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Example 1 with FrameElement

use of edu.cmu.cs.hcii.cogtool.model.FrameElement in project cogtool by cogtool.

the class FrameEditorUI method addWidgetShapeChangeHandler.

     * Registers a listener that redraws the frame in response to changes in
     * the appearance of widgets
     * When this event occurs, resize handles are redrawn, the window's size is
     * recomputed, and the display updated.
protected void addWidgetShapeChangeHandler() {
    AlertHandler widgetTitleChangeHandler = new AlertHandler() {

        public void handleAlert(EventObject alert) {
            FrameUIModel.WidgetTitleChange chg = (FrameUIModel.WidgetTitleChange) alert;
            // selected widget
            if (selection.getElementSelectionCount() == 1) {
                FrameElement elt = selection.getSelectedIFrameElements()[0];
                if (chg.widget == elt.getAttribute(WidgetAttributes.REMOTE_LABEL_ATTR)) {
    frameUI.addHandler(this, FrameUIModel.WidgetTitleChange.class, widgetTitleChangeHandler);
    AlertHandler widgetShapeChangeHandler = new AlertHandler() {

        public void handleAlert(EventObject alert) {
        // a FULL repaint is probably not needed
    frameUI.addHandler(this, FrameUIModel.WidgetShapeImageChange.class, widgetShapeChangeHandler);
    AlertHandler widgetGroupChangeHandler = new AlertHandler() {

        public void handleAlert(EventObject alert) {
            FrameUIModel.WidgetGroupChange evt = (FrameUIModel.WidgetGroupChange) alert;
            if (evt.isAdd) {
                GraphicalWidget<?> gw = frameUI.getWidgetFigure(evt.widget);
                delayedWidgetSelection.addToSelection(evt.widget, gw);
            } else {
                SimpleWidgetGroup group = evt.widget.getParentGroup();
                if (group.size() == 0) {
                    //evt.widget was the last widget in this group,
                    //so hide the halo for it
    frameUI.addHandler(this, FrameUIModel.WidgetGroupChange.class, widgetGroupChangeHandler);
Also used : SimpleWidgetGroup(edu.cmu.cs.hcii.cogtool.model.SimpleWidgetGroup) FrameUIModel(edu.cmu.cs.hcii.cogtool.uimodel.FrameUIModel) AlertHandler(edu.cmu.cs.hcii.cogtool.util.AlertHandler) FrameElement(edu.cmu.cs.hcii.cogtool.model.FrameElement) EventObject(java.util.EventObject)

Example 2 with FrameElement

use of edu.cmu.cs.hcii.cogtool.model.FrameElement in project cogtool by cogtool.

the class FrameEditorUI method moveHaloUnderXY.

     * Find a move halo at x, y
public MoveHalo moveHaloUnderXY(int x, int y) {
    MoveHalo halo = view.moveHaloUnderXY(x, y);
    if (halo != null) {
        GraphicalWidget<?> clickedFigure = widgetLocatedAtXY(x, y);
        if (clickedFigure != null) {
            SimpleWidgetGroup group;
            IWidget haloWidget;
            FrameElement data = halo.getData();
            if (data instanceof IWidget) {
                haloWidget = (IWidget) data;
                group = haloWidget.getParentGroup();
            } else if (data instanceof SimpleWidgetGroup) {
                group = (SimpleWidgetGroup) data;
                haloWidget = group.get(0);
            } else {
                return halo;
            IWidget clickedWidget = clickedFigure.getModel();
            if ((group != null) && (group.contains(clickedWidget))) {
                return null;
            int haloLevel = haloWidget.getLevel();
            int clickedLevel = clickedWidget.getLevel();
            if (haloLevel < clickedLevel) {
                return null;
        return halo;
    return null;
Also used : SimpleWidgetGroup(edu.cmu.cs.hcii.cogtool.model.SimpleWidgetGroup) MoveHalo(edu.cmu.cs.hcii.cogtool.view.MoveHalo) FrameElement(edu.cmu.cs.hcii.cogtool.model.FrameElement) IWidget(edu.cmu.cs.hcii.cogtool.model.IWidget) Point(org.eclipse.draw2d.geometry.Point) DoublePoint(edu.cmu.cs.hcii.cogtool.model.DoublePoint)

Example 3 with FrameElement

use of edu.cmu.cs.hcii.cogtool.model.FrameElement in project cogtool by cogtool.

the class FrameEditorUI method setViewEnabledState.

