use of dr.inference.model.Parameter in project beast-mcmc by beast-dev.
the class ARGAddRemoveEventOperator method AddOperation.
private double AddOperation() {
double logHastings = 0;
double treeHeight = arg.getNodeHeight(arg.getRoot());
double newBifurcationHeight = Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY;
double newReassortmentHeight = Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY;
double theta = probBelowRoot / treeHeight;
while (newBifurcationHeight > treeHeight && newReassortmentHeight > treeHeight) {
newBifurcationHeight = MathUtils.nextExponential(theta);
newReassortmentHeight = MathUtils.nextExponential(theta);
logHastings += theta * (newBifurcationHeight + newReassortmentHeight) - LOG_TWO - 2.0 * Math.log(theta) + Math.log(1 - Math.exp(-2.0 * treeHeight * theta));
if (newBifurcationHeight < newReassortmentHeight) {
double temp = newBifurcationHeight;
newBifurcationHeight = newReassortmentHeight;
newReassortmentHeight = temp;
//2. Find the possible re-assortment and bifurcation points.
ArrayList<NodeRef> potentialBifurcationChildren = new ArrayList<NodeRef>();
ArrayList<NodeRef> potentialReassortmentChildren = new ArrayList<NodeRef>();
int totalPotentialBifurcationChildren = findPotentialAttachmentPoints(newBifurcationHeight, potentialBifurcationChildren);
int totalPotentialReassortmentChildren = findPotentialAttachmentPoints(newReassortmentHeight, potentialReassortmentChildren);
assert totalPotentialBifurcationChildren > 0;
assert totalPotentialReassortmentChildren > 0;
logHastings += Math.log((double) potentialBifurcationChildren.size() * potentialReassortmentChildren.size());
//3. Choose your re-assortment location.
Node reassortChild = (Node) potentialReassortmentChildren.get(MathUtils.nextInt(totalPotentialReassortmentChildren));
Node reassortLeftParent = reassortChild.leftParent;
Node reassortRightParent = reassortChild.rightParent;
Node reassortSplitParent = reassortChild.leftParent;
boolean splitReassortLeftParent = true;
if (!reassortChild.bifurcation) {
boolean[] tester = { arg.getNodeHeight(reassortLeftParent) > newReassortmentHeight, arg.getNodeHeight(reassortRightParent) > newReassortmentHeight };
if (tester[0] && tester[1]) {
if (MathUtils.nextBoolean()) {
splitReassortLeftParent = false;
reassortSplitParent = reassortRightParent;
// logHastings += LOG_TWO;
} else if (tester[0]) {
//nothing to do, setup above
} else if (tester[1]) {
splitReassortLeftParent = false;
reassortSplitParent = reassortRightParent;
} else {
assert false;
// if (recParentL != recParentR) {
// boolean[] tester = {arg.getNodeHeight(recParentL) > newReassortmentHeight,
// arg.getNodeHeight(recParentR) > newReassortmentHeight};
// if (tester[0] && tester[1]) {
// if (MathUtils.nextBoolean()) {
// recParent = recParentR;
// }
// logHastings += LOG_TWO;
// } else if (tester[0]) {
// recParent = recParentL;
// } else {
// recParent = recParentR;
// }
// }
//4. Choose your bifurcation location.
Node bifurcationChild = (Node) potentialBifurcationChildren.get(MathUtils.nextInt(potentialBifurcationChildren.size()));
Node bifurcationLeftParent = bifurcationChild.leftParent;
Node bifurcationRightParent = bifurcationChild.rightParent;
Node bifurcationSplitParent = bifurcationLeftParent;
boolean splitBifurcationLeftParent = true;
if (!bifurcationChild.bifurcation) {
boolean[] tester = { arg.getNodeHeight(bifurcationLeftParent) > newBifurcationHeight, arg.getNodeHeight(bifurcationRightParent) > newBifurcationHeight };
if (tester[0] && tester[1]) {
if (MathUtils.nextBoolean()) {
splitBifurcationLeftParent = false;
bifurcationSplitParent = bifurcationRightParent;
// logHastings += LOG_TWO;
} else if (tester[0]) {
//nothing to do
} else if (tester[1]) {
splitBifurcationLeftParent = false;
bifurcationSplitParent = bifurcationRightParent;
} else {
assert false;
boolean attachNewReassortNewBifurcationThroughLeft = MathUtils.nextBoolean();
//During the delete step, this guy gets cancelled out!
