use of dr.evomodel.substmodel.CodonPartitionedRobustCounting in project beast-mcmc by beast-dev.
the class CodonPartitionedRobustCountingParser method parseXMLObject.
public Object parseXMLObject(XMLObject xo) throws XMLParseException {
AncestralStateBeagleTreeLikelihood[] partition = new AncestralStateBeagleTreeLikelihood[3];
String[] labels = new String[] { FIRST, SECOND, THIRD };
int patternCount = -1;
BranchRateModel testBranchRateModel = null;
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
partition[i] = (AncestralStateBeagleTreeLikelihood) xo.getChild(labels[i]).getChild(AncestralStateBeagleTreeLikelihood.class);
if (i == 0) {
patternCount = partition[i].getPatternCount();
} else {
if (partition[i].getPatternCount() != patternCount) {
throw new XMLParseException("Codon-partitioned robust counting requires all partitions to have the same length." + " Make sure that partitions include all unique sites and do not strip gaps.");
// Ensure that siteRateModel has one category
if (partition[i].getSiteRateModel().getCategoryCount() > 1) {
throw new XMLParseException("Robust counting currently only implemented for single category models");
// Ensure that branchRateModel is the same across all partitions
if (testBranchRateModel == null) {
testBranchRateModel = partition[i].getBranchRateModel();
} else if (testBranchRateModel != partition[i].getBranchRateModel()) {
throw new XMLParseException("Robust counting currently requires the same branch rate model for all partitions");
TreeModel tree = (TreeModel) xo.getChild(TreeModel.class);
Codons codons = Codons.UNIVERSAL;
if (xo.hasAttribute(GeneticCode.GENETIC_CODE)) {
String codeStr = xo.getStringAttribute(GeneticCode.GENETIC_CODE);
codons = Codons.findByName(codeStr);
String labelingString = (String) xo.getAttribute(LABELING);
CodonLabeling codonLabeling = CodonLabeling.parseFromString(labelingString);
if (codonLabeling == null) {
throw new XMLParseException("Unrecognized codon labeling '" + labelingString + "'");
String branchFormatString = xo.getAttribute(BRANCH_FORMAT, StratifiedTraitOutputFormat.SUM_OVER_SITES.getText());
StratifiedTraitOutputFormat branchFormat = StratifiedTraitOutputFormat.parseFromString(branchFormatString);
if (branchFormat == null) {
throw new XMLParseException("Unrecognized branch output format '" + branchFormat + "'");
String logFormatString = xo.getAttribute(LOG_FORMAT, StratifiedTraitOutputFormat.SUM_OVER_SITES.getText());
StratifiedTraitOutputFormat logFormat = StratifiedTraitOutputFormat.parseFromString(logFormatString);
if (logFormat == null) {
throw new XMLParseException("Unrecognized log output format '" + branchFormat + "'");
boolean useUniformization = xo.getAttribute(USE_UNIFORMIZATION, false);
boolean includeExternalBranches = xo.getAttribute(INCLUDE_EXTERNAL, true);
boolean includeInternalBranches = xo.getAttribute(INCLUDE_INTERNAL, true);
boolean doUnconditionedPerBranch = xo.getAttribute(DO_UNCONDITIONED_PER_BRANCH, false);
boolean averageRates = xo.getAttribute(AVERAGE_RATES, true);
boolean saveCompleteHistory = xo.getAttribute(SAVE_HISTORY, false);
boolean useNewNeutralModel = xo.getAttribute(USE_NEW_NEUTRAL_MODEL, false);
String prefix = xo.hasAttribute(PREFIX) ? xo.getStringAttribute(PREFIX) : null;
return new CodonPartitionedRobustCounting(xo.getId(), tree, partition, codons, codonLabeling, useUniformization, includeExternalBranches, includeInternalBranches, doUnconditionedPerBranch, saveCompleteHistory, averageRates, useNewNeutralModel, branchFormat, logFormat, prefix);
use of dr.evomodel.substmodel.CodonPartitionedRobustCounting in project beast-mcmc by beast-dev.
the class DnDsLoggerParser method parseXMLObject.
public Object parseXMLObject(XMLObject xo) throws XMLParseException {
String[] names = DnDsLogger.traitNames;
TreeTrait[] foundTraits = new TreeTrait[names.length];
for (int i = 0; i < xo.getChildCount(); i++) {
Object obj = xo.getChild(i);
if (obj instanceof CodonPartitionedRobustCounting) {
CodonPartitionedRobustCounting thisCount = (CodonPartitionedRobustCounting) obj;
for (int j = 0; j < names.length; j++) {
TreeTrait trait = thisCount.getTreeTrait(names[j]);
if (trait != null) {
foundTraits[j] = trait;
for (int i = 0; i < foundTraits.length; i++) {
if (foundTraits[i] == null) {
throw new XMLParseException("Unable to find trait '" + names[i] + "'");
Tree tree = (Tree) xo.getChild(Tree.class);
// Use AttributeRules for options here
boolean useSmoothing = xo.getAttribute(USE_SMOOTHING, true);
boolean useDnMinusDs = xo.getAttribute(USE_DNMINUSDS, false);
boolean conditionalCounts = xo.getAttribute(COUNTS, false);
boolean synonymous = xo.getAttribute(SYNONYMOUS, false);
return new DnDsLogger(xo.getId(), tree, foundTraits, useSmoothing, useDnMinusDs, conditionalCounts, synonymous);