     * Enables or disables LIDs as appropriate
     * @param sel the selection state on which to base enabling/disabling
     * @param availability NORMAL or CONTEXT
     * @see ListenerIdentifierMap
protected void setViewEnabledState(FrameEditorSelectionState sel, Boolean availability) {
    String label = "";
    int widgetCount = sel.getWidgetSelectionCount();
    int elementCount = sel.getElementSelectionCount();
    IWidget selectedWidget = null;
    FrameElement selectedElement = null;
    if ((widgetCount > 0) || (elementCount > 0)) {
        if (widgetCount == 1) {
            label = " " + WIDGET_LABEL;
            selectedWidget = sel.getSelectedIWidgets()[0];
            selectedElement = selectedWidget;
        } else {
            label = " " + WIDGETS_LABEL;
            if (elementCount == 1) {
                selectedElement = sel.getSelectedIFrameElements()[0];
    Text t = WindowUtil.getFocusedText();
    boolean editing = ((editor != null) && editor.getVisible());
    String cutCopyLabel = (editing || (t != null)) ? "" : label;
    // Turn on rename support if selection is exactly 1
    boolean enabled = (widgetCount == 1);
    String renameString = MenuFactory.RENAME_STRING;
    String relabelString = MenuFactory.RELABEL_STRING;
    if (enabled) {
        renameString += label;
        relabelString += label;
    setEnabled(CogToolLID.Rename, availability, enabled, renameString);
    setEnabled(FrameEditorLID.Relabel, availability, enabled, relabelString);
    setEnabled(CogToolLID.CopyPath, availability, enabled);
    setEnabled(FrameEditorLID.RemoveImageProperty, availability, (selectedWidget != null) && (selectedWidget.getImage() != null));
    setEnabled(FrameEditorLID.ToggleRenderSkin, availability, enabled, MenuFactory.RENDER_WIDGET_SKIN_LABEL, (selectedWidget != null) && selectedWidget.isRendered());
    if (enabled && (selectedWidget != null)) {
        enabled = selectedWidget.getAttribute(WidgetAttributes.REMOTE_LABEL_OWNER_ATTR) != null;
    setEnabled(FrameEditorLID.SetRemoteLabelType, availability, enabled);
    if (elementCount == 1) {
        enabled = selectedElement.getRemoteLabelOwner() != null;
    setEnabled(FrameEditorLID.SetRemoteLabelText, availability, enabled);
    // Turn on these LIDs if the selection is > 0
    enabled = (widgetCount > 0);
    setEnabled(FrameEditorLID.SetImageProperty, availability, enabled);
    setEnabled(FrameEditorLID.CaptureImageProperty, availability, enabled && view.isBackgroundAvailable());
    enabled = (elementCount > 0);
    String deleteString = MenuFactory.DELETE_STRING + label;
    setEnabled(CogToolLID.Delete, availability, enabled, deleteString);
    String dupString = MenuFactory.DUPLICATE_STRING + label;
    setEnabled(CogToolLID.Duplicate, availability, enabled, dupString);
    // For these, there must exist a non-IChildWidget selected widget
    int nonchildWidgetCount = sel.getNonchildSelectionCount();
    enabled = (nonchildWidgetCount > 0);
    String cutString = MenuFactory.CUT_STRING + cutCopyLabel;
    setEnabled(CogToolLID.Cut, availability, enabled, cutString);
    String copyString = MenuFactory.COPY_STRING + cutCopyLabel;
    setEnabled(CogToolLID.Copy, availability, enabled, copyString);
    setEnabled(CogToolLID.SetFrameTemplate, availability, enabled);
    setEnabled(CogToolLID.NudgeLeft, availability, enabled);
    setEnabled(CogToolLID.NudgeRight, availability, enabled);
    setEnabled(CogToolLID.NudgeDown, availability, enabled);
    setEnabled(CogToolLID.NudgeUp, availability, enabled);
    setEnabled(CogToolLID.BringToFront, availability, enabled);
    setEnabled(CogToolLID.BringForward, availability, enabled);
    setEnabled(CogToolLID.SendBackward, availability, enabled);
    setEnabled(CogToolLID.SendToBack, availability, enabled);
