use of dr.evomodel.substmodel.MarkovJumpsSubstitutionModel in project beast-mcmc by beast-dev.
the class TwoStateMarkovRewardsTest method testTwoStateRewards.
public void testTwoStateRewards() {
DataType dataType = TwoStates.INSTANCE;
FrequencyModel freqModel = new FrequencyModel(TwoStates.INSTANCE, new double[] { 0.5, 0.5 });
Parameter rates = new Parameter.Default(new double[] { 4.0, 6.0 });
ComplexSubstitutionModel twoStateModel = new ComplexSubstitutionModel("two", dataType, freqModel, rates) {
MarkovJumpsSubstitutionModel markovRewards = new MarkovJumpsSubstitutionModel(twoStateModel, MarkovJumpsType.REWARDS);
double[] r = new double[2];
double[] q = new double[4];
double[] c = new double[4];
int mark = 0;
double weight = 1.0;
r[mark] = weight;
System.out.println("Q = " + new Vector(q));
System.out.println("Reward for state 0");
double time = 1.0;
markovRewards.computeCondStatMarkovJumps(time, c);
System.out.println("Reward conditional on X(0) = i, X(t) = j: " + new Vector(c));
double endTime = 10.0;
int steps = 10;
for (time = 0.0; time < endTime; time += (endTime / steps)) {
markovRewards.computeCondStatMarkovJumps(time, c);
// start = 0, end = 0
System.out.println(time + "," + c[0]);
use of dr.evomodel.substmodel.MarkovJumpsSubstitutionModel in project beast-mcmc by beast-dev.
the class MarkovJumpsSubstitutionModelTest method testMarkovJumpsCounts.
public void testMarkovJumpsCounts() {
HKY substModel = new HKY(2.0, new FrequencyModel(Nucleotides.INSTANCE, // A,C,G,T
new double[] { 0.3, 0.2, 0.25, 0.25 }));
int states = substModel.getDataType().getStateCount();
MarkovJumpsSubstitutionModel markovjumps = new MarkovJumpsSubstitutionModel(substModel, MarkovJumpsType.COUNTS);
double[] r = new double[states * states];
double[] q = new double[states * states];
double[] j = new double[states * states];
double[] c = new double[states * states];
double[] p = new double[states * states];
double time = 1.0;
// A
int from = 0;
// C
int to = 1;
MarkovJumpsCore.fillRegistrationMatrix(r, from, to, states, 1.0);
substModel.getTransitionProbabilities(time, p);
markovjumps.computeJointStatMarkovJumps(time, j);
markovjumps.computeCondStatMarkovJumps(time, c);
System.out.println("Q = " + new Vector(q));
System.out.println("P = " + new Vector(p));
System.out.println("R = " + new Vector(r));
System.out.println("J = " + new Vector(j));
assertEquals(rMarkovJumpsJ, j, tolerance);
System.err.println("C = " + new Vector(c));
assertEquals(rMarkovJumpsC, c, tolerance);
use of dr.evomodel.substmodel.MarkovJumpsSubstitutionModel in project beast-mcmc by beast-dev.
the class MarkovJumpsSubstitutionModelTest method testMarkovJumpsReward.
public void testMarkovJumpsReward() {
HKY substModel = new HKY(2.0, new FrequencyModel(Nucleotides.INSTANCE, // A,C,G,T
new double[] { 0.3, 0.2, 0.25, 0.25 }));
int states = substModel.getDataType().getStateCount();
double[] j = new double[states * states];
double[] c = new double[states * states];
double time = 1.0;
MarkovJumpsSubstitutionModel markovjumps = new MarkovJumpsSubstitutionModel(substModel, MarkovJumpsType.REWARDS);
double[] rewards = { 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0 };
markovjumps.computeJointStatMarkovJumps(time, j);
markovjumps.computeCondStatMarkovJumps(time, c);
System.out.println("R = " + new Vector(rewards));
System.out.println("J = " + new Vector(j));
assertEquals(rMarkovRewardsJ, j, tolerance);
System.out.println("C = " + new Vector(c));
assertEquals(rMarkovRewardsC, c, tolerance);
use of dr.evomodel.substmodel.MarkovJumpsSubstitutionModel in project beast-mcmc by beast-dev.
the class UniformizedStateHistoryTest method testStateHistorySimulationForRewards.
public void testStateHistorySimulationForRewards() {
try {
double startingTime = 1.0;
double endingTime = 3.0;
int startingState = 1;
int endingState = 3;
int N = 1000000;
double[] tmp = new double[stateCount * stateCount];
hky.getTransitionProbabilities(endingTime - startingTime, tmp);
double transitionProbability = tmp[startingState * stateCount + endingState];
double[][] registers = new double[3][stateCount];
// Reward all states
Arrays.fill(registers[0], 1.0);
// Reward just one state!
registers[1][0] = 1.0;
// Reward just one state!
registers[2][3] = 1.0;
double[] expectations = new double[registers.length];
for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) {
StateHistory history = UniformizedStateHistory.simulateConditionalOnEndingState(startingTime, startingState, endingTime, endingState, transitionProbability, stateCount, process);
for (int j = 0; j < registers.length; j++) {
expectations[j] += history.getTotalReward(registers[j]);
// Determine analytic solution
MarkovJumpsSubstitutionModel markovjumps = new MarkovJumpsSubstitutionModel(hky, MarkovJumpsType.REWARDS);
double[] mjExpectations = new double[stateCount * stateCount];
for (int j = 0; j < registers.length; j++) {
expectations[j] /= (double) N;
System.out.println("Expected reward for register[" + j + "] = " + expectations[j]);
markovjumps.computeCondStatMarkovJumps(endingTime - startingTime, mjExpectations);
assertEquals(mjExpectations[startingState * stateCount + endingState], expectations[j], 1E-2);
} catch (SubordinatedProcess.Exception e) {
throw new RuntimeException("Subordinated process exception");