Search in sources :

Example 16 with SketchGraphModel

use of easik.sketch.util.graph.SketchGraphModel in project fql by CategoricalData.

the class QueryNode method removeEntityAttribute.

 * Sets updateable to true or false
 * @param inUpdateable,
 *            true if we can update
 * @author Federico Mora public void setUpdateable(boolean inUpdateable) {
 *         updateable = inUpdateable; }
 * Removes an attribute from the list
 * @param inAttribute
 *            The attribute to be removed
 * @author Federico Mora
public void removeEntityAttribute(final EntityAttribute<ViewFrame, ViewGraphModel, View, QueryNode, View_Edge> inAttribute) {
    final SketchGraphModel model = _ourSketch.getGraphModel();
    final int attPos = _entityAttributes.indexOf(inAttribute);
    final int nodePos = getAttributeNode().getIndex(inAttribute);
    _theModel.getGraphModel().postEdit(new AbstractUndoableEdit() {

        private static final long serialVersionUID = -3013106807521458129L;

        public void undo() {
            _entityAttributes.add(attPos, inAttribute);
            getAttributeNode().insert(inAttribute, nodePos);

        public void redo() {
     * might be needed if we unique keys
     * // Remove references to the attribute from unique keys for (final
     * UniqueKey curKey : _uniqueKeys) { curKey.removeElement(inAttribute);
     * }
     * // Fix up any empty/duplicate unique keys resulting from the
     * attribute removal UniqueKey.cleanup(this);
Also used : AbstractUndoableEdit(javax.swing.undo.AbstractUndoableEdit) SketchGraphModel(easik.sketch.util.graph.SketchGraphModel)

Example 17 with SketchGraphModel

use of easik.sketch.util.graph.SketchGraphModel in project fql by CategoricalData.

the class MySQLExporter method createConstraint.