    // Grouping enabled only if multiple unrelated IFrameElements are selected
    enabled = false;
    FrameElement firstSelectedElt = null;
    Iterator<FrameElement> selectedElts = sel.getSelectedElementsIterator();
    while (selectedElts.hasNext()) {
        FrameElement elt =;
        if (firstSelectedElt == null) {
            firstSelectedElt = elt.getRootElement();
        } else if (firstSelectedElt != elt.getRootElement()) {
            enabled = true;
    setEnabled(CogToolLID.Group, availability, enabled);
    enabled = false;
    selectedElts = sel.getSelectedElementsIterator();
    while (selectedElts.hasNext()) {
        FrameElement elt =;
        enabled = enabled || (elt instanceof FrameElementGroup) || (elt.getRootElement().getEltGroups().size() > 0);
    setEnabled(CogToolLID.Ungroup, availability, enabled);
    // don't allow alignment if any of the selected widgets are part of a
    // widget group (e.g. menu headers, list box items, grid buttons)
    // TODO might want to allow it for grid buttons, with extra work in the
    // controller to calculate horizontal and vertical space
    boolean groupWidgetSelected = false;
    IWidget[] widgets = sel.getSelectedIWidgets();
    for (IWidget widget : widgets) {
        if (widget.getParentGroup() != null) {
            groupWidgetSelected = true;
    // Enable alignment items if multiple non-child widgets are selected
    enabled = (nonchildWidgetCount > 1);
    setEnabled(CogToolLID.AlignTop, availability, enabled);
    setEnabled(CogToolLID.AlignBottom, availability, enabled);
    setEnabled(CogToolLID.AlignLeft, availability, enabled);
    setEnabled(CogToolLID.AlignRight, availability, enabled);
    setEnabled(CogToolLID.AlignCenter, availability, enabled);
    setEnabled(CogToolLID.AlignHorizCenter, availability, enabled);
    setEnabled(CogToolLID.AlignVertCenter, availability, enabled);
    // Enable spacing items if at least 3 non-child widgets are selected
    enabled = (nonchildWidgetCount >= 3) && !groupWidgetSelected;
    setEnabled(CogToolLID.SpaceVertically, availability, enabled);
    setEnabled(CogToolLID.SpaceHorizontally, availability, enabled);
    // If there is at least one widget in the model, enable these.
    enabled = (frame.getWidgets().size() > 0);
    setEnabled(CogToolLID.SelectAll, availability, enabled, SELECT_ALL_WIDGETS);
    // Draws the dot to indicate that the correct skin type is selected
    setSelected(CogToolLID.SkinNone, availability, false);
    setSelected(CogToolLID.SkinWireFrame, availability, false);
    setSelected(CogToolLID.SkinMacOSX, availability, false);
    setSelected(CogToolLID.SkinWinXP, availability, false);
    setSelected(CogToolLID.SkinPalm, availability, false);
    SkinType skin = design.getSkin();
    CogToolLID id = null;
    if (skin == SkinType.None) {
        id = CogToolLID.SkinNone;
    } else if (skin == SkinType.WireFrame) {
        id = CogToolLID.SkinWireFrame;
    } else if (skin == SkinType.MacOSX) {
        id = CogToolLID.SkinMacOSX;
    } else if (skin == SkinType.WinXP) {
        id = CogToolLID.SkinWinXP;
    } else if (skin == SkinType.Palm) {
        id = CogToolLID.SkinPalm;
    if (id != null) {
        setSelected(id, availability, true);
    setEnabled(CogToolLID.ClearFrameTemplate, ListenerIdentifierMap.ALL, FrameTemplateSupport.hasFrameTemplate(design));
Also used : CogToolLID(edu.cmu.cs.hcii.cogtool.CogToolLID) SkinType(edu.cmu.cs.hcii.cogtool.model.SkinType) FrameElementGroup(edu.cmu.cs.hcii.cogtool.model.FrameElementGroup) Text(org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Text) FrameElement(edu.cmu.cs.hcii.cogtool.model.FrameElement) Point(org.eclipse.draw2d.geometry.Point) DoublePoint(edu.cmu.cs.hcii.cogtool.model.DoublePoint) IWidget(edu.cmu.cs.hcii.cogtool.model.IWidget)