logHastings += LOG_TWO;
// if (sisParentL != sisParentR) {
// boolean[] tester = {arg.getNodeHeight(sisParentL) > newBifurcationHeight,
// arg.getNodeHeight(sisParentR) > newBifurcationHeight};
// if (tester[0] && tester[1]) {
// if (MathUtils.nextBoolean()) {
// sisParent = sisParentR;
// }
// logHastings += LOG_TWO;
// } else if (tester[0]) {
// sisParent = sisParentL;
// } else {
// sisParent = sisParentR;
// }
// }
//5. Make the new nodes.
//Note: The height stuff is taken care of below.
Node newReassortment = Node();
newReassortment.bifurcation = false;
double[] reassortmentValues = { 1.0 };
if (relaxed) {
reassortmentValues = ratePrior.generateValues();
// logHastings += ratePrior.getAddHastingsRatio(reassortmentValues);
newReassortment.rateParameter = new Parameter.Default(reassortmentValues);
newReassortment.rateParameter.addBounds(new Parameter.DefaultBounds(Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY, 0, reassortmentValues.length));
newReassortment.number = arg.getNodeCount() + 1;
Node newBifurcation = Node();
double[] bifurcationValues = { 1.0 };
if (relaxed) {
bifurcationValues = ratePrior.generateValues();
logHastings += ratePrior.getAddHastingsRatio(bifurcationValues);
newBifurcation.rateParameter = new Parameter.Default(bifurcationValues);
newBifurcation.rateParameter.addBounds(new Parameter.DefaultBounds(Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY, 0, bifurcationValues.length));
newBifurcation.number = arg.getNodeCount();
//6. Begin editing the tree.
if (newBifurcationHeight < treeHeight) {
if (bifurcationChild == reassortChild) {
if (bifurcationChild.bifurcation) {
bifurcationChild.leftParent = bifurcationChild.rightParent = newReassortment;
newReassortment.leftChild = newReassortment.rightChild = bifurcationChild;
newReassortment.leftParent = newReassortment.rightParent = newBifurcation;
newBifurcation.leftChild = newBifurcation.rightChild = newReassortment;
newBifurcation.leftParent = newBifurcation.rightParent = bifurcationSplitParent;
if (bifurcationSplitParent.bifurcation) {
if (bifurcationSplitParent.leftChild == bifurcationChild) {
bifurcationSplitParent.leftChild = newBifurcation;
} else {
bifurcationSplitParent.rightChild = newBifurcation;
} else {
bifurcationSplitParent.leftChild = bifurcationSplitParent.rightChild = newBifurcation;
logHastings -= LOG_TWO;
} else {
if (splitBifurcationLeftParent && splitReassortLeftParent) {
bifurcationChild.leftParent = newReassortment;
newReassortment.leftChild = newReassortment.rightChild = bifurcationChild;
newReassortment.leftParent = newReassortment.rightParent = newBifurcation;
newBifurcation.leftChild = newBifurcation.rightChild = newReassortment;
newBifurcation.leftParent = newBifurcation.rightParent = bifurcationSplitParent;
if (bifurcationSplitParent.bifurcation) {
if (bifurcationSplitParent.leftChild == bifurcationChild) {
bifurcationSplitParent.leftChild = newBifurcation;
} else {
bifurcationSplitParent.rightChild = newBifurcation;
} else {
bifurcationSplitParent.leftChild = bifurcationSplitParent.rightChild = newBifurcation;
} else if (splitBifurcationLeftParent) {
//bifurcation on left, reassortment on right
bifurcationChild.leftParent = newBifurcation;
bifurcationChild.rightParent = newReassortment;
newBifurcation.leftChild = bifurcationChild;