 * @param constraint
 * @param id
 * @return
public List<String> createConstraint(final ProductConstraint<SketchFrame, SketchGraphModel, Sketch, EntityNode, SketchEdge> constraint, final String id) {
    final List<String> sql = new LinkedList<>();
    final String delConName = "productConstraint" + id + "Delete";
    StringBuilder proc = new StringBuilder(500);
    proc.append("CREATE PROCEDURE ").append(quoteId(delConName)).append("(id ").append(pkType()).append(") BEGIN").append(lineSep);
    EntityNode begin = null;
    int j = 0;
    // c.b_id = JOIN d ON d.c_id => WHERE <begin> = id;
    for (final ModelPath<SketchFrame, SketchGraphModel, Sketch, EntityNode, SketchEdge> p : constraint.getPaths()) {
        if (begin == null) {
            begin = p.getDomain();
        proc.append("   DELETE ").append(quoteId(p.getCoDomain())).append(" FROM ").append(joinPath(p)).append(lineSep).append("           WHERE ").append(qualifiedPK(begin)).append(" = id;").append(lineSep);
        // Federico Mora
        StringBuilder proc1 = new StringBuilder(500);
        StringBuilder body = new StringBuilder(50);
        proc1.append("CREATE PROCEDURE ").append("Update" + constraint.getID() + "Proj" + j++).append("() BEGIN").append(lineSep);
        for (final ModelPath<SketchFrame, SketchGraphModel, Sketch, EntityNode, SketchEdge> q : constraint.getPaths()) {
            if (p == q) {
            // do nothing, cascade will take care of it
            } else {
                // making the update string which is used by all the delete
                // procedures.
                final LinkedList<SketchEdge> edges = q.getEdges();
                if (edges.size() >= 2) {
                    Iterator<SketchEdge> iter = edges.iterator();
                    SketchEdge e =;
                    body.append("   UPDATE ").append(leftJoinPath(q)).append(lineSep);
                    body.append("   SET");
                    while (iter.hasNext()) {
                        SketchEdge ske =;
                        body.append(" " + quoteId(ske.getSourceEntity()) + ".BC" + constraint.getID() + " = " + false + ",");
                    body.delete(body.length() - 1, body.length());
                    body.append(" WHERE " + qualifiedFK(e) + " IS NULL;" + lineSep);
        if (body.length() > 0) {
            // Now create the triggers to call the new procedure
            addTrigger(p.getCoDomain(), "AFTER DELETE", "CALL " + quoteId("Update" + constraint.getID() + "Proj" + (j - 1)) + "()");
    // end Federico Mora
    // Select From A Join B On A.f1 = Join D On A.f3 = Where
    // = 1
    // Now create the trigger to call the new procedure
    addTrigger(begin, "BEFORE DELETE", "CALL " + quoteId(delConName) + "(OLD." + quoteId(tablePK(begin)) + ')');
    for (final ModelPath<SketchFrame, SketchGraphModel, Sketch, EntityNode, SketchEdge> p : constraint.getPaths()) {
        final EntityNode dest = p.getCoDomain();
        final String conName = "productConstraint" + id + "Insert" + cleanId(dest);
        final Collection<String> args = new LinkedList<>();
        final Collection<String> params = new LinkedList<>();
        args.add("id " + pkType());
        params.add("NEW." + quoteId(tablePK(dest)));
        // commented out by Sarah van der Laan -- caused error in generated
        // SQL file (invalid foreign keys)
         * for (final SketchEdge shadow : dest.getShadowEdges()) {
         * args.add(quoteId("NEW_shadow_" + tableFK(shadow)) + ' ' +
         * pkType()); params.add("NEW." + quoteId(tableFK(shadow))); }
        proc = new StringBuilder(500);
        proc.append("CREATE PROCEDURE ").append(quoteId(conName)).append('(').append(EasikTools.join(", ", args)).append(") BEGIN").append(lineSep).append(" DECLARE _lastId ").append(pkType()).append(';').append(lineSep);
        final StringBuilder createIntermediates = new StringBuilder(250);
        final Collection<String> clauses = new LinkedList<>();
        for (final ModelPath<SketchFrame, SketchGraphModel, Sketch, EntityNode, SketchEdge> q : constraint.getPaths()) {
            if (p == q) {
            // Older versions were doing "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM TABLE", but
            // that has a big
            // performance hit for very large, busy InnoDB tables, when all
