use of edu.cmu.tetrad.util.TetradMatrix in project tetrad by cmu-phil.
the class KernelUtils method constructH.
* Constructs the projection matrix on 1/m
* @param m the sample size
public static TetradMatrix constructH(int m) {
TetradMatrix H = new TetradMatrix(m, m);
double od = -1.0 / (double) m;
double d = od + 1;
for (int i = 0; i < m; i++) {
for (int j = i; j < m; j++) {
if (i == j) {
H.set(i, j, d);
} else {
H.set(i, j, od);
return H;
use of edu.cmu.tetrad.util.TetradMatrix in project tetrad by cmu-phil.
the class KernelUtils method constructGramMatrix.
* Constructs Gram matrix for a given vector valued sample. The set of kernels corresponds to the variables in the
* set. The output matrix is the tensor product of Gram matrices for each variable.
* @param kernels the kernels for each variable
* @param dataset the dataset containing each variable
* @param nodes the variables to construct the Gram matrix for
public static TetradMatrix constructGramMatrix(List<Kernel> kernels, DataSet dataset, List<Node> nodes) {
int m = dataset.getNumRows();
TetradMatrix gram = new TetradMatrix(m, m);
for (int k = 0; k < nodes.size(); k++) {
Node node = nodes.get(k);
int col = dataset.getColumn(node);
Kernel kernel = kernels.get(k);
for (int i = 0; i < m; i++) {
for (int j = i; j < m; j++) {
double keval = kernel.eval(dataset.getDouble(i, col), dataset.getDouble(j, col));
if (k == 0) {
gram.set(i, j, keval);
} else {
keval *= gram.get(i, j);
gram.set(i, j, keval);
return gram;
use of edu.cmu.tetrad.util.TetradMatrix in project tetrad by cmu-phil.
the class KernelUtils method constructCentralizedGramMatrix.
* Constructs the centralized Gram matrix for a given vector valued sample. The set of kernels corresponds to the
* variables in the set. The output matrix is the tensor product of Gram matrices for each variable.
* @param kernels the kernels for each variable
* @param dataset the dataset containing each variable
* @param nodes the variables to construct the Gram matrix for
public static TetradMatrix constructCentralizedGramMatrix(List<Kernel> kernels, DataSet dataset, List<Node> nodes) {
int m = dataset.getNumRows();
TetradMatrix gram = constructGramMatrix(kernels, dataset, nodes);
TetradMatrix H = constructH(m);
TetradMatrix KH = gram.times(H);
TetradMatrix HKH = H.times(KH);
return HKH;
use of edu.cmu.tetrad.util.TetradMatrix in project tetrad by cmu-phil.
the class SemEstimatorGibbs method estimate.
// ==============================PUBLIC METHODS=========================//
* Runs the estimator on the data and SemPm passed in through the
* constructor.
public void estimate() {
// dogibbs in pascal
// In the comments, getgibsprefs, PRIORINIT, GIBBSINIT, FORMAPPROXDIST,
// DRAWFROMAPPROX refer to procedure in the Pascal version from which
// this was adapted. The same is true of the private methods such
// as brent, neglogpost, etc.
// Initialize method variables
List<Parameter> parameters = this.semPm.getParameters();
int numParameters = parameters.size();
double[][] parameterCovariances = new double[numParameters][numParameters];
this.parameterMeans = new double[numParameters];
this.paramConstraints = new ParamConstraint[numParameters];
TetradMatrix data = new TetradMatrix(parameters.size(), numIterations / 50);
if (flatPrior) {
// this is used to construct the prior covariance matrix, means
for (int i = 0; i < numParameters; i++) {
Parameter param = parameters.get(i);
this.parameterMeans[i] = (param.isFixed()) ? 0.0 : this.priorVariance;
// Default parameter constraints. The user should have the
// option to change these via the GUI
paramConstraints[i] = // ParamType.VAR = 'Error Variance'
(param.getType() == ParamType.VAR) ? new ParamConstraint(this.startIm, param, ParamConstraintType.GT, 0.0) : new ParamConstraint(this.startIm, param, ParamConstraintType.NONE, 0.0);
for (int j = 0; j < numParameters; j++) {
parameterCovariances[i][j] = (i == j && !param.isFixed()) ? this.priorVariance : 0.0;