newBifurcation.rightChild = newReassortment;
newBifurcation.leftParent = newBifurcation.rightParent = bifurcationSplitParent;
if (bifurcationSplitParent.bifurcation) {
if (bifurcationSplitParent.leftChild == bifurcationChild) {
bifurcationSplitParent.leftChild = newBifurcation;
} else {
bifurcationSplitParent.rightChild = newBifurcation;
} else {
bifurcationSplitParent.leftChild = bifurcationSplitParent.rightChild = newBifurcation;
newReassortment.leftChild = newReassortment.rightChild = bifurcationChild;
if (attachNewReassortNewBifurcationThroughLeft) {
newReassortment.leftParent = newBifurcation;
newReassortment.rightParent = reassortSplitParent;
} else {
newReassortment.rightParent = newBifurcation;
newReassortment.leftParent = reassortSplitParent;
if (reassortSplitParent.bifurcation) {
if (reassortSplitParent.leftChild == reassortChild) {
reassortSplitParent.leftChild = newReassortment;
} else {
reassortSplitParent.rightChild = newReassortment;
} else {
reassortSplitParent.leftChild = reassortSplitParent.rightChild = newReassortment;
} else if (splitReassortLeftParent) {
//bifurcation on right, reassortment on left
bifurcationChild.rightParent = newBifurcation;
bifurcationChild.leftParent = newReassortment;
newBifurcation.leftChild = bifurcationChild;
newBifurcation.rightChild = newReassortment;
newBifurcation.leftParent = newBifurcation.rightParent = bifurcationSplitParent;
if (bifurcationSplitParent.bifurcation) {
if (bifurcationSplitParent.leftChild == bifurcationChild) {
bifurcationSplitParent.leftChild = newBifurcation;
} else {
bifurcationSplitParent.rightChild = newBifurcation;
} else {
bifurcationSplitParent.leftChild = bifurcationSplitParent.rightChild = newBifurcation;
newReassortment.leftChild = newReassortment.rightChild = bifurcationChild;
if (attachNewReassortNewBifurcationThroughLeft) {
newReassortment.leftParent = newBifurcation;
newReassortment.rightParent = reassortSplitParent;
} else {
newReassortment.rightParent = newBifurcation;
newReassortment.leftParent = reassortSplitParent;
if (reassortSplitParent.bifurcation) {
if (reassortSplitParent.leftChild == reassortChild) {
reassortSplitParent.leftChild = newReassortment;
} else {
reassortSplitParent.rightChild = newReassortment;
} else {
reassortSplitParent.leftChild = reassortSplitParent.rightChild = newReassortment;
} else {
bifurcationChild.rightParent = newReassortment;
newReassortment.leftChild = newReassortment.rightChild = bifurcationChild;
newReassortment.leftParent = newReassortment.rightParent = newBifurcation;
newBifurcation.leftChild = newBifurcation.rightChild = newReassortment;
newBifurcation.leftParent = newBifurcation.rightParent = bifurcationSplitParent;
if (bifurcationSplitParent.bifurcation) {
if (bifurcationSplitParent.leftChild == bifurcationChild) {
bifurcationSplitParent.leftChild = newBifurcation;
} else {
bifurcationSplitParent.rightChild = newBifurcation;
} else {
bifurcationSplitParent.leftChild = bifurcationSplitParent.rightChild = newBifurcation;
logHastings -= LOG_TWO;
} else {
newReassortment.leftChild = newReassortment.rightChild = reassortChild;
newBifurcation.leftParent = newBifurcation.rightParent = bifurcationSplitParent;
newBifurcation.leftChild = newReassortment;
newBifurcation.rightChild = bifurcationChild;
if (attachNewReassortNewBifurcationThroughLeft) {