            // we really care
            // about is non-empty:
            clauses.add("(SELECT 1 FROM " + quoteId(q.getCoDomain()) + " LIMIT 1) = 1");
            // If we end up putting anything in createIntermediate, we'll
            // use these
            // insertions when we insert the first row into one of the path
            // targets
            final LinkedList<SketchEdge> sketchEdgeLinkedList = q.getEdges();
            final SketchEdge[] edges = sketchEdgeLinkedList.toArray(new SketchEdge[sketchEdgeLinkedList.size()]);
            for (int i = edges.length - 1; i > 0; i--) {
                final SketchEdge e = edges[i];
                final EntityNode source = e.getSourceEntity();
                final EntityNode target = e.getTargetEntity();
                // after source there used to be dest.getShadowEdges();
                createIntermediates.append("                        ").append(insertInto(true, source, qualifiedPK(target), quoteId(target), Collections.singletonList(quoteId(tableFK(e))), null));
        // In words: If the tables forming the domains of the other paths
        // contain items.
        proc.append("       IF ").append(EasikTools.join(" AND ", clauses)).append(" THEN").append(lineSep);
        if (createIntermediates.length() > 0) {
            // If we just inserted the first row, we're going to have to
            // build a path of intermediate tables
            // for the other paths, which we built in createIntermediate.
            proc.append("           IF (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM (SELECT 1 FROM ").append(quoteId(dest)).append(" LIMIT 2) a) = 1 THEN").append(lineSep).append(createIntermediates).append("               END IF;").append(lineSep).append("").append(lineSep);
        // Produce the intermediate path insertion strings
        final LinkedList<SketchEdge> sketchEdgeLinkedList = p.getEdges();
        final SketchEdge[] edges = sketchEdgeLinkedList.toArray(new SketchEdge[sketchEdgeLinkedList.size()]);
        if (edges.length > 1) {
            for (int i = edges.length - 1; i > 0; i--) {
                final SketchEdge e = edges[i];
                final EntityNode source = e.getSourceEntity();
                @SuppressWarnings("unused") final EntityNode target = e.getTargetEntity();
                // after source there used to be dest.getShadowEdges();
                proc.append("               ").append(insertInto(true, source, null, null, Collections.singletonList(quoteId(tableFK(e))), Collections.singletonList((i == edges.length - 1) ? "id" : "LAST_INSERT_ID()")));
            proc.append("           SET _lastId = LAST_INSERT_ID();").append(lineSep);
        } else {
            proc.append("           SET _lastId = id;").append(lineSep);
        // Now the proper insertion
        final List<String> columns = new LinkedList<>();
        final Collection<String> values = new LinkedList<>();
        final Collection<String> from = new LinkedList<>();
        EntityNode thisTarget = null;
        for (final ModelPath<SketchFrame, SketchGraphModel, Sketch, EntityNode, SketchEdge> q : constraint.getPaths()) {
            final EntityNode target = q.getFirstEdge().getTargetEntity();
            if (q == p) {
                thisTarget = target;
        // after begin there used to be dest.getShadowEdges();
        proc.append("               ").append(insertInto(true, begin, EasikTools.join(", ", values), EasikTools.join(" CROSS JOIN ", from) + " WHERE " + qualifiedPK(thisTarget) + " = _lastId", columns, null)).append("   END IF;").append(lineSep).append("END");
        addTrigger(dest, "AFTER INSERT", "CALL " + quoteId(conName) + '(' + EasikTools.join(", ", params) + ')');
    return delimit("$$", sql);
Also used : LinkedList(java.util.LinkedList) LimitConstraint(easik.model.constraint.LimitConstraint) EqualizerConstraint(easik.model.constraint.EqualizerConstraint) ProductConstraint(easik.model.constraint.ProductConstraint) SumConstraint(easik.model.constraint.SumConstraint) PullbackConstraint(easik.model.constraint.PullbackConstraint) EntityNode(easik.sketch.vertex.EntityNode) SketchGraphModel(easik.sketch.util.graph.SketchGraphModel) SketchFrame(easik.ui.SketchFrame) SketchEdge(easik.sketch.edge.SketchEdge) Sketch(easik.sketch.Sketch)

Example 18 with SketchGraphModel

use of easik.sketch.util.graph.SketchGraphModel in project fql by CategoricalData.

the class MySQLExporter method createConstraint.

 * @param constraint
 * @param id
 * @return
public List<String> createConstraint(final SumConstraint<SketchFrame, SketchGraphModel, Sketch, EntityNode, SketchEdge> constraint, final String id) {
    final List<String> sql = new LinkedList<>();
    for (final ModelPath<SketchFrame, SketchGraphModel, Sketch, EntityNode, SketchEdge> path : constraint.getPaths()) {
        final EntityNode dom = path.getDomain();
        final EntityNode codo = path.getCoDomain();
        final String baseConName = "sumConstraint" + id + cleanId(dom);
        final StringBuilder proc = new StringBuilder(500);
        proc.append("CREATE PROCEDURE ").append(quoteId(baseConName + "Delete")).append("(_deleteFK ").append(pkType()).append(") BEGIN").append(lineSep).append("   DELETE FROM ").append(quoteId(codo)).append(" WHERE ").append(qualifiedPK(codo)).append(" = ");
        if (path.getEdges().size() == 1) {
        } else {
            final LinkedList<SketchEdge> trailing = new LinkedList<>(path.getEdges());
            proc.append("(SELECT ").append(qualifiedFK(trailing.getLast())).append(" FROM ").append(joinPath(trailing, false)).append(" WHERE ").append(qualifiedPK(path.getFirstCoDomain())).append(" = _deleteFK)");
        addTrigger(dom, "AFTER DELETE", "CALL " + quoteId(baseConName + "Delete") + "(OLD." + quoteId(tableFK(path.getFirstEdge())) + ')');
        final List<String> insertions = new LinkedList<>();
        // after codo there used to be dest.getShadowEdges();
        insertions.add(insertInto(false, codo, null, null, null, null));
        final SketchEdge[] edges = path.getEdges().toArray(new SketchEdge[path.getEdges().size()]);
        for (int i = edges.length - 1; i > 0; i--) {
            final EntityNode source = edges[i].getSourceEntity();
            // after source there used to be dest.getShadowEdges();
            insertions.add(insertInto(false, source, null, null, Collections.singletonList(quoteId(tableFK(edges[i]))), Collections.singletonList("LAST_INSERT_ID()")));
        insertions.add("SET NEW." + quoteId(tableFK(edges[0])) + " = LAST_INSERT_ID()");
        addTrigger(dom, "BEFORE INSERT", insertions);
    return delimit("$$", sql);
Also used : LinkedList(java.util.LinkedList) LimitConstraint(easik.model.constraint.LimitConstraint) EqualizerConstraint(easik.model.constraint.EqualizerConstraint) ProductConstraint(easik.model.constraint.ProductConstraint) SumConstraint(easik.model.constraint.SumConstraint) PullbackConstraint(easik.model.constraint.PullbackConstraint) SketchGraphModel(easik.sketch.util.graph.SketchGraphModel) EntityNode(easik.sketch.vertex.EntityNode) SketchFrame(easik.ui.SketchFrame) SketchEdge(easik.sketch.edge.SketchEdge) Sketch(easik.sketch.Sketch)

Example 19 with SketchGraphModel

use of easik.sketch.util.graph.SketchGraphModel in project fql by CategoricalData.

the class MySQLExporter method createConstraint.

 * @param cd
 * @param id
 * @return
public List<String> createConstraint(final CommutativeDiagram<SketchFrame, SketchGraphModel, Sketch, EntityNode, SketchEdge> cd, final String id) {
    final List<String> sql = new LinkedList<>();
    final List<ModelPath<SketchFrame, SketchGraphModel, Sketch, EntityNode, SketchEdge>> paths = cd.getPaths();
    final EntityNode dom = paths.get(0).getDomain();
    final StringBuilder proc = new StringBuilder("");
    final List<String> declarations = new LinkedList<>();
    final List<String> values = new LinkedList<>();
    final List<String> args = new LinkedList<>();
    final List<String> params = new LinkedList<>();
    int targetNum = 0;
    for (final ModelPath<SketchFrame, SketchGraphModel, Sketch, EntityNode, SketchEdge> path : paths) {
        final LinkedList<SketchEdge> tmpPath = new LinkedList<>(path.getEdges());
        final String fk = "_path" + targetNum + "fk";
        args.add(fk + ' ' + pkType());
        params.add("NEW." + quoteId(tableFK(path.getFirstEdge())));
        declarations.add("_cdTarget" + targetNum);
        if (tmpPath.size() == 0) {
            values.add("    SELECT " + fk + " INTO _cdTarget" + targetNum + ';' + lineSep);
        } else {
            values.add("    SELECT " + qualifiedFK(path.getLastEdge()) + " INTO _cdTarget" + targetNum + " FROM " + joinPath(tmpPath, false) + " WHERE " + qualifiedPK(tmpPath.getFirst().getSourceEntity()) + " = " + fk + ';' + lineSep);
    proc.append("CREATE PROCEDURE ").append(quoteId("commutativeDiagram" + id)).append('(').append(EasikTools.join(", ", args)).append(") BEGIN").append(lineSep).append("       DECLARE ").append(EasikTools.join(", ", declarations)).append(' ').append(pkType()).append(';').append(lineSep).append(EasikTools.join("", values)).append("       IF").append(lineSep);
    for (int i = 2; i <= targetNum; i++) {
        proc.append("               NOT (_cdTarget1 <=> _cdTarget").append(i).append(')');
        if (i < targetNum) {
            proc.append(" OR");
    proc.append("       THEN CALL constraint_failure('Commutative diagram constraint failure.');").append(lineSep).append("       END IF;").append(lineSep).append("END");
    addFail = true;
    sql.addAll(delimit("$$", proc));
    addTrigger(dom, "BEFORE INSERT", "CALL " + quoteId("commutativeDiagram" + id) + '(' + EasikTools.join(", ", params) + ')');
    return sql;
Also used : LinkedList(java.util.LinkedList) LimitConstraint(easik.model.constraint.LimitConstraint) EqualizerConstraint(easik.model.constraint.EqualizerConstraint) ProductConstraint(easik.model.constraint.ProductConstraint) SumConstraint(easik.model.constraint.SumConstraint) PullbackConstraint(easik.model.constraint.PullbackConstraint) EntityNode(easik.sketch.vertex.EntityNode) SketchGraphModel(easik.sketch.util.graph.SketchGraphModel) SketchFrame(easik.ui.SketchFrame) SketchEdge(easik.sketch.edge.SketchEdge) ModelPath(easik.model.path.ModelPath) Sketch(easik.sketch.Sketch)

Example 20 with SketchGraphModel

use of easik.sketch.util.graph.SketchGraphModel in project fql by CategoricalData.

the class MySQLExporter method createConstraint.

 * @param constraint
 * @param id
 * @return
public List<String> createConstraint(final EqualizerConstraint<SketchFrame, SketchGraphModel, Sketch, EntityNode, SketchEdge> constraint, final String id) {
    final List<String> sql = new LinkedList<>();
    final EntityNode eq = constraint.getEqualizerEntity();
    final EntityNode source = constraint.getSourceEntity();
    final EntityNode target = constraint.getTargetEntity();
    final InjectiveEdge projEdge = (InjectiveEdge) constraint.getProjection().getFirstEdge();
    final List<ModelPath<SketchFrame, SketchGraphModel, Sketch, EntityNode, SketchEdge>> paths = constraint.getEqualizerPaths();
    final String insConName = "eqCon" + id + "InsUpd" + cleanId(source);
    final Collection<String> args = new LinkedList<>();
    final Collection<String> params = new LinkedList<>();
    args.add("_newId " + pkType());
    params.add("NEW." + quoteId(tablePK(source)));
    // commented out by Sarah van der Laan -- caused error in generated SQL
    // file (invalid foreign keys)
     * for (final SketchEdge shadow : source.getShadowEdges()) {
     * args.add(quoteId("NEW_shadow_" + tableFK(shadow)) + ' ' + pkType());
     * params.add("NEW." + quoteId(tableFK(shadow))); }
    final StringBuilder proc = new StringBuilder(500);
    proc.append("CREATE PROCEDURE ").append(quoteId(insConName)).append('(').append(EasikTools.join(", ", args)).append(") BEGIN").append(lineSep);
    proc.append("   DECLARE _path0Id");
    // Add a variable for each path, _path0Id, _path1Id, etc.:
    for (int i = 1; i < paths.size(); i++) {
        proc.append(", _path").append(i).append("Id");
    proc.append(' ').append(pkType()).append(';').append(lineSep);
    final String sourcePK = qualifiedPK(source);
    final String targetPK = qualifiedPK(target);
    final String newPK = "_newId";
    int i = 0;
    for (final ModelPath<SketchFrame, SketchGraphModel, Sketch, EntityNode, SketchEdge> p : paths) {
        proc.append("   SELECT ").append(targetPK).append(" INTO _path").append(i).append("Id").append(lineSep).append("           FROM ").append(joinPath(p)).append(lineSep).append("           WHERE ").append(sourcePK).append(" = ").append(newPK).append(';').append(lineSep);
    // Build equality clause, such as: _path0Id IS DISTINCT FROM _path1Id OR
    // _path0Id IS DISTINCT FROM _path2Id OR ...
    proc.append("   IF NOT (_path0Id <=> _path1Id)");
    for (int j = 2; j < paths.size(); j++) {
        proc.append(" OR NOT (_path0Id <=> _path").append(j).append("Id)");
    proc.append(" THEN").append(lineSep).append(// delete it from the equalizer (if it's there)
    "               DELETE FROM ").append(quoteId(eq)).append(" WHERE ").append(qualifiedFK(projEdge)).append(" = ").append(newPK).append(';').append(lineSep).append("       ELSEIF (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ").append(quoteId(eq)).append(" WHERE ").append(qualifiedFK(projEdge)).append(" = ").append(newPK).append(") = 0 THEN").append(lineSep).append(// add it:
    "               ");
		 * Deal with intermediate nodes in projection Federico Mora
    ModelPath<SketchFrame, SketchGraphModel, Sketch, EntityNode, SketchEdge> path = constraint.getProjection();
    final SketchEdge[] edges = path.getEdges().toArray(new SketchEdge[path.getEdges().size()]);
    for (int j = edges.length - 1; j > 0; j--) {
        final EntityNode s = edges[j].getSourceEntity();
        if (j == edges.length - 1) {
            // after s there used to be dest.getShadowEdges();
            proc.append(insertInto(false, s, null, null, Collections.singletonList(quoteId(tableFK(edges[j]))), Collections.singletonList("_newId")));
        } else {
            // after source there used to be dest.getShadowEdges();
            proc.append(insertInto(false, s, null, null, Collections.singletonList(quoteId(tableFK(edges[j]))), Collections.singletonList("LAST_INSERT_ID()")));
    // done - deal with intermediate nodes in projection
    // after eq there used to be dest.getShadowEdges();
    proc.append("               ").append(insertInto(true, eq, null, null, Collections.singletonList(quoteId(tableFK(projEdge))), Collections.singletonList("LAST_INSERT_ID()"))).append("       END IF;").append(lineSep).append("END").append(lineSep);
    // Create the trigger for inserting into the source table:
    final String call = "CALL " + quoteId(insConName) + '(' + EasikTools.join(", ", params) + ')';
    addTrigger(source, "AFTER INSERT", call);
    addTrigger(source, "AFTER UPDATE", call);
    // If the projection isn't a cascading edge, cascade:
    if (projEdge.getCascading() != SketchEdge.Cascade.CASCADE) {
        addTrigger(source, "BEFORE DELETE", "DELETE FROM " + quoteId(eq) + " WHERE " + qualifiedFK(projEdge) + " = OLD." + quoteId(tablePK(source)));
    // Federico Mora
    ModelPath<SketchFrame, SketchGraphModel, Sketch, EntityNode, SketchEdge> p = constraint.getProjection();
    StringBuilder proc1 = new StringBuilder(500);
    proc1.append("CREATE PROCEDURE ").append("Update" + constraint.getID() + "Proj").append("() BEGIN").append(lineSep);
    // making the update string which is used by all the delete
    // procedures.
    final LinkedList<SketchEdge> egs = p.getEdges();
    if (egs.size() >= 2) {
        Iterator<SketchEdge> iter = egs.iterator();
        SketchEdge e =;
        proc1.append("   UPDATE ").append(leftJoinPath(p)).append(lineSep);
        proc1.append("   SET");
        while (iter.hasNext()) {
            SketchEdge ske =;
            proc1.append(" " + quoteId(ske.getSourceEntity()) + ".BC" + constraint.getID() + " = " + false + ",");
        proc1.delete(proc1.length() - 1, proc1.length());
        proc1.append(" WHERE " + qualifiedFK(e) + " IS NULL;" + lineSep);
        // Now create the triggers to call the new procedure
        addTrigger(p.getCoDomain(), "AFTER UPDATE", "CALL " + quoteId("Update" + constraint.getID() + "Proj") + "()");
    return delimit("$$", sql);
Also used : LinkedList(java.util.LinkedList) LimitConstraint(easik.model.constraint.LimitConstraint) EqualizerConstraint(easik.model.constraint.EqualizerConstraint) ProductConstraint(easik.model.constraint.ProductConstraint) SumConstraint(easik.model.constraint.SumConstraint) PullbackConstraint(easik.model.constraint.PullbackConstraint) EntityNode(easik.sketch.vertex.EntityNode) SketchGraphModel(easik.sketch.util.graph.SketchGraphModel) SketchFrame(easik.ui.SketchFrame) InjectiveEdge(easik.sketch.edge.InjectiveEdge) SketchEdge(easik.sketch.edge.SketchEdge) ModelPath(easik.model.path.ModelPath) Sketch(easik.sketch.Sketch)


SketchGraphModel (easik.sketch.util.graph.SketchGraphModel)32 SketchEdge (easik.sketch.edge.SketchEdge)31 EntityNode (easik.sketch.vertex.EntityNode)30 SketchFrame (easik.ui.SketchFrame)29 Sketch (easik.sketch.Sketch)27 LimitConstraint (easik.model.constraint.LimitConstraint)16 ProductConstraint (easik.model.constraint.ProductConstraint)15 PullbackConstraint (easik.model.constraint.PullbackConstraint)15 SumConstraint (easik.model.constraint.SumConstraint)15 LinkedList (java.util.LinkedList)15 EqualizerConstraint (easik.model.constraint.EqualizerConstraint)12 ModelConstraint (easik.model.constraint.ModelConstraint)11 ModelPath (easik.model.path.ModelPath)9 ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)8 LinkedHashSet (java.util.LinkedHashSet)7 XSDAnnotation (easik.xml.xsd.nodes.XSDAnnotation)5 XSDType (easik.xml.xsd.nodes.types.XSDType)5 EasikType (easik.database.types.EasikType)4 UniqueIndexable (easik.model.keys.UniqueIndexable)4 ColumnEntry (easik.ui.datamanip.ColumnEntry)4