use of dr.math.matrixAlgebra.WrappedVector in project beast-mcmc by beast-dev.
the class AbstractParticleOperator method updateAction.
void updateAction(WrappedVector action, ReadableVector velocity, int eventIndex) {
if (nativeZigZag.inCriticalRegion()) {
WrappedVector column = getPrecisionColumn(eventIndex);
if (TIMING) {
final double[] a = action.getBuffer();
final double[] c = column.getBuffer();
final double twoV = 2 * velocity.get(eventIndex);
for (int i = 0, len = a.length; i < len; ++i) {
a[i] += twoV * c[i];
if (TIMING) {
if (mask != null) {
use of dr.math.matrixAlgebra.WrappedVector in project beast-mcmc by beast-dev.
the class BouncyParticleOperator method integrateTrajectory.
double integrateTrajectory(WrappedVector position) {
WrappedVector velocity = drawInitialVelocity();
WrappedVector gradient = getInitialGradient();
WrappedVector action = getPrecisionProduct(velocity);
BounceState bounceState = new BounceState(drawTotalTravelTime());
while (bounceState.remainingTime > 0) {
if (bounceState.type == Type.BOUNDARY) {
updateAction(action, velocity, bounceState.index);
} else {
action = getPrecisionProduct(velocity);
double v_Phi_x = -innerProduct(velocity, gradient);
double v_Phi_v = innerProduct(velocity, action);
double tMin = Math.max(0.0, -v_Phi_x / v_Phi_v);
double U_min = tMin * tMin / 2 * v_Phi_v + tMin * v_Phi_x;
double bounceTime = getBounceTime(v_Phi_v, v_Phi_x, U_min);
MinimumTravelInformation travelInfo = getTimeToBoundary(position, velocity);
double refreshTime = getRefreshTime();
bounceState = doBounce(bounceState.remainingTime, bounceTime, travelInfo, refreshTime, position, velocity, gradient, action);
storedVelocity = velocity;
return 0.0;
use of dr.math.matrixAlgebra.WrappedVector in project beast-mcmc by beast-dev.
the class IrreversibleZigZagOperator method integrateTrajectory.
double integrateTrajectory(WrappedVector position) {
WrappedVector momentum = drawInitialMomentum();
WrappedVector velocity = drawInitialVelocity(momentum);
WrappedVector gradient = getInitialGradient();
WrappedVector action = getPrecisionProduct(velocity);
BounceState bounceState = new BounceState(drawTotalTravelTime());
int count = 0;
if (TIMING) {
while (bounceState.isTimeRemaining()) {
final MinimumTravelInformation firstBounce;
if (TIMING) {
firstBounce = getNextBounce(position, velocity, action, gradient, momentum);
if (TIMING) {
MinimumTravelInformation test = testNative(position, velocity, action, gradient);
bounceState = doBounce(bounceState, firstBounce, position, velocity, action, gradient, momentum);
if (TIMING) {
return 0.0;
use of dr.math.matrixAlgebra.WrappedVector in project beast-mcmc by beast-dev.
the class NoUTurnOperator method takeOneStep.
private double[] takeOneStep(long m, double[] initialPosition) {
double[] endPosition = Arrays.copyOf(initialPosition, initialPosition.length);
// final double[][] mass = massProvider.getMass();
final WrappedVector initialMomentum = mask(preconditioning.drawInitialMomentum(), mask);
final double initialJointDensity = getJointProbability(gradientProvider, initialMomentum);
double logSliceU = Math.log(MathUtils.nextDouble()) + initialJointDensity;
TreeState trajectoryTree = new TreeState(initialPosition, initialMomentum.getBuffer(), 1, true);
// Trajectory of Hamiltonian dynamics endowed with a binary tree structure.
int height = 0;
while (trajectoryTree.flagContinue) {
double[] tmp = updateTrajectoryTree(trajectoryTree, height, logSliceU, initialJointDensity);
if (tmp != null) {
endPosition = tmp;
if (height > options.maxHeight) {
trajectoryTree.flagContinue = false;
stepSizeInformation.update(m, trajectoryTree.cumAcceptProb, trajectoryTree.numAcceptProbStates);
return endPosition;
use of dr.math.matrixAlgebra.WrappedVector in project beast-mcmc by beast-dev.
the class MultivariateConditionalOnTipsRealizedDelegate method simulateTraitForInternalNode.