Example 4 with FrameElement

use of edu.cmu.cs.hcii.cogtool.model.FrameElement in project cogtool by cogtool.

the class FrameEditorMouseState method dynamicResizeGroup.

protected void dynamicResizeGroup(Association<?> group, double ratioX, double ratioY, double newLeft, double newTop, boolean childrenToo) {
    Iterator<? extends FrameElement> groupElts = group.iterator();
    while (groupElts.hasNext()) {
        FrameElement elt =;
        if (elt instanceof IWidget) {
            IWidget w = (IWidget) elt;
            GraphicalWidget<?> gw = ui.frameUI.getWidgetFigure(w);
            dynamicResizeWidget(w, gw, ratioX, ratioY, newLeft, newTop);
            if (childrenToo && (w instanceof AParentWidget)) {
                AParentWidget pw = (AParentWidget) w;
                SimpleWidgetGroup children = pw.getChildren();
                if (children != null) {
                    dynamicResizeGroup(children, ratioX, ratioY, newLeft, newTop, childrenToo);
        } else if (elt instanceof Association<?>) {
            dynamicResizeGroup((Association<?>) elt, ratioX, ratioY, newLeft, newTop, childrenToo);
Also used : SimpleWidgetGroup(edu.cmu.cs.hcii.cogtool.model.SimpleWidgetGroup) Association(edu.cmu.cs.hcii.cogtool.model.Association) FrameElement(edu.cmu.cs.hcii.cogtool.model.FrameElement) AParentWidget(edu.cmu.cs.hcii.cogtool.model.AParentWidget) IWidget(edu.cmu.cs.hcii.cogtool.model.IWidget)

Example 5 with FrameElement

use of edu.cmu.cs.hcii.cogtool.model.FrameElement in project cogtool by cogtool.

the class FrameEditorMouseState method dealWithMouseReleased.

