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Example 1 with ModelConstraint

use of easik.model.constraint.ModelConstraint in project fql by CategoricalData.

the class JDBCUpdateMonitor method getDialogOptions.

 * Gets the options needed for open a dialog for row insertion: map of
 * attribute names to their type, and a map of foreign key names to a JTable
 * of data they point to.
 * @param table
 *            The node representing the table who's information we want
 * @return Wrapper class holding the maps needed for insertion dialog
private DialogOptions getDialogOptions(final EntityNode table) {
    @SuppressWarnings("unused") final HashSet<ModelConstraint<SketchFrame, SketchGraphModel, Sketch, EntityNode, SketchEdge>> constraints = new HashSet<ModelConstraint<SketchFrame, SketchGraphModel, Sketch, EntityNode, SketchEdge>>(table.getConstraints());
    final HashMap<String, EasikType> attToType = new HashMap<>(25);
    final LinkedHashMap<String, EntityNode> fKeys = new LinkedHashMap<>(10);
    // find attributes, and map to their EasikType
    for (final EntityAttribute<SketchFrame, SketchGraphModel, Sketch, EntityNode, SketchEdge> ea : table.getEntityAttributes()) {
        attToType.put(ea.getName(), ea.getType());
    // find all foreign keys, and add to foreign key set
    for (final SketchEdge ske : table.getOutgoingEdges()) {
        fKeys.put(cn.tableFK(ske), ske.getTargetEntity());
    return new DialogOptions(attToType, fKeys);
Also used : ModelConstraint(easik.model.constraint.ModelConstraint) HashMap(java.util.HashMap) LinkedHashMap(java.util.LinkedHashMap) SketchGraphModel(easik.sketch.util.graph.SketchGraphModel) EntityNode(easik.sketch.vertex.EntityNode) LinkedHashMap(java.util.LinkedHashMap) SketchFrame(easik.ui.SketchFrame) SketchEdge(easik.sketch.edge.SketchEdge) Sketch(easik.sketch.Sketch) EasikType(easik.database.types.EasikType) HashSet(java.util.HashSet) LinkedHashSet(java.util.LinkedHashSet)

Example 2 with ModelConstraint

use of easik.model.constraint.ModelConstraint in project fql by CategoricalData.

the class JDBCViewUpdateMonitor method insert.

