use of edu.cmu.tetrad.gene.tetrad.gene.history.UpdateFunction in project tetrad by cmu-phil.
the class MeasurementSimulator method simulate.
* Simulates (optionally) neither, either, or both of two three-dimensionaly
* data sets, rawData and measuredData. For the form of the first set, see
* <code>getRawData</code>; for the form of the second set, see
* <code>getMeasuredData</code>. The idea of the simulation is that cells
* are grown in different dishes and periodically sampled. When they are
* sampled, their DNA is ground up and then pipetted in aggregate onto a
* number of microarray chips. Each indivual cell is simulated separately;
* the simulated cells are grouped into dishes. Expression levels of cells
* in each dish are aggregated and then random noise is added to this
* aggregate expression level representing various sources of noise: sample
* to sample variation, chip to chip variation, and pixellation measurement
* variation. For more information, see the Genetic Simulator spec, which
* this method implements.
* @see #getRawData
* @see #getMeasuredData
public void simulate(GeneHistory history) {
// Get the update function.
UpdateFunction updateFunction = history.getUpdateFunction();
int numFactors = updateFunction.getNumFactors();
// Set up the dish model.
DishModel dishModel = new DishModel(getNumDishes(), getDishDishVariability());
// Set up the history.
// We will use two data cubes to store data for display
// purposes: a measurement cube and a raw data cube. We first
// construct the measurement cube, with two extra columns for
// (a) dish number and (b) chip number.
int numChips = getNumSamplesPerDish();
if (isMeasuredDataSaved()) {
int numSteps = timeSteps.length;
int numSamples = getNumDishes() * numChips;
this.measuredData = new double[numFactors][numSteps][numSamples];
// We next construct the raw data cube, with two extra columns
// for (a) individual number and (b) dish number. Raw data is
// saved out only if the 'rawDataSave' parameter is true. If
// it's not true, these objects are not constructed. (They can
// be extremely large.) References to the cube and the initial
// columns need to be saved in this scope for future use (but
// may be null).
this.rawData = null;
if (isRawDataSaved()) {
int numSteps = timeSteps.length;
int numCells = getNumDishes() * getNumCellsPerDish();
this.rawData = new double[numFactors][numSteps][numCells];
// There are three sources of error--sample to sample, chip to
// chip, and pixel digitalization. A certain number of
// samples are drawn from each dish, and these are deposited
// on the same number of chips. There is an error associated
// with each chip and with each sample. (Pixel digitalization
// error is drawn later.)
double sampleSd = getSampleSampleVariability();
double chipSd = getChipChipVariability();
double pixelSd = getPixelDigitalization();
Distribution sampleErrorDist = new Normal(0.0, sampleSd);
Distribution chipErrorDist = new Normal(0.0, chipSd);
Distribution pixelErrorDist = new Normal(0.0, pixelSd);
double[][] chipErrors = new double[getNumDishes()][numChips];
double[][] sampleErrors = new double[getNumDishes()][numChips];
for (int d = 0; d < getNumDishes(); d++) {
for (int ch = 0; ch < numChips; ch++) {
chipErrors[d][ch] = chipErrorDist.nextRandom();
sampleErrors[d][ch] = sampleErrorDist.nextRandom();
// Make two double[] arrays, one to store data generated for a
// particular cell (in a particular dish) and one to store
// aggregations of these data.
double[][] cellData = new double[timeSteps.length][numFactors];
double[][] aggregation = new double[cellData.length][cellData[0].length];
// 'aggregation'. First, iterate over dishes.
for (int d = 0; d < getNumDishes(); d++) {
// Reset the aggregation.
for (int sIndex = 0; sIndex < timeSteps.length; sIndex++) {
Arrays.fill(aggregation[sIndex], 0);
// Next, iterate over the cells in a dish.
for (int c = 0; c < getNumCellsPerDish(); c++) {
// 12/01/01
if ((c + 1) % 50 == 0) {
this.dishNumber = d;
this.cellNumber = c;
// System.out.println("Dish # " + (d + 1) + ", Cell # " +
// (c + 1));
// Reset the cell data.
for (int sIndex = 0; sIndex < timeSteps.length; sIndex++) {
Arrays.fill(cellData[sIndex], 0);
// Initialize the history array.
// Generate data for one cell, storing only those time
// steps that are indicated in the timeSteps
// array. Note that the timeSteps array is 1-indexed,
// while the 's' variable is 0-indexed. (Might want to
// fix this in a future version.)
int s = -1;
int sIndex = 0;
// for the steps in timeSteps[].
while (++s < getStepsGenerated()) {
// being synchronized.
if (s > 0) {
if (s == timeSteps[sIndex] - 1) {
double[][] historyArray = history.getHistoryArray();
// the factors (genes).
for (int f = 0; f < numFactors; f++) {
// Copy data from the getModel time step in
// the history to the cellData[][] array.
cellData[sIndex][f] = historyArray[0][f];
// Antilog it if necessary.
if (isAntilogCalculated()) {
cellData[sIndex][f] = Math.exp(cellData[sIndex][f]);
// be null.)
if (isRawDataSaved()) {
int row = d * getNumCellsPerDish() + c;
/*this.rawData[f][sIndex][row] =
this.rawData[f][sIndex][row] = cellData[sIndex][f];
if (++sIndex >= timeSteps.length) {
// END if (s == timeSteps[sIndex])
// Aggregate data.
for (int i = 0; i < cellData.length; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < cellData[0].length; j++) {
aggregation[i][j] += cellData[i][j];
if (isMeasuredDataSaved()) {
// generated.)
for (int sIndex = 0; sIndex < timeSteps.length; sIndex++) {
for (int f = 0; f < numFactors; f++) {
for (int ch = 0; ch < numChips; ch++) {
double average = aggregation[sIndex][f] / getNumCellsPerDish();
double pixelError = pixelErrorDist.nextRandom();
double measurement = average + sampleErrors[d][ch] + chipErrors[d][ch] + pixelError;
this.measuredData[f][sIndex][d * numChips + ch] = measurement;
// END for (int ch = 0; ch < numChips; ch++)
// END for (int f = 0; f < history.getNumFacto...
// END for (int sIndex = 0; sIndex < timeSteps...
// END if (measuredDataSaved)