     * A mouse up event was called.
     * Checks for context selection, then performs actions as dictated
     * by the FSM.
protected boolean dealWithMouseReleased(IFigure figure, int button, int x, int y, int state) {
    boolean goForward = super.dealWithMouseReleased(figure, button, x, y, state);
    // Clear any mouse drag timer, that may be running
    stopMouseDragTimer = true;
    if (goForward && isMouseDownValid) {
        // Record the mouse down position
        double zoom = ui.getZoom();
        // The current mouse down position (scaled)
        double currentScaledX = x / zoom;
        double currentScaledY = y / zoom;
        switch(getMouseState()) {
            case PotentialCreatingWidget:
            case PotentialMovingWidget:
            case PotentialResizingWidget:
                    // Nothing to do; any action necessary was taken on "down".
            case PotentialReorderWidget:
            case PotentialMovingSelection:
                    // Get whatever graphical widget under original down x,y
                    GraphicalWidget<?> wf = ui.widgetLocatedAtXY(mouseDownX, mouseDownY);
                    MoveHalo halo = null;
                    FrameElement data = null;
                    if (wf == null) {
                        halo = ui.moveHaloUnderXY(mouseDownX, mouseDownY);
                        if (halo != null) {
                            data = halo.getData();
                            if (data instanceof SimpleWidgetGroup) {
                                IWidget[] widgets = selection.getSelectedIWidgets();
                                SimpleWidgetGroup group = (SimpleWidgetGroup) data;
                                for (IWidget widget : widgets) {
                                    if (widget.getParentGroup() != group) {
                            if (data instanceof IWidget) {
                                wf = ui.frameUI.getWidgetFigure((IWidget) data);
                    if (wf != null) {
                    } else {
                        if (halo == null) {
                            halo = ui.moveHaloUnderXY(mouseDownX, mouseDownY);
                            if (halo != null) {
                                data = halo.getData();
                        if ((data != null) && (data instanceof FrameElementGroup)) {
                            selection.setSelectedSelnFig((FrameEltGroupHalo) halo);
            case PotentialTogglingSelection:
                    // If mouse down on a widget, toggle selection.
                    GraphicalWidget<?> wf = ui.widgetLocatedAtXY(mouseDownX, mouseDownY);
                    MoveHalo halo = ui.moveHaloUnderXY(mouseDownX, mouseDownY);
                    FrameElement data = null;
                    if (halo != null) {
                        data = halo.getData();
                    if (wf == null) {
                        if (data instanceof IWidget) {
                            wf = ui.frameUI.getWidgetFigure((IWidget) data);
                    if (wf != null) {
                        // If the widget is already selected, unselect it.
                        if (selection.isSelectionFigureSelected(wf)) {
                        } else {
                    } else if (data instanceof SimpleWidgetGroup) {
                        Iterator<IWidget> widgets = ((SimpleWidgetGroup) data).iterator();
                        while (widgets.hasNext()) {
                            IWidget w =;
                    } else if ((halo instanceof FrameEltGroupHalo) && (data instanceof FrameElementGroup)) {
                        FrameEltGroupHalo groupHalo = (FrameEltGroupHalo) halo;
                        if (selection.isElementSelected(data)) {
                        } else {
                    } else {
            // Move is complete, so apply changes to the model.
            case MovingWidgets:
                    // Get selection, and use the difference between current
                    // and start location.
                    double moveByX = currentScaledX - scaledMouseDownX;
                    double moveByY = currentScaledY - scaledMouseDownY;
                    FrameEditorUI.MoveParameters prms = new FrameEditorUI.MoveParameters(moveByX, moveByY, selection);
                    ui.performAction(CogToolLID.MoveWidgets, prms);
            case ReorderWidget:
                    boolean reorder = reorderWidget(x, y, reorderParms);
                    isReordering = false;
                    if (reorder) {
                        ui.performAction(FrameEditorLID.Reorder, reorderParms);
                    } else {
                    InteractionDrawingEditor editor = ui.getViewEditor();
            // since the user may have flipped the orientation.
            case ResizingWidget:
                    // Switch to quality mode rendering for graphical widgets
                    if (currentScaledX < 0.0) {
                        currentScaledX = 0.0;
                    if (currentScaledY < 0.0) {
                        currentScaledY = 0.0;
                    // Deal with any anchoring issues
                    if (ui.resizeHandlesUIFig.isTopLeftAnchored()) {
                        switch(currentResizeHandleType) {
                            case FrameEditorUI.TOP_RIGHT:
                                    // Cannot change Y position
                                    currentScaledY = initialResizeArea.y;
                            case FrameEditorUI.BOTTOM_LEFT:
                                    // Cannot change X position
                                    currentScaledX = initialResizeArea.x;
                        // Cannot move left of top-left
                        if (currentScaledX < initialResizeArea.x) {
                            currentScaledX = initialResizeArea.x;
                        // Cannot move above of top-left
                        if (currentScaledY < initialResizeArea.y) {
                            currentScaledY = initialResizeArea.y;
                    double width = Math.abs(currentScaledX - mouseFixedResizeX);
                    double height = Math.abs(currentScaledY - mouseFixedResizeY);
                    FrameEditorUI.ResizeParameters prms = new FrameEditorUI.ResizeParameters(initialResizeArea.x, initialResizeArea.y, Math.min(currentScaledX, mouseFixedResizeX), Math.min(currentScaledY, mouseFixedResizeY), width / initialResizeArea.width, height / initialResizeArea.height, selection);
