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Example 1 with AuthenticationFailedException

use of in project dataverse by IQSS.

the class AuthenticationServiceBean method canLogInAsBuiltinUser.

public AuthenticatedUser canLogInAsBuiltinUser(String username, String password) {
    logger.fine("checking to see if " + username + " knows the password...");
    if (password == null) {"password was null");
        return null;
    AuthenticationRequest authReq = new AuthenticationRequest();
     * @todo Should this really be coming from a bundle like this? Added
     * because that's what BuiltinAuthenticationProvider does.
    authReq.putCredential(BundleUtil.getStringFromBundle("login.builtin.credential.usernameOrEmail"), username);
    authReq.putCredential(BundleUtil.getStringFromBundle("login.builtin.credential.password"), password);
     * @todo Should probably set IP address here.
    // authReq.setIpAddress(session.getUser().getRequestMetadata().getIpAddress());
    String credentialsAuthProviderId = BuiltinAuthenticationProvider.PROVIDER_ID;
    try {
        AuthenticatedUser au = getCreateAuthenticatedUser(credentialsAuthProviderId, authReq);
        logger.fine("User authenticated:" + au.getEmail());
        return au;
    } catch (AuthenticationFailedException ex) {"The username and/or password entered is invalid: " + ex.getResponse().getMessage());
        if (AuthenticationResponse.Status.BREAKOUT.equals(ex.getResponse().getStatus())) {
             * Note that this "BREAKOUT" status creates PasswordResetData!
             * We'll delete it just before blowing away the BuiltinUser in
             * AuthenticationServiceBean.convertBuiltInToShib
  "AuthenticationFailedException caught in canLogInAsBuiltinUser: The username and/or password entered is invalid: " + ex.getResponse().getMessage() + " - Maybe the user (" + username + ") hasn't upgraded their password? Checking the old password...");
            BuiltinUser builtinUser = builtinUserServiceBean.findByUsernameOrEmail(username);
            if (builtinUser != null) {
                boolean userAuthenticated = PasswordEncryption.getVersion(builtinUser.getPasswordEncryptionVersion()).check(password, builtinUser.getEncryptedPassword());
                if (userAuthenticated == true) {
                    AuthenticatedUser authUser = lookupUser(BuiltinAuthenticationProvider.PROVIDER_ID, builtinUser.getUserName());
                    if (authUser != null) {
                        return authUser;
                    } else {
              "canLogInAsBuiltinUser: Couldn't find AuthenticatedUser based on BuiltinUser username " + builtinUser.getUserName());
                } else {
          "canLogInAsBuiltinUser: User doesn't know old pre-bcrypt password either.");
            } else {
      "canLogInAsBuiltinUser: Couldn't run `check` because no BuiltinUser found with username " + username);
        return null;
    } catch (EJBException ex) {
        Throwable cause = ex;
        StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
        sb.append(ex + " ");
        while (cause.getCause() != null) {
            cause = cause.getCause();
            sb.append(cause.getClass().getCanonicalName() + " ");
            sb.append(cause.getMessage()).append(" ");
             * @todo Investigate why authSvc.authenticate is throwing
             * NullPointerException. If you convert a Shib user or an OAuth
             * user to a Builtin user, the password will be null.
            if (cause instanceof NullPointerException) {
                for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
                    StackTraceElement stacktrace = cause.getStackTrace()[i];
                    if (stacktrace != null) {
                        String classCanonicalName = stacktrace.getClass().getCanonicalName();
                        String methodName = stacktrace.getMethodName();
                        int lineNumber = stacktrace.getLineNumber();
                        String error = "at " + stacktrace.getClassName() + "." + stacktrace.getMethodName() + "(" + stacktrace.getFileName() + ":" + lineNumber + ") ";
        }"When trying to validate password, exception calling authSvc.authenticate: " + sb.toString());
        return null;
Also used : BuiltinUser( AuthenticationFailedException( EJBException(javax.ejb.EJBException) AuthenticatedUser(

Example 2 with AuthenticationFailedException

use of in project dataverse by IQSS.

the class LoginPage method login.

public String login() {
    AuthenticationRequest authReq = new AuthenticationRequest();
    List<FilledCredential> filledCredentialsList = getFilledCredentials();
    if (filledCredentialsList == null) {"Credential list is null!");
        return null;
    for (FilledCredential fc : filledCredentialsList) {
        if (fc.getValue() == null || fc.getValue().isEmpty()) {
            JH.addMessage(FacesMessage.SEVERITY_ERROR, "Please enter a " + fc.getCredential().getTitle());
        authReq.putCredential(fc.getCredential().getTitle(), fc.getValue());
    try {
        AuthenticatedUser r = authSvc.getCreateAuthenticatedUser(credentialsAuthProviderId, authReq);
        logger.log(Level.FINE, "User authenticated: {0}", r.getEmail());
        if ("dataverse.xhtml".equals(redirectPage)) {
            redirectPage = redirectToRoot();
        try {
            redirectPage = URLDecoder.decode(redirectPage, "UTF-8");
        } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException ex) {
            Logger.getLogger(LoginPage.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex);
            redirectPage = redirectToRoot();
        logger.log(Level.FINE, "Sending user to = {0}", redirectPage);
        return redirectPage + (!redirectPage.contains("?") ? "?" : "&") + "faces-redirect=true";
    } catch (AuthenticationFailedException ex) {
        op1 = new Long(random.nextInt(10));
        op2 = new Long(random.nextInt(10));
        AuthenticationResponse response = ex.getResponse();
        switch(response.getStatus()) {
            case FAIL:
                return null;
            case ERROR:
                 * @todo How do we exercise this part of the code? Something
                 * with password upgrade? See
                logger.log(Level.WARNING, "Error logging in: " + response.getMessage(), response.getError());
                return null;
            case BREAKOUT:
                return response.getMessage();
                JsfHelper.addErrorMessage("INTERNAL ERROR");
                return null;
Also used : AuthenticationFailedException( UnsupportedEncodingException( AuthenticationRequest( AuthenticatedUser( AuthenticationResponse(