this.priorCov = new TetradMatrix(parameterCovariances);
} else {
System.out.println("Informative Prior. Exiting.");
SemIm posteriorIm = new SemIm(this.startIm);
List postFreeParams = posteriorIm.getFreeParameters();
System.out.println("entering main loop");
for (int iter = 1; iter <= this.numIterations; iter++) {
for (int param = 0; param < postFreeParams.size(); param++) {
Parameter p = parameters.get(param);
ParamConstraint constraint = this.paramConstraints[param];
if (!p.isFixed()) {
double number = (constraint.getParam2() == null) ? constraint.getNumber() : this.startIm.getParamValue(constraint.getParam2());
double ax, bx, cx;
// Mark - these constraints follow pascal code
if (constraint.getType() == ParamConstraintType.NONE) {
ax = -500.0;
bx = 0.0;
cx = 500.0;
} else if (constraint.getType() == ParamConstraintType.GT) {
ax = number;
cx = number + 500.0;
bx = (ax + cx) / 2.0;
} else if (constraint.getType() == ParamConstraintType.LT) {
cx = number;
ax = number - 500.0;
bx = (ax + cx) / 2.0;
} else if (constraint.getType() == ParamConstraintType.EQ) {
bx = number;
ax = number - 500.0;
cx = number + 500.0;
} else {
ax = -500.0;
bx = 0.0;
cx = 500.0;
double[] mean = new double[1];
// dmean is the density at the mean
double dmean = -brent(param, ax, bx, cx, this.tolerance, mean, parameters);
double gap = 0.005;
double denom;
do {
gap = 2.0 * gap;
int gapThreshold = 1;
double minDenom = 0.01;
if (gap > gapThreshold) {
denom = minDenom;
System.out.println(p.getNodeA() + " " + p.getNodeA().getNodeType());
System.out.println(p.getNodeB() + " " + p.getNodeB().getNodeType());
double dmeanplus = neglogpost(param, mean[0] + gap, parameters);
denom = dmean + dmeanplus;
if (denom < minDenom)
denom = minDenom;
// System.out.println("gap = "+gap+"; denom = "+denom+"; dmean = "+dmean+"; dmeanplus = "+dmeanplus);
} while (denom < 0.0);
double vr = (this.stretch1 * 0.5 * gap * gap) / denom;
// System.out.println("vr = "+vr+" param = "+param);
boolean realdraw = false;
double rj = 0.0, accept = 0.0, cand = 0.0;
while (!realdraw || rj <= accept) {
cand = mean[0] + Math.max(RandomUtil.getInstance().nextNormal(0, 1) * Math.sqrt(vr), 0);
realdraw = (constraint.wouldBeSatisfied(cand));
if (realdraw) {
// System.out.println("dcand start");
double dcand = -1.0 * neglogpost(param, cand, parameters);
// System.out.println("dcand end");
double numer = dcand - dmean;
double denom1 = (-1.0 * Math.sqrt(cand - mean[0]) / (2.0 * vr)) - Math.log(this.stretch2);
rj = numer - denom1;
accept = Math.log(RandomUtil.getInstance().nextDouble());
int rejectionThreshold = 5;
if (rj > rejectionThreshold) {
// System.out.println("rj = "+rj);
rj = rejectionThreshold;
// System.out.println("end of iteration");
Parameter ppost = (Parameter) postFreeParams.get(param);
if (ppost.isFixed())
posteriorIm.setFixedParamValue(ppost, cand);
posteriorIm.setParamValue(ppost, cand);
int subsampleStride = 50;
if (iter % subsampleStride == 0 && iter > 0) {
for (int i = 0; i < numParameters; i++) {
Parameter ppost = (posteriorIm.getSemPm()).getParameters().get(i);
data.set(i, iter / subsampleStride - 1, posteriorIm.getParamValue(ppost));
dataSet = data;
this.estimatedSem = posteriorIm;
// setMeans(posteriorIm, data);
use of edu.cmu.tetrad.util.TetradMatrix in project tetrad by cmu-phil.
the class SemOptimizerEm method updateMatrices.
private void updateMatrices() {
TetradMatrix impliedCovar = semIm.getImplCovar(true);
for (int i = 0; i < numObserved; i++) {
for (int j = i; j < numObserved; j++) {
yCovModel.set(i, j, impliedCovar.get(idxObserved[i], idxObserved[j]));
yCovModel.set(j, i, impliedCovar.get(idxObserved[i], idxObserved[j]));
for (int j = 0; j < numLatent; j++) {
yzCovModel.set(i, j, impliedCovar.get(idxObserved[i], idxLatent[j]));
for (int i = 0; i < numLatent; i++) {
for (int j = i; j < numLatent; j++) {
zCovModel.set(i, j, impliedCovar.get(idxLatent[i], idxLatent[j]));
zCovModel.set(j, i, impliedCovar.get(idxLatent[i], idxLatent[j]));