                    ui.performAction(CogToolLID.ResizeWidgets, prms);
            // Finished a mouse drag operation to create a new widget
            case CreatingWidget:
                    if (currentScaledX < 0.0) {
                        currentScaledX = 0.0;
                    if (currentScaledY < 0.0) {
                        currentScaledY = 0.0;
                    double width = Math.abs(scaledMouseDownX - currentScaledX);
                    double height = Math.abs(scaledMouseDownY - currentScaledY);
                    double leftX = (scaledMouseDownX > currentScaledX) ? currentScaledX : scaledMouseDownX;
                    double topY = (scaledMouseDownY > currentScaledY) ? currentScaledY : scaledMouseDownY;
                    // Turn off the bounding box drawn.
                    // Create a rectangle for the new region.
                    DoubleRectangle region = new DoubleRectangle(leftX, topY, width, height);
                    // width of 0. Probably this should be less then 2.
                    if ((region.width != 0.0) && (region.height != 0.0)) {
                        ui.performAction(CogToolLID.NewWidget, new FrameEditorUI.NewWidgetParameters(region, ui.getCurrentWidgetType(), ui.view.isAutomaticCreation()));
            // Finished a mouse drag operation to select a set of widgets
            case TogglingSelection:
                    // Get the total area selected
                    double width = Math.abs(scaledMouseDownX - currentScaledX);
                    double height = Math.abs(scaledMouseDownY - currentScaledY);
                    // Get top left point.
                    double leftX = (scaledMouseDownX > currentScaledX) ? currentScaledX : scaledMouseDownX;
                    double topY = (scaledMouseDownY > currentScaledY) ? currentScaledY : scaledMouseDownY;
                    // Turn off the bounding box drawn.
                    // Create the final region's area
                    DoubleRectangle region = new DoubleRectangle(leftX, topY, width, height);
                    // Loop through all figures and check for intersections
                    Iterator<GraphicalWidget<?>> gwFigures = ui.getFrameUI().getFigureListIterator();
                    while (gwFigures.hasNext()) {
                        GraphicalWidget<?> gw =;
                        if (!(gw instanceof GraphicalChildWidget<?, ?>)) {
                            Rectangle bounds = gw.getBounds();
                            if (region.intersects(bounds.x, bounds.y, bounds.width, bounds.height)) {
                                // If the widget is already selected, deselect it.
                                if (selection.isSelectionFigureSelected(gw)) {
                                } else {
            case PotentialInsertDuplicateWidget:
            case PotentialDuplicatingWidget:
                    GraphicalWidget<?> widgetFig = ui.widgetLocatedAtXY(mouseDownX, mouseDownY);
            case DuplicatingWidgets:
                    double dx = currentScaledX - scaledMouseDownX;
                    double dy = currentScaledY - scaledMouseDownY;
                    // Remove all the rectangle figures from the display, clear the list
                    ui.performAction(FrameEditorLID.Duplicate, new FrameEditorUI.DuplicateParameters(dx, dy, selection));
            case InsertDuplicateWidget:
                    double dx = currentScaledX - scaledMouseDownX;
                    double dy = currentScaledY - scaledMouseDownY;
                    isReordering = false;
                    if (reorderWidget(x, y, insertDuplicateParms)) {
                        insertDuplicateParms.moveByX = dx;
                        insertDuplicateParms.moveByY = dy;
                        ui.performAction(FrameEditorLID.InsertDuplicate, insertDuplicateParms);
                    } else {
                    InteractionDrawingEditor editor = ui.getViewEditor();
            case PotentialMovingGridButtons:
                    if (movedGridButtons != null) {
                        movedGridButtons = NO_GRID_BUTTONS;
            case MovingGridButtons:
                    // Get selection, and use the difference between current
                    // and start location.
                    double moveByX;
                    double moveByY;
                    GraphicalWidget<?> gw = ui.getPotentialFigureOwner();
                    GridButton gb = (GridButton) gw.getModel();
                    DoublePoint start = gb.getShape().getOrigin();
                    if (moveIsVertical) {
                        moveByX = 0.0;
                        if (currentScaledY < minY) {
                            moveByY = (minY - start.y);
                        } else {
                            moveByY = currentScaledY - scaledMouseDownY;
                    } else {
                        moveByY = 0.0;
                        if (currentScaledX < minX) {
                            moveByX = (minX - start.x);
                        } else {
                            moveByX = currentScaledX - scaledMouseDownX;
                    if ((moveByX != 0.0) || (moveByY != 0.0)) {
                        FrameEditorUI.MoveParameters prms = new FrameEditorUI.MoveParameters(moveByX, moveByY, selection, false);
                        ui.performAction(CogToolLID.MoveWidgets, prms);
        // Clear the values used.
        lastClickedWidget = null;
        isMouseDownValid = false;
    return goForward;
Also used : SimpleWidgetGroup(edu.cmu.cs.hcii.cogtool.model.SimpleWidgetGroup) DoubleRectangle(edu.cmu.cs.hcii.cogtool.model.DoubleRectangle) Rectangle(org.eclipse.draw2d.geometry.Rectangle) FrameElementGroup(edu.cmu.cs.hcii.cogtool.model.FrameElementGroup) FrameEltGroupHalo(edu.cmu.cs.hcii.cogtool.uimodel.FrameEltGroupHalo) DoubleRectangle(edu.cmu.cs.hcii.cogtool.model.DoubleRectangle) GraphicalWidget(edu.cmu.cs.hcii.cogtool.uimodel.GraphicalWidget) InteractionDrawingEditor(edu.cmu.cs.hcii.cogtool.view.InteractionDrawingEditor) GridButton(edu.cmu.cs.hcii.cogtool.model.GridButton) MoveHalo(edu.cmu.cs.hcii.cogtool.view.MoveHalo) Iterator(java.util.Iterator) DoublePoint(edu.cmu.cs.hcii.cogtool.model.DoublePoint) FrameElement(edu.cmu.cs.hcii.cogtool.model.FrameElement) IWidget(edu.cmu.cs.hcii.cogtool.model.IWidget)


