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Example 11 with ExchangeOperator

use of dr.evomodel.operators.ExchangeOperator in project beast-mcmc by beast-dev.

the class TransmissionTreeOperator method doOperation.

public double doOperation() {
    TreeModel tree = c2cLikelihood.getTreeModel();
    BranchMapModel branchMap = c2cLikelihood.getBranchMap();
    AbstractCase[] newBranchMap = branchMap.getArrayCopy();
    int[] oldParents = getParentsArray(tree);
    double[] oldHeights = getHeightsArray(tree);
    double hr = innerOperator.doOperation();
    int[] newParents = getParentsArray(tree);
    ArrayList<Integer> changedNodes = new ArrayList<Integer>();
    for (int i = 0; i < tree.getNodeCount(); i++) {
        if (oldParents[i] != newParents[i]) {
    if (changedNodes.size() != 0) {
        if (innerOperator instanceof ExchangeOperator) {
            // this is a node swap operator
            AbstractCase[] nodePaintings = new AbstractCase[2];
            AbstractCase[] parentPaintings = new AbstractCase[2];
            for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
                nodePaintings[i] = branchMap.get(changedNodes.get(i));
                parentPaintings[i] = branchMap.get(oldParents[changedNodes.get(i)]);
            if (nodePaintings[0] == parentPaintings[0] || nodePaintings[1] == parentPaintings[1]) {
                // If this is not true there is nothing to do - the result is already a valid painting
                for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
                    paintUp(tree, nodePaintings[1 - i], nodePaintings[i], branchMap, newBranchMap, tree.getNode(changedNodes.get(i)).getNumber(), newParents);
        } else if (innerOperator instanceof SubtreeSlideOperator || innerOperator instanceof WilsonBalding) {
            // this is a node transplantation operator
            int movedNode = -1;
            int oldChild = -1;
            int newChild = -1;
            for (int i = 0; i < tree.getNodeCount(); i++) {
                // exception later, though.
                if (tree.getNodeHeight(tree.getNode(i)) != oldHeights[i]) {
                    movedNode = i;
            for (int j : changedNodes) {
                if (j != movedNode) {
                    if (tree.getParent(tree.getNode(j)) == tree.getNode(movedNode)) {
                        newChild = j;
                    } else {
                        oldChild = j;
            if (movedNode == -1 || oldChild == -1 || newChild == -1) {
                // is this a bug or should the move be rejected (i.e., return -Inf HR)?
                throw new RuntimeException("Failed to establish relationship between relocated node and others");
            NodeRef movedNodeObject = tree.getNode(movedNode);
            NodeRef oldChildObject = tree.getNode(oldChild);
            NodeRef newChildObject = tree.getNode(newChild);
            int otherChild = -1;
            NodeRef otherChildObject;
            // Find the other child of the moved node (the root of the transplanted subtree)
            for (int i = 0; i < tree.getChildCount(movedNodeObject); i++) {
                if (tree.getChild(movedNodeObject, i) != newChildObject) {
                    otherChildObject = tree.getChild(movedNodeObject, i);
                    otherChild = otherChildObject.getNumber();
            // If the child of the moved node is the earliest node with its painting:
            if (branchMap.get(otherChild) != branchMap.get(movedNode)) {
                newBranchMap[movedNode] = branchMap.get(newChild);
            } else {
                // Change all paintings up the tree from the old child that used to match the moved node to match
                // the old child
                paintUp(tree, branchMap.get(movedNode), branchMap.get(oldChild), branchMap, newBranchMap, oldChild, oldParents);
                // This may have resulted in the moved node being recoloured wrong.
                newBranchMap[movedNode] = branchMap.get(movedNode);
                branchMap.setAll(newBranchMap, true);
                // Change all paintings up the tree from the moved node that used to match the new child to match
                // the moved node
                paintUp(tree, branchMap.get(newChild), branchMap.get(movedNode), branchMap, newBranchMap, movedNode, newParents);
        } else {
            // I don't know what this is
            throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Operator class " + innerOperator.getOperatorName() + " not yet " + "supported");
    branchMap.setAll(newBranchMap, true);
    return hr;
Also used : ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) ExchangeOperator(dr.evomodel.operators.ExchangeOperator) SubtreeSlideOperator(dr.evomodel.operators.SubtreeSlideOperator) AbstractCase(dr.evomodel.epidemiology.casetocase.AbstractCase) TreeModel(dr.evomodel.tree.TreeModel) NodeRef(dr.evolution.tree.NodeRef) BranchMapModel(dr.evomodel.epidemiology.casetocase.BranchMapModel) WilsonBalding(dr.evomodel.operators.WilsonBalding)

Example 12 with ExchangeOperator

use of dr.evomodel.operators.ExchangeOperator in project beast-mcmc by beast-dev.

the class ExchangeOperatorTest method getOperatorSchedule.

public OperatorSchedule getOperatorSchedule(DefaultTreeModel treeModel) {
    Parameter rootParameter = treeModel.createNodeHeightsParameter(true, false, false);
    Parameter internalHeights = treeModel.createNodeHeightsParameter(false, true, false);
    ExchangeOperator operator = new ExchangeOperator(ExchangeOperator.WIDE, treeModel, 1.0);
    ScaleOperator scaleOperator = new ScaleOperator(rootParameter, 0.75, AdaptationMode.ADAPTATION_ON, 1.0);
    UniformOperator uniformOperator = new UniformOperator(internalHeights, 1.0);
    OperatorSchedule schedule = new SimpleOperatorSchedule();
    return schedule;
Also used : ExchangeOperator(dr.evomodel.operators.ExchangeOperator) Parameter(dr.inference.model.Parameter)


ExchangeOperator (dr.evomodel.operators.ExchangeOperator)12 Parameter (dr.inference.model.Parameter)8 DefaultTreeModel (dr.evomodel.tree.DefaultTreeModel)7 SubtreeSlideOperator (dr.evomodel.operators.SubtreeSlideOperator)6 WilsonBalding (dr.evomodel.operators.WilsonBalding)6 SitePatterns (dr.evolution.alignment.SitePatterns)5 ArrayLogFormatter (dr.inference.loggers.ArrayLogFormatter)5 MCLogger (dr.inference.loggers.MCLogger)5 TabDelimitedFormatter (dr.inference.loggers.TabDelimitedFormatter)5 MCMC (dr.inference.mcmc.MCMC)5 MCMCOptions (dr.inference.mcmc.MCMCOptions)5 ArrayTraceList (dr.inference.trace.ArrayTraceList)5 Trace (dr.inference.trace.Trace)5 TraceCorrelation (dr.inference.trace.TraceCorrelation)5 GammaSiteModel (dr.oldevomodel.sitemodel.GammaSiteModel)5 FrequencyModel (dr.oldevomodel.substmodel.FrequencyModel)5 TreeLikelihood (dr.oldevomodel.treelikelihood.TreeLikelihood)5 HKY (dr.oldevomodel.substmodel.HKY)4 ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)4 CoalescentLikelihood (dr.evomodel.coalescent.CoalescentLikelihood)3