newReassortment.leftParent = newBifurcation;
newReassortment.rightParent = reassortSplitParent;
} else {
newReassortment.rightParent = newBifurcation;
newReassortment.leftParent = reassortSplitParent;
if (reassortChild.bifurcation) {
reassortChild.leftParent = reassortChild.rightParent = newReassortment;
} else if (splitReassortLeftParent) {
reassortChild.leftParent = newReassortment;
} else {
reassortChild.rightParent = newReassortment;
if (reassortSplitParent.bifurcation) {
if (reassortSplitParent.leftChild == reassortChild) {
reassortSplitParent.leftChild = newReassortment;
} else {
reassortSplitParent.rightChild = newReassortment;
} else {
reassortSplitParent.leftChild = reassortSplitParent.rightChild = newReassortment;
if (bifurcationChild.bifurcation) {
bifurcationChild.leftParent = bifurcationChild.rightParent = newBifurcation;
} else if (splitBifurcationLeftParent) {
bifurcationChild.leftParent = newBifurcation;
} else {
bifurcationChild.rightParent = newBifurcation;
if (bifurcationSplitParent.bifurcation) {
if (bifurcationSplitParent.leftChild == bifurcationChild) {
bifurcationSplitParent.leftChild = newBifurcation;
} else {
bifurcationSplitParent.rightChild = newBifurcation;
} else {
bifurcationSplitParent.leftChild = bifurcationSplitParent.rightChild = newBifurcation;
Parameter partition = new Parameter.Default(arg.getNumberOfPartitions());
newReassortment.partitioning = partition;
newBifurcation.heightParameter = new Parameter.Default(newBifurcationHeight);
newReassortment.heightParameter = new Parameter.Default(newReassortmentHeight);
arg.expandARG(newBifurcation, newReassortment, internalNodeParameters, internalAndRootNodeParameters, nodeRates);
// nodeRates);
assert nodeCheck() : arg.toARGSummary();
} else {
assert newReassortmentHeight < treeHeight;
//New bifurcation takes the place of the old root.
//Much easier to program.
newReassortment.heightParameter = new Parameter.Default(newReassortmentHeight);
bifurcationChild = newBifurcation;
if (arg.isRoot(reassortSplitParent))
reassortSplitParent = newBifurcation;
Node root = (Node) arg.getRoot();
Node rootLeftChild = root.leftChild;
Node rootRightChild = root.rightChild;
arg.singleRemoveChild(root, rootLeftChild);
arg.singleRemoveChild(root, rootRightChild);
arg.singleAddChild(newBifurcation, rootLeftChild);
arg.singleAddChild(newBifurcation, rootRightChild);
if (reassortSplitParent.isBifurcation())
arg.singleRemoveChild(reassortSplitParent, reassortChild);
arg.doubleRemoveChild(reassortSplitParent, reassortChild);
arg.doubleAddChild(newReassortment, reassortChild);
arg.singleAddChild(root, newBifurcation);
Parameter partitioning = new Parameter.Default(arg.getNumberOfPartitions());
arg.addChildAsRecombinant(root, reassortSplitParent, newReassortment, partitioning);
if (attachNewReassortNewBifurcationThroughLeft) {
newReassortment.leftParent = root;
newReassortment.rightParent = reassortSplitParent;
} else {
newReassortment.leftParent = reassortSplitParent;
newReassortment.rightParent = root;
newBifurcation.heightParameter = new Parameter.Default(root.getHeight());
root.heightParameter.setParameterValue(0, newBifurcationHeight);
arg.expandARG(newBifurcation, newReassortment, internalNodeParameters, internalAndRootNodeParameters, nodeRates);
assert nodeCheck();
//6a. This is when we do not create a new root.