FrameElement (edu.cmu.cs.hcii.cogtool.model.FrameElement)31 IWidget (edu.cmu.cs.hcii.cogtool.model.IWidget)20 SimpleWidgetGroup (edu.cmu.cs.hcii.cogtool.model.SimpleWidgetGroup)16 FrameElementGroup (edu.cmu.cs.hcii.cogtool.model.FrameElementGroup)14 DoublePoint (edu.cmu.cs.hcii.cogtool.model.DoublePoint)9 CompoundUndoableEdit (edu.cmu.cs.hcii.cogtool.util.CompoundUndoableEdit)7 HashSet (java.util.HashSet)6 ChildWidget (edu.cmu.cs.hcii.cogtool.model.ChildWidget)5 DoubleRectangle (edu.cmu.cs.hcii.cogtool.model.DoubleRectangle)5 IListenerAction (edu.cmu.cs.hcii.cogtool.util.IListenerAction)5 Iterator (java.util.Iterator)5 AParentWidget (edu.cmu.cs.hcii.cogtool.model.AParentWidget)4 Point (org.eclipse.draw2d.geometry.Point)4 IDesignUndoableEdit (edu.cmu.cs.hcii.cogtool.controller.DemoStateManager.IDesignUndoableEdit)3 GridButton (edu.cmu.cs.hcii.cogtool.model.GridButton)3 GridButtonGroup (edu.cmu.cs.hcii.cogtool.model.GridButtonGroup)3 FrameEditorUI (edu.cmu.cs.hcii.cogtool.ui.FrameEditorUI)3 EmptyIterator (edu.cmu.cs.hcii.cogtool.util.EmptyIterator)3 MoveHalo (edu.cmu.cs.hcii.cogtool.view.MoveHalo)3 CogToolLID (edu.cmu.cs.hcii.cogtool.CogToolLID)2