// private ReadableVector getMeanWithDrift(final ReadableVector mean,
// final ReadableVector drift) {
// return new ReadableVector.Sum(mean, drift);
// }
// private ReadableVector getMeanWithDrift(double[] mean, int offsetMean, double[] drift, int dim) {
// for (int i = 0;i < dim; ++i) {
// tmpDrift[i] = mean[offsetMean + i] + drift[i];
// }
// return new WrappedVector.Raw(tmpDrift, 0, dimTrait);
// }
private void simulateTraitForInternalNode(final int offsetSample, final int offsetParent, final int offsetPartial, final double branchPrecision) {
if (!Double.isInfinite(branchPrecision)) {
// Here we simulate X_j | X_pa(j), Y
final WrappedVector M0 = new WrappedVector.Raw(partialNodeBuffer, offsetPartial, dimTrait);
final DenseMatrix64F P0 = wrap(partialNodeBuffer, offsetPartial + dimTrait, dimTrait, dimTrait);
// final ReadableVector parentSample = new WrappedVector.Raw(sample, offsetParent, dimTrait);
final ReadableVector M1;
final DenseMatrix64F P1;
M1 = getMeanBranch(offsetParent);
P1 = getPrecisionBranch(branchPrecision);
// if (hasNoDrift) {
// M1 = parentSample; // new WrappedVector.Raw(sample, offsetParent, dimTrait);
// P1 = new DenseMatrix64F(dimTrait, dimTrait);
// CommonOps.scale(branchPrecision, Pd, P1);
// } else {
// M1 = getMeanWithDrift(parentSample,
// new WrappedVector.Raw(displacementBuffer, 0, dimTrait)); //getMeanWithDrift(sample, offsetParent, displacementBuffer, dimTrait);
// P1 = DenseMatrix64F.wrap(dimTrait, dimTrait, precisionBuffer);
// }
final WrappedVector M2 = new WrappedVector.Raw(tmpMean, 0, dimTrait);
final DenseMatrix64F P2 = new DenseMatrix64F(dimTrait, dimTrait);
final DenseMatrix64F V2 = new DenseMatrix64F(dimTrait, dimTrait);
CommonOps.add(P0, P1, P2);
safeInvert2(P2, V2, false);
weightedAverage(M0, P0, M1, P1, M2, V2, dimTrait);
final WrappedMatrix C2;
DenseMatrix64F tC2 = getCholeskyOfVariance(V2, dimTrait);
C2 = new WrappedMatrix.WrappedDenseMatrix(tC2);
MultivariateNormalDistribution.nextMultivariateNormalCholesky(// input mean
M2, // input variance
C2, // input variance
1.0, new WrappedVector.Raw(sample, offsetSample, dimTrait), tmpEpsilon);
} else {
double[][] tC2 = getCholeskyOfVariance(V2.getData(), dimTrait);
C2 = new WrappedMatrix.ArrayOfArray(tC2);
MultivariateNormalDistribution.nextMultivariateNormalCholesky(// input mean
M2, // input variance
C2, // input variance
1.0, new WrappedVector.Raw(sample, offsetSample, dimTrait), tmpEpsilon);
if (DEBUG) {
System.err.println("sT F I N");
System.err.println("M0: " + M0);
System.err.println("P0: " + P0);
System.err.println("M1: " + M1);
System.err.println("P1: " + P1);
System.err.println("M2: " + M2);
System.err.println("V2: " + V2);
System.err.println("C2: " + C2);
System.err.println("SS: " + new WrappedVector.Raw(sample, offsetSample, dimTrait));
if (!check(M2)) {
} else {
System.arraycopy(sample, offsetParent, sample, offsetSample, dimTrait);
if (DEBUG) {
System.err.println("sT F I N infinite branch precision");
System.err.println("SS: " + new WrappedVector.Raw(sample, offsetSample, dimTrait));