Example 3 with AuthenticationFailedException

use of in project dataverse by IQSS.

the class AuthenticationServiceBean method getCreateAuthenticatedUser.

 * Returns an {@link AuthenticatedUser} matching the passed provider id and the authentication request. If
 *  no such user exist, it is created and then returned.
 * <strong>Invariant:</strong> upon successful return from this call, an {@link AuthenticatedUser} record
 * matching the request and provider exists in the database.
 * @param authenticationProviderId
 * @param req
 * @return The authenticated user for the passed provider id and authentication request.
 * @throws AuthenticationFailedException
public AuthenticatedUser getCreateAuthenticatedUser(String authenticationProviderId, AuthenticationRequest req) throws AuthenticationFailedException {
    AuthenticationProvider prv = getAuthenticationProvider(authenticationProviderId);
    if (prv == null)
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("No authentication provider listed under id " + authenticationProviderId);
    if (!(prv instanceof CredentialsAuthenticationProvider)) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException(authenticationProviderId + " does not support credentials-based authentication.");
    AuthenticationResponse resp = ((CredentialsAuthenticationProvider) prv).authenticate(req);
    if (resp.getStatus() == AuthenticationResponse.Status.SUCCESS) {
        // yay! see if we already have this user.
        AuthenticatedUser user = lookupUser(authenticationProviderId, resp.getUserId());
        if (user != null) {
            user = userService.updateLastLogin(user);
        if (user == null) {
            return createAuthenticatedUser(new UserRecordIdentifier(authenticationProviderId, resp.getUserId()), resp.getUserId(), resp.getUserDisplayInfo(), true);
        } else {
            if (BuiltinAuthenticationProvider.PROVIDER_ID.equals(user.getAuthenticatedUserLookup().getAuthenticationProviderId())) {
                return user;
            } else {
                return updateAuthenticatedUser(user, resp.getUserDisplayInfo());
    } else {
        throw new AuthenticationFailedException(resp, "Authentication Failed: " + resp.getMessage());
Also used : AuthenticationFailedException( BuiltinAuthenticationProvider( AbstractOAuth2AuthenticationProvider( ShibAuthenticationProvider( AuthenticatedUser(

Example 4 with AuthenticationFailedException

use of in project dataverse by IQSS.

the class OAuth2FirstLoginPage method convertExistingAccount.

public String convertExistingAccount() {
    BuiltinAuthenticationProvider biap = new BuiltinAuthenticationProvider(builtinUserSvc, passwordValidatorService);
    AuthenticationRequest auReq = new AuthenticationRequest();
    final List<CredentialsAuthenticationProvider.Credential> creds = biap.getRequiredCredentials();
    auReq.putCredential(creds.get(0).getTitle(), getUsername());
    auReq.putCredential(creds.get(1).getTitle(), getPassword());
    try {
        AuthenticatedUser existingUser = authenticationSvc.getCreateAuthenticatedUser(BuiltinAuthenticationProvider.PROVIDER_ID, auReq);
        authenticationSvc.updateProvider(existingUser, newUser.getServiceId(), newUser.getIdInService());
        AuthenticationProvider newUserAuthProvider = authenticationSvc.getAuthenticationProvider(newUser.getServiceId());
        JsfHelper.addSuccessMessage(BundleUtil.getStringFromBundle("oauth2.convertAccount.success", Arrays.asList(newUserAuthProvider.getInfo().getTitle())));
        return "/dataverse.xhtml?faces-redirect=true";
    } catch (AuthenticationFailedException ex) {
        return null;
Also used : AuthenticationFailedException( BuiltinAuthenticationProvider( CredentialsAuthenticationProvider( AuthenticationProvider( BuiltinAuthenticationProvider( AuthenticationRequest( AuthenticatedUser(


AuthenticationFailedException ( AuthenticatedUser ( AuthenticationRequest ( BuiltinAuthenticationProvider ( AuthenticationProvider ( AuthenticationResponse ( CredentialsAuthenticationProvider ( BuiltinUser ( AbstractOAuth2AuthenticationProvider ( ShibAuthenticationProvider ( UnsupportedEncodingException ( EJBException (javax.ejb.EJBException)1