 * Determines if insertion into a given table requires special handling due
 * to constraints it may be in. As of now, special cases that may result
 * from being in multiple constraints are not supported.
 * @param table
 *            The table into which we wish to insert data
 * @return Success of the insertion
public boolean insert(final EntityNode table) {
    final DialogOptions dOpts = getDialogOptions(table);
    final String lineSep = EasikTools.systemLineSeparator();
    // a set of column-value pairs of which we wish to force a specific
    // value, leaving the user out
    final Set<ColumnEntry> forced = new HashSet<>(10);
    // contstraint. Tighten up?
    for (final ModelConstraint<SketchFrame, SketchGraphModel, Sketch, EntityNode, SketchEdge> c : table.getConstraints()) {
        if (c instanceof SumConstraint) {
            // of its foreign key, so remove it from the dialog's selection
            for (final ModelPath<SketchFrame, SketchGraphModel, Sketch, EntityNode, SketchEdge> sp : c.getPaths()) {
                if (sp.getDomain() == table) {
                    // we force the value 0 to avoid out driver to kick back
                    // an error for having a null fKey
                    final String columnName = cn.tableFK(sp.getFirstEdge());
                    forced.add(new ColumnEntry(columnName, "0", new Int()));
        if (c instanceof CommutativeDiagram) {
            // commute
            if (c.getPaths().get(0).getDomain() == table) {
                JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Be sure that the following paths commute:" + lineSep + EasikTools.join(lineSep, c.getPaths()), "Commutative diagram", JOptionPane.INFORMATION_MESSAGE);
                try {
                    return promptAndInsert(table, dOpts, forced);
                } catch (SQLException e) {
                    JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Not all of the following paths commute -- insert aborted!" + lineSep + EasikTools.join(lineSep, c.getPaths()), "Commutative diagram failure", JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE);
        if (c instanceof PullbackConstraint) {
            // happens, we want to let the user update the new record
            if (((PullbackConstraint<SketchFrame, SketchGraphModel, Sketch, EntityNode, SketchEdge>) c).getTarget() != table) {
                final EntityNode pullback = ((PullbackConstraint<SketchFrame, SketchGraphModel, Sketch, EntityNode, SketchEdge>) c).getSource();
                try {
                    // get row count pre-insert
                    ResultSet result = dbd.executeQuery("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM " + pullback.getName() + " X");
                    final int preRowCount = result.getInt(1);
                    if (!promptAndInsert(table, dOpts)) {
                        return false;
                    // get row count post-insert
                    result = dbd.executeQuery("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM " + pullback.getName() + " X");
                    final int postRowCount = result.getInt(1);
                    // new row (the one with the highest primary ID)
                    if (postRowCount > preRowCount) {
                        result = dbd.executeQuery("SELECT MAX(" + cn.tablePK(pullback) + ") FROM " + pullback.getName() + " X");
                        final int pk = result.getInt(1);
                        if (JOptionPane.showConfirmDialog(null, "New record in pullback table '" + pullback.getName() + "'. Enter column data?", "Insert column data?", JOptionPane.YES_NO_OPTION) == 0) {
                            updateRow(pullback, pk);
                    return true;
                } catch (SQLException e) {
                    JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Could not execute update: " + e.getMessage());
        if (c instanceof ProductConstraint) {
            // inserting into the product.
            for (final ModelPath<SketchFrame, SketchGraphModel, Sketch, EntityNode, SketchEdge> sp : c.getPaths()) {
                if (sp.getCoDomain() == table) {
                    final EntityNode product = sp.getDomain();
                    try {
                        if (!promptAndInsert(table, dOpts)) {
                            return false;
                        // get the new records from the product. They are
                        // any record who's fk to our INSERT factor matches
                        // the primary id of the last insert
                        ResultSet result = dbd.executeQuery("SELECT MAX(" + cn.tablePK(table) + ") FROM " + table.getName() + " X");
                        final int newPK = result.getInt(1);
                        result = dbd.executeQuery("SELECT * FROM " + product.getName() + " WHERE " + cn.tableFK(sp.getFirstEdge()) + " = " + newPK);
                        // get count of new rows as result of INSERT
                        final int newRows = result.getRow();
                        if ((newRows > 0) && (JOptionPane.showConfirmDialog(null, newRows + " new rows in product table '" + product.getName() + "'. Insert column data?", "Insert column data?", JOptionPane.YES_NO_OPTION) == 0)) {
                            while ( {
                                updateRow(product, result.getInt(1));
                    } catch (SQLException e) {
                        JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, e.getMessage());
                    return true;
        if (c instanceof LimitConstraint) {
        // TRIANGLES TODO CF2012 Incomplete
    try {
        return promptAndInsert(table, dOpts, forced);
    } catch (SQLException e) {
        JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Could not execute update: " + e.getMessage());
        return false;
Also used : LimitConstraint(easik.model.constraint.LimitConstraint) SQLException(java.sql.SQLException) ColumnEntry(easik.ui.datamanip.ColumnEntry) PullbackConstraint(easik.model.constraint.PullbackConstraint) SumConstraint(easik.model.constraint.SumConstraint) Int(easik.database.types.Int) LimitConstraint(easik.model.constraint.LimitConstraint) ProductConstraint(easik.model.constraint.ProductConstraint) SumConstraint(easik.model.constraint.SumConstraint) PullbackConstraint(easik.model.constraint.PullbackConstraint) ModelConstraint(easik.model.constraint.ModelConstraint) SketchGraphModel(easik.sketch.util.graph.SketchGraphModel) EntityNode(easik.sketch.vertex.EntityNode) SketchFrame(easik.ui.SketchFrame) ProductConstraint(easik.model.constraint.ProductConstraint) SketchEdge(easik.sketch.edge.SketchEdge) ResultSet(java.sql.ResultSet) Sketch(easik.sketch.Sketch) CommutativeDiagram(easik.model.constraint.CommutativeDiagram) HashSet(java.util.HashSet) LinkedHashSet(java.util.LinkedHashSet)

Example 3 with ModelConstraint

use of easik.model.constraint.ModelConstraint in project fql by CategoricalData.

the class DeleteConstraintAction method actionPerformed.

