use of dr.stats.Regression in project beast-mcmc by beast-dev.
the class TemporalRooting method findLocalRoot.
private double findLocalRoot(final FlexibleTree tree, final double[] dates, final RootingFunction rootingFunction, final boolean forcePositiveRate) {
if (rootingFunction == RootingFunction.RESIDUAL_MEAN_SQUARED) {
return findAnalyticalLocalRoot(tree, dates, rootingFunction);
NodeRef node1 = tree.getChild(tree.getRoot(), 0);
NodeRef node2 = tree.getChild(tree.getRoot(), 1);
final double length1 = tree.getBranchLength(node1);
final double length2 = tree.getBranchLength(node2);
final double sumLength = length1 + length2;
final Set<NodeRef> tipSet1 = TreeUtils.getExternalNodes(tree, node1);
final Set<NodeRef> tipSet2 = TreeUtils.getExternalNodes(tree, node2);
final double[] y = new double[tree.getExternalNodeCount()];
UnivariateFunction f = new UnivariateFunction() {
// MultivariateFunction f = new MultivariateFunction() {
public double evaluate(final double argument) {
double l1 = argument * sumLength;
for (NodeRef tip : tipSet1) {
y[tip.getNumber()] = getRootToTipDistance(tree, tip) - length1 + l1;
double l2 = (1.0 - argument) * sumLength;
for (NodeRef tip : tipSet2) {
y[tip.getNumber()] = getRootToTipDistance(tree, tip) - length2 + l2;
double score;
if (!contemporaneous) {
Regression r = new Regression(dates, y);
switch(rootingFunction) {
score = -r.getCorrelationCoefficient();
score = -r.getRSquared();
score = r.getResidualMeanSquared();
throw new RuntimeException("Unknown enum value");
if (forcePositiveRate) {
score = (r.getGradient() < 0.0 ? -score : score);
} else {
score = DiscreteStatistics.variance(y);
return score;
public int getNumArguments() {
return 1;
public double getLowerBound() {
return 0;
public double getUpperBound() {
return 1.0;
// DifferentialEvolution minimum = new DifferentialEvolution(1);
// ConjugateDirectionSearch minimum = new ConjugateDirectionSearch();
// double[] minx = new double[] { 0.5 };
// double fminx = minimum.findMinimum(f, minx);
// double x = minx[0];
UnivariateMinimum minimum = new UnivariateMinimum();
double x = minimum.findMinimum(f);
double fminx = minimum.fminx;
double l1 = x * sumLength;
double l2 = (1.0 - x) * sumLength;
tree.setBranchLength(node1, l1);
tree.setBranchLength(node2, l2);
return fminx;
use of dr.stats.Regression in project beast-mcmc by beast-dev.
the class TemporalRooting method findAnalyticalLocalRoot.
private double findAnalyticalLocalRoot(final FlexibleTree tree, final double[] t, final RootingFunction rootingFunction) {
if (rootingFunction != RootingFunction.RESIDUAL_MEAN_SQUARED) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Analytical local root solution only for residual mean squared");
NodeRef node1 = tree.getChild(tree.getRoot(), 0);
NodeRef node2 = tree.getChild(tree.getRoot(), 1);
final double length1 = tree.getBranchLength(node1);
final double length2 = tree.getBranchLength(node2);
final double sumLength = length1 + length2;
final Set<NodeRef> tipSet1 = TreeUtils.getExternalNodes(tree, node1);
final Set<NodeRef> tipSet2 = TreeUtils.getExternalNodes(tree, node2);
int N = tipSet1.size() + tipSet2.size();
int n = tipSet2.size();
final double[] c = new double[N];
for (NodeRef tip : tipSet2) {
int i = tip.getNumber();
c[i] = 1;
final double[] y = getRootToTipDistances(tree);
for (int j = 0; j < y.length; j++) {
// little fiddling with the root-to-tip divergences to get the right input vector
y[j] = y[j] + (1 - c[j]) * (sumLength - length1) - c[j] * (sumLength - length1);
double sum_tt = 0.0;
double sum_t = 0.0;
double sum_y = 0.0;
double sum_ty = 0.0;
double sum_tc = 0.0;
double Nd = N;
// need to set these naughty guys to doubles
double nd = n;
for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) {
sum_tt += t[i] * t[i];
sum_t += t[i];
sum_y += y[i];
sum_ty += t[i] * y[i];
sum_tc += t[i] * c[i];
double y_bar = sum_y / Nd;
double t_bar = sum_t / Nd;
double C = sum_tt - (sum_t * sum_t / Nd);
double sumAB = 0.0;
double sumAA = 0.0;
for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) {
double Ai = 2 * c[i] - ((2 * nd - Nd) / Nd) + (2 * (t_bar - t[i]) / (C * Nd)) * (Nd * sum_tc - nd * sum_t) - 1;
double Bi = (y[i] - y_bar) + ((t_bar - t[i]) / (C * Nd)) * ((Nd * sum_ty) - (sum_t * sum_y));
sumAB += Ai * Bi;
sumAA += Ai * Ai;
double x = -sumAB / (sumLength * sumAA);
x = Math.min(Math.max(x, 0.0), 1.0);
double l1 = (1.0 - x) * sumLength;
double l2 = x * sumLength;
tree.setBranchLength(node1, l1);
tree.setBranchLength(node2, l2);
Regression r = new Regression(t, getRootToTipDistances(tree));
return r.getResidualMeanSquared();
use of dr.stats.Regression in project beast-mcmc by beast-dev.