// if (newBifurcationHeight < treeHeight) {
// newBifurcation.heightParameter = new Parameter.Default(newBifurcationHeight);
// newReassortment.heightParameter = new Parameter.Default(newReassortmentHeight);
// newBifurcation.setupHeightBounds();
// newReassortment.setupHeightBounds();
// if (sisParent.bifurcation)
// arg.singleRemoveChild(sisParent, bifurcationChild);
// else
// arg.doubleRemoveChild(sisParent, bifurcationChild);
// if (bifurcationChild != reassortChild) {
// if (recParent.bifurcation)
// arg.singleRemoveChild(recParent, reassortChild);
// else
// arg.doubleRemoveChild(recParent, reassortChild);
// }
// if (sisParent.bifurcation)
// arg.singleAddChild(sisParent, newBifurcation);
// else
// arg.doubleAddChild(sisParent, newBifurcation);
// if (bifurcationChild != reassortChild)
// arg.singleAddChild(newBifurcation, bifurcationChild);
// arg.doubleAddChild(newReassortment, reassortChild);
// Parameter partitioning = new Parameter.Default(arg.getNumberOfPartitions());
// drawRandomPartitioning(partitioning);
// if (bifurcationChild != reassortChild) {
// arg.addChildAsRecombinant(newBifurcation, recParent,
// newReassortment, partitioning);
// } else {
// arg.addChildAsRecombinant(newBifurcation, newBifurcation,
// newReassortment, partitioning);
// }
// arg.expandARGWithRecombinant(newBifurcation, newReassortment,
// internalNodeParameters,
// internalAndRootNodeParameters,
// nodeRates);
// assert nodeCheck();
// //6b. But here we do.
// } else if (newReassortmentHeight < treeHeight) {
// newReassortment.heightParameter = new Parameter.Default(newReassortmentHeight);
// newReassortment.setupHeightBounds();
// bifurcationChild = newBifurcation;
// if (arg.isRoot(recParent))
// recParent = newBifurcation;
// Node root = (Node) arg.getRoot();
// Node rootLeftChild = root.leftChild;
// Node rootRightChild = root.rightChild;
// arg.singleRemoveChild(root, rootLeftChild);
// arg.singleRemoveChild(root, rootRightChild);
// arg.singleAddChild(newBifurcation, rootLeftChild);
// arg.singleAddChild(newBifurcation, rootRightChild);
// if (recParent.isBifurcation())
// arg.singleRemoveChild(recParent, reassortChild);
// else
// arg.doubleRemoveChild(recParent, reassortChild);
// arg.doubleAddChild(newReassortment, reassortChild);
// arg.singleAddChild(root, newBifurcation);
// Parameter partitioning = new Parameter.Default(arg.getNumberOfPartitions());
// drawRandomPartitioning(partitioning);
// arg.addChildAsRecombinant(root, recParent, newReassortment, partitioning);
// newBifurcation.heightParameter = new Parameter.Default(root.getHeight());
// newBifurcation.setupHeightBounds();
// root.heightParameter.setParameterValue(0, newBifurcationHeight);
// arg.expandARGWithRecombinant(newBifurcation, newReassortment,
// internalNodeParameters, internalAndRootNodeParameters,
// nodeRates);
// assert nodeCheck();
// } else {
// Node root = (Node) arg.getRoot();
// Node rootLeftChild = root.leftChild;
// Node rootRightChild = root.rightChild;
// arg.singleRemoveChild(root, rootLeftChild);
// arg.singleRemoveChild(root, rootRightChild);
// arg.singleAddChild(newBifurcation, rootLeftChild);
// arg.singleAddChild(newBifurcation, rootRightChild);
// arg.doubleAddChild(newReassortment, newBifurcation);
// arg.doubleAddChild(root, newReassortment);
// Parameter partitioning = new Parameter.Default(arg.getNumberOfPartitions());
// drawRandomPartitioning(partitioning);
// newReassortment.partitioning = partitioning;
// newBifurcation.heightParameter = new Parameter.Default(arg.getNodeHeight(root));
// newReassortment.heightParameter = new Parameter.Default(newReassortmentHeight);
// root.heightParameter.setParameterValueQuietly(0, newBifurcationHeight);
// newBifurcation.setupHeightBounds();
// newReassortment.setupHeightBounds();
// arg.expandARGWithRecombinant(newBifurcation, newReassortment,
// internalNodeParameters, internalAndRootNodeParameters,
// nodeRates);
// assert nodeCheck();
// }
try {
} catch (MutableTree.InvalidTreeException ite) {
throw new RuntimeException(ite.toString() + "\n" + arg.toString() + "\n" + TreeUtils.uniqueNewick(arg, arg.getRoot()));
assert nodeCheck();
logHastings -= Math.log((double) findPotentialNodesToRemove(null));
assert nodeCheck();
assert !Double.isNaN(logHastings) && !Double.isInfinite(logHastings);
if (newReassortment.leftParent.bifurcation && newReassortment.rightParent.bifurcation && newReassortment.leftParent != newReassortment.rightParent) {
logHastings -= LOG_TWO;
//You're done, return the hastings ratio!