 * Called when clicked upon, will delete constraint.
 * @param e
 *            The action event
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
    // If there is nothing seleceted then just do nothing
    if (_theFrame.getInfoTreeUI().getInfoTree().isSelectionEmpty()) {
    // cancel operation
    if (_theFrame.getMModel().isSynced()) {
        int choice = JOptionPane.showConfirmDialog(_theFrame, "Warning: this sketch is currently synced with a db; continue and break synchronization?", "Warning!", JOptionPane.OK_CANCEL_OPTION, JOptionPane.WARNING_MESSAGE);
        if (choice == JOptionPane.CANCEL_OPTION) {
    // Get currently selected object
    DefaultMutableTreeNode curSelected = (DefaultMutableTreeNode) _theFrame.getInfoTreeUI().getInfoTree().getSelectionPath().getLastPathComponent();
    if (curSelected instanceof ModelConstraint) {
        _theFrame.getMModel().removeConstraint((ModelConstraint<F, GM, M, N, E>) curSelected);
Also used : DefaultMutableTreeNode(javax.swing.tree.DefaultMutableTreeNode) ModelConstraint(easik.model.constraint.ModelConstraint) ModelConstraint(easik.model.constraint.ModelConstraint)

Example 4 with ModelConstraint

use of easik.model.constraint.ModelConstraint in project fql by CategoricalData.

the class ViewGraphModel method getAttributes.

 * Overridden method to get cell attributes; we make sure the appropriate
 * attributes are applied to the Easik objects before returning them.
 * @see DefaultGraphModel.getAttributes(Object)
 * @param o
 * @return
public AttributeMap getAttributes(Object o) {
    _mode = (_view.getSketch().getFrame().getMode() == Mode.EDIT) ? "edit_" : "manip_";
    if (o instanceof GraphCell) {
        GraphCell cell = (GraphCell) o;
        AttributeMap attribs = cell.getAttributes();
        AttributeMap easikAttribs = null;
        if (cell instanceof View_Edge) {
            easikAttribs = (cell instanceof InjectiveViewEdge) ? injectiveEdgeAttributes() : (cell instanceof PartialViewEdge) ? partialEdgeAttributes() : normalEdgeAttributes();
        } else if (cell instanceof TriangleEdge) {
            easikAttribs = triangleEdgeAttributes((TriangleEdge<ViewFrame, ViewGraphModel, View, QueryNode, View_Edge>) cell);
        } else if (cell instanceof GuideEdge) {
            easikAttribs = ((GuideEdge<ViewFrame, ViewGraphModel, View, QueryNode, View_Edge>) cell).isHighlighted() ? virtualHighlightedEdgeAttributes() : virtualEdgeAttributes();
        } else if (cell instanceof ModelConstraint) {
            easikAttribs = virtualVertexAttributes();
        } else if (cell instanceof QueryNode) {
            easikAttribs = vertexAttributes();
        if (easikAttribs != null) {
            if (_view.isCellSelected(cell)) {
                Color selColor;
                float lineWidth;
                if (_view.getStateManager().peekState() instanceof GetPathState) {
                    selColor = getColor("path_selection");
                    lineWidth = getWidth("path_selection", 2);
                } else {
                    selColor = getColor("selection");
                    lineWidth = getWidth("selection", 3);
                int borderWidth = getIntWidth(_mode + ((cell instanceof ModelConstraint) ? "constraint" : "entity") + "_border", 1);
                GraphConstants.setBorder(easikAttribs, BorderFactory.createLineBorder(selColor, borderWidth));
                GraphConstants.setForeground(easikAttribs, selColor);
                GraphConstants.setLineColor(easikAttribs, selColor);
                GraphConstants.setLineWidth(easikAttribs, lineWidth);
            if (attribs == null) {
                attribs = easikAttribs;
            } else {
            return attribs;
    return super.getAttributes(o);
Also used : ModelConstraint(easik.model.constraint.ModelConstraint) GraphCell(org.jgraph.graph.GraphCell) ViewFrame(easik.ui.ViewFrame) Color(java.awt.Color) TriangleEdge(easik.model.edge.TriangleEdge) View_Edge(easik.view.edge.View_Edge) InjectiveViewEdge(easik.view.edge.InjectiveViewEdge) View(easik.view.View) PartialViewEdge(easik.view.edge.PartialViewEdge) ModelConstraint(easik.model.constraint.ModelConstraint) AttributeMap(org.jgraph.graph.AttributeMap) QueryNode(easik.view.vertex.QueryNode) GetPathState(easik.model.states.GetPathState) GuideEdge(easik.model.edge.GuideEdge)

Example 5 with ModelConstraint

use of easik.model.constraint.ModelConstraint in project fql by CategoricalData.

the class ModelInfoTreeUI method setPopMenuItems.