the class TempestPanel method selectMRCA.
private void selectMRCA() {
if (mrcaPlot == null)
if (selectedPoints != null && selectedPoints.size() > 0) {
Set<String> selectedTaxa = new HashSet<String>();
for (Integer i : selectedPoints) {
Regression r = temporalRooting.getRootToTipRegression(currentTree);
NodeRef mrca = TreeUtils.getCommonAncestorNode(currentTree, selectedTaxa);
double mrcaDistance1 = temporalRooting.getRootToTipDistance(currentTree, mrca);
double mrcaTime1 = r.getX(mrcaDistance1);
if (tree.isExternal(mrca)) {
mrca = tree.getParent(mrca);
double mrcaDistance = temporalRooting.getRootToTipDistance(currentTree, mrca);
double mrcaTime = r.getX(mrcaDistance);
mrcaPlot.setSelectedPoints(selectedPoints, mrcaTime, mrcaDistance);
} else {
use of dr.stats.Regression in project beast-mcmc by beast-dev.
the class TempestPanel method setupPanel.
public void setupPanel() {
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
NumberFormatter nf = new NumberFormatter(6);
if (tree != null) {
temporalRooting = new TemporalRooting(tree);
currentTree = this.tree;
if (bestFittingRoot && bestFittingRootTree != null) {
currentTree = bestFittingRootTree;
sb.append("Best-fitting root");
} else {
sb.append("User root");
if (temporalRooting.isContemporaneous()) {
if (tabbedPane.getSelectedIndex() == 2) {
tabbedPane.setEnabledAt(2, false);
} else {
tabbedPane.setEnabledAt(2, true);
RootedTree jtree = dr.evolution.tree.TreeUtils.asJeblTree(currentTree);
List<Color> colours = new ArrayList<Color>();
for (Node tip : jtree.getExternalNodes()) {
Taxon taxon = jtree.getTaxon(tip);
colours.add((Color) taxon.getAttribute("!color"));
if (temporalRooting.isContemporaneous()) {
double[] dv = temporalRooting.getRootToTipDistances(currentTree);
List<Double> values = new ArrayList<Double>();
for (double d : dv) {
NumericalDensityPlot dp = new NumericalDensityPlot(values, 20, null);
dp.setLineColor(new Color(9, 70, 15));
double yOffset = (Double) dp.getYData().getMax() / 2;
List<Double> dummyValues = new ArrayList<Double>();
for (int i = 0; i < values.size(); i++) {
// add a random y offset to give some visual spread
double y = MathUtils.nextGaussian() * ((Double) dp.getYData().getMax() * 0.05);
dummyValues.add(yOffset + y);
rootToTipPlot = new ScatterPlot(values, dummyValues);
rootToTipPlot.setMarkStyle(Plot.CIRCLE_MARK, 8, new BasicStroke(0.0F), new Color(44, 44, 44), new Color(129, 149, 149));
rootToTipPlot.setHilightedMarkStyle(new BasicStroke(0.5F), new Color(44, 44, 44), UIManager.getColor("List.selectionBackground"));
rootToTipPlot.addListener(new Plot.Adaptor() {
public void markClicked(int index, double x, double y, boolean isShiftDown) {
rootToTipPlot.selectPoint(index, isShiftDown);
public void selectionChanged(final Set<Integer> selectedPoints) {
rootToTipPanel.setXAxisTitle("root-to-tip divergence");
sb.append(", contemporaneous tips");
sb.append(", mean root-tip distance: " + nf.format(DiscreteStatistics.mean(dv)));
sb.append(", coefficient of variation: " + nf.format(DiscreteStatistics.stdev(dv) / DiscreteStatistics.mean(dv)));
sb.append(", stdev: " + nf.format(DiscreteStatistics.stdev(dv)));
sb.append(", variance: " + nf.format(DiscreteStatistics.variance(dv)));