// System.out.println(logHastings);
logHastings += getPartitionAddHastingsRatio(newReassortment.partitioning.getParameterValues());
return logHastings;
use of dr.inference.model.Parameter in project beast-mcmc by beast-dev.
the class ARGAddRemoveEventOperator method adjustRandomPartitioning.
private void adjustRandomPartitioning() {
if (tossSize < 1) {
if (arg.getReassortmentNodeCount() > 0) {
int total = arg.getReassortmentNodeCount();
Parameter xyz = arg.getPartitioningParameters().getParameter(MathUtils.nextInt(total));
if (arg.isRecombinationPartitionType()) {
} else {
use of dr.inference.model.Parameter in project beast-mcmc by beast-dev.
the class TreeClusterGibbsOperator method setClusterLabels.
private void setClusterLabels(int K_int) {
int numNodes = treeModel.getNodeCount();
int[] cutNodes = new int[K_int];
int cutNum = 0;
String content = "";
for (int i = 0; i < binSize; i++) {
if ((int) excisionPoints.getParameterValue(i) == 1) {
cutNodes[cutNum] = (int) indicators.getParameterValue(i);
content += (int) indicators.getParameterValue(i) + ",";
if (cutNum != K_int) {
System.out.println("cutNum != K_int. we got a problem");
// for(int i=0; i < K_int; i++){
// System.out.println(cutNodes[i]);
// }
//int []membership = determine_membership(treeModel, cutNodes, K_int-1);
int[] membership = determine_membership(treeModel, cutNodes, K_int);
double uniqueCode = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < numNodes; i++) {
uniqueCode += membership[i] * i;
// System.out.println(" sum = " + uniqueCode);
// System.out.println("number of nodes = " + treeModel.getNodeCount());
// for(int i=0; i < treeModel.getNodeCount(); i++){
// System.out.println(membership[i]);
// }
// for(int i=0; i < numdata; i++){
// Parameter v = virusLocations.getParameter(i);
// String curName = v.getParameterName();
// System.out.println("i=" + i + " = " + curName);
// }
// for(int j=0; j < numdata; j++){
// System.out.println("j=" + j + " = " + treeModel.getTaxonId(j));
// }
// Parameter vv = virusLocations.getParameter(0);
// String curNamev = vv.getParameterName();
// System.out.println(curNamev + " and " +treeModel.getTaxonId(392) );
//System.out.println( curNamev.equals(treeModel.getTaxonId(392) ) );
// System.out.println("numNodes=" + numNodes);
// System.exit(0);
//create dictionary:
//I suspect this is an expensive operation, so I don't want to do it many times,
//which is also unnecessary - MAY have to update whenever a different tree is used.
int[] membershipToClusterLabelIndexes = new int[numdata];
for (int i = 0; i < numdata; i++) {
Parameter v = virusLocations.getParameter(i);
String curName = v.getParameterName();
// System.out.println(curName);
int isFound = 0;
for (int j = 0; j < numNodes; j++) {
String treeId = treeModel.getTaxonId(j);
if (curName.equals(treeId)) {
// System.out.println(" isFound at j=" + j);
membershipToClusterLabelIndexes[i] = j;
isFound = 1;
if (isFound == 0) {
System.out.println("not found. Exit now.");
for (int i = 0; i < numdata; i++) {
//The assumption that the first nodes being external node corresponding to the cluster labels IS FALSE
//so I have to search for the matching indexes
Parameter vloc = virusLocations.getParameter(i);
//must uncomment out because this sets the new partitioning ... now i am doing code testing.
