use of in project dataverse by IQSS.
the class FileUtil method createDataFiles.
public static List<DataFile> createDataFiles(DatasetVersion version, InputStream inputStream, String fileName, String suppliedContentType, SystemConfig systemConfig) throws IOException {
List<DataFile> datafiles = new ArrayList<>();
String warningMessage = null;
// save the file, in the temporary location for now:
Path tempFile = null;
Long fileSizeLimit = systemConfig.getMaxFileUploadSize();
if (getFilesTempDirectory() != null) {
tempFile = Files.createTempFile(Paths.get(getFilesTempDirectory()), "tmp", "upload");
// "temporary" location is the key here; this is why we are not using
// the DataStore framework for this - the assumption is that
// temp files will always be stored on the local filesystem.
// -- L.A. Jul. 2014
logger.fine("Will attempt to save the file as: " + tempFile.toString());
Files.copy(inputStream, tempFile, StandardCopyOption.REPLACE_EXISTING);
// A file size check, before we do anything else:
// (note that "no size limit set" = "unlimited")
// (also note, that if this is a zip file, we'll be checking
// the size limit for each of the individual unpacked files)
Long fileSize = tempFile.toFile().length();
if (fileSizeLimit != null && fileSize > fileSizeLimit) {
try {
} catch (Exception ex) {
throw new IOException(MessageFormat.format(BundleUtil.getStringFromBundle("file.addreplace.error.file_exceeds_limit"), fileSize.toString(), fileSizeLimit.toString()));
} else {
throw new IOException("Temp directory is not configured.");
logger.fine("mime type supplied: " + suppliedContentType);
// Let's try our own utilities (Jhove, etc.) to determine the file type
// of the uploaded file. (We may already have a mime type supplied for this
// file - maybe the type that the browser recognized on upload; or, if
// it's a harvest, maybe the remote server has already given us the type
// for this file... with our own type utility we may or may not do better
// than the type supplied:
// -- L.A.
String recognizedType = null;
String finalType = null;
try {
recognizedType = determineFileType(tempFile.toFile(), fileName);
logger.fine("File utility recognized the file as " + recognizedType);
if (recognizedType != null && !recognizedType.equals("")) {
if (suppliedContentType == null || suppliedContentType.equals("") || suppliedContentType.equalsIgnoreCase(MIME_TYPE_UNDETERMINED_DEFAULT) || suppliedContentType.equalsIgnoreCase(MIME_TYPE_UNDETERMINED_BINARY) || (ingestableAsTabular(suppliedContentType) && !suppliedContentType.equalsIgnoreCase(MIME_TYPE_CSV) && !suppliedContentType.equalsIgnoreCase(MIME_TYPE_CSV_ALT) && !suppliedContentType.equalsIgnoreCase(MIME_TYPE_XLSX)) || ingestableAsTabular(recognizedType) || recognizedType.equals("application/fits-gzipped") || recognizedType.equalsIgnoreCase(ShapefileHandler.SHAPEFILE_FILE_TYPE) || recognizedType.equals(MIME_TYPE_ZIP)) {
finalType = recognizedType;
} catch (Exception ex) {
logger.warning("Failed to run the file utility mime type check on file " + fileName);
if (finalType == null) {
finalType = (suppliedContentType == null || suppliedContentType.equals("")) ? MIME_TYPE_UNDETERMINED_DEFAULT : suppliedContentType;
if (finalType.equals("application/fits-gzipped")) {
InputStream uncompressedIn = null;
String finalFileName = fileName;
// since we are going to uncompress it:
if (fileName != null && fileName.matches(".*\\.gz$")) {
finalFileName = fileName.replaceAll("\\.gz$", "");
DataFile datafile = null;
try {
uncompressedIn = new GZIPInputStream(new FileInputStream(tempFile.toFile()));
File unZippedTempFile = saveInputStreamInTempFile(uncompressedIn, fileSizeLimit);
datafile = createSingleDataFile(version, unZippedTempFile, finalFileName, MIME_TYPE_UNDETERMINED_DEFAULT, systemConfig.getFileFixityChecksumAlgorithm());
} catch (IOException | FileExceedsMaxSizeException ioex) {
datafile = null;
} finally {
if (uncompressedIn != null) {
try {
} catch (IOException e) {
// down, from the original, uncompressed file.
if (datafile != null) {
// remove the compressed temp file:
try {
} catch (SecurityException ex) {
// (this is very non-fatal)
logger.warning("Failed to delete temporary file " + tempFile.toString());
return datafiles;
// If it's a ZIP file, we are going to unpack it and create multiple
// DataFile objects from its contents:
} else if (finalType.equals("application/zip")) {
ZipInputStream unZippedIn = null;
ZipEntry zipEntry = null;
int fileNumberLimit = systemConfig.getZipUploadFilesLimit();
try {
Charset charset = null;
if (charset != null) {
unZippedIn = new ZipInputStream(new FileInputStream(tempFile.toFile()), charset);
} else {
unZippedIn = new ZipInputStream(new FileInputStream(tempFile.toFile()));
while (true) {
try {
zipEntry = unZippedIn.getNextEntry();
} catch (IllegalArgumentException iaex) {
// Note:
// ZipInputStream documentation doesn't even mention that
// getNextEntry() throws an IllegalArgumentException!
// but that's what happens if the file name of the next
// entry is not valid in the current CharSet.
