use of dr.evomodel.alloppnet.speciation.AlloppDiploidHistory in project beast-mcmc by beast-dev.
the class AlloppNetworkNodeSlide method operateOneNodeInTetraTree.
private void operateOneNodeInTetraTree(AlloppLeggedTree tettree, int which, double factor) {
// As TreeNodeSlide(). Randomly flip children at each node,
// keeping track of node order (in-order order, left to right).
NodeRef[] order = SlidableTree.Utils.mnlCanonical(tettree);
// Find the time of the most recent gene coalescence which
// has (species,sequence)'s to left and right of this node.
FixedBitSet left = apsp.speciesseqEmptyUnion();
FixedBitSet right = apsp.speciesseqEmptyUnion();
for (int k = 0; k < 2 * which + 1; k += 2) {
FixedBitSet left0 = apsp.taxonseqToTipUnion(tettree.getSlidableNodeTaxon(order[k]), 0);
FixedBitSet left1 = apsp.taxonseqToTipUnion(tettree.getSlidableNodeTaxon(order[k]), 1);
for (int k = 2 * (which + 1); k < order.length; k += 2) {
FixedBitSet right0 = apsp.taxonseqToTipUnion(tettree.getSlidableNodeTaxon(order[k]), 0);
FixedBitSet right1 = apsp.taxonseqToTipUnion(tettree.getSlidableNodeTaxon(order[k]), 1);
double genelimit = apsp.spseqUpperBound(left, right);
// also keep this node more recent than the hybridization event that led to this tree.
AlloppDiploidHistory diphist = apspnet.getDiploidHistory();
double hybridheight = diphist.getHybHeight(tettree);
final double limit = Math.min(genelimit, hybridheight);
// On direct call, factor==0.0 and use limit. Else use passed in scaling factor
double newHeight = -1.0;
if (factor > 0) {
newHeight = tettree.getSlidableNodeHeight(order[2 * which + 1]) * factor;
} else {
newHeight = MathUtils.nextDouble() * limit;
final NodeRef node = order[2 * which + 1];
tettree.setSlidableNodeHeight(node, newHeight);
SlidableTree.Utils.mnlReconstruct(tettree, order);
use of dr.evomodel.alloppnet.speciation.AlloppDiploidHistory in project beast-mcmc by beast-dev.
the class AlloppNetworkNodeSlide method operateHybridHeight.
private void operateHybridHeight(int footindex) {
AlloppDiploidHistory diphist = apspnet.getDiploidHistory();
ArrayList<Integer> feet = diphist.collectFeet();
assert footindex < feet.size();
int foot = feet.get(footindex);
int tt = diphist.getNodeTettree(foot);
AlloppLeggedTree tettree = apspnet.getTetraploidTree(tt);
double minh = tettree.getRootHeight();
int f1 = tettree.getDiphistLftLeg();
int f2 = tettree.getDiphistRgtLeg();
assert (foot == f1) || (foot == f2);
diphist.moveHybridHeight(f1, f2, minh);
use of dr.evomodel.alloppnet.speciation.AlloppDiploidHistory in project beast-mcmc by beast-dev.
the class AlloppNetworkNodeSlide method operateOneNodeInDiploidHistory.
private void operateOneNodeInDiploidHistory(int which, double factor) {
int slidingn = 2 * which + 1;
AlloppDiploidHistory diphist = apspnet.getDiploidHistory();
NodeRef[] order = SlidableTree.Utils.mnlCanonical(diphist);
// Find the time of the most recent gene coalescence which
// has (species,sequence)'s to left and right of this node.
FixedBitSet left = apsp.speciesseqEmptyUnion();
FixedBitSet right = apsp.speciesseqEmptyUnion();
for (int k = 0; k < slidingn; k += 2) {
FixedBitSet u = apspnet.calculateDipHistTipUnion(order[k]);
for (int k = slidingn + 1; k < order.length; k += 2) {
FixedBitSet u = apspnet.calculateDipHistTipUnion(order[k]);
double genelimit = apsp.spseqUpperBound(left, right);
// find limit due to hyb-tips - must be bigger than adjacent heights
// Note that adjacent nodes in order[] are tips; if they are not hyb-tips
// they have height zero anyway.
double hybtiplimit = 0.0;
if (slidingn - 1 >= 0) {
hybtiplimit = Math.max(hybtiplimit, diphist.getSlidableNodeHeight(order[slidingn - 1]));
if (slidingn + 1 < order.length) {
hybtiplimit = Math.max(hybtiplimit, diphist.getSlidableNodeHeight(order[slidingn + 1]));
RootHeightRange rootrange = new RootHeightRange(0.0, Double.MAX_VALUE);
if (apspnet.getDiploidRootIsRoot()) {
rootrange = findRootRangeForDiploidRootIsRoot(diphist, order, slidingn);
final double upperlimit = Math.min(genelimit, rootrange.upperlimit);
final double lowerlimit = Math.max(hybtiplimit, rootrange.lowerlimit);
// On direct call, factor==0.0 and use limit. Else use passed in scaling factor
double newHeight = -1.0;
if (factor > 0) {
newHeight = diphist.getSlidableNodeHeight(order[slidingn]) * factor;
} else {
newHeight = MathUtils.uniform(lowerlimit, upperlimit);
assert diphist.diphistOK(apspnet.getDiploidRootIsRoot());
final NodeRef node = order[slidingn];
diphist.setSlidableNodeHeight(node, newHeight);
SlidableTree.Utils.mnlReconstruct(diphist, order);
if (!diphist.diphistOK(apspnet.getDiploidRootIsRoot())) {
System.out.println("BUG in operateOneNodeInDiploidHistory()");
assert diphist.diphistOK(apspnet.getDiploidRootIsRoot());