} else {
Regression r = temporalRooting.getRootToTipRegression(currentTree);
double[] residuals = temporalRooting.getRootToTipResiduals(currentTree, r);
for (int i = 0; i < currentTree.getExternalNodeCount(); i++) {
NodeRef tip = currentTree.getExternalNode(i);
Node node = jtree.getNode(Taxon.getTaxon(currentTree.getNodeTaxon(tip).getId()));
node.setAttribute("residual", residuals[i]);
pointMap.put(node, i);
if (showMRCACheck.isSelected()) {
double[] dv = temporalRooting.getParentRootToTipDistances(currentTree);
List<Double> parentDistances = new ArrayList<Double>();
for (int i = 0; i < dv.length; i++) {
parentDistances.add(i, dv[i]);
List<Double> parentTimes = new ArrayList<Double>();
for (int i = 0; i < parentDistances.size(); i++) {
parentTimes.add(i, r.getX(parentDistances.get(i)));
mrcaPlot = new ParentPlot(r.getXData(), r.getYData(), parentTimes, parentDistances);
mrcaPlot.setLineColor(new Color(105, 202, 105));
mrcaPlot.setLineStroke(new BasicStroke(0.5F));
if (true) {
double[] datePrecisions = temporalRooting.getTipDatePrecisions(currentTree);
Variate.D ed = new Variate.D();
for (int i = 0; i < datePrecisions.length; i++) {
errorBarPlot = new ErrorBarPlot(ErrorBarPlot.Orientation.HORIZONTAL, r.getXData(), r.getYData(), ed);
errorBarPlot.setLineColor(new Color(44, 44, 44));
errorBarPlot.setLineStroke(new BasicStroke(1.0F));
rootToTipPlot = new ScatterPlot(r.getXData(), r.getYData());
rootToTipPlot.addListener(new Plot.Adaptor() {
public void selectionChanged(final Set<Integer> selectedPoints) {
rootToTipPlot.setMarkStyle(Plot.CIRCLE_MARK, 8, new BasicStroke(0.0F), new Color(44, 44, 44), new Color(129, 149, 149));
rootToTipPlot.setHilightedMarkStyle(new BasicStroke(0.5F), new Color(44, 44, 44), UIManager.getColor("List.selectionBackground"));
rootToTipChart.addPlot(new RegressionPlot(r));
rootToTipChart.getXAxis().addRange(r.getXIntercept(), (Double) r.getXData().getMax());
rootToTipPanel.setYAxisTitle("root-to-tip divergence");
Variate.D values = (Variate.D) r.getYResidualData();
NumericalDensityPlot dp = new NumericalDensityPlot(values, 20);
dp.setLineColor(new Color(103, 128, 144));
double yOffset = (Double) dp.getYData().getMax() / 2;
Double[] dummyValues = new Double[values.getCount()];
for (int i = 0; i < dummyValues.length; i++) {
// add a random y offset to give some visual spread
double y = MathUtils.nextGaussian() * ((Double) dp.getYData().getMax() * 0.05);
dummyValues[i] = yOffset + y;
Variate.D yOffsetValues = new Variate.D(dummyValues);
residualPlot = new ScatterPlot(values, yOffsetValues);
residualPlot.addListener(new Plot.Adaptor() {
public void markClicked(int index, double x, double y, boolean isShiftDown) {
rootToTipPlot.selectPoint(index, isShiftDown);
public void selectionChanged(final Set<Integer> selectedPoints) {
residualPlot.setMarkStyle(Plot.CIRCLE_MARK, 8, new BasicStroke(0.0F), new Color(44, 44, 44), new Color(129, 149, 149));
residualPlot.setHilightedMarkStyle(new BasicStroke(0.5F), new Color(44, 44, 44), UIManager.getColor("List.selectionBackground"));
Regression r2 = temporalRooting.getNodeDensityRegression(currentTree);
nodeDensityPlot = new ScatterPlot(r2.getXData(), r2.getYData());
nodeDensityPlot.addListener(new Plot.Adaptor() {
