use of in project av-service by dvoraka.
the class DefaultReplicationService method saveFile.
public void saveFile(FileMessage message) throws FileServiceException {
log.debug("Save {}: {}", idString, message);
// depends on an efficiency of the sending algorithm and
// it still must be different for "bigger" (~10 MB+) files
final int sizeTimeRatio = 2_000;
final int maxSaveTime = message.getData().length / sizeTimeRatio;
log.debug("Setting max save time to {} {}", maxSaveTime, idString);
if (localCopyExists(message)) {
throw new ExistingFileException();
int neighbours = neighbourCount();
try {
if (remoteLock.lockForFile(message.getFilename(), message.getOwner(), neighbours)) {
if (!exists(message)) {
log.debug("Saving locally {}...", idString);
log.debug("Saving remotely {}...", idString);
Optional<ReplicationMessageList> responses = responseClient.getResponseWaitSize(message.getId(), MAX_RESPONSE_TIME + maxSaveTime, getReplicationCount() - 1);
ReplicationMessageList messages = responses.orElseGet(ReplicationMessageList::new);
long successCount = -> msg.getCommand() == Command.SAVE).filter(msg -> msg.getReplicationStatus() == ReplicationStatus.OK).count();
if (successCount != getReplicationCount() - 1) {
// rollback transaction
log.debug("Expected {}, got {} {}", getReplicationCount() - 1, successCount, idString);
throw new LockCountNotMatchException();
log.debug("Save success {}.", idString);
} else {
throw new ExistingFileException();
} else {
log.warn("Save lock problem for {}: {}", idString, message);
throw new CannotAcquireLockException();
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
log.warn("Locking interrupted!", e);
} finally {
remoteLock.unlockForFile(message.getFilename(), message.getOwner(), neighbours);