clusterLabels.setParameterValue(i, membership[membershipToClusterLabelIndexes[i]]);
//System.out.println(vloc.getParameterName() + " i="+ i + " membership=" + (int) clusterLabels.getParameterValue(i));
// Parameter v = virusLocations.getParameter(i);
// System.out.println(v.getParameterName());
use of dr.inference.model.Parameter in project beast-mcmc by beast-dev.
the class TreeClusterSequentialSampling method setMembershipToClusterLabelIndexes.
private void setMembershipToClusterLabelIndexes() {
int numNodes = treeModel.getNodeCount();
//I suspect this is an expensive operation, so I don't want to do it many times,
//which is also unnecessary - MAY have to update whenever a different tree is used.
membershipToClusterLabelIndexes = new int[numdata];
for (int i = 0; i < numdata; i++) {
Parameter v = virusLocations.getParameter(i);
String curName = v.getParameterName();
// System.out.println(curName);
int isFound = 0;
for (int j = 0; j < numNodes; j++) {
String treeId = treeModel.getTaxonId(j);
if (curName.equals(treeId)) {
// System.out.println(" isFound at j=" + j);
membershipToClusterLabelIndexes[i] = j;
isFound = 1;
if (isFound == 0) {
System.out.println("not found. Exit now.");
use of dr.inference.model.Parameter in project beast-mcmc by beast-dev.
the class TreeClusterSequentialSampling method setVirusLocationAndOffsets.
private void setVirusLocationAndOffsets() {
//change the mu in the toBin and fromBIn
//borrow from getLogLikelihood:
double[] meanYear = new double[binSize];
double[] groupCount = new double[binSize];
for (int i = 0; i < numdata; i++) {
int label = (int) clusterLabels.getParameterValue(i);
double year = 0;
if (virusOffsetsParameter != null) {
// System.out.print("virus Offeset Parameter present"+ ": ");
// System.out.print( virusOffsetsParameter.getParameterValue(i) + " ");
// System.out.print(" drift= " + drift + " ");
//just want year[i]
year = virusOffsetsParameter.getParameterValue(i);
//make sure that it is equivalent to double offset = year[virusIndex] - firstYear;
} else {
System.out.println("virus Offeset Parameter NOT present. We expect one though. Something is wrong.");
meanYear[label] = meanYear[label] + year;
groupCount[label] = groupCount[label] + 1;
for (int i = 0; i < binSize; i++) {
if (groupCount[i] > 0) {
meanYear[i] = meanYear[i] / groupCount[i];
mu0_offset = new double[binSize];
//now, change the mu..
for (int i = 0; i < binSize; i++) {
mu0_offset[i] = meanYear[i];
//System.out.println("group " + i + "\t" + mu0_offset[i]);
//virus in the same cluster has the same position
for (int i = 0; i < numdata; i++) {
int label = (int) clusterLabels.getParameterValue(i);
Parameter vLoc = virusLocations.getParameter(i);
//setting the virus locs to be equal to the corresponding mu
double muValue = mu.getParameter(label).getParameterValue(0);
vLoc.setParameterValue(0, muValue);
double muValue2 = mu.getParameter(label).getParameterValue(1);
vLoc.setParameterValue(1, muValue2);
//System.out.println("vloc="+ muValue + "," + muValue2);
for (int i = 0; i < numdata; i++) {
int label = (int) clusterLabels.getParameterValue(i);
//if we want to apply the mean year virus cluster offset to the cluster
if (clusterOffsetsParameter != null) {
//setting the clusterOffsets to be equal to the mean year of the virus cluster
// by doing this, the virus changes cluster AND updates the offset simultaneously
clusterOffsetsParameter.setParameterValue(i, mu0_offset[label]);
// System.out.println("mu0_offset[label]=" + mu0_offset[label]);
// System.out.println("clusterOffsets " + i +" now becomes =" + clusterOffsetsParameter.getParameterValue(i) );
// System.out.println("===The on nodes===");
// for(int i=0; i < binSize; i++){
// if((int) excisionPoints.getParameterValue(i) == 1){
// System.out.println("Cluster node " + i + " = " + (int) indicators.getParameterValue(i) + "\tstatus=" + (int) excisionPoints.getParameterValue(i));
// }
// }