// -- L.A.
warningMessage = "Failed to unpack Zip file. (Unknown Character Set used in a file name?) Saving the file as is.";
throw new IOException();
if (zipEntry == null) {
if (!zipEntry.isDirectory()) {
if (datafiles.size() > fileNumberLimit) {
logger.warning("Zip upload - too many files.");
warningMessage = "The number of files in the zip archive is over the limit (" + fileNumberLimit + "); please upload a zip archive with fewer files, if you want them to be ingested " + "as individual DataFiles.";
throw new IOException();
String fileEntryName = zipEntry.getName();
logger.fine("ZipEntry, file: " + fileEntryName);
if (fileEntryName != null && !fileEntryName.equals("")) {
String shortName = fileEntryName.replaceFirst("^.*[\\/]", "");
// start with "._")
if (!shortName.startsWith("._") && !shortName.startsWith(".DS_Store") && !"".equals(shortName)) {
// OK, this seems like an OK file entry - we'll try
// to read it and create a DataFile with it:
File unZippedTempFile = saveInputStreamInTempFile(unZippedIn, fileSizeLimit);
DataFile datafile = createSingleDataFile(version, unZippedTempFile, shortName, MIME_TYPE_UNDETERMINED_DEFAULT, systemConfig.getFileFixityChecksumAlgorithm(), false);
if (!fileEntryName.equals(shortName)) {
// If the filename looks like a hierarchical folder name (i.e., contains slashes and backslashes),
// we'll extract the directory name, then a) strip the leading and trailing slashes;
// and b) replace all the back slashes with regular ones and b) replace any multiple
// slashes with a single slash:
String directoryName = fileEntryName.replaceFirst("[\\/][\\/]*[^\\/]*$", "").replaceFirst("^[\\/]*", "").replaceAll("[\\/][\\/]*", "/");
if (!"".equals(directoryName)) {
logger.fine("setting the directory label to " + directoryName);
if (datafile != null) {
// We have created this datafile with the mime type "unknown";
// Now that we have it saved in a temporary location,
// let's try and determine its real type:
String tempFileName = getFilesTempDirectory() + "/" + datafile.getStorageIdentifier();
try {
recognizedType = determineFileType(new File(tempFileName), shortName);
logger.fine("File utility recognized unzipped file as " + recognizedType);
if (recognizedType != null && !recognizedType.equals("")) {
} catch (Exception ex) {
logger.warning("Failed to run the file utility mime type check on file " + fileName);
} catch (IOException ioex) {
// just clear the datafiles list and let
// ingest default to creating a single DataFile out
// of the unzipped file.
logger.warning("Unzipping failed; rolling back to saving the file as is.");
if (warningMessage == null) {
warningMessage = "Failed to unzip the file. Saving the file as is.";
} catch (FileExceedsMaxSizeException femsx) {
logger.warning("One of the unzipped files exceeds the size limit; resorting to saving the file as is. " + femsx.getMessage());
warningMessage = femsx.getMessage() + "; saving the zip file as is, unzipped.";
} finally {
if (unZippedIn != null) {
try {
} catch (Exception zEx) {
if (datafiles.size() > 0) {
// remove the uploaded zip file:
try {
} catch (IOException ioex) {
// do nothing - it's just a temp file.
logger.warning("Could not remove temp file " + tempFile.getFileName().toString());
// and return:
return datafiles;
} else if (finalType.equalsIgnoreCase(ShapefileHandler.SHAPEFILE_FILE_TYPE)) {
// Shape files may have to be split into multiple files,
// one zip archive per each complete set of shape files:
// File rezipFolder = new File(this.getFilesTempDirectory());
File rezipFolder = getShapefileUnzipTempDirectory();
IngestServiceShapefileHelper shpIngestHelper;
shpIngestHelper = new IngestServiceShapefileHelper(tempFile.toFile(), rezipFolder);
boolean didProcessWork = shpIngestHelper.processFile();
if (!(didProcessWork)) {
logger.severe("Processing of zipped shapefile failed.");
return null;
try {
for (File finalFile : shpIngestHelper.getFinalRezippedFiles()) {
FileInputStream finalFileInputStream = new FileInputStream(finalFile);
finalType = determineContentType(finalFile);
if (finalType == null) {
logger.warning("Content type is null; but should default to 'MIME_TYPE_UNDETERMINED_DEFAULT'");
File unZippedShapeTempFile = saveInputStreamInTempFile(finalFileInputStream, fileSizeLimit);
DataFile new_datafile = createSingleDataFile(version, unZippedShapeTempFile, finalFile.getName(), finalType, systemConfig.getFileFixityChecksumAlgorithm());
if (new_datafile != null) {
} else {
logger.severe("Could not add part of rezipped shapefile. new_datafile was null: " + finalFile.getName());
} catch (FileExceedsMaxSizeException femsx) {
logger.severe("One of the unzipped shape files exceeded the size limit; giving up. " + femsx.getMessage());
if (datafiles.size() > 0) {
return datafiles;
} else {
logger.severe("No files added from directory of rezipped shapefiles");
return null;
// Finally, if none of the special cases above were applicable (or
// if we were unable to unpack an uploaded file, etc.), we'll just
// create and return a single DataFile:
DataFile datafile = createSingleDataFile(version, tempFile.toFile(), fileName, finalType, systemConfig.getFileFixityChecksumAlgorithm());
if (datafile != null && tempFile.toFile() != null) {
if (warningMessage != null) {
createIngestFailureReport(datafile, warningMessage);
return datafiles;
return null;