use of dr.evomodel.continuous.DummyLatentTruncationProvider in project beast-mcmc by beast-dev.
the class NewLatentLiabilityGibbs method sampleNode.
private double sampleNode(NodeRef node, WrappedNormalSufficientStatistics statistics) {
final int thisNumber = node.getNumber();
final int[] obsInds = maskDelegate.getObservedIndices(node);
final int obsDim = obsInds.length;
if (obsDim == dim) {
return 0;
ReadableVector mean = statistics.getMean();
ReadableMatrix thisP = statistics.getPrecision();
double precisionScalar = statistics.getPrecisionScalar();
for (int i = 0; i < mean.getDim(); ++i) {
fcdMean[i] = mean.get(i);
for (int i = 0; i < mean.getDim(); ++i) {
for (int j = 0; j < mean.getDim(); ++j) {
fcdPrecision[i][j] = thisP.get(i, j) * precisionScalar;
if (repeatedMeasuresModel != null) {
// TODO: preallocate memory for all these matrices/vectors
// storing original fcd precision
DenseMatrix64F Q = new DenseMatrix64F(fcdPrecision);
double[] tipPartial = repeatedMeasuresModel.getTipPartial(thisNumber, false);
int offset = dim;
DenseMatrix64F P = MissingOps.wrap(tipPartial, offset, dim, dim);
DenseMatrix64F preOrderMean = new DenseMatrix64F(dim, 1);
for (int i = 0; i < dim; i++) {
preOrderMean.set(i, 0, fcdMean[i]);
DenseMatrix64F dataMean = new DenseMatrix64F(dim, 1);
for (int i = 0; i < dim; i++) {
dataMean.set(i, 0, tipPartial[i]);
D1Matrix64F bufferMean = new DenseMatrix64F(dim, 1);
// bufferMean = Q * preOrderMean
mult(Q, preOrderMean, bufferMean);
// bufferMean = Q * preOderMean + P * dataMean
multAdd(P, dataMean, bufferMean);
// P = P + Q
CommonOps.addEquals(P, Q);
DenseMatrix64F V = new DenseMatrix64F(dim, dim);
// V = inv(P + Q)
CommonOps.invert(P, V);
// dataMean = inv(P + Q) * (Q * preOderMean + P * dataMean)
mult(V, bufferMean, dataMean);
for (int i = 0; i < dim; i++) {
fcdMean[i] = dataMean.get(i);
for (int j = 0; j < dim; j++) {
fcdPrecision[i][j] = P.get(i, j);
// TODO: should this not be declared until 'else' statement?
MultivariateNormalDistribution fullDistribution = new MultivariateNormalDistribution(fcdMean, fcdPrecision);
MultivariateNormalDistribution drawDistribution;
if (mask != null && obsDim > 0) {
drawDistribution = new MultivariateNormalDistribution(maskedMean, maskedPrecision);
} else {
drawDistribution = fullDistribution;
double[] oldValue = getNodeTrait(node);
int attempt = 0;
boolean validTip = false;
while (!validTip & attempt < maxAttempts) {
setNodeTrait(node, drawDistribution.nextMultivariateNormal());
if (latentLiability.validTraitForTip(thisNumber)) {
validTip = true;
if (attempt == maxAttempts) {
double[] newValue = getNodeTrait(node);
if (latentLiability instanceof DummyLatentTruncationProvider) {
} else {
return fullDistribution.logPdf(oldValue) - fullDistribution.logPdf(newValue);