 * Sets which of the menu items will be visible
 * @return true if the popup should be displayed, false otherwise
public boolean setPopMenuItems() {
    // If there is nothing seleceted then just do nothing
    if (_theFrame.getInfoTreeUI().getInfoTree().isSelectionEmpty()) {
        return false;
    } else // sketch
    if (_theFrame.getMode() == F.Mode.MANIPULATE) {
        return false;
    // Get currently selected object
    DefaultMutableTreeNode curSelected = (DefaultMutableTreeNode) _theFrame.getInfoTreeUI().getInfoTree().getSelectionPath().getLastPathComponent();
    // Hide all elements
    for (Component c : _popupMenu.getComponents()) {
    // Check what is currently selected
    if (curSelected instanceof ModelVertex) {
    } else if (curSelected instanceof EntityAttribute) {
        if (_theFrame.getMModel() instanceof Sketch) {
    } else if (curSelected instanceof UniqueKey) {
        if (_theFrame.getMModel() instanceof Sketch) {
    } else if (curSelected instanceof ModelConstraint) {
        if (_theFrame.getMModel() instanceof Sketch) {
            if ((curSelected instanceof SumConstraint) || (curSelected instanceof ProductConstraint) || (curSelected instanceof CommutativeDiagram)) {
    } else if (curSelected instanceof ModelPath) {
        Object myConst = curSelected.getParent();
        if ((myConst instanceof SumConstraint) || (myConst instanceof ProductConstraint) || (myConst instanceof CommutativeDiagram)) {
    } else if (curSelected == _tree_entities) {
    } else if (curSelected == _tree_constraints) {
    // _addLimItem.setVisible(true);
    } else if (curSelected == _tree_constraints_commutative) {
    } else if (curSelected == _tree_constraints_product) {
    } else if (curSelected == _tree_constraints_pullback) {
    } else if (curSelected == _tree_constraints_equalizer) {
    } else if (curSelected == _tree_constraints_sum) {
    } else if (curSelected == _tree_constraints_limit) {
    // _addLimItem.setVisible(true);
    } else {
        return false;
    return true;
Also used : ProductConstraint(easik.model.constraint.ProductConstraint) DefaultMutableTreeNode(javax.swing.tree.DefaultMutableTreeNode) EntityAttribute(easik.model.attribute.EntityAttribute) ModelConstraint(easik.model.constraint.ModelConstraint) UniqueKey(easik.model.keys.UniqueKey) ModelPath(easik.model.path.ModelPath) ModelVertex(easik.model.vertex.ModelVertex) Sketch(easik.sketch.Sketch) Component(java.awt.Component) SumConstraint(easik.model.constraint.SumConstraint) CommutativeDiagram(easik.model.constraint.CommutativeDiagram)


ModelConstraint (easik.model.constraint.ModelConstraint)14 Sketch (easik.sketch.Sketch)9 SketchEdge (easik.sketch.edge.SketchEdge)8 SketchFrame (easik.ui.SketchFrame)8 SketchGraphModel (easik.sketch.util.graph.SketchGraphModel)7 EntityNode (easik.sketch.vertex.EntityNode)7 ProductConstraint (easik.model.constraint.ProductConstraint)6 SumConstraint (easik.model.constraint.SumConstraint)6 CommutativeDiagram (easik.model.constraint.CommutativeDiagram)5 LinkedHashSet (java.util.LinkedHashSet)5 LimitConstraint (easik.model.constraint.LimitConstraint)4 PullbackConstraint (easik.model.constraint.PullbackConstraint)4 HashSet (java.util.HashSet)4 GuideEdge (easik.model.edge.GuideEdge)3 ModelPath (easik.model.path.ModelPath)3 DefaultMutableTreeNode (javax.swing.tree.DefaultMutableTreeNode)3 EasikType (easik.database.types.EasikType)2 Int (easik.database.types.Int)2 EqualizerConstraint (easik.model.constraint.EqualizerConstraint)2 TriangleEdge (easik.model.edge.TriangleEdge)2