public void selectionChanged(final Set<Integer> selectedPoints) {
nodeDensityPlot.setMarkStyle(Plot.CIRCLE_MARK, 8, new BasicStroke(0.0F), new Color(44, 44, 44), new Color(129, 149, 149));
nodeDensityPlot.setHilightedMarkStyle(new BasicStroke(0.5F), new Color(44, 44, 44), UIManager.getColor("List.selectionBackground"));
nodeDensityChart.addPlot(new RegressionPlot(r2));
nodeDensityChart.getXAxis().addRange(r2.getXIntercept(), (Double) r2.getXData().getMax());
nodeDensityPanel.setYAxisTitle("node density");
sb.append(", dated tips");
sb.append(", date range: " + nf.format(temporalRooting.getDateRange()));
sb.append(", slope (rate): " + nf.format(r.getGradient()));
sb.append(", x-intercept (TMRCA): " + nf.format(r.getXIntercept()));
sb.append(", corr. coeff: " + nf.format(r.getCorrelationCoefficient()));
sb.append(", R^2: " + nf.format(r.getRSquared()));
} else {
sb.append("No trees loaded");
use of dr.stats.Regression in project beast-mcmc by beast-dev.
the class TemporalRooting method findAnalyticalLocalRoot.
private double findAnalyticalLocalRoot(final FlexibleTree tree, final double[] t, final RootingFunction rootingFunction) {
if (rootingFunction != RootingFunction.RESIDUAL_MEAN_SQUARED) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Analytical local root solution only for residual mean squared");
NodeRef node1 = tree.getChild(tree.getRoot(), 0);
NodeRef node2 = tree.getChild(tree.getRoot(), 1);
final double length1 = tree.getBranchLength(node1);
final double length2 = tree.getBranchLength(node2);
final double sumLength = length1 + length2;
final Set<NodeRef> tipSet1 = TreeUtils.getExternalNodes(tree, node1);
final Set<NodeRef> tipSet2 = TreeUtils.getExternalNodes(tree, node2);
int N = tipSet1.size() + tipSet2.size();
int n = tipSet2.size();
final double[] c = new double[N];
for (NodeRef tip : tipSet2) {
int i = tip.getNumber();
c[i] = 1;
final double[] y = getRootToTipDistances(tree);
for (int j = 0; j < y.length; j++) {
// little fiddling with the root-to-tip divergences to get the right input vector
y[j] = y[j] + (1 - c[j]) * (sumLength - length1) - c[j] * (sumLength - length1);
double sum_tt = 0.0;
double sum_t = 0.0;
double sum_y = 0.0;
double sum_ty = 0.0;
double sum_tc = 0.0;
double Nd = N;
// need to set these naughty guys to doubles
double nd = n;
for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) {
sum_tt += t[i] * t[i];
sum_t += t[i];
sum_y += y[i];
sum_ty += t[i] * y[i];
sum_tc += t[i] * c[i];
double y_bar = sum_y / Nd;
double t_bar = sum_t / Nd;
double C = sum_tt - (sum_t * sum_t / Nd);
double sumAB = 0.0;
double sumAA = 0.0;
for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) {
double Ai = 2 * c[i] - ((2 * nd - Nd) / Nd) + (2 * (t_bar - t[i]) / (C * Nd)) * (Nd * sum_tc - nd * sum_t) - 1;
double Bi = (y[i] - y_bar) + ((t_bar - t[i]) / (C * Nd)) * ((Nd * sum_ty) - (sum_t * sum_y));
sumAB += Ai * Bi;
sumAA += Ai * Ai;
double x = -sumAB / (sumLength * sumAA);
x = Math.min(Math.max(x, 0.0), 1.0);
double l1 = (1.0 - x) * sumLength;
double l2 = x * sumLength;
tree.setBranchLength(node1, l1);
tree.setBranchLength(node2, l2);
Regression r = new Regression(t, getRootToTipDistances(tree));
return r.getResidualMeanSquared();