getStateCount();
Logger.getLogger("dr.evomodel").info(" General Substitution Model (stateCount=" + states + ")");
boolean hasRelativeRates = cxo.hasChildNamed(RELATIVE_TO) || (cxo.hasAttribute(RELATIVE_TO) && cxo.getIntegerAttribute(RELATIVE_TO) > 0);
int nonReversibleRateCount = ((dataType.getStateCount() - 1) * dataType.getStateCount());
int reversibleRateCount = (nonReversibleRateCount / 2);
boolean isNonReversible = ratesParameter.getDimension() == nonReversibleRateCount;
boolean hasIndicator = xo.hasChildNamed(INDICATOR);
if (!hasRelativeRates) {
Parameter indicatorParameter = null;
if (ratesParameter.getDimension() != reversibleRateCount && ratesParameter.getDimension() != nonReversibleRateCount) {
throw new XMLParseException("Rates parameter in " + getParserName() + " element should have " + (reversibleRateCount) + " dimensions for reversible model or " + nonReversibleRateCount + " dimensions for non-reversible. " + "However parameter dimension is " + ratesParameter.getDimension());
if (hasIndicator) {
// this is using BSSVS
cxo = xo.getChild(INDICATOR);
indicatorParameter = (Parameter) cxo.getChild(Parameter.class);
if (indicatorParameter.getDimension() != ratesParameter.getDimension()) {
throw new XMLParseException("Rates and indicator parameters in " + getParserName() + " element must be the same dimension.");
boolean randomize = xo.getAttribute(ComplexSubstitutionModelParser.RANDOMIZE, false);
if (randomize) {
BayesianStochasticSearchVariableSelection.Utils.randomize(indicatorParameter, dataType.getStateCount(), !isNonReversible);
if (isNonReversible) {
Logger.getLogger("dr.evomodel").info(" Using BSSVS Complex Substitution Model");
return new SVSComplexSubstitutionModel(getParserName(), dataType, freqModel, ratesParameter, indicatorParameter);
} else {
Logger.getLogger("dr.evomodel").info(" Using BSSVS General Substitution Model");
return new SVSGeneralSubstitutionModel(dataType, freqModel, ratesParameter, indicatorParameter);
} else {
if (ratesParameter.getDimension() != reversibleRateCount - 1) {
throw new XMLParseException("Rates parameter in " + getParserName() + " element should have " + (reversibleRateCount - 1) + " dimensions. However parameter dimension is " + ratesParameter.getDimension());
int relativeTo = 0;
if (hasRelativeRates) {
relativeTo = cxo.getIntegerAttribute(RELATIVE_TO) - 1;
if (relativeTo < 0 || relativeTo >= reversibleRateCount) {
throw new XMLParseException(RELATIVE_TO + " must be 1 or greater");
} else {
int t = relativeTo;
int s = states - 1;
int row = 0;
while (t >= s) {
t -= s;
s -= 1;
row += 1;
int col = t + row + 1;
Logger.getLogger("dr.evomodel").info(" Rates relative to " + dataType.getCode(row) + "<->" + dataType.getCode(col));
if (ratesParameter == null) {
if (reversibleRateCount == 1) {
// simplest model for binary traits...
} else {
throw new XMLParseException("No rates parameter found in " + getParserName());
return new GeneralSubstitutionModel(dataType, freqModel, ratesParameter, relativeTo);
use of dr.evolution.datatype.DataType in project beast-mcmc by beast-dev.
the class TimeIrreversibleTest method testSVSComplexSubstitutionModel.
private double[] testSVSComplexSubstitutionModel(Original test, double[] rates) {
System.out.println("\n*** SVS Complex Substitution Model Test: " + test + " ***");
double[] indicators = test.getIndicators();
Parameter ratesP = new Parameter.Default(rates);
Parameter indicatorsP = new Parameter.Default(indicators);
DataType dataType = test.getDataType();
FrequencyModel freqModel = new FrequencyModel(dataType, new Parameter.Default(test.getFrequencies()));
SVSComplexSubstitutionModel substModel = new SVSComplexSubstitutionModel("SVS Complex Substitution Model Test", dataType, freqModel, ratesP, indicatorsP);
double logL = substModel.getLogLikelihood();
System.out.println("Prior = " + logL);
double[] finiteTimeProbs = null;
if (!Double.isInfinite(logL)) {
finiteTimeProbs = new double[substModel.getDataType().getStateCount() * substModel.getDataType().getStateCount()];
substModel.getTransitionProbabilities(time, finiteTimeProbs);
System.out.println("Probs = ");
printRateMatrix(finiteTimeProbs, substModel.getDataType().getStateCount());
// assertEquals(1, 1, 1e-10);
return finiteTimeProbs;