use of edu.cmu.cs.hcii.cogtool.model.CheckBox in project cogtool by cogtool.
the class FrameEditorController method createWidget.
private Widget createWidget(WidgetType defaultType, DoubleRectangle bounds, String widgetTitle, boolean isStandard) {
Widget widget;
// the user specified actual bounds interactively
if (isStandard) {
if (defaultType == WidgetType.Menu) {
SimpleWidgetGroup newMenuHeaderGroup = new SimpleWidgetGroup(SimpleWidgetGroup.HORIZONTAL);
widget = new MenuHeader(newMenuHeaderGroup, bounds, widgetTitle);
} else if (defaultType == WidgetType.PullDownList) {
widget = new PullDownHeader(bounds, widgetTitle);
} else if (defaultType == WidgetType.ContextMenu) {
widget = new ContextMenu(bounds, widgetTitle);
// The default value for CONTEXT_MENU_ACTION_ATTR
// is RIGHT_CLICK; must change to TAP_HOLD if the devices
// contain a Touchscreen but not a Mouse
Set<DeviceType> deviceTypes = design.getDeviceTypes();
if (deviceTypes.contains(DeviceType.Touchscreen) && !deviceTypes.contains(DeviceType.Mouse)) {
widget.setAttribute(WidgetAttributes.CONTEXT_MENU_ACTION_ATTR, WidgetAttributes.TAP_HOLD);
} else if (defaultType == WidgetType.ListBoxItem) {
SimpleWidgetGroup newListItemGroup = new SimpleWidgetGroup(SimpleWidgetGroup.VERTICAL);
widget = new ListItem(newListItemGroup, bounds, widgetTitle);
newListItemGroup.setAttribute(WidgetAttributes.FIRST_VISIBLE_ATTR, widget);
} else if (defaultType == WidgetType.Radio) {
RadioButtonGroup newRadioGroup = new RadioButtonGroup();
widget = new RadioButton(newRadioGroup, bounds, widgetTitle);
} else if (defaultType == WidgetType.Check) {
GridButtonGroup newCheckGroup = new GridButtonGroup();
widget = new CheckBox(newCheckGroup, bounds, widgetTitle);
} else {
// Create new widget in specified location
// Note: could be a child widget;
// if so, the user is managing the hierarchy!
widget = new Widget(bounds, defaultType);
widget.setAttribute(WidgetAttributes.IS_STANDARD_ATTR, WidgetAttributes.IS_STANDARD);
} else {
// Create new widget in specified location
// Note: could be a child widget;
// if so, the user is managing the hierarchy!
widget = new Widget(bounds, defaultType);
widget.setAttribute(WidgetAttributes.IS_STANDARD_ATTR, WidgetAttributes.IS_CUSTOM);
return widget;
use of edu.cmu.cs.hcii.cogtool.model.CheckBox in project cogtool by cogtool.
the class FrameEditorController method createNewWidgetAction.
* Create a ListenerAction to handle creating a new Widget.
private IListenerAction createNewWidgetAction() {
return new AListenerAction() {
public boolean performAction(Object prms) {
// TODO: Should we provide more input to this default widget?
// Dialog box with option?
// Current/last palette setting
// TODO: Bonnie wanted to have new widgets show up under the
// mouse. To do that we need to do something like
// getCursorLocation() (from display)
// offset based on the (0,0) of the window
// Might want to get that based on GetCursorControl().
// If working with the control, you need to walk the tree to
// get the actual offset from 0,0, in the display.
// Alternatively, in specialize, get the mouse pointer position
// from mousestate (but that would require tracking the mouse
// state -- on hover at least).
// Instantiate the appropriate widget. If the class was passed
// a prms, use that to dictate what to do.
Widget widget = null;
CompoundUndoableEdit editSequence = new CompoundUndoableEdit(NEW_WIDGET, FrameEditorLID.NewWidget);
if (prms instanceof FrameEditorUI.NewWidgetParameters) {
FrameEditorUI.NewWidgetParameters nwp = (FrameEditorUI.NewWidgetParameters) prms;
// widget
if (nwp.parent != null) {
if (nwp.type == WidgetType.MenuItem) {
// Create menu item; may become a submenu through
// user interaction later
widget = new MenuItem((AMenuWidget) nwp.parent, nwp.bounds, nwp.widgetTitle);
} else if (nwp.type == WidgetType.PullDownItem) {
widget = new PullDownItem((PullDownHeader) nwp.parent, nwp.bounds, nwp.widgetTitle);
boolean rendered = nwp.parent.isRendered();
SimpleWidgetGroup group = widget.getParentGroup();
group.setAttribute(WidgetAttributes.IS_RENDERED_ATTR, Boolean.valueOf(rendered));
} else // widget group
if (nwp.parentGroup != null) {
if (nwp.type == WidgetType.Menu) {
widget = new MenuHeader(nwp.parentGroup, nwp.bounds, nwp.widgetTitle);
} else if (nwp.type == WidgetType.ListBoxItem) {
widget = new ListItem(nwp.parentGroup, nwp.bounds, nwp.widgetTitle);
} else if (nwp.type == WidgetType.Radio) {
widget = new RadioButton((RadioButtonGroup) nwp.parentGroup, nwp.bounds, nwp.widgetTitle);
} else if (nwp.type == WidgetType.Check) {
widget = new CheckBox((GridButtonGroup) nwp.parentGroup, nwp.bounds, nwp.widgetTitle);
} else {
widget = createWidget(nwp.type, nwp.bounds, nwp.widgetTitle, nwp.isAutomatic);
if (nwp.isSeparator) {
frameSetAttribute(widget, WidgetAttributes.IS_SEPARATOR_ATTR, WidgetAttributes.IS_SEPARATOR, editSequence);
// if (widget.getWidgetType() == WidgetType.TextBox) {
// widget.setAttribute(WidgetAttributes.IS_STANDARD_ATTR,
// WidgetAttributes.IS_CUSTOM);
// }
// Auto-generate a unique name for the widget
// Build the widget: check for uniqueness and add to the frame
boolean result = addCreatedWidget(widget, editSequence);
return result;
use of edu.cmu.cs.hcii.cogtool.model.CheckBox in project cogtool by cogtool.
the class BalsamiqButtonAPIConverter method parseBMMLWidget.
/** Helper function used by parseFrame
* This method is used to parse the tags of each control tag in Balsamiq XML. A control tag
* represents a Balsamiq Widget.
* @param node a node of the tree that represents a Balsamiq widget
* @frame frame that the widget is being added to
* @group parent group
* @groupX x coordinate of parent group
* @groupY y coordinate of parent group
* @return the newly created widget
protected Widget parseBMMLWidget(Node node, Frame frame, SimpleWidgetGroup group, double groupX, double groupY) throws IOException {
System.out.println("parseBMMLWidget " + group + " x: " + groupX + "y: " + groupY);
NodeList children = node.getChildNodes();
Widget widget = null;
WidgetType widgetType = null;
String balsamiqControlType = getAttributeValue(node, CONTROL_TYPE_ATTR);
String widgetTypeString = (balsamiqControlType == null) ? null : getBMMLWidgetType(balsamiqControlType);
String widgetName = getAttributeValue(node, CONTROL_ID_ATTR);
if (widgetName == null) {
//TODO: make a random widget name and move on. report to the user. need to be unique within the frame. has a method for this
System.out.println("462- wN " + widgetName + "widT " + widgetTypeString);
if (widgetTypeString == null) {
//TODO: report to the user
} else {
widgetType = getWidgetType(widgetTypeString);
//Parse the widget name, location and size from the attributes of the XML tag
//TODO: Error check all of the getAttributeValues()
double x = Double.parseDouble(getAttributeValue(node, X_ATTR));
double y = Double.parseDouble(getAttributeValue(node, Y_ATTR));
//TODO: difference between w and measuredW, same for height
double width = Integer.parseInt(getAttributeValue(node, BWIDTH_ATTR));
double height = Integer.parseInt(getAttributeValue(node, BHEIGHT_ATTR));
double measWidth = Integer.parseInt(getAttributeValue(node, MEASURED_WIDTH_ATTR));
double measHeight = Integer.parseInt(getAttributeValue(node, MEASURED_HEIGHT_ATTR));
if (//TODO: make sure the dimensions are positive
width == -1 && height == -1) {
System.out.println("493- changing widget dimensions");
width = measWidth;
height = measHeight;
/*bounds is the size and location of the widget*/
if (group != null) {
System.out.println("488-Group is not null");
DoubleRectangle rect = group.getGroupBounds();
if (rect != null) {
System.out.println("500-rect is not null");
//x += groupX;
//y += groupY;
x += groupX;
y += groupY;
System.out.println("new widget has dimens:" + x + " " + y);
DoubleRectangle bounds = new DoubleRectangle(x, y, width, height);
if (widgetType == WidgetType.Check) {
System.out.println("505-The widget is a check so now make a group for it");
if (group == null) {
group = new GridButtonGroup();
//give it a random widget name
groupRegistry.put("newName", group);
//if(group instanceof GridButtonGroup)
int eltCount = group.elementCount();
System.out.println("513-group is gridbuttongroup " + group.getName() + " " + eltCount);
if (eltCount > 0) {
//TODO: check if the widgets align best horizontally or vertically
//align the widgets to average coord, first, left or rightmost
IWidget wid = group.getElement(group.elementCount() - 1);
DoubleRectangle bounds2 = wid.getEltBounds();
System.out.println("530 " + bounds2.getX() + " " + bounds2.getWidth() + " " + bounds2.getY() + " " + bounds2.getHeight());
double diffX = Math.abs(x - bounds2.getX());
double diffY = Math.abs(y - bounds2.getY());
System.out.println("diffX " + diffX + " " + diffY);
DoubleRectangle bounds3 = new DoubleRectangle(bounds2.getX() + bounds2.getWidth(), bounds2.getY(), width, height);
if (diffX < diffY) {
bounds3 = new DoubleRectangle(bounds2.getX(), bounds2.getY() + bounds2.getHeight(), width, height);
widget = new CheckBox((GridButtonGroup) group, bounds3, widgetName);
} else {
widget = new CheckBox((GridButtonGroup) group, bounds, widgetName);
System.out.println("517-group2 is gridbuttongroup");
GridButtonGroup group2 = new GridButtonGroup();
groupRegistry.put("newNameCheck", group2);
widget = new CheckBox(group2, bounds, widgetName);
//group.addElement((IWidget) group2);
} else {
widget = new Widget(bounds, widgetType);
for (int i = 0; i < children.getLength(); i++) {
Node child = children.item(i);
String nodeName = child.getNodeName();
/*Whitespace in the DOM tree is represented as #text. Ignore these nodes. Anywhere between the open and closed tag*/
if (!nodeName.equals("#text")) {
if (nodeName.equalsIgnoreCase(CONTROL_PROP_ELT)) {
NodeList controlTags = child.getChildNodes();
for (int j = 0; j < controlTags.getLength(); j++) {
Node controlTag = controlTags.item(j);
String propertyTag = controlTag.getNodeName();
//CogTool widget Display Label
if (propertyTag.equalsIgnoreCase(BALSAMIQ_TEXT_ELT)) {
/*Must decode the title. For instance the title in
Balsamiq, "First%20Frame" is "First Frame" in CogTool*/
String title = getElementText(controlTag);
title = URLDecoder.decode(title, "UTF-8");
} else //CogTool transition on the present widget
if (propertyTag.equalsIgnoreCase(HREF_ELT)) {
String destinationFileName = getElementText(controlTag);
File destinationFile = new File(designPathName, destinationFileName);
//Make sure the file exists before attempting to parse the file
if (destinationFile.exists()) {
parseTransition(destinationFileName, widget);
} else if (propertyTag.equalsIgnoreCase(STATE_ELT)) {
//TODO: work on states
//A Balsamiq Button can be normal, selected, or disabled
String state = getElementText(controlTag);
if (state.equals("selected")) {
widget.setAttribute(WidgetAttributes.IS_SELECTED_ATTR, Boolean.TRUE);
} else {
//TODO: Other Balsamiq states like "disabled", "